43 research outputs found

    The identical equations of the multiplicative function

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    Quasi-boolean algebras and many-valued logics

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    Contributions to the theory of apolarity

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    “I am the holder of a Scholarship from the University of Madras and one from the Madras Government. Also of a grant from the British Department of Scientific Research.” -- Caree

    The apolar invariant of bilinear forms

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    The Localisation theory in set-topology

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    Sums of products of Ramanujan sums

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    The Ramanujan sum cn(k)c_n(k) is defined as the sum of kk-th powers of the primitive nn-th roots of unity. We investigate arithmetic functions of rr variables defined as certain sums of the products cm1(g1(k))...cmr(gr(k))c_{m_1}(g_1(k))...c_{m_r}(g_r(k)), where g1,...,grg_1,..., g_r are polynomials with integer coefficients. A modified orthogonality relation of the Ramanujan sums is also derived.Comment: 13 pages, revise

    Arithmetical properties of Multiple Ramanujan sums

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    In the present paper, we introduce a multiple Ramanujan sum for arithmetic functions, which gives a multivariable extension of the generalized Ramanujan sum studied by D. R. Anderson and T. M. Apostol. We then find fundamental arithmetic properties of the multiple Ramanujan sum and study several types of Dirichlet series involving the multiple Ramanujan sum. As an application, we evaluate higher-dimensional determinants of higher-dimensional matrices, the entries of which are given by values of the multiple Ramanujan sum.Comment: 19 page

    On continuous functions of a real variable

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    On the lattice of open sets of a topological space

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    On disjunction in intuitionist logic

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