85 research outputs found

    Use of Drones in Logistics: Options in Inventory Control Systems

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    New and promising technologies are constantly emerging in the transport and logistic sector. These technologies provide new and effective opportunities in the supply chain. The application of autonomous mobile robots, automatization, artificial intelligence, and unmanned aerial vehicles is not the distant future. We can create more efficient, secure, precious, and rapid solutions with the help of the UAVs’ properties like the size, the mobility, the functionality, the capabilities, and the development possibilities. Modern technology and development make them teachable and programmable, furthermore we can develop independent decision-making mechanisms into the solutions. They can have a powerful image and data acquisition, as well as analysis capabilities. There is great potential in this technology. It can reorganize the future supply chains. Businesses can increase their solutions’ cost-effectiveness, speed, accuracy, and safety in different areas like billing, inventory, transportation, and workforce productivity. We provide a summary of the UAVs in this article. We demonstrate the spread, the usability, the challenges, and the opportunities of this technology in the transport and logistic sector. Within that, we present more about the usefulness of inventory

    Muerte en la Catedral: Cenizas y ritos funerarios en los campos de fútbol

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    An important aspect of funerary rites and modern, Western mortuary practices has been a shift from religious-institutional settings to private and secular ones. Nevertheless, there still exist performative responses, like spreading the ashes of dead fans in sport stadiums, which continue to define death as a social relation situated in a cultural system of wider symbolic obligations. Spreading ashes in football stadiums is believed to have consequences for the future of the community. There are three factors that turn stadiums into pertinent places for the re-ritualization of modern death: emotion, identity, and iconicity. The intense emotional experiences, family traditions, collective narratives, and the transformative power of liminal space allow fans to imagine their own transition from dead to alive, and their continuing presence in the social order.Un aspecto principal de los ritos funerarios y las prácticas mortuorias modernas y occidentales ha sido un desplazamiento de ubicaciones religiosas-institucionales a otras seculares-privadas. Sin embargo, algunas respuestas performativas, como esparcir las cenizas de los aficionados difuntos en estadios deportivos, continúan definiendo la muerte como una relación social emplazada en un sistema cultural de obligaciones simbólicas más amplio. Los esparcidos de cenizas en los estadios son actos de los que se cree que tendrán consecuencias para el futuro de la comunidad. Hay tres factores que convierten los estadios en emplazamientos pertinentes para la re-ritualización de la muerte: emoción, identidad, e iconicidad. Las intensas experiencias emocionales, la tradición familiar, las narrativas colectivas y el poder transformador del espacio liminal permiten a los aficionados imaginar su propia transición de muerto a vivo, y su presencia continua en el orden social

    ¿Somos distintos o estamos locos? Los dobles vínculos del fútbol y la identidad en Bilbao

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    Athletic Bilbao has a unique player recruitment policy, allowing only Basque-born players or those developed at the youth academies of Basque clubs to play for the team, a policy that rejects the internationalism of contemporary globalised sport. Despite this, the club has never been relegated from the top division of Spanish football. In 2007, however, Athletic came one game away from descending to second division, which sent the fan community into an impasse of identification. Its proud exceptionalism, the philosophy that made the club a “unique case in the world” now appeared to be in conflict with first division performance, and the identity of the city was at stake. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this paper approaches collective identity as a Catch-22 type double bind as theorized by Bateson: an impasse that reveals not just the pleasure, but also the intense suffering identity produces in Basque soccer and society.; El Athletic Club de Bilbao tiene una filosofía única: ficha solamente a jugadores que son vascos, una política que rechaza el internacionalismo del fútbol contemporáneo globalizado. A pesar de esta filosofía, el club nunca ha bajado a segunda división. Sin embargo, en 2007 el Athletic estuvo a solo un partido de bajar a segunda división, lo que obligó a su comunidad de seguidores a enfrentarse al impasse de su identificación localista. Su excepcionalismo altivo, la filosofía que hizo que el club bilbaíno se considerara “un caso único en el mundo”, parecía ahora estar en conflicto con las exigencias de calidad necesarias para pertenecer a la primera división, y la identidad misma de la ciudad parecía estar en juego. Apoyado en una investigación etnográfica, este artículo indaga en la identidad colectiva como una trampa-22, un doble vínculo según la teorización de Bateson: una situación que presenta una elección inevitable entre dos resultados irreconciliables y no deseados, un dilema vital que desvela no solo los placeres sino también el sufrimiento de identidad producido por el fútbol en la sociedad vasca

    Mineralogical studies on zircon

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit fasst die Ergebnisse von sieben Studien am Mineral Zirkon zusammen. Die Untersuchungen umfassen eine breite Palette von Phänomenen, wie (i) Veränderungen der Ramanspektren von Zirkon unter hohem Druck, (ii) Ursachen der an alterierten Zirkonen gelegentlich beobachteten defizienten Analysensummen und extrem niedrigen Elektronenrückstreuintensitäten, (iii) Mobilität/Stabilität von Radionukliden bei chemischen Alterationsprozessen, (iv) Ursachen der bei Ausheilungsexperimenten gelegentlich beobachteten thermische Dekomposition von Zirkon, (v) kristallchemische Effekte des Einbaus von Fe in Zirkon, und schließlich die Effekte von (vi) He-Ionen-Bestrahlung und (vii) Elektronenbestrahlung (letztere z.B. während der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonden-Analyse) auf die durch natürliche Selbstbestrahlung verursachten Strukturschäden in Zirkon. Der Diskussion der Forschungsergebnisse sind eine zusammenfassende Einführung zum Mineral Zirkon und eine kurze Beschreibung der verwendeten analytischen Methoden vorangestellt. Die Ergebnisse der Druckexperimente (Anhang 1) tragen zum Verständnis der druckinduzierten Veränderungen der Ramanspektren strahlengeschädigter Zirkone bei. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Breite der ν3(SiO4)-Schwingungsbande vom Druck weitgehend unbeeinflusst ist und der Strahlenschädigungsgrad der Probe mehr oder weniger unabhängig von Druck oder Stress widerspiegelt. Eine beobachtete signifikante Schwingungsbandenverbreiterung ist damit ein zuverlässiger Indikator für Strahlenschädigung. Dieses Ergebnis ermöglicht es, Raman-Analysen zur Evaluierung von Zirkoneinschlüssen in metamorphogenen Edelsteinen zu nutzen, insbesondere um mögliche Temperaturbehandlungen zu prüfen. Defiziente Analysensummen bei der Elektronenmikronsondenanalyse werden in solchen Bereichen des Zirkons gemessen, in welchen die Elektronenrückstreuung deutlich erniedrigt ist; diese sind in den Elektronenrückstreubildern als dunkle, meist unregelmäßige Stellen erkennbar. Die Studie in Anhang 2 beschäftigt sich mit den chemischen und texturellen Ursachen dieses Phänomens. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die durch zu niedrige Summen gekennzeichneten Bereiche Wasser im Gewichtsprozentbereich enthalten und aus einem hochporösen Zirkonmaterial mit Poren im Nanometerbereich bestehen. Zusammen mit einer stark angestiegenen Konzentration an Fremdelementen (Fe, Ca, Al etc.) implizieren diese Beobachtungen, dass diese Zirkonbereiche durch chemische Alteration stark strahlengeschädigter Bereiche entstanden. Sowohl die zu niedrigen analytischen Summen als auch die stark verringerte Rückstreuelektronenintensität werden durch eine Kombination von erniedrigter mittlerer Ordnungszahl, dem Wassergehalt und der Porosität erklärt. In einer Fallstudie zur chemischen Alteration von Zirkon (Anhang 3) wurde eine besonders niedrige Mobilität der Radionuklide festgestellt, die nicht den Verlust an Hauptelementen überstieg. Diese Beobachtung hat bedeutende Auswirkungen auf die Interpretation von U-Pb Isotopenanalysen (Geochronologie) und die Entwicklung von Material für die Lagerung von radioaktivem Abfall: der Verlust von Radionukliden bei chemischen Alterationsprozessen ist längst nicht immer so erheblich wie durch einige experimentelle Studien vorhergesagt. Es ist bekannt, dass Zirkon bei Heizexperimenten in seine Oxidkomponenten zerfallen kann, und dass dies bereits bei relativ moderaten Temperaturen erfolgt, welche jene im Phasendiagramm deutlich unterschreiten. Die Stabilität von Zirkon bei 1400 °C wurde in einer Serie von Experimenten untersucht. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Zerfallsreaktion stark von der SiO2–Dampfaktivität im Reaktionsbehälter abhängt. Letztere sollte daher durch eine sorgfältige Auswahl der Probenbehälter und die Kontrolle der reaktiven Gase in der Reaktionsatmosphäre kontrolliert hochgehalten werden, um unbeabsichtigte Probendekomposition zu verhindern. Eisen tritt in primärem Zirkon nur in Spurenelementkonzentrationen auf, in alterierten Proben kann es jedoch im Gewichtsprozentbereich vorliegen. Eine Studie (Anhang 5) widmete sich der Frage, ob hohe Eisenkonzentrationen in sekundären Zirkon eingebaut werden können. Es wurde gezeigt, dass synthetische, Fe-dotierte Zirkon-Einkristalle einen großen Teil des vorhandenen Eisens als Hämatit einbauen. Signifikante Eisenmengen (bis in den Zehntelprozentbereich) wurden jedoch auch auf Zwischengitterplätzen im Zirkongitter gefunden, wohingegen die Substitution von Zirkon-Gitterionen minimal ist. Es wurde daher gefolgert, dass Eisenanreicherung in sekundärem Zirkon in Form anderer Phasen erfolgt. Die Bestrahlungsstudien, welche am Ende des Einführungskapitels kurz dargestellt sind, zeigten gegensätzliche Ergebnisse. Bestrahlung mit He resultierte in allen Fällen in einer Zunahme der Strahlenschädigung des Zirkon, erkennbar durch die Bildung von Emissionszentren und der Verbreiterung der Ramanbanden. Ein Ausheilen von bestehender Schädigung wurde nicht beobachtet. Elektronenbestrahlung mit moderaten Energien (20 kV) resultiert dagegen in einem partiellen Ausheilen von Strahlenschäden in vorgeschädigtem Zirkon. Strukturelle Untersuchungen (wie z.B. Mikro-Spektroskopie) sollten daher grundsätzlich vor der Elektronenstrahlmikrosondenanalyse durchgeführt werden, um verfälschte Ergebnisse zu vermeiden. Dieses Doktoratsprojekt und insbesondere die sieben oben beschriebenen Studien führten zu neuen, wichtigen Ergebnissen, die zu unserem Kenntnisstand über natürlichen Zirkon und seine synthetischen Analoga beitragen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden in vier publizierten Arbeiten und einem eingereichten Manuskript dokumentiert, eine weitere Veröffentlichung ist derzeit in Vorbereitung. Die Ergebnisse werden sich besonders bei der Interpretation spektroskopischer und chemischer Analysen von Zirkon sowie zur Vermeidung analytischer Artefakte als nützlich erweisen. Mögliche zukünftige Forschungsrichtungen und Anwendungen werden diskutiert.This work summarises the results of seven studies in the area of zircon research. The studies span a broad range of phenomena, namely (i) the Raman spectroscopic properties of zircon under high pressure, (ii) the causes of low electron microprobe analytical totals and back-scattered electron (BSE) yields in zircon, (iii) radionuclide mobility scenarios in altered zircon, (iv) the factors influencing the thermal decomposition of zircon, (v) Fe incorporation in zircon, and finally the effects of (vi) He-ion irradiation and (vii) of electron beam microanalysis on existing self-irradiation damage in zircon. The discussion of the research and its results is preceded by a summarising introduction to zircon and a brief description of the various analytical techniques applied. The high-pressure study (Appendix 1) helps to understand vibrational spectra of radiation-damaged zircon under pressure. It was found that the band width of the zircon ν3(SiO4) asymmetric stretching vibration, which indicates the degree of radiation damage, is largely unaffected by compression. This result established that Raman analysis of (potentially strain-affected) zircon inclusions in gemstones is able to determine whether a heat treatment has been applied to the host gem or not. Low electron microprobe totals are measured in zircon zones where electron back-scattering is notably lowered, seen as dark, mostly irregular patches on BSE images. The study reprinted in Appendix 2 establishes the chemical and textural reasons behind these phenomena. The low-total areas were found to contain hydrous species in the wt% concentration, and to consist of a highly porous zircon material with nanometre-sized pores. Together with strongly increased non-formula element (Fe, Ca, Al etc.) concentrations, these results imply that the low-total and low-BSE areas were produced by a secondary alteration process in strongly radiation-damaged zones. Both the deficient analytical totals and the lowered BSE yield are explained by a combination of a decreased average atomic number, the hydrous content and the porosity. In a case study of zircon alteration (Appendix 3) it was found that the radionuclide mobility was particularly low and did not exceed the loss of the major elements. This finding has important implications on the assessment of zircon U–Pb geochronology and the design of radioactive waste forms: the loss of actinides will not always be as high as that predicted by some hydrothermal leaching experiments. Zircon is known, and exploited, for decomposing into oxide components during heat treatment at temperatures significantly lower than predicted by its phase diagram. Factors influencing zircon stability at 1400 °C were evaluated by a series of experiments. Results suggest that to avoid a breakdown at high temperatures the decrease of the activity of silica vapour in the reaction vessel should be avoided by a careful choice of sample containers and by the control of reactive gases in the reaction atmosphere. Iron is a trace element in primary zircon but in altered samples it may be measured in the wt% range. A study (Appendix 5) was dedicated to the question whether Fe at high concentrations is incorporated into secondary zircon. Synthetic, Fe-doped zircon single crystals were shown to contain the majority of measured Fe as hematite. Some Fe was found in interstitial sites in the zircon lattice, whereas the substitution of lattice ions was minimal. Iron enrichment in secondary zircon, therefore, was concluded to be present as other phases. The irradiation studies, outlined at the end of the introductory chapter, had contrasting results. Helium irradiation was found to increase radiation damage in zircon, seen through the creation of luminescence centres and Raman band broadening. The annealing of pre-existing damage was not observed. In contrast, moderate-energy electron irradiation (20 kV) was found to partially anneal radiation damage in pre-damaged zircon. Structural studies (such as micro-spectroscopy) should therefore always been done prior to the electron microprobe analysis of the same micro-areas, to avoid biased results. This PhD project, and in particular the seven studies above, has led to new, significant results that add to our knowledge on natural zircon and its synthetic analogue. These results are documented in four published papers and one submitted manuscript, one more paper is currently in preparation. Results will prove particularly useful in the interpretation of spectroscopic and chemical analyses of zircon and in avoiding analytical artefacts and biased results. Perspective future research and experimental work and applications are also discussed

    A Threat for the Trains: Ransomware as a New Risk

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    Nowadays we cannot speak about cybersecurity as a simple problem. It is not just about users cannot properly use the devices because of a malware settle in their computers. Now professionals have to work in a more complex system. The information technology meshes most of our life. Begin with people use their smartphones over that companies lead most of their processes via computers. Nations want that their citizens can live in a healthier, more comfortable, economical place, so they started to think about how can they warrant a better life. Result in this governments started to make critical infrastructure more economical with the help of information technology. That is how Smart Cities began to evolve. However, bringing into practice these innovations is still not enough. If we use any technology, we shall use it securely, that is why we must build our advanced city as a secure Smart City. If not, our systems can be attacked in different ways. In the view of last years, we can accept, that ransomware can make considerable problems in different systems. Last time NotPetya caused many problems in Ukraine’s infrastructure. The metro and the airport information technology systems were also victims of this malicious code. The security of the transportation is essential not just because of public transport one of the leading part of Smart Cities, but because in these public vehicles many people travel day by day, so these are critical infrastructures. This article is processing what could happen if Hungarian train management systems got attacked by ransomware. What are the risks and how should we protect against them

    Accurate specimen digitization through glass achieved and validated using 3D surface scanning

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    peer reviewedThree-dimensional digitization and morphometric analyses of specimens have become a crucial source of data for natural sciences. However, the quest for thorough sampling has been impaired by exhibition practices of locking specimens behind glass. In this contribution, we tested how well structured white-light scanning and phone-powered photogrammetry (helped with parallel lasers) capture the morphology of a variety of fossil specimens behind modern (i.e., flat) and old (i.e., undulating) glass. Postprocessing of scans was often longer, essentially to remove duplicated surfaces. Nevertheless, we were able to generate precise and accurate meshes through modern glass (validated by scanning objects without the glass): 91–100% of comparable points deviated < 1 mm from the reference model and 89–99% deviated < 0.5 mm. Older glass multiplies the deviations, especially for large, three dimensional specimens. However, these models still have 75 to 94 % of their points deviating less than 0.5 mm from the reference model, which thus remains manageable. We also conducted a linear morphometric analysis on a diagenetically flattened ichthyosaurian and a high-density geometric morphometric analysis of an hippuritid bivalve. The differences in surface digitization techniques (e.g. laser VS structured white-light scanning) and the human error in landmark placement generate more deviation than the presence or absence of glass. We conclude that, with the right scanning methods, specimens can be confidently digitized through glass and incorporated into morphometric (or other digital modelling) analyses.4. Quality educatio

    9-anthracene carboxylic acid is more suitable than DIDS for characterization of calcium-activated chloride current during canine ventricular action potential

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    Abstract Background Understanding the role of ionic currents in shaping the cardiac action potential (AP) has great importance as channel malfunctions can lead to sudden cardiac death by inducing arrhythmias. Therefore, researchers frequently use inhibitors to selectively block a certain ion channel like 4,4’-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2’-disulfonic acid (DIDS) and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid (9-AC) for calcium-activated chloride current (ICl(Ca)). This study aims to explore which blocker is preferable to study ICl(Ca). Methods Whole-cell voltage-clamp technique was used to record ICa,L, IKs, IKr and IK1, while action potentials were measured using sharp microelectrodes. Results DIDS- (0.2 mM) and 9-AC- (0.5 mM) sensitive currents were identical in voltage-clamp conditions, regardless of intracellular Ca2+ buffering. DIDS-sensitive current amplitude was larger with the increase of stimulation rate and correlated well with the rate-induced increase of calcium transients. Both drugs increased action potential duration (APD) to the same extent but the elevation of the plateau potential was more pronounced with 9-AC at fast stimulation rates. On the contrary, 9-AC did not influence either the AP amplitude or the maximal rate of depolarization (Vmax) but DIDS caused marked reduction of Vmax. Both inhibitors reduced the magnitude of phase-1 but at slow stimulation rates this effect of DIDS was larger. All of these actions on APs were reversible upon washout of the drugs. Increasing concentrations of 9-AC between 0.1- 0.5 mM in a cumulative manner gradually reduced phase-1 and increased APD. 1 mM 9-AC had no additional actions upon perfusion after 0.5 mM. The half-effective concentration of 9-AC was approximately 160 μM with a Hill coefficient of 2. The amplitudes of ICa,L, IKs, IKr and IK1 were not changed by 0.5 mM 9-AC. Conclusions These results suggest that DIDS is equally useful to study ICl(Ca) during voltage-clamp but 9-AC is superior in AP measurements for studying the physiological role of ICl(Ca) due to the lack of sodium channel inhibition. 9-AC has also no action on other ion currents (ICa,L, IKr, IKs, IK1), however, ICa,L tracings can be contaminated with ICl(Ca) when measured in voltage-clamp condition