13 research outputs found

    Improved hyperspectral inversion of aquatic reflectance under non-uniform vertical mixing

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    Estimating the concentration of water constituents by optical remote sensing assumes absorption and scattering processes to be uniform over the observation depth. Using hyperspectral reflectance, we present a method to direct the retrieval of the backscattering coefficient (bb(λ)) from reflectance (> 600 nm) towards wavebands where absorption by water dominates the reflectance curve. Two experiments demonstrate the impact of hyperspectral inversion in the selected band set. First, optical simulations show that the resulting distribution of bb(λ) is sensitive to particle mixing conditions, although a robust indicator of non-uniformity was not found for all scenarios of stratification. Second, in the absence of spectral backscattering profiles from in situ data sets, it is shown how substituting the median of bb(λ) into a near infra-red / red band ratio algorithm improved chlorophyll-a estimates (root mean square error 75.45 mg m−3 became 44.13 mg m−3). This approach also allows propagation of the uncertainty in bb estimates to water constituent concentrations

    Advancing cyanobacteria biomass estimation from hyperspectral observations: Demonstrations with HICO and PRISMA imagery

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    Retrieval of the phycocyanin concentration (PC), a characteristic pigment of, and proxy for, cyanobacteria biomass, from hyperspectral satellite remote sensing measurements is challenging due to uncertainties in the remote sensing reflectance (∆Rrs) resulting from atmospheric correction and instrument radiometric noise. Although several individual algorithms have been proven to capture local variations in cyanobacteria biomass in specific regions, their performance has not been assessed on hyperspectral images from satellite sensors. Our work leverages a machine-learning model, Mixture Density Networks (MDNs), trained on a large (N = 939) dataset of collocated in situ chlorophyll-a concentrations (Chla), PCs, and remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) measurements to estimate PC from all relevant spectral bands. The performance of the developed model is demonstrated via PC maps produced from select images of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) and Italian Space Agency’s PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA) using a matchup dataset. As input to the MDN, we incorporate a combination of widely used band ratios (BRs) and line heights (LHs) taken from existing multispectral algorithms, that have been proven for both Chla and PC esti�mation, as well as novel BRs and LHs to increase the overall cyanobacteria biomass estimation accuracy and reduce the sensitivity to ∆Rrs. When trained on a random half of the dataset, the MDN achieves uncertainties of 44.3%, which is less than half of the uncertainties of all viable optimized multispectral PC algorithms. The MDN is notably better than multispectral algorithms at preventing overestimation on low (10 mg m− 3). According to our extensive assessments, the developed model is anticipated to enable practical PC products from PRISMA and HICO, therefore the model is promising for planned hyperspectral missions, such as the Plankton Aerosol and Cloud Ecosystem (PACE). This advancement will enhance the complementary roles of hyperspectral radiometry from satellite and low-altitude platforms for quantifying and monitoring cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms at both large and local spatial scales

    3 year report on activities for the Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (WGPME)

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    The ICES Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (WGPME) provides tools and expert perspectives on the sampling methods, ecology and diversity of phytoplankton and other planktonic microbes. The group set out terms of reference to improve access to data, crossdisciplinary approaches and to develop ecological interpretations of the changing phytoplankton seascape. The group published 16 papers between 2019–2021, including key tools, high-profile synthesis papers and science reports. Tools: The group has progressed efforts to collect images of commonly used Lugol’s-preserved phytoplankton, alongside live images to aid those in correctly identifying species. Members have noticed and published records of new phytoplankton species. The group aims to produce a New Records database to assist in notifying new or reoccurrence of a species. WGPME work, with other Expert Groups (EG) to improve access to molecular genetic tools and records. A multi-EG thematic session has been submitted for ICES ASC 2022 in cooperation with other EGs, whilst phytoplankton barcoding information will be incorporated into the Working Group on Integrated Morphological and Molecular Taxonomy (WGIMT) barcoding Atlas (https://metazoogene.org/atlas). Information and access: The group is gathering information on nano and picoplankton (small phytoplankton less than 10 and 2µm respectively) to incorporate into global datasets such as GLOMICON. Multiple data sources point to an increasing trend in picoplankton and few indicators exist in current EU or national legislation to measure their impact on marine ecology. Many members are involved in indicator development for governmental and pan-governmental organisations such as OSPAR. However, the number and level of indicators vary in each country. Long-term ecology: The cooperative zooplankton and phytoplankton report has been delayed but initial analysis has indicated ≥30 years of data reliably shows spatio-temporal trends in phytoplankton and the effects of temperature on key phytoplankton groups. Two research papers are being produced on climate change effects on key marine phytoplankton species with the additional aim of improving indicators of change using species-specific information

    The Relevance of Marine Chemical Ecology to Plankton and Ecosystem Function: An Emerging Field

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    Marine chemical ecology comprises the study of the production and interaction of bioactive molecules affecting organism behavior and function. Here we focus on bioactive compounds and interactions associated with phytoplankton, particularly bloom-forming diatoms, prymnesiophytes and dinoflagellates. Planktonic bioactive metabolites are structurally and functionally diverse and some may have multiple simultaneous functions including roles in chemical defense (antipredator, allelopathic and antibacterial compounds), and/or cell-to-cell signaling (e.g., polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs) of diatoms). Among inducible chemical defenses in response to grazing, there is high species-specific variability in the effects on grazers, ranging from severe physical incapacitation and/or death to no apparent physiological response, depending on predator susceptibility and detoxification capability. Most bioactive compounds are present in very low concentrations, in both the producing organism and the surrounding aqueous medium. Furthermore, bioactivity may be subject to synergistic interactions with other natural and anthropogenic environmental toxicants. Most, if not all phycotoxins are classic secondary metabolites, but many other bioactive metabolites are simple molecules derived from primary metabolism (e.g., PUAs in diatoms, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in prymnesiophytes). Producing cells do not seem to suffer physiological impact due to their synthesis. Functional genome sequence data and gene expression analysis will provide insights into regulatory and metabolic pathways in producer organisms, as well as identification of mechanisms of action in target organisms. Understanding chemical ecological responses to environmental triggers and chemically-mediated species interactions will help define crucial chemical and molecular processes that help maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functionality

    Food Sources for Benthic Grazers in Trophic Networks of Macrophyte Habitats in a Transitional Baltic Ecosystem

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    In this study, we provide insights into that characteristics of two sites representing different conditions of productivity and salinity impact on trophic network structures of macrophyte habitats and diet of benthic grazers at the active vegetation period in the Curonian Lagoon (southeastern Baltic Sea). Regarding the epiphytic growth, macrophytes were more overgrown in the relatively less productive (northern) site with a muddy bottom and more frequent marine water inflow than in the (southern) site with higher productivity and freshwater sandy habitat. Stable isotope analysis revealed that organisms' samples from the northern site were more enriched with the heavier carbon isotopes, but depleted in the heavier nitrogen isotopes than those from the southern site. Gastropods and amphipods mainly consumed sedimentary organic matter in the southern site, while they grazed epiphytes together with sedimentary organic matter in the northern site. Although to a low extent, gastropods consumed more charophytes than pondweeds in the southern site. This study contributes to a better understanding of the functioning and structure of lagoonal systems, highlighting the importance, often overlooked, of the benthic compartment, which, however, may have a relevant influence on the productivity of the whole system

    Feces from piscivorous and herbivorous birds stimulate differentially phytoplankton growth

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    Aquatic birds may impact shallow ecosystems via organic and nutrient enrichment with feces. Such input may alleviate nutrient limitation, unbalance their ecological stoichiometry, and stimulate primary production. Herbivorous and piscivorous birds may produce different effects on aquatic ecosystems due to different physiology, diet and feces elemental composition. We analyze the effects of droppings fromswans (herbivorous) and cormorants (piscivorous) on phytoplankton growth via a laboratory experiment. These birds are well represented in the Curonian Lagoon, where they form large colonies. As this lagoon displays summer algal hyper-blooms, we hypothesize an active, direct role of birds via defecation on algal growth. Short-term incubations of phytoplankton under low and high feces addition produces different stimulation of algal growth, significantly higher with high inputs of cormorant feces. The latter produces amajor effect on reactive phosphorus concentration that augments significantly, as compared to treatments with swan feces, and determines an unbalanced, N-limited stoichiometry along with the duration of the experiment. During the incubation period, the dominant algal groups switch from blue-green to green algae, but such switch is independent of the level of feces input and from their origin. Heterotrophic bacteria also are stimulated by feces addition, but their increase is transient

    The influence of cyanobacteria blooms on the attenuation of nitrogen throughputs in a Baltic coastal lagoon

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    We combined a mass balance approach with measurements of air-water and sediment-water nitrogen (N) exchange to better understand the mechanisms attenuating N throughputs in a eutrophic coastal lagoon. We were particularly interested in how seasonal shifts in external versus internal N fluxes and the transition from diatom- to cyanobacteria- dominated phytoplankton communities influence N storage and loss to the atmosphere. We found that on an annual basis almost all of the N removed by the lagoon was due to sediment storage following the spring diatom bloom. This period was characterized by high riverine inputs of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, high rates of assimilatory conversion to particulate nitrogen (PN), and net accrual of N in sediments. By contrast, the larger summer bloom was associated with low sediment N storage, which we attribute in part to the presence of positively-buoyant cyanobacteria. Low settling rates during cyanobacteria blooms favored export of PN to the Baltic Sea over sediment accrual in the lagoon. In addition, summer dinitrogen (N-2) fixation by cyanobacteria largely offset annual N-2 losses via denitrification. These findings show that cyanobacteria blooms diminish N attenuation within the lagoon by altering the balance of N exchange with the atmosphere and by promoting export of particulate N over sediment burial

    Effect of algal blooms on retention of N, Si and P in Europe's largest coastal lagoon

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    Nutrient fluxes from land to sea are regulated by climatic factors governing hydrologic loading rates (e.g., storm events, snowmelt) and by internal processes within estuaries that affect nutrient transformation and retention. We compared monthly input and output fluxes of N, Si, and P at the entrance and exit of the hypereutrophic Curonian Lagoon to better understand how seasonal changes in the stoichiometry of nutrient inputs and the occurrence of algal blooms affected nutrient retention within the lagoon. Nutrient ratios were indicative of increasing Si and N limitation during the growing season, and these were associated with a shift from a diatom-based to a cyanobacteria dominated phytoplankton community. The estuary was a net sink for dissolved nutrients, but we observed large interannual difference in the overall retention of N and P. The occurrence of a large cyanobacteria bloom in 2012 was associated with increased export of particulate matter to the Baltic Sea resulting in a net surplus of P export. Bloom conditions mobilized P from sediments and resulted in a shift from net retention to net export for the lagoon. The findings of our study illustrate how changes in nutrient loading ratios influence phytoplankton community composition, which in turn alters the source-sink status of the estuary

    Hot moments and hotspots of cyanobacteria hyperblooms in the Curonian Lagoon (SE Baltic Sea) revealed via remote sensing-based retrospective analysis

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    A temporally and spatially detailed historical (1985–2018) analysis of cyanobacteria blooms was performed in the Curonian Lagoon (Lithuania, Russia), the largest coastal lagoon in the Baltic Sea. Satellite data allowed the mapping of cyanobacteria surface accumulations, so-called “scums”, and of chlorophyll-a concentration. The 34-year time series shows a tendency towards later occurrence (October–November) of the cyanobacteria scum presence, whereas the period of its onset (June–July) remains relatively constant. The periods when scums are present, “hot moments”, have been consistently increasing in duration since 2008. The differences in the starting, ending and annual duration of cyanobacteria blooms have been significantly altered by hydro-meteorological conditions (river discharge, water temperature, and wind conditions) and their year-round patterns. The most important environmental factors that determined the temporal changes of the scum presence and area were the standing stock of cyanobacteria and the ambient wind conditions. The “hotspots”, the areas where the blooms most likely occur, were distributed in the south-southwestern and central parts of the lagoon. The least affected areas were the northern part, which is connected to the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea, and the Nemunas River delta region. The longstanding, well-established spatial patterns of cyanobacteria blooms were linked to hydrodynamic features, namely water renewal time and current patterns, and to potential nutrient sources that included muddy sediments and the locations of colonies of piscivorous birds. Our findings confirmed that the annual and seasonal variations of cyanobacteria blooms and their regulation are a complex issue due to interactions between multiple factors over spatially and temporally broad scales. Despite great progress in the prevention and control of eutrophication and cyanobacteria blooms, the lagoon is still considered to be in a poor ecological status. This work provides a new and missing understanding on the spatial and temporal extent of cyanobacteria blooms and the factors that govern them. Such an understanding can help in planning management strategies, forecasting the magnitude and severity of blooms under changing nutrient loads and potential climate scenarios

    Drivers of cyanobacterial blooms in a hypertrophic lagoon

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    The Curonian Lagoon is Europe's largest lagoon and one of the most seriously impacted by harmful blooms of cyanobacteria. Intensive studies over the past 20 years have allowed us to identify the major drivers determining the composition and spatial extent of hyperblooms in this system. We summarize and discuss the main outcomes of these studies and provide an updated, conceptual scheme of the multiple interactions between climatic and hydrologic factors, and their influence on internal and external processes that promote cyanobacterial blooms. Retrospective analysis of remote sensed images demonstrated the variability of blooms in terms of timing, extension and intensity, suggesting that they occur only under specific circumstances. Monthly analysis of nutrient loads and stoichiometry from the principal tributary (Nemunas River) revealed large interannual differences in the delivery of key elements, but summer months were always characterized by a strong dissolved inorganic N (and Si) limitation, that depresses diatoms and favors the dominance of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria blooms occurred during high water temperatures, long water residence time and low-wind conditions. The blooms induce transient (night-time) hypoxia, which stimulates the release of iron-bound P, producing a positive feedback for blooms of N-fixing cyanobacteria. Consumermediated nutrient recycling by dreissenid mussels, chironomid larvae, cyprinids and large bird colonies, may also affect P availability, but their role as drivers of cyanobacteria blooms is understudied