118 research outputs found

    Early childhood education in Finnish newspapers during 1960's

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    Finland’s early childhood education system has been in existence for over 135 years. There are many books and articles written about its history, but most of them are written in Finnish, leaving very few options for those, who are not fluent enough in the language. To offer further insight to those interested, the aim of the study is to investigate, how the early childhood was discussed in Finnish newspapers during 1960s and present the findings in English. This study was conducted as a secondary, qualitative research. The newspaper data was collected from Helsingin Sanomat’s digitalized archives, and then analysed according to content analysis approach. The data was examined through historical and media perspectives. The analysis shows that the early childhood education was a reoccurring topic within Helsingin Sanomat during the 1960s. Most of the discussions focused on the formal kindergarten system, with varying concerns and general information being accorded markedly prominent spaces. Non-formal care and other related circumstances were another regularly featured topic, although to a lesser extent than the formal care. These findings also give an overview of the newspaper coverage tendencies from the 1960s. Newspapers reported the matters which were felt to be important or pressing enough by the public opinion, with particular attention being given to drama-filled aspects.Suomen varhaiskasvatusjärjestelmä on ollut olemassa vuodesta 1888 lähtien, yli 135 vuoden ajan. Järjestelmän pitkästä historiasta on kirjoitettu useita kirjoja ja artikkeleita, mutta suurin osa niistä on kirjoitettu suomeksi, muunkielisen tarjonnan jäädessä hyvin suppeaksi. Koska nykyaikaa ja tulevaisuutta on mahdollista ymmärtää syvemmin tiedostamalla historian ja sen annin, tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella, kuinka varhaiskasvatuksesta keskusteltiin suomalaisissa 1960-luvun sanomalehdissä, ja esittää tulokset englanniksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin sekundäärisenä, kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineistoksi valikoitui 1960-luvun merkittävä sanomalehti, Helsingin Sanomat. Aineisto kerättiin Helsingin Sanomien digitaalisista arkistoista, jonka jälkeen aineisto analysoitiin laadullisen sisältöanalyysin periaatteilla. Aineiston tarkastelussa otettiin huomioon sekä historiallinen että median perspektiivit. Tutkimustulokset paljastavat, että päivähoito ja varhaiskasvatus olivat toistuvia aiheita 1960-luvun Helsingin Sanomissa, aikakauden asenteiden heijastuessa kirjoituksissa. Suurin osa keskustelusta keskittyi julkiseen päivähoitojärjestelmään, erinäisten huolten ja yleisen informaation ollessa erityisessä keskiössä. Julkisen järjestelmän ulkopuolinen hoito, sekä muut päivähoitoon liittyvät asiahaarat saivat myös oman tilansa uutisissa, vaikkakin huomattavasti pienemmässä mittakaavassa kuin mitä julkinen järjestelmä. Tutkimustulokset antavat myös yleiskatsauksen 1960-luvun sanomalehtien tavasta raportoida uutisia ja aiheita. Sanomalehtien uutisraportointien keskiössä olivat yleisimmin aiheet ja tapahtumat, jotka koettiin kansan parissa tärkeiksi. Myöskin dramaattisille, usein negatiivissävytteisille aiheille annettiin erityishuomiota

    Itsetuntemus, ekspressivismi ja Wittgenstein

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    Tämä artikkeli esittelee ekspressivististä itsetuntemuksen (self-knowledge) teoriaa erityyppisten itsetuntemuksen teorioiden kontekstissa. Artikkelin viimekätinen tavoite on arvioida erityisesti ekspressivistisen teorian suhdetta Wittgensteinin mielenfilosofiaan, joka usein mainitaan teorian lähteenä, ja tarkastella teorian kehitystarpeita ja -mahdollisuuksia muiden itsetuntemuksen teorioiden valossa. Osassa 1 esitetään eräitä käsitteellisiä selvennyksiä. Osa 2 käsittelee itsetuntemuksen (omia mentaalisia tiloja koskevan tiedon) oletettuja filosofisesti kiinnostavia erityispiirteitä, joiden ymmärtäminen on itsetuntemuksen teorioiden arvioimisen kannalta olennaista. Osa 3 esittää itsetuntemuksen teorioiden karkean tyypittelyn sen mukaan, pitävätkö ne itseilmaisuja empiirisesti muodostettuina väittäminä, rationaaliseen toimijuuteen olennaisesti liittyvinä sitoutumina vai ekspressiivisinä lausumina. Ekspressivistisen vaihtoehdon yhteydessä arvioidaan sen suhdetta Wittgensteinin ajatteluun. Osassa 4 tarkastellaan Dorit Bar-Onin muotoilemaa neo-ekspressivististä itsetuntemuksen teoriaa ja esitetään, että ansioistaan huolimatta se ei ota tyydyttävästi huomioon rationaalisen toimijan kykyä konstituoida aktiivisesti ja reflektiivisesti ajatuksiaan ja asenteitaan. Lopuksi osassa 5 esitetään ajatuksia neo-ekspressivismin jatkokehittelyä varten ja kehotetaan tarkastelemaan itseilmaisuja sosiaalisessa kontekstissa Wittgensteinin kielipeliajatuksen mukaisesti

    L-alueen taajuuspyyhkäisevän radiometrin suunnittelu ja toteutus

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    L-band (1-2 GHz) radiometry has been an ongoing research topic in the Department of Radio Science and Engineering for a number of years. In addition to remote sensing and radioastronomy applications, a radiometer can be used for detecting unwanted radio emissions in a protected frequency band. A frequency scanning radiometer (FIRaL) for detecting radio interference at the frequency interval of 1920 – 1980 MHz is designed and realised in this Licentiate thesis work. The aforementioned frequency band is reserved for mobile communication applications. The theory of radiometry is presented to the necessary extent in order to facilitate the FIRaL radiometer design. The design of the receiver and local oscillator electronics and pyramidal horn antenna is presented. Radiometer performance is studied by measuring the relevant device parameters in laboratory conditions. The feasibility of the radiometer to perform real-world interference surveys is tested by on-site measurements. The realised radiometer receiver input noise temperature is 661 ± 58 K or better. The radiometer is deemed suitable for interference measurements. The preliminary on-site measurements suggests that further measurements are feasible in order to study the extent of radio emissions in the 1920 – 1980 MHz mobile communications band.Radiotieteen ja –tekniikan laitoksella on jo useita vuosia tutkittu L-alueen (1-2 GHz) radiometriasovelluksia. Kaukokartoituksen ja radioastronomian ohella radiometreillä voidaan tutkia radiotaajuisia häiriöitä suojatuilla taajuusalueilla. Tässä työssä on suunniteltu ja toteutettu L-alueen taajuuspyyhkäisevä radiometri (FIRaL) 1920-1980 MHz:in taajuusalueelta mahdollisesti löytyvien radiotaajuisten häiriöiden tutkimiseen. Edellä mainittu taajuuskaista on varattu matkaviestintäsovellusten käyttöön. Radiometria esitellään FIRaL radiometrin suunnittelun taustatiedoksi tarvittavalla laajuudella. Vastaanottimen ja paikallisoskillaattorin elektroniikan ja pyramiditorviantennin suunnittelu esitellään. Radiometrin suorituskykyä tutkitaan mittaamalla kyseisen laitteen parametrit laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Radiometrin soveltuvuus käytännön häiriömittauksiin testataan tekemällä mittauksia tyypillisessä matkaviestintätukiaseman sijaintipaikassa. Rakennetun radiometrin kohinalämpötila on maksimissaan 661 ± 58 K. Radiometri todetaan käyttökelpoiseksi häiriömittauksiin. Alustavista mittauksista löytyi todennäköisiä häiriölähteitä 1920 – 1980 MHz matkaviestintäkaistalta ja lisätutkimukset häiriöiden laajempaan kartoitukseen ovat perusteltuja

    Ludwig Wittgensteinin mielenfilosofiassa toisten mielet eivät ole tavoittamattomia

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    Jyväskylän yliopistossa 19.9.2015 pidetty lectio praecursoria

    Modern empirical and modelling study approaches in fluvial geomorphology to elucidate sub-bend-scale meander dynamics

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    Major developments in theory and modelling techniques have taken place within the past couple of decades in the field of the fluvial geomorphology. In this review, we examine the state-of-the-art empirical and modelling approaches and discuss their potential benefits and shortcomings in deepening understanding of the sub-bend-scale fluvial geomorphology of meander bends. Meandering rivers represent very complex 3D flow and sedimentary processes. We focus on high-resolution techniques which have improved the spatial and temporal resolution of the data and thereby enabled investigation of processes, which have been thus far beyond the capacity of the measurement techniques. This review covers the measurement techniques applied in the field and in laboratory circumstances as well as the close-range remote sensing techniques and computational approaches. We discuss the key research questions in fluvial geomorphology of meander bends and demonstrate how the contemporary approaches have been and could be applied to solve these questions.</jats:p

    Morphological changes and riffle-pool dynamics related to flow in a meandering river channel based on a 5-year monitoring period using close-range remote sensing

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    The maintenance of riffle-pool sequences and morphological changes in the long-term have received little attention in the literature. The aims of this study are to determine morphological changes and riffle-pool maintenance in relation to flow conditions in a meandering river channel over a 5-yr period. Change detection was focused on riffle and pool maintenance in a river reach covering three successive meander bends. Changes in a meandering river channel were studied utilizing detailed digital terrain models and flow data. The results indicated that riffle-pool sequences are maintained by high discharge events and the development of pools and riffles was linked. During high discharges, the riverbed eroded on the concave sides and the inflexion points aggraded, causing riffle–pool sequences, whereas during low discharges, concave sides aggraded and inflexion points eroded, causing pool filling and riffle erosion. While discharge increased, near-bed flow velocities increased faster on the concave sides of the bends than at the inflexion points, becoming higher at a discharge of 8 m3/s, ~20% of the bankfull discharge. Changes in the three successive meander bends were mainly similar, and the geometry of meandering rivers contributed to the locations of riffles and pools. Pools and riffles were not stable in size and shape, but their longitudinal location remained the same, instead of migrating up and down the channel. Morphological changes occurred in meander bends year-round, but they were non-linear. Annual channel change was not similar from year to year owing to different flow regimes and morphological changes during the previous year. However, seasonal detection revealed similarities between high and low discharge periods between the years. Concave sides of meander bends may act to temporarily store sediment; however, storage is preserved only under the effective hydrological discharge.</p

    Auditing an urban park deck with 3D geovisualization—A comparison of in-situ and VR walk-along interviews

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    Virtual reality-based urban audit methods are gaining increasing attention; however, most virtual urban audit studies have focused on panoramic views. The 3D city model-based geovisualizations have remained until now rather unexplored in user studies for urban audits and for communicative urban planning. We explored the feasibility of a 3D geovisualization-based urban audit in virtual reality (VR) for assessing the perceived quality of an urban park deck in Helsinki, Finland. For this purpose, we created a photorealistic and geometrically accurate 3D model (Bryga 3D) based on photogrammetric and laser scanning data. Bryga 3D was implemented on a game engine to be viewed with a head-mounted VR display. Bryga 3D's ability to convey information in a subjective urban audit, that is, subjectively perceived affordances of a park deck, was tested in a walk-along interview study comparing auditing in situ and via the VR method. A comparison of the results with in-situ (n = 13) and VR interviews (n = 21) show that the perception of several tangible elements, such as spatial division, landforms, paths, and chairs when using Bryga VR was similar to when performed in situ. Perception of vegetation was weaker in VR in terms of its detailed quality, which somewhat affected the presented development ideas and assessment of the seasonal context. Also, weaker perception of the surroundings and city context affected the results in VR. However, considering that Bryga 3D presents an example of a highly automated 3D city modeling process conducted with minimal manual work, its results are encouraging for future attempts to advance such realizations for the purposes of communicative urban planning. 3D geovisualization-based virtual audits could be used when urban green space audits are not possible or when they are demanding to implement in situ.</p

    Performance Assessment of Reference Modelling Methods for Defect Evaluation in Asphalt Concrete

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    The deterioration of road conditions and increasing repair deficits pose challenges for the maintenance of reliable road infrastructure, and thus threaten, for example, safety and the fluent flow of traffic. Improved and more efficient procedures for maintenance are required, and these require improved knowledge of road conditions, i.e., improved data. Three-dimensional mapping presents possibilities for large-scale collection of data on road surfaces and automatic evaluation of maintenance needs. However, the development and, specifically, evaluation of large-scale mobile methods requires reliable references. To evaluate possibilities for close-range, static, high-resolution, three-dimensional measurement of road surfaces for reference use, three measurement methods and five instrumentations are investigated: terrestrial laser scanning (TLS, Leica RTC360), photogrammetry using high-resolution professional-grade cameras (Nikon D800 and D810E), photogrammetry using an industrial camera (FLIR Grasshopper GS3-U3-120S6C-C), and structured-light handheld scanners Artec Leo and Faro Freestyle. High-resolution photogrammetry is established as reference based on laboratory measurements and point density. The instrumentations are compared against one another using cross-sections, point-point distances, and ability to obtain key metrics of defects, and a qualitative assessment of the processing procedures for each is carried out. It is found that photogrammetric models provide the highest resolutions (10-50 million points per m2) and photogrammetric and TLS approaches perform robustly in precision with consistent sub-millimeter offsets relative to one another, while handheld scanners perform relatively inconsistently. A discussion on the practical implications of using each of the examined instrumentations is presented