31 research outputs found

    Review of modern numerical methods for a simple vanilla option pricing problem

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    Option pricing is a very attractive issue of financial engineering and optimization. The problem of determining the fair price of an option arises from the assumptions made under a given financial market model. The increasing complexity of these market assumptions contributes to the popularity of the numerical treatment of option valuation. Therefore, the pricing and hedging of plain vanilla options under the Black–Scholes model usually serve as a bench-mark for the development of new numerical pricing approaches and methods designed for advanced option pricing models. The objective of the paper is to present and compare the methodological concepts for the valuation of simple vanilla options using the relatively modern numerical techniques in this issue which arise from the discontinuous Galerkin method, the wavelet approach and the fuzzy transform technique. A theoretical comparison is accompanied by an empirical study based on the numerical verification of simple vanilla option prices. The resulting numerical schemes represent a particularly effective option pricing tool that enables some features of options that are depend-ent on the discretization of the computational domain as well as the order of the polynomial approximation to be captured better

    Stress - strain analysis of save first molar tooth

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na deformačně napěťovou analýzou sanovaného zubu. Konkrétně se jedná o sanovaný zub s kavitou I. a II. třídy. Na začátku této práce jsou popsány základní výplňové materiály, způsoby preparace kavit a rozdělení kavit do tříd. V této prací je popsána tvorba geometrického modelu pro zdravý a sanovaný zub s kavitou I. a II. třídy. Model geometre sanovaného zub byl proveden v několika variantách s uvažováním rozdílného tvaru kavity, velikosti kavity a výplňového materiálu. Na tyto geometrické modely byla vytvořena konečnoprvková síť. Výpočtový model byl vyřešen pomocí programu ANSYS 11.0 v grafickém prostředí Workbench prostřednictvím metody konečných prvků. Z analýzy výsledků vyplývá, že u sanovaného zubu dochází k porušení spojitosti a tím ke snížení celkové tuhosti oproti sanovanému zubu. Pro sanaci zubu byly použity dva výplňo-vé materiály, a to amalgám a kompozitní pryskyřice. Z analýzy výsledků vyplývá, že amal-gám je vhodnější materiál pro sanaci zubů v molárovém úseku.This diploma thesis specialises in stress – strain analysis of the save tooth. Concretely this thesis works with the save tooth with cavity of the I. and II. class. At the beginning of this work you can find description of basic filling materials, different ways of cavity´s preparation and subclassification of cavity. This work describes production of geometric model of health and save tooth with cavity of the I. and II. class. Model geometer of the save tooth was im-plemented in several ways, each one concerning different form of cavity, size of cavity and different filling materials. Final element net was created on the base of these geometric mo-dels. Computational model was created with the help of the programme ANSYS 11.0 in gra-phic environment Workbench and with the help of the final elements method. The results of the analysis are following: Continuity of the save tooth happens to break thereby the whole stiffness decreases in comparison with the save tooth. Two filling materials were used for sanitation of the tooth: amalgam and composite resin. As a result of the analysis I consider amalgam to be more suitable for sanitation of teeth in moral section.

    Risk assessment of piping support systems

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    Předkládaný článek se věnuje stručnému popisu metodiky hodnocení rizika uložení potrubních systémů. Pod pojmem uložení jsou myšleny veškeré prvky, které vymezují potrubní systém v prostoru. Rizikové hodnocení uložení bylo vytvořeno za účelem posouzení rizikovosti jednotlivých komponent uložení (závěsy, podpěry, tlumiče atd.) a ohodnocení jejich aktuálního technického stavu. Metodika je nastavena tak, že pro hodnocení rizika uložení potrubního systému je potřeba vytvořit / získat souhrn informací, které se týkají provedení uložení, technického stavu uložení a potenciálních dopadů poškození uložení potrubního systému. Každá získaná informace je poté v rámci hodnotícího procesu ohodnocena patřičným rizikovým skóre, ze kterého jsou následně vypočteny indexy použité při výsledném hodnocení rizika a technického stavu uložení. Podle úrovně výsledného rizika jsou následně definována opatření pro snížení rizika jednotlivých komponent uložení. Cílem hodnocení je snaha docílit stavu, kdy bude znám technický stav každé komponenty uložení na daném potrubním systému a také, aby jednotlivé komponenty uložení nepředstavovaly pro bezpečný provoz potrubního systému výrazné riziko.The presented article deals with a brief description of the methodology of pipeline support risk assessment. The term pipeline support means all elements that define the pipeline system in a power plant area. The risk assessment of the pipeline support was created to assess the risk of individual support components (hangers, supports, shock absorbers, etc.) and to assess their current technical condition. Idea of methodology is that it is necessary to create and to obtain a summary of information about of the pipeline support design, the pipeline support technical condition and the potential impacts of pipeline support damage. Each information obtained due to survey is then evaluated by the appropriate risk score, from which the evaluation indexes are calculated. The evaluation indexes are then used for risk and risk matrix expression. When the risks and risk matrix of pipeline support are evaluated, appropriate steps are designed in order to reduce the risk of each pipeline support component. The aim of the methodology (survey process) is to achieve a state when the technical condition of each pipeline support component on a given pipeline system is known and also that none of individual pipeline support component do not pose a significant risk to the safe operation of the pipeline system

    The importance of higher alcohols and esters for sensory evaluation of Rheinriesling and Chardonnay wine varieties

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    For a consumer, one of the first characters for evaluation of wine is its scent. A pleasant aroma of wine associated with the subsequent taste experience can be remembered by the consumer for a long time and appreciated appropriately. For this reason, the aromatic properties of wine are very important to both consumers and producers. The question, however, is to assess the evaluation of wine sensory evaluation based on a rapidly developing chemical analysis without the use of a panel of evaluators. This study has dealt with the problem of the correlation of sensory evaluation of wine with the total content of higher alcohols and esters in wine prepared from the same wine varieties (Rheinriesling and Chardonnay) on the same vineyard under the same climatic conditions and processed using the same production technology in the years 2008 - 2012. The total content of higher alcohols and esters was determined by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The correlation between the sensory evaluation and the total content of higher alcohols has not been established. However, the direct effect of the total content of the esters on the level of the sensory analysis of the two varieties studied was demonstrated. This can be an important economic indicator for a manufacturer who can estimate the sensory quality of the wine only on the basis of chemical analysis and thus estimate the success of the wine on the consumer market. © 2018 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Assessment of total polar materials in Frying fats from Czech restaurants

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    Deep-frying is commonly used as convenient technique for the preparation of foods. The frying oils and fats are absorbed by fried food and become a part of diet. The content of total polar materials was determined in frying oils and fats in 46 restaurants from South Moravia and the Olomouc regions. Twenty-eight samples were found with total polar materials with limit of rejection over 24%. The highest total polar materials values were observed in cooking fat; the lowest one was in vegetable shortening oil. This conclusion corresponds with frying temperatures, which were highest in cooking fat

    The importance of higher alcohols and esters for sensory evaluation of rheinriesling and chardonnay wine varieties

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    For a consumer, one of the first characters for evaluation of wine is its scent. A pleasant aroma of wine associated with the subsequent taste experience can be remembered by the consumer for a long time and appreciated appropriately. For this reason, the aromatic properties of wine are very important to both consumers and producers. The question, however, is to assess the evaluation of wine sensory evaluation based on a rapidly developing chemical analysis without the use of a panel of evaluators. This study has dealt with the problem of the correlation of sensory evaluation of wine with the total content of higher alcohols and esters in wine prepared from the same wine varieties (Rheinriesling and Chardonnay) on the same vineyard under the same climatic conditions and processed using the same production technology in the years 2008 - 2012. The total content of higher alcohols and esters was determined by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The correlation between the sensory evaluation and the total content of higher alcohols has not been established. However, the direct effect of the total content of the esters on the level of the sensory analysis of the two varieties studied was demonstrated. This can be an important economic indicator for a manufacturer who can estimate the sensory quality of the wine only on the basis of chemical analysis and thus estimate the success of the wine on the consumer market. Normal 0 21 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" Name="Colorful

    Vývoj algoritmu a software návrhu měřícího systému pro měření pomalých dějů (měření teploty - teplota roztaveného kovu)

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky. Katedra (455) měřící a řídící technik

    Biomechanical Studies of Facial Bone

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    Presented work deals with Biomechanical study of the facial skeleton. This work is focused on the fixation of the mandible after removal of a tumor from affected bone tissue. The aim of the work is to perform biomechanical study of the facial skeleton with subsequent detailed stress strain analysis of two mandible implants designed and manufactured for specific patients. The geometry model of mandible used for design of mandible implants and used for computational modelling has been obtained on the basis of CT data of two patients. A Theoretical-Clinical sub-study that deals with the comparison the CT data processing which is necessary for creating the model of geometry is a part of the thesis. Two models of mandible with applied mandible implant have been created for two specific patients with tumorous mandible bone tissue. Stress strain analysis has been performed for these two models. Results of the stress strain analysis of two models of mandibles with mandible implants are presented in the final chapters of the thesis. Findings of the biomechanical study have been published and applied in clinical practice

    Biomechanical Studies of Facial Bone

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    Presented work deals with Biomechanical study of the facial skeleton. This work is focused on the fixation of the mandible after removal of a tumor from affected bone tissue. The aim of the work is to perform biomechanical study of the facial skeleton with subsequent detailed stress strain analysis of two mandible implants designed and manufactured for specific patients. The geometry model of mandible used for design of mandible implants and used for computational modelling has been obtained on the basis of CT data of two patients. A Theoretical-Clinical sub-study that deals with the comparison the CT data processing which is necessary for creating the model of geometry is a part of the thesis. Two models of mandible with applied mandible implant have been created for two specific patients with tumorous mandible bone tissue. Stress strain analysis has been performed for these two models. Results of the stress strain analysis of two models of mandibles with mandible implants are presented in the final chapters of the thesis. Findings of the biomechanical study have been published and applied in clinical practice

    Dokumentace pro realizaci dřevostavby rodinného domu

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    In those diploma work work tie together on the work of bachelor degree, in which I'm proposed one-family house frame wood - construction. Thesis treat of production documentation one-family house. Work includes part graphical, that contains project part and production. Here are plotted all peripheral and inner wall and circumscribed all appropriate machinery appurtenances, that concern production documentation. In text parts come out constructive system and his outlines for realization construction. Be here composition construction siding, that are further thermally- technically advised in software -- warm. Work is supplemented about accompanying and technical report