649 research outputs found

    The political role of evangelicalism in Latin American countries: case studies of Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua

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    Evangelicalism is one of the fastest growing religious movements in the world. It has enjoyed massive success in non-Western countries, especially in Latin America where it has had an immense cultural and social impact. Several scholars have argued that in addition to changing the societal landscape in American countries, Evangelicalism has quite powerfully entered the political arena as well. However, the role of religion in Latin American politics is often overlooked, while it actually plays an important part in shaping the country’s policies. The aim of this research is to analyse the political activity of Evangelicals in Latin America between 1980 and 2018. A qualitative study of three countries (Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua), where the percentage of Evangelicals in Latin America is the highest, is carried out. To best assess the scope of religious politics in these countries, a comparative method is used. The author has based the analysis on both qualitative sources, such as official documents, and quantitative data from the Latinobarómetro Corporation and the Pew Research Center. The results do not confirm the main hypotheses, as the levels of political activity of Evangelicals are not high in Guatemala, Honduras or Nicaragua where the percentage of Evangelicals is the largest. There are no existing successful Evangelical parties in these countries. As of religious state leaders, Guatemala is the only case that has had Evangelical presidents (and has one now) but their influence on Evangelical political participation has been disputed. The role of Evangelical umbrella organizations in the country’s legislative process is quite influential in Guatemala and Honduras but not in Nicaragua. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that Evangelicalism does not have a strong presence in electoral politics. However, in future research, their indirect political influence and noninstitutional political participation could be studied more thoroughly

    Integrating Gender into Legal Education: Obstacles and Challenges

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    The use of religious populism in social media during presidential elections: the cases of Guatemala and Honduras

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    Religious populism signifies the relationship between religion and populism in otherwise secular states. It includes both the emergence of religious political actors in non-religious states as well as the populist use of religious symbols, traditions, and values by secular politicians. While populism itself is a political phenomenon that has been extensively researched in the last decades, religious populism has not received that much scholarly attention. The aim of this research is to study the presence of religious populism on social media during presidential elections in Guatemala and Honduras. A multimodal discourse analysis is carried out with the purpose to analyse Facebook posts made by the two most popular presidential candidates in the 2021 Honduran presidential elections, Xiomara Castro and Nasry Asfura, and by the two most popular presidential candidates in the 2019 Guatemalan presidential elections, Alejandro Giammattei and Sandra Torres. Data used in this research consists of posts made on verified public Facebook pages by these four candidates. Religious populism is assessed through five indicators in this thesis: 1) God’s sovereignty – focusing on God’s sovereignty instead of popular sovereignty 2) invoking a heartland – emphasising the connection between God and a specific territory 3) charismatic leadership – a leader presenting themselves as a martyr or as a saviour-like figure 4) a mission of salvation – framing one’s political mission as a religious one, promising salvation to people 5) a moral community – equating religious communities to the most moral ones. The strongest indicators of religious populism in the analysed Facebook posts proved to be the concepts of invoking a heartland, a moral community, and charismatic leadership, while two aspects of religious populism – a mission of salvation and God’s sovereignty – were missing in the posts. The research confirms that all analysed presidential candidates in Guatemala and Honduras have used some aspects of religious populism in their political campaigns on Facebook. While this thesis offers a comparative analysis of two Latin American countries, future research could focus on conducting a region-wide study regarding the use of religious populism in political campaigning.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5508392*es

    La ética de la investigación educativa y el riesgo del uso de la ciencia como naturalización de lo social

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    Este artículo intenta poner en discusión, una de las aristas para analizar la dimensión ética de la investigación educativa. Se trata del uso de la ciencia, como discurso que contribuye a la naturalización de lo social, como mecanismo de imposición de los arbitrarios culturales (Bourdieu, 1990). Luego de recorrer mediante un par de ejemplos, el uso que se hace del discurso científico en los medios masivos de comunicación social, el artículo se adentra en algunas discusiones sobre las relaciones entre ciencia y sociedad, para luego, focalizar el análisis en la forma en que los procesos basados en la naturalización, imponen ciertos contenidos culturales mediante la violencia simbólica (Bourdieu, 1990). A continuación se presenta este mecanismo, en relación con la educación y sus consecuencias. Para, finalmente abordar la cuestión del compromiso ético, desde la comprensión de la producción científica, como un modo de develar lo que la naturalización esconde y poner a disposición de la comunidad toda, ese desocultamiento, para que las comunidades puedan construir libremente sus destino

    Diagnostical Informativity of The Myometrical Method in The Medical Research of Occupational Helth Care

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    The purpose of current research was to study the diagnostic informativity of the parameters of skeletal muscles (measured by myometric method) in the medical research of occupational health care. The research involved 1796 employees from different Estonian companies, aged 19-74 (with body mass index (BMI) in the range of 16-46). The methods that were used included: health study in accordance with international standards, conducted by a therapist and a neurologist, ergonomic evaluation of the work place, body mass and height were measured (for calculation of BMI)

    Diagnostical Informativity of The Myometrical Method in The Medical Research of Occupational Helth Care

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    The purpose of current research was to study the diagnostic informativity of the parameters of skeletal muscles (measured by myometric method) in the medical research of occupational health care. The research involved 1796 employees from different Estonian companies, aged 19-74 (with body mass index (BMI) in the range of 16-46). The methods that were used included: health study in accordance with international standards, conducted by a therapist and a neurologist, ergonomic evaluation of the work place, body mass and height were measured (for calculation of BMI)

    Correcting Airborne Laser Scanning Intensity Data

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    Puuetega inimeste toetamise süsteem ei täida oma eesmärke

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    Riigikontrollil valmis 2010. aasta sügisel audit „Riigi tegevus töövõimetuspensionäride ja puuetega inimeste toetamisel“ (1), mille üheks eesmärgiks oli hinnata puuetega inimestele makstavate rahaliste toetuste kasutamise sihipärasust. Eesti Arst 2010; 89(11):700−70

    An appraisal of the role of good institutions in stimulating economic growth and development in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Abstract: Good institutions were pivotal to the emergence of capitalism and hence the creation of wealth, prosperity and development in the world. In this paper, the authors argue that one of the reasons for the poverty and underdevelopment in sub- Saharan Africa is the weak institutional framework which exists in these countries. The laws, rules and regulations governing businesses and entrepreneurial activities are either too weak or ineffective, and could be riding roughshod over any political interest or individual. The paper presents evidence from the literature to amplify the view that strong and effective institutions are fundamental to reinvigorating economic growth and development. Finally, the authors suggest that a complete overhaul and rejuvenation of the institutional framework which exists in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa is crucial to the creation of jobs, and the alleviation of poverty and underdevelopment