129 research outputs found

    Domain Decomposition preconditioning for high-frequency Helmholtz problems with absorption

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    In this paper we give new results on domain decomposition preconditioners for GMRES when computing piecewise-linear finite-element approximations of the Helmholtz equation −Δu−(k2+iε)u=f-\Delta u - (k^2+ {\rm i} \varepsilon)u = f, with absorption parameter ε∈R\varepsilon \in \mathbb{R}. Multigrid approximations of this equation with ε≠0\varepsilon \not= 0 are commonly used as preconditioners for the pure Helmholtz case (ε=0\varepsilon = 0). However a rigorous theory for such (so-called "shifted Laplace") preconditioners, either for the pure Helmholtz equation, or even the absorptive equation (ε≠0\varepsilon \not=0), is still missing. We present a new theory for the absorptive equation that provides rates of convergence for (left- or right-) preconditioned GMRES, via estimates of the norm and field of values of the preconditioned matrix. This theory uses a kk- and ε\varepsilon-explicit coercivity result for the underlying sesquilinear form and shows, for example, that if ∣ε∣∼k2|\varepsilon|\sim k^2, then classical overlapping additive Schwarz will perform optimally for the absorptive problem, provided the subdomain and coarse mesh diameters are carefully chosen. Extensive numerical experiments are given that support the theoretical results. The theory for the absorptive case gives insight into how its domain decomposition approximations perform as preconditioners for the pure Helmholtz case ε=0\varepsilon = 0. At the end of the paper we propose a (scalable) multilevel preconditioner for the pure Helmholtz problem that has an empirical computation time complexity of about O(n4/3)\mathcal{O}(n^{4/3}) for solving finite element systems of size n=O(k3)n=\mathcal{O}(k^3), where we have chosen the mesh diameter h∼k−3/2h \sim k^{-3/2} to avoid the pollution effect. Experiments on problems with h∼k−1h\sim k^{-1}, i.e. a fixed number of grid points per wavelength, are also given

    About the convergence type of improper integrals defining fractional derivatives

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    This article continues the analysis of the class of fractionally differentiable functions. We complete the main result of [4] that characterises the class of fractionally differentiable functions in terms of the pointwise convergence of certain improper integrals containing these functions. Our aim is to present an example, which shows that in order to obtain all fractionally differentiable functions, one may not replace the conditional convergence of those integrals by their absolute convergence

    Generalized Qualification and Qualification Levels for Spectral Regularization Methods

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    The concept of qualification for spectral regularization methods for inverse ill-posed problems is strongly associated to the optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. In this article, the definition of qualification is extended and three different levels are introduced: weak, strong and optimal. It is shown that the weak qualification extends the definition introduced by Mathe and Pereverzev in 2003, mainly in the sense that the functions associated to orders of convergence and source sets need not be the same. It is shown that certain methods possessing infinite classical qualification, e.g. truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD), Landweber's method and Showalter's method, also have generalized qualification leading to an optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. Sufficient conditions for a SRM to have weak qualification are provided and necessary and sufficient conditions for a given order of convergence to be strong or optimal qualification are found. Examples of all three qualification levels are provided and the relationships between them as well as with the classical concept of qualification and the qualification introduced by Mathe and Perevezev are shown. In particular, spectral regularization methods having extended qualification in each one of the three levels and having zero or infinite classical qualification are presented. Finally several implications of this theory in the context of orders of convergence, converse results and maximal source sets for inverse ill-posed problems, are shown.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    On deconvolution problems: numerical aspects

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    An optimal algorithm is described for solving the deconvolution problem of the form ku:=∫0tk(t−s)u(s)ds=f(t){\bf k}u:=\int_0^tk(t-s)u(s)ds=f(t) given the noisy data fδf_\delta, ∣∣f−fδ∣∣≤δ.||f-f_\delta||\leq \delta. The idea of the method consists of the representation k=A(I+S){\bf k}=A(I+S), where SS is a compact operator, I+SI+S is injective, II is the identity operator, AA is not boundedly invertible, and an optimal regularizer is constructed for AA. The optimal regularizer is constructed using the results of the paper MR 40#5130.Comment: 7 figure

    A direct D-bar reconstruction algorithm for recovering a complex conductivity in 2-D

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    A direct reconstruction algorithm for complex conductivities in W2,∞(Ω)W^{2,\infty}(\Omega), where Ω\Omega is a bounded, simply connected Lipschitz domain in R2\mathbb{R}^2, is presented. The framework is based on the uniqueness proof by Francini [Inverse Problems 20 2000], but equations relating the Dirichlet-to-Neumann to the scattering transform and the exponentially growing solutions are not present in that work, and are derived here. The algorithm constitutes the first D-bar method for the reconstruction of conductivities and permittivities in two dimensions. Reconstructions of numerically simulated chest phantoms with discontinuities at the organ boundaries are included.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in [insert name of journal]. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at 10.1088/0266-5611/28/9/09500
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