68 research outputs found

    Формирование компетентности во владении современными образовательными технологиями в вузе

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    Training of teachers of vocational training is focused on the needs of society incompetent professionals. Therefore, pedagogical universities are aimed at improving the training of students and today technological competence comes to the fore. The formation of the process of mastering educational technologies in the educational process is a long and multifaceted process. It affects both the study of disciplines of professional and pedagogical cycle, and specialized disciplines. The study of the theoretical foundations of modern educational technologies in the study of the discipline "Pedagogical technologies" at the University is continued in the use and application of technologies in the educational pedagogical practice in institutions of secondary vocational education. The study of the discipline "Pedagogical technologies" allows students to master the theoretical and methodological foundations of the technological approach in vocational education, modern educational technologies, methods and technological methods of teaching using a variety of forms of work (problem lectures, research projects, independent work in the electronic educational environment, group discussions, practical tasks and case studies). The author substantiates the idea of the need for the formation of technological competence as an integral element in the formation of a modern teacher of vocational training. The paper presents the features and possibilities of the formation of competence in the possession of educational technologies of pedagogical University students. The author reveals the concept of technological competence, denotes its essence, defines the structural components of the process of mastering educational technologies. Game, project, discussion, information and case technologies are presented as the main educational technologies for the future activity of the teacher of vocational training in the system of secondary vocational education.La formación de los educadores de la formación profesional se orienta a las necesidades de la sociedad en los especialistas competentes. Por lo tanto, las universidades pedagógicas tienen como objetivo mejorar la formación de los estudiantes y, hasta la fecha, la competencia tecnológica está en primer plano. La formación del proceso de dominio de la tecnología educativa en el proceso de aprendizaje es un proceso largo y multidimensional. Afecta tanto el estudio de las disciplinas del ciclo profesional y pedagógico como las disciplinas de perfil. El estudio de los fundamentos teóricos de las tecnologías educativas modernas en el estudio de la disciplina "las tecnologías Pedagógicas" en la Universidad encuentra la continuación en el uso y la aplicación de las tecnologías en el curso de la práctica pedagógica en las instituciones de la enseñanza secundaria profesional. El estudio de la disciplina "las tecnologías Pedagógicas" permite a los estudiantes asimilar los fundamentos teóricos-metodológicos del enfoque tecnológico en la educación profesional, las tecnologías modernas educativas, las técnicas y las técnicas tecnológicas de la enseñanza con el uso de las formas diversas del trabajo (las conferencias problemáticas, los proyectos de investigación, el trabajo independiente en el ambiente electrónico educativo, las discusiones grupales, la ejecución de las tareas prácticas y las etapas de estudio). El autor ha fundamentado la idea de la necesidad de la formación de la competencia tecnológica como un elemento integrante en la formación del pedagogo moderno de la enseñanza profesional. El trabajo presenta las características y las posibilidades de la formación de la competencia en la posesión de las tecnologías educativas de los estudiantes de la Universidad pedagógica. El autor revela el concepto de competencia tecnológica, denota su esencia, define los componentes estructurales del proceso de dominio de la tecnología educativa. Como las tecnologías básicas educativas para las actividades futuras del educador de la enseñanza profesional en el sistema de la enseñanza secundaria profesional son presentadas las tecnologías de juego, de proyectos, de discusión, informativos y de casos.Подготовка педагогов профессионального обучения ориентируется на потребности общества в компетентных специалистах. Поэтому педагогические вузы нацелены на совершенствование подготовки студентов и на сегодняшний день на первый план выходит технологическая компетентность. Формирование процесса овладения образовательными технологиями в учебном процессе это длительный и многоаспектный процесс. Он затрагивает как изучение дисциплин профессионально-педагогического цикла, так и профильные дисциплины. Изучение теоретических основ современных образовательных технологий при изучении дисциплины «Педагогические технологии» в вузе находит продолжение в использовании и применении технологий в ходе учебной педагогической практики в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования. Изучение дисциплины «Педагогические технологии» позволяет студентам освоить теоретико-методологические основы технологического подхода в профессиональном образовании, современными образовательными технологиями, методами и технологическими приемами обучения с использованием разнообразных форм работы (проблемных лекций, исследовательских проектов, самостоятельной работы в электронной образовательной среде, групповых дискуссий, выполнения практических заданий и кейс-стади). Автором обоснована идея необходимости формирования технологической компетентности как неотъемлемого элемента в становлении современного педагога профессионального обучения. В работе представлены особенности и возможности формирования компетентности во владении образовательными технологиями студентов педагогического вуза. Автор раскрывает понятие технологической компетентности, обозначает ее сущность, определяет структурные составляющие процесса овладения образовательными технологиями. В качестве основных образовательных технологий для будущей деятельности педагога профессионального обучения в системе среднего профессионального образования представлены игровые, проектные, дискуссионные, информационные и кейсовые технологии


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    Electronic gaming technologies in professional education

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    Purpose of the article: analysis of the experience of implementing electronic gaming technologies in professional education. Methodology: an increase in the use of innovative electronic tools (in percentage) over a five-year period was revealed, a survey was conducted, which made it possible to establish the influence of electronic gaming technologies on the formation of digital and professional competencies of students of higher educational institutions. Results: electronic gaming technologies and digital tools used in the process of vocational training expand the opportunities for training competitive specialists

    Formation of bachelors’ competence readiness to work in a team

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of forming the competence of bachelors' readiness to work in a team. This competence is characterized by the ability of the student to realize their role in the team and to carry out social interaction, to focus on cooperation with team members. The requirements for training modern bachelors who are capable of continuous personal and professional growth through effective collective work are reflected in regulatory documents. In the structure of the competence of readiness to work in a team, we distinguish motivational, cognitive and functional components. Their formation is carried out in the course of studying the module "Man, society, culture", the disciplines "Fundamentals of management culture", "General psychology" and others. Where a significant role is played by the use of innovative educational technologies that contribute to building effective interaction between students. Special attention is paid to the development of such qualities of the student as sociability, openness, a sense of mutual assistance, positive emotional mood. Modern educational technologies of interaction have an active impact on the process of forming the bachelor's competencies of readiness to work in a team

    Educational technologies as a means of developing students' independence

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    The current stage of development of society is characterized by the development of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of various innovative processes that affect the course of development of all spheres of life, including higher education. With the emergence of a competency-based approach and a corresponding change in educational goals, higher education institutions, fulfilling the requirements of the Federal state educational standards, should use innovative educational technologies in the preparation of students to form their professional competence. The purpose of the article is to consider the experience of implementing educational technologies as a tool for developing students' independence. The independence of the student is an integral part of the development of his competence. The article presents an examination of the concepts of “independence” and “educational technology” from various points of view. The dependence of independence on the use of innovative educational technologies in the educational process is traced. The stages of the process of organizing students' independent work using innovative educational technologies are highlighted. The presented study on identifying students' level of independence when studying the discipline “Teaching Technologies of the Teachers of the Past” allows us to conclude that students are more successful with the active implementation of educational technologies, since they make the process more active and creative, make the interaction process more efficient. The study was conducted over two years (in 2018 and 2019). We checked the level of independence of students before the introduction of innovative technologies in the study of the discipline "Technology of teaching teachers of the past" and after. The more often educational technologies are used in the educational process, the more students get used to independent work, the better it becomes. The use of educational technologies allows the formation of a highly educated competent specialist who independently and creatively solves professional problems

    Timetracker capabilities in student project activities

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    The purpose of the work is to consider the possibilities of time trackers in the design activities of students. The article presents an analysis of modern time trackers that contribute to the self-organization of students to achieve educational goals. In the context of an increase in the share of independent training in universities and the expansion of distance learning, there is a need for students to master time management, which allows them to conduct activities most productively. Time management involves the use of electronic tools that promote the development of the discipline, self-organization and student planning for the rapid achievement of goals. The article discusses both trackers for large-scale professional activities, control and accounting of working hours, as well as simpler versions of trackers suitable for personal use by students. Time management ensures timely implementation of the project, allows you to evaluate the contribution of each student to the work, and adjust the activities of students. The use of time trackers in performing various tasks, including the implementation of projects, contributes to high-quality visualization of the number of hours spent on the task and, as a result, the development of discipline and self-organization of students

    Quality management of educational activities in higher education

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    The transformations that have taken place in education have led to the emergence of a new educational framework under which modern higher education institutions are actively adapting. The activity of educational organizations was rethought and teachers’ work acquired new features. Today institutions of higher education must build educational activities in such a way as to be able to satisfy changing needs of the state and society. Therefore, in higher education educational activities should be built at a high level. Thus, to achieve it, it is significant to ensure decent management of it. The purpose of the article is to reveal general features of management activities in a higher educational institution and, on their basis, to develop a model for managing them. The model of management of educational activities in higher education proposed by the authors is focused on new approaches to quality as the main component of quality management being a system object. The work achieved the goal of uncovering the general features of managerial activity in a higher educational institution and, based on them, developed a model for managing educational activities. The model of educational activity management in higher education that we have developed is focused on new approaches to quality as the main component of education management, it is a system object. The model, as the study showed, helps to improve the process of managing educational activities, to bring it to a new level. According to the study, the authors concluded that the model showed its effectiveness and contributed to educational management improvement

    Опыт разработки электронного глоссария в высшем учебном заведении

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    Students’ professional competencies development in modern higher educational institutions depends on a number of factors including used pedagogical technologies. In the work, the authors demonstrate experience of compiling electronic glossaries using wiki technology in the course "English language". The authors emphasize that while studying a foreign language, the question of selecting lexical minimum that students must master is coming to the fore. For more effective content assimilation students, observing the stages described in the article, independently (with the advisory help of a teacher) develop an electronic dictionary that facilitates mastery of lexical minimum and allows future graduates professional competencies development. The work reveals main features of wiki glossaries, their essence and role in future graduates of higher educational institutions training. The authors also indicate teacher’s role in this process, note criteria for evaluating the glossary developed by students and principles on which development is based.El desarrollo de las competencias profesionales de los estudiantes en las instituciones modernas de educación superior depende de varios factores, incluidas las tecnologías pedagógicas utilizadas. En el trabajo, los autores demuestran experiencia en la compilación de glosarios electrónicos utilizando tecnología wiki en el curso "idioma inglés". Los autores enfatizan que mientras estudian un idioma extranjero, la cuestión de seleccionar el mínimo léxico que los estudiantes deben dominar está surgiendo. Para estudiantes de asimilación de contenido más efectivos, observando las etapas descritas en el artículo, independientemente (con la ayuda de un maestro) desarrolle un diccionario electrónico que facilite el dominio del mínimo léxico y permita el desarrollo de competencias profesionales para futuros graduados. El trabajo revela las principales características de los glosarios wiki, su esencia y papel en la formación de futuros graduados de instituciones de educación superior. Los autores también indican el papel del maestro en este proceso, señalan los criterios para evaluar el glosario desarrollado por los estudiantes y los principios en los que se basa el desarrollo.Формирование профессиональных компетенций студентов в современном высшем учебном заведении зависит от ряда факторов, в том числе от используемых педагогических технологий. В работе авторы демонстрируют опыт составления электронных глоссариев с помощью вики-технологии по дисциплине «Английский язык», раскрывают основные возможности вики-глоссариев, их сущность и роль в подготовке будущих выпускников высших образовательных учреждений. Авторы подчеркивают, что в изучении иностранного языка на первый план выходит вопрос об отборе лексического минимума, которым должны овладеть обучающиеся. Авторы обозначают позицию преподавателя в данном процессе, отмечают критерии оценки разрабатываемого студентами глоссария и принципы, на которых строится разработка. Для более результативного усвоения материала студенты, соблюдая приведенную в статье этапность, самостоятельно (при консультативной помощи преподавателя) разрабатывают электронный словарь, который способствует более легкому и освоению лексического минимума и позволяют сформировать профессиональные компетенции будущих выпускников