92 research outputs found

    Estado del arte en la ignifugación de tejidos.

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    Se realiza una reflexión sobre el estado actual de la técnica en el acabado ignifugo de tejidos, no tan sólo desde la perspectiva de la inflamabilidad, sino desde el concepto global de "Comportamiento al Fuego", que engloba tanto la reacción al fuego y frente a las diversas formas de propagación del calor, como la cuantificación de la adversidad de las atmósferas de combustión, exponiéndose una valoración objetiva de la eficacia de los productos comerciales que están a disposición del técnico acabador, en base a resultados que resumen estudios realizados por los autores, en los últimos años.A revision of the present situation of the techniques used in the finishing of fire-proof fabrics is made. The behaviour with the fire - including the reaction fire and the various forms of the heat propagation - and the quantification of the adversity of the combustion atmospheres is considered. An objective assesment of the efficiency of the commercial products available in the market is given; this evaluation is based on the results of a long experience of the authors on this matter.On réalise une réflexion sur l'état actual de la technique dans le finissage igniguge de tissus, non seulement de la perspective de l'inflammabilité, mais aussi à partir du concept global de Comportement au Feu, qui comprend la réaction au feu et aussi face aux diverses formes de propagation de la chaleur, aussi bien que la mesure de l'adversité des atmosphères de combustion; on expose une évaluation objective de l'efficacité des produits commercials qui sont à la disposition du technicien finisseur, en base à des résultats qui résument des études realisées par l'auteaur, et ses collaborateurs, dans les dernières années.Peer Reviewe

    Teñido de seda con colorantes naturales

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    Este cuadernillo dedicado a la tintura de la seda con colorantes naturales tiene por objetivo ser una guía práctica a la actividad de los artesanos, de manera que puedan desarrollar tinturas con variedad de coloridos pero que sin descuidar los conceptos de calidad de un producto puedan ser ecológicas en su proceso, respetando así lo que representa la cadena de valor de esta fibra.ProHuertaFil: Martinez, Laura. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI); ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Roberto Horacio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). ProHuerta; ArgentinaFil: del Val, Susana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI); Argentin

    Infección cutánea por Alternaria triticina en un paciente con trasplante bilateral de pulmón

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    We report the case of a 60-year-old man who was receiving immunosuppressive therapy for a bilateral lung transplant and presented with a crusted, violaceous plaque on the left hand. Based on histopathology and microbiological culture the patient was diagnosed with infection by Alternaria species. Treatment with itraconazole led to complete resolution of the skin lesion. Forty months later he developed four reddish, nodular, skin lesions on the left leg. Analysis of a biopsy from one of these lesions using histopathologic and molecular techniques identified a mold that shared 98% homology with a strain of Alternaria triticina. Alternaria species belong to a group of dematiaceous fungi that cause opportunistic infections in humans. The incidence of these infections is increasing, mainly in transplant centers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a human infection caused by A. triticinaPresentamos el caso de un hombre de 60 años en tratamiento inmunosupresor por un trasplante pulmonar bilateral que presentó una placa violácea costrosa en la mano. Se diagnosticó de infección por Alternaria spp mediante estudio histopatológico y cultivo microbiológico. El tratamiento con itraconazol condujo a la resolución completa de la lesión cutánea. Cuarenta meses más tarde el paciente desarrolló 4 lesiones nodulares rojizas en la pierna izquierda. Las muestras obtenidas de una de las lesiones fueron estudiadas mediante histopatología y técnicas moleculares. La secuencia de ADN que se obtuvo del germen causal mostraba una homología del 98% con una cepa de Alternaria triticina. Las especies de Alternaria forman parte del grupo de hongos que componen las feohifomicosis susceptibles de causar infecciones oportunísticas humanas. La incidencia de estas infecciones está aumentando, sobre todo en centros de trasplante. De acuerdo con nuestra información el presente caso es el primero en el que A. triticina es causante de una infección humanaAcknowledgement: We thank Manuel Cuenca Estrella and Emilia Mellado of the Instituto Nacional de Salud Carlos III in Madrid for confirmation of the identity of the fungus

    H-2Ld class I molecule protects an HIV N-extended epitope from in vitro trimming by endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase associated with antigen processing.

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    In the classical MHC class I Ag presentation pathway, antigenic peptides derived from viral proteins by multiple proteolytic cleavages are transported to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen and are then exposed to ami-nopeptidase activity. In the current study, a long MHC class I natural ligand recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes was used to study the kinetics of degradation by aminopeptidase. The in vitro data indicate that this N-extended peptide is efficiently trimmed to a 9-mer, unless its binding to the MHC molecules protects the full-length peptide.We thank Dr. A. K. Stout of the NIH Tetramer Facility for providing the peptide/MHC complex reagent. This work was suppor ted by grants provi ded by Programa Ramón y Cajal, and Fundación FIPSE to D. L.; by grants provided by Comunidad de Madrid and Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia to M. D. V.; and by a joint grant provided by Instituto de Salud Carlos III to D. L., and M. D. V.S

    Late Middle Pleistocene malacofauna of the Acheulean site of Valdocarros II, Jarama river valley, Madrid, Spain

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    ing to its geographical position relative to northwestern Europe, the Iberian Peninsula was a refuge for many species during periods of harsh environmental conditions in the Quaternary. Despite this, the Pleistocene history of non-marine molluscs in Spain has been scarcely addressed. In this study, we examine the malacofauna of Valdocarros II, a site within the Complex Terrace of Arganda in the Jarama river valley tributary of the Tagus River in central Spain. This large, minutely-excavated site consists of five flood sequences identified in five archaeological levels and has been dated to the late Middle Pleistocene (end MIS 8–beginning MIS 7). Specimens of twelve freshwater and eighteen land mollusc taxa were identified. The most abundant species observed was Xerotricha madritensis, a land snail endemic to the Iberian Peninsula that today inhabits exposed surfaces with scarce plant cover. The most abundant freshwater species found was Anisus spirorbis, which currently thrives in tributaries of the Jarama River. This malacofauna assemblage features different ecological components, though dry, open-ground terrestrial species predominate. A correspondence analysis of the most frequently appearing land animals and the archaeological levels revealed a slight separation of level 2 from the other levels, indicative of its mesophilous character. However, few differences among these levels were identified in three correspondence analyses performed on the land or freshwater species datasets. Our observations of the malacofauna assemblage of Valdocarros II indicate a site characterized by a temperate climate and open areas with riverside vegetation. Furthermore, we propose the assignment of this site to an interstadial given the observed malacofauna of the five levels

    Reconstitution paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique du Pléistocène supérieur ancien (MIS 5a) dans le Centre de l’Espagne : les petits vertébrés (Amphibia, Reptilia & Mammalia) des gisements de Hat et Preresa (sud-est de Madrid

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    Les gisements archeologiques de Hat et Preresa sont situes respectivement dans les vallees des rivieres Jarama et Manzanares, a environ 6 km l’un de l’autre et a 18 km au sud-est de Madrid. Ils correspondent a des depots de plaines d’inondation ayant conserve les restes d’activites ponctuelles de groupes de neanderthaliens notamment le depecage de carcasses de grands mammiferes il y a environ 80 000 ans. Les assemblages de petits vertebres recuperes lors des campagnes de fouilles de 2001 a Hat et de 2003 a 2005 a Preresa sont composes par des amphibiens (Pelobates cultripes, Pelodytes sp., Bufo bufo, Bufo calamita, Hyla sp. et Pelophylax perezi), des reptiles (Testudinoidea indet., Blanus sp., Timon lepidus, Psammodromus cf. algirus, Natrix maura, Coronella sp. et Vipera latastei) et des petits mammiferes (Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura russula, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Eliomys quercinus quercinus, Apodemus sp., Cricetulus (Allocricetus) bursae, Arvicola aff. sapidus, Microtus cabrerae, Microtus duodecimcostatus et Oryctolagus cuniculus). Ces deux gisements, d’âge plus ou moins similaire, ont permis de mettre en evidence a la fin du dernier interglaciaire (MIS 5a) et dans le Centre de la peninsule Iberique l’existence d’un climat de type mediterraneen (quatre mois de secheresse durant l’ete et le debut de l’automne) comparable, voire plus chaud que l’actuel avec des precipitations plus abondantes durant les mois d’hiver et de printemps, et d’une continentalite moins prononcee, comme consequence d’une hausse des temperatures hivernales. Ce climat semble avoir ete propice, a l’existence de zones boisees humides, au moins en bordure des fleuves et d’espaces steppiques ou de prairies seches avec arbustes sur les plateaux environnants

    The Acheulean of the Upper Guadiana River Basin (Central Spain). Morphostratigraphic Context and Chronology

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    In the upper basin of the Guadiana River, especially in the sectors drained by its right-bank tributaries, the Bullaque and Becea rivers, important concentrations of Acheulean and Mousterian industries can be found in a superficial position. These industries have provided series containing tens of thousands of pieces. Deposits in stratigraphic position have also been identified, related to the fluvial terraces of the Guadiana and Jabalón rivers and some tributaries. Within the sector studied, in the province of Ciudad Real, the position of these deposits is related to alluvial fans developed on the slopes of the immediate reliefs. These fans, mainly composed of Lower and Middle Ordovician quartzite gravel, were eroded in their distal positions by the Bullaque and Becea rivers, forming very low terraces on which large concentrations of Acheulean and Mousterian lithic industry can be found. El Sotillo, the only known stratigraphic site in the area, was excavated in 2017–2019 and consists of several levels with Mousterian and Acheulean industry. We present the technological characteristics of the main Acheulean assemblage recognised at this site, for which numerical dates have been obtained placing its chronology in the second half of the Middle Pleistocene. The location of these sites, in surficial position and El Sotillo, allows us to recognise a territorial space with specific geographic characteristics and a very significant human impact

    The Middle to Late Pleistocene herpetofaunal assemblages from the Jarama and Manzanares valleys (Madrid, central Spain): an ecological synthesis

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    The successive fossil amphibian and reptile assemblages from the Middle to Late Pleistocene sites from the Manzanares and Jarama River Valleys (Madrid, central Spain) permitted the reconstruction of part of the climate instability with high-amplitude and rapid shifts of the last 450 ka and their associated landscapes: Áridos-1 (MIS11b), Valdocarros II (MIS8a/7e), Estanque de Tormentas de Butarque ETB-H02 (MIS7d or MIS6), PRERESA (MIS7/6 or MIS5a) and HAT (MIS5a). This work aims to present a regional synthesis of the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental data obtained from the herpetofaunal assemblages for these two valleys and their influence on the biodiversity during the Pleistocene. As a whole, these archaeo-paleontological localities document a total of 20 taxa (8 anurans and 12 reptiles) thus representing 76.9% of the modern authochtonous herpetofauna of the southeast of the Region of Madrid. Taking as a reference the modern situation in the area, the successive herpetofaunal assemblages permits a hypothetical landscape reconstruction where three different periods are represented with a glacial landscape (ETB-H02), a landscape of transition from cool to temperate climatic conditions (Valdocarros II), and an interglacial landscape (Áridos-1, HAT, PRERESA, and today). Environment is particularly open during dry periods, independently of if it is cold or warm. The main difference between an interglacial and a glacial period is the opposite representation of woodlands vs. moist environments: the last ones being more represented during cold periods than during warm periods. Finally, as documented by the succession from Valdocarros II, periods of transition between cold and warm climate are more forested but at the expense of humid meadows progressively. According to the relation between richness, biodiversity and climatic and environmental factors, a clear correlation appears between reptile richness and woodlands. In a similar way, mean annual precipitation (MAP) is revealed to be the most influent factor on reptile local diversity certainly because of its implications on vegetal cover extension and ecosystem productivity and resources. For amphibians the MAP does not influence dominancy but species richness: anuran richness being higher for lower MAP. Such an unusual pattern is certainly due to the fact that there are no strict forest-dweller anurans within the archaeological assemblages and that most of the anurans present in the sites are well adapted to arid conditions

    Long COVID in hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients in a large cohort in Northwest Spain, a prospective cohort study

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    Survivors to COVID-19 have described long-term symptoms after acute disease. These signs constitute a heterogeneous group named long COVID or persistent COVID. The aim of this study is to describe persisting symptoms 6 months after COVID-19 diagnosis in a prospective cohort in the Northwest Spain. This is a prospective cohort study performed in the COHVID-GS. This cohort includes patients in clinical follow-up in a health area of 569,534 inhabitants after SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 diagnosis. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics were collected during the follow up. A total of 248 patients completed 6 months follow-up, 176 (69.4%) required hospitalization and 29 (10.2%) of them needed critical care. At 6 months, 119 (48.0%) patients described one or more persisting symptoms. The most prevalent were: extra-thoracic symptoms (39.1%), chest symptoms (27%), dyspnoea (20.6%), and fatigue (16.1%). These symptoms were more common in hospitalized patients (52.3% vs. 38.2%) and in women (59.0% vs. 40.5%). The multivariate analysis identified COPD, women gender and tobacco consumption as risk factors for long COVID. Persisting symptoms are common after COVID-19 especially in hospitalized patients compared to outpatients (52.3% vs. 38.2%). Based on these findings, special attention and clinical follow-up after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection should be provided for hospitalized patients with previous lung diseases, tobacco consumption, and women