44 research outputs found

    Influence of Anion Nucleophilicity on Thiourea Decomposition at the Bath Chemical Deposition of PbS AND CdxPb1-xS Films

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    The work was financially supported by grant No 18-29-11051 and program 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 02.A03.21.0006)

    Desarrollo de contenidos de capacitación para estudiantes de maestría en el curso "mecatrónica y robótica" en la Universidad

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    In the conditions of active development of Informatization and technologization of society there is urgent need for specialists carrying out pedagogical activity with the help of mechanical systems and robotics. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of content development for training master students in course "Mechatronics and Robotics" at pedagogical University. On the basis of Federal state educational standard, relevant documentation and necessary methodological support were prepared in higher educational institution. The article presents the process of developing the content of training masters in course "Mechanics and robotics". The development of a new profile of training is based on competence, activity and system approaches taking into account aspects of personal-oriented training and practice focus. On the basis of Federal state educational standard basic educational program, modules of educational programs, test content and methodical support are developed. The article reveals requirements and procedure for the development of theoretical content of training, as well as educational and industrial practices.En las condiciones de desarrollo activo de la informatización y la tecnologización de la sociedad, existe una necesidad urgente de especialistas que realicen actividades pedagógicas con la ayuda de sistemas mecánicos y robótica. El propósito del artículo es identificar las características del desarrollo de contenido para la formación de estudiantes de maestría en el curso "Mecatrónica y robótica" en la Universidad pedagógica. Sobre la base del estándar educativo del estado federal, se preparó la documentación relevante y el apoyo metodológico necesario en la institución de educación superior. El artículo presenta el proceso de desarrollo del contenido de los maestros de formación en el curso "Mecánica y robótica". El desarrollo de un nuevo perfil de capacitación se basa en los enfoques de competencia, actividad y sistema, teniendo en cuenta aspectos de la capacitación orientada al personal y el enfoque práctico. Sobre la base del programa educativo básico del estándar educativo estatal federal, se desarrollan módulos de programas educativos, contenido de pruebas y apoyo metódico. El artículo revela requisitos y procedimientos para el desarrollo del contenido teórico de la capacitación, así como las prácticas educativas e industriales


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    This article is devoted to the process of establishing a network’ structures and their management, which based on the different methodological approaches. The modern development of economic relations are closely connected with the changing of market relations and economic orientation of the enterprise, it affected at the development of network entities. The interest of scientific community to the processes of networking organizations was caused by the deepening of integration processes and using of various forms of inter-firm interaction. According to the analysis of the professional literature, it was installed that there were no attempts to substantiate the essential functioning of characteristics and the process of phenomenon of the network economy. Effective management of network structures based on use the relationship between the features of the network economy and the process of phenomenalization of this economy. The statement of basic materials: interpretation of scientific views and the definition of “network economy”; logic in the network economy; the investigation або study of the formation, development and functioning of the network economy; discovery (education) the phenomenon of the network economy. Conclusions: formed a general idea about the network structure; described the interconnection of functioning the essential characteristics and phenomenal network economy; the use an arsenal of methodological approaches secured the effective management of network structures.Основной идеей статьи является обоснование взаимосвязи функционирования сущностных характеристик и феноменализации сетевой экономики с целью обеспечения эффективного управления сетевыми структурами на основе использования арсенала методических подходов. В работе сформировано общее представление о сетевых структурах; обоснованно взаимосвязь функционирования сущностных характеристик и феноменализации сетевой экономики; обеспечено управление сетевыми структурами на основе использования арсенала методических подходов.Основною ціллю статті є обґрунтування взаємозв’язку функціонування сутнісних характеристик та феноменалізації мережевої економіки з метою забезпечення ефективного управління мережевими структурами на основі використання арсеналу методичних підходів. У роботі сформовано загальне уявлення про мережеві структури; обґрунтовано взаємозв’язок функціонування сутнісних характеристик та феноменалізації мережевої економіки; забезпечено управління мережевими структурами на основі використання арсеналу методичних підходів


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    Purpose: The article is devoted to topical issues of strategic development of commercial banks in the context of digitalization of the economy, requiring the introduction of new financial technologies in the financial and credit sphere. The paper describes a number of new digital technologies based on artificial intelligence; open API, biometric identification system, Big Data, Blockchain, cloud technologies, as well as how these technologies are used in the Bank's work with customers. Methodology: The study of the chosen topic is based on the methods of generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis, the method of groupings, as well as models of banking management used in practice by modern domestic and foreign banks. Result: The article analyzes the experience of foreign countries in the use of these technologies in the banking sector and substantiates the need for an early transition of the Russian banking sector to a more innovative model of functioning. In conclusion, the paper identifies opportunities and ways for the further development of digital technologies in the banking sector. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Introduction of the Latest Digital Technologies in the Banking Sector: Foreign Experience and Russian Practice is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The structure and content of the achievements portfolio of university students

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    Introduction of the portfolio into the educational process requires precise regulation, systematization of its structure and content to attract students for filling it. The more students fill in the portfolio, the better becomes the quality of learning process. There were applied analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction for the purpose of studying the subject. The article denotes several definitions of the concept of portfolio. As a result, its essence was determined. The requirements for students have been established to fill it. Based on the “Regulations on the Portfolio of Achievements of Students of Kozma Minin Nizhniy Novgorod State Pedagogical University”, the functions of the portfolio were identified, and their content disclosed. The sections are given that are filled by students as well: educational activities, professional, research, public, cultural and creative, sports. According to our study it is worth to conclude that to improve the quality of education, the portfolio should be based on the principles of continuity, diagnostics, problem orientation, technological traceability criteria, scientific. It should have a clear structure and logical sequence of sections. As we have shown, the portfolio performs many pedagogical functions and has a positive effect on the personality of each student. The result of systematic participation in the compilation of a student's portfolio is developed abilities for self-organization, discipline, responsibility, the identification of strengths and weaknesses, and the elimination of learning gaps.peer-reviewe

    Digital Transformation of Russia’s Agricultural Sector

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    The paper presents a methodical approach to the assessment of agricultural sector transformation in the conditions of intensive penetration of digital technologies into the economy sector. The authors offer a schematic diagram of data collecting and processing in the start-to-finish automated production-and-marketing chain of activity within the agricultural secto

    Modeling of influence of resourcing factors on gross regional product

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the degree of influence of key components of the region’s resource potential on the gross regional product per capita as the main recognized indicator of regional development and regional competitiveness based on building an econometric model with the subsequent development of a projection of changes in the indicator of a specific region under the influence of quality and quantity resource potentia

    Auger spectroscopy of Cdpbs films obtained by chemical deposition

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    Films obtained by chemical deposition of thiourea onto a quartz substrate from the citrate-ammonia reaction mixture containing 0.01, 0.04 and 0.1 mol/l cadmium nitrate at constant concentration of lead salt is obtained. The formation of single- and two-phase films depending on the cadmium nitrate content in the reactor is established by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and auger spectroscopy. © 2021 Author(s).Russian Foundation for Basic Research 18-29-11051mkThe work was financially supported by the grant project of Russian Foundation for Basic Research 18-29-11051mk and 20-48-660041ɪ_ɚ. The research was carried out within the state assignment of Minobrnauki of Russia (theme “Spin” No. ȺȺȺȺ-Ⱥ18-118020290104-2 and “Flux” No. ȺȺȺȺ-Ⱥ18-118020190112-8)

    Microstructure and optic properties of supersaturated substitutional CdxPb1- xS solid solution films

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    Functional films of supersaturated substitutional CdxPb1-xS solid solutions (0 < x < 0.24) were produced by the chemical bath chemical deposition method on the quartz glass. The cadmium content in the solid solution was determined by X-ray diffraction. The size of crystallites forming the film, the degree of their texture and the microstress sizes were also estimated. The dislocation density in the synthesized films was calculated by analyzing the anisotropy of microstresses. By the investigation of absorption spectra, the bandgap Eg of CdxPb1-xS solid solutions depending on the cadmium content (x) was determined. The variation of the bandgap of CdxPb1-xS provides the possibility of the effective control of photoelectric and optical characteristics of the deposited films in the spectral range of 0.4-3.0 μm. © 2019 Author(s)

    Microstructure and Optic Properties of Supersaturated Substitutional CdxPb1 – xS Solid Solution Films

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    The research was carried out in part at IMP Neutron Material Science Complex within the state assignment of FASO of Russia (theme «Flux» № АААА-А18-118020190112-8). The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006