22 research outputs found

    Cervical Cancer Screening in Serbia

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    Cervical cancer is the second most common female malignancy in Serbia, after breast cancer, with 1089 new registered cases and an age-standardized incidence rate of 27.2 per 100,000 women in 2002. It is the fourth leading cause of cancer death with 452 deaths and an age-standardized death rate of 7.2 per 100,000 women. Compared with other European countries, the incidence of cervical cancer in Central Serbia is the highest. Regional differences in incidence are pronounced in Serbia with the lowest age-standardized incidence rate (16.6 per 100,000 women) registered in the Ma~- vanski region and the highest in eastern Serbia and the region of Belgrade where the rates are double at 32.5ā€“38.1 per 100,000 women. Cervical cancer prevention in Serbia has relied on opportunistic screening that is characterized by high coverage in younger and low coverage in middle-aged and older women. Screening of selected groups of women employed in large companies is performed annually by many regional hospitals but this approach has little effect on morbidity and mortality. Recently, the Ministry of Health nominated an Expert Group to develop and implement a national cervical cancer screening program. A number of pilot projects have been undertaken with the results used for development of a national programme for cervical cancer screening. This is expected to be finalized in 2007, and launched over a 3-years period in order to cover all women aged 25ā€“64 in entire Serbia

    BiotehnoloŔke metode bioremedijacije selena iz raznih dijelova okoliŔa: pregled

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    Selenium (Se) is an essential element for human health in trace amounts but is harmful in excess. Most plants contain a fairly low Se and crop Se supplements ensure adequate levels for human nutritional needs. Food is the primary source of Se for humans and due to differences in eating habits, its intake varies considerably. In the human body, selenium deficiency can lead to diseases of the endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous and immune systems. Selenium is an important ingredient in glutathione peroxidase, the main cellular antioxidant enzyme, which can convert free radicals into peroxides, while vitamin E removes free radicals and neutralizes their potentially harmful effects. Excessive amounts of selenium in the human diet are considered toxic, causing liver and kidney damage, blood clotting, heart and liver necrosis, skin lesions, nausea, vomiting, and loss of hair and nails. Semiconducting properties of Se make it of special value for industry. Selenium is a rare element on the planet, and is a non-renewable resource due to its non-efficient and difficult recycling. Except of coal, which is commonly enriched in Se, there are no ores which could be mined for it. Herewith, the world\u27s scarce Se resources need a careful management, monitoring, recycling, and stockpiling for future generations. The first part of this review outlines selenium concentrations in soil, water, and plants in terms of essential and toxicological effects on animals and humans, while the second part briefly overviews novel biotechnological methods of bioremediation of environmental selenium.Niske koncentracije selenija (Se) bitne su za ljudsko zdravlje, ali one prekomjerne su Å”tetne. Većina biljaka sadrži prilično nizak Se, a njegovi dodatci usjevima osiguravaju odgovarajuće razine Se za ljudske prehrambene potrebe. Hrana je primarni izvor Se za ljude, a zbog razlika u prehrambenim navikama, njegov unos znatno varira. U ljudskom tijelu nedostatak selenija može dovesti do bolesti endokrinog, miÅ”ićno-koÅ”tanog, kardiovaskularnog, reproduktivnog, živčanog i imunoloÅ”kog sustava. Selenij je važan sastojak glutation peroksidaze, glavnog staničnog antioksidativnog enzima, koji može pretvoriti slobodne radikale u perokside, dok vitamin E uklanja slobodne radikale i neutralizira njihovo potencijalno Å”tetno djelovanje. Pretjerane količine selenija u ljudskoj prehrani smatraju se toksičnima, uzrokujući oÅ”tećenje jetre i bubrega, zgruÅ”avanje krvi, nekrozu srca i jetre, kožne lezije, mučninu, povraćanje te gubitak kose i noktiju. Poluvodička svojstva selenija čine ga posebno vrijednim u industriji. Selenij je rijedak element na planetu Zemlji te je neobnovljiv resurs zbog neučinkovitog i teÅ”kog recikliranja. Osim ugljena, koji je obično obogaćen selenijem, orudnjenja selenija ne postoje. Stoga je oskudnim svjetskim resursima Se potrebno pažljivo upravljati, pratiti, oporabiti i skladiÅ”titi za buduće generacije. U prvom dijelu ovog preglednog članka prikazane su koncentracije selenija u tlu, vodi i biljkama u kontekstu esencijalnih i toksikoloÅ”kih učinaka na životinje i ljude, dok su u drugom dijelu ukratko prikazane inovativne biotehnoloÅ”ke metode bioremedijacije selenija iz okoliÅ”a

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Selenium (Se) in the ecosystem

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    Selen je esencijalni mikroelement u tragovima, neophodan organizmu u malim količinama, ali toksičan u većim. Možemo ga naći u vodi, tlu i namirnicama životinjskog i biljnog podrijetla jer kao i ostali elementi kruži u ekosustavu. Raspon poželjnih koncentracija selena u ekosustavu je vrlo uzak, a geokemijski se ponaÅ”a slično sumporu. Većina biljaka sadrži poprilično nisku koncentraciju Se i dok on nije esencijalan element za biljke, dodavanjem selena u tlo osigurava se da prehrambeni proizvodi sadrže odgovarajuće količine za potrebe ljudi i životinja. Hrana je primarni izvor Se za ljude i zbog razlika u prehrambenim navikama, njegov unos znatno varira. Identificirano je preko 20 strukturnih selenoproteina i katalitičkih selenoenzima u ljudskom metabolizmu. Oni sudjeluju u antioksidacijskim i protuupalnim procesima, te u proizvodnji hormona Å”titnjače. Selen je važan sastojak glutation peroksidaze, glavnog staničnog antioksidativnog enzima, koji može pretvoriti slobodne radikale u perokside, dok vitamin E uklanja slobodne radikale i neutralizira njihove potencijalne Å”tetne učinke. Prisutan je u organskoj formi kao Se-aminokiselina, pri čemu su najčeŔći organski spojevi selenometionin (SeMet), selenocistein (SeCy), dimetilselenid (DMSe), dimetildiselenid (DMDSe), selenometiltranferaza (SMT), Se-metilmetionin (SeMM), glutation peroksidaza (GSH-Px). U ljudskom organizmu nedostatak selena može dovest do bolesti endokrinog, koÅ”tano-miÅ”ićnog, kardiovaskularnog, imunoloÅ”kog, reproduktivnog i živčanog sustava. Dok prekomjerne količine selena u ljudskoj prehrani djeluju toksično i mogu uzrokovati oÅ”tećenje jetre i bubrega, zguÅ”njavanje krvi, nekrozu srca i jetre, kožne lezije, mučninu, povraćanje, gubitak kose i noktiju. Istraživanja provedena u istočnoj Hrvatskoj su pokazala nedostatak selena u tlu, mesu domaćih životinja i žitaricama. Dok su istraživanja provedena u Istri na području LabinÅ”tine zbog viÅ”estoljetne rudarske tradicije i termoelektrane Plomin pokazala poviÅ”ene koncentracije selena u ekosustavu. Prvi dio ovog preglednog rada opisuje i proučava koncentracije selena u tlu, vodi i biljkama, definira i interpretira njegov esencijalni i toksikoloÅ”ki utjecaj na životinje i ljude, dok se drugi dio rada fokusira na analizu i usporedbu dostupne literature o istraživanjima selena provedenim u RH.Selenium is an essential trace microelement, that is necessary for organisms in small quantities, but toxic in larger ones. It can be found in water, soil and foods of animal and plant origin because like other elements it circulates throughout the ecosystem. The range of desirable selenium concentrations in the ecosystem is narrow and the microelement behaves geochemically similar to sulfur. Most plants contain a fairly low concentration of Se and while it is not an essential element for plants, adding selenium to the soil ensures that food products contain adequate amounts for human nutritional needs. Food is the primary source of Se for humans and due to differences in eating habits, its intake varies considerably. Over 20 structural selenoproteins and catalytic selenoenzymes have been identified in the human metabolism. They participate in antioxidant and antiinflammatory processes and also in the production of thyroid hormones. In the human body, selenium deficiency can lead to diseases of the endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous and immune systems. Selenium is an important ingredient in glutathione peroxidase and it is considered the main cellular antioxidant enzyme, which can convert free radicals into peroxides, while vitamin E removes free radicals and neutralizes their potential harmful effects. It is present in organic form as a Se-amino acid, with the most common organic compounds being selenomethionine (SeMet), selenocysteine (SeCy), dimethyl selenide (DMSe), dimethyldiselenide (DMDSe), selenomethyltransferase (SMT), Se-methylmethionine (SeMM), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). While excessive amounts of selenium in the human diet are considered toxic and can cause liver and kidney damage, blood clotting, heart and liver necrosis, skin lesions, nausea, vomiting, loss of hair and nails. Research conducted in eastern Croatia has shown a lack of selenium in the soil, meat of domestic animals and cereals. While research conducted in Istria in the LabinÅ”tine region has shown that due to centuries of mining tradition and the Plomin thermal power plant there are elevated concentrations of selenium in the ecosystem. The first part of this review paper describes and studies selenium concentrations in soil, water and plants, defines and interprets its essential and toxicological effects on animals and humans, while the second part focuses on the analysis and comparison of available literature on selenium research conducted in Croatia

    Selenium (Se) in the ecosystem

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    Selen je esencijalni mikroelement u tragovima, neophodan organizmu u malim količinama, ali toksičan u većim. Možemo ga naći u vodi, tlu i namirnicama životinjskog i biljnog podrijetla jer kao i ostali elementi kruži u ekosustavu. Raspon poželjnih koncentracija selena u ekosustavu je vrlo uzak, a geokemijski se ponaÅ”a slično sumporu. Većina biljaka sadrži poprilično nisku koncentraciju Se i dok on nije esencijalan element za biljke, dodavanjem selena u tlo osigurava se da prehrambeni proizvodi sadrže odgovarajuće količine za potrebe ljudi i životinja. Hrana je primarni izvor Se za ljude i zbog razlika u prehrambenim navikama, njegov unos znatno varira. Identificirano je preko 20 strukturnih selenoproteina i katalitičkih selenoenzima u ljudskom metabolizmu. Oni sudjeluju u antioksidacijskim i protuupalnim procesima, te u proizvodnji hormona Å”titnjače. Selen je važan sastojak glutation peroksidaze, glavnog staničnog antioksidativnog enzima, koji može pretvoriti slobodne radikale u perokside, dok vitamin E uklanja slobodne radikale i neutralizira njihove potencijalne Å”tetne učinke. Prisutan je u organskoj formi kao Se-aminokiselina, pri čemu su najčeŔći organski spojevi selenometionin (SeMet), selenocistein (SeCy), dimetilselenid (DMSe), dimetildiselenid (DMDSe), selenometiltranferaza (SMT), Se-metilmetionin (SeMM), glutation peroksidaza (GSH-Px). U ljudskom organizmu nedostatak selena može dovest do bolesti endokrinog, koÅ”tano-miÅ”ićnog, kardiovaskularnog, imunoloÅ”kog, reproduktivnog i živčanog sustava. Dok prekomjerne količine selena u ljudskoj prehrani djeluju toksično i mogu uzrokovati oÅ”tećenje jetre i bubrega, zguÅ”njavanje krvi, nekrozu srca i jetre, kožne lezije, mučninu, povraćanje, gubitak kose i noktiju. Istraživanja provedena u istočnoj Hrvatskoj su pokazala nedostatak selena u tlu, mesu domaćih životinja i žitaricama. Dok su istraživanja provedena u Istri na području LabinÅ”tine zbog viÅ”estoljetne rudarske tradicije i termoelektrane Plomin pokazala poviÅ”ene koncentracije selena u ekosustavu. Prvi dio ovog preglednog rada opisuje i proučava koncentracije selena u tlu, vodi i biljkama, definira i interpretira njegov esencijalni i toksikoloÅ”ki utjecaj na životinje i ljude, dok se drugi dio rada fokusira na analizu i usporedbu dostupne literature o istraživanjima selena provedenim u RH.Selenium is an essential trace microelement, that is necessary for organisms in small quantities, but toxic in larger ones. It can be found in water, soil and foods of animal and plant origin because like other elements it circulates throughout the ecosystem. The range of desirable selenium concentrations in the ecosystem is narrow and the microelement behaves geochemically similar to sulfur. Most plants contain a fairly low concentration of Se and while it is not an essential element for plants, adding selenium to the soil ensures that food products contain adequate amounts for human nutritional needs. Food is the primary source of Se for humans and due to differences in eating habits, its intake varies considerably. Over 20 structural selenoproteins and catalytic selenoenzymes have been identified in the human metabolism. They participate in antioxidant and antiinflammatory processes and also in the production of thyroid hormones. In the human body, selenium deficiency can lead to diseases of the endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous and immune systems. Selenium is an important ingredient in glutathione peroxidase and it is considered the main cellular antioxidant enzyme, which can convert free radicals into peroxides, while vitamin E removes free radicals and neutralizes their potential harmful effects. It is present in organic form as a Se-amino acid, with the most common organic compounds being selenomethionine (SeMet), selenocysteine (SeCy), dimethyl selenide (DMSe), dimethyldiselenide (DMDSe), selenomethyltransferase (SMT), Se-methylmethionine (SeMM), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). While excessive amounts of selenium in the human diet are considered toxic and can cause liver and kidney damage, blood clotting, heart and liver necrosis, skin lesions, nausea, vomiting, loss of hair and nails. Research conducted in eastern Croatia has shown a lack of selenium in the soil, meat of domestic animals and cereals. While research conducted in Istria in the LabinÅ”tine region has shown that due to centuries of mining tradition and the Plomin thermal power plant there are elevated concentrations of selenium in the ecosystem. The first part of this review paper describes and studies selenium concentrations in soil, water and plants, defines and interprets its essential and toxicological effects on animals and humans, while the second part focuses on the analysis and comparison of available literature on selenium research conducted in Croatia

    A concise culture review of Aboriginal and Australian fiction

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    Interpreting the Australian fiction, we have suggested that some blossoming of this Australian genre happened during the nineteenth century, so in this review we have to start with some earlier works to express the cultural and poetical picture just unpretentious but completely. Firstly, it ought to be the Aboriginal literature which is of great importance to many both within Australia and internationally. This culture review will relate to the Aboriginal writing in English. The transformative survey of Aboriginal writing presents the stories and patterns of Australian culture and society in new ways, foregrounding and celebrating Indigenous experience and expression. It introduces powerful and creative individual voices as it also reveals a larger history of struggle, suffering and strength

    Drama of the English classicism

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    From the numerous dramatic forms that have emerged during the English Classicism, there are few who could be considered the successors of the rich theatrical tradition. The dramatic genres that were created by mixing many traditional comic elements with the modern influences would be short-lived or become part of the commercial milieu of contemporary theater. On the other hand, the tragedy has lost its lofty character and the primacy over the comedy that has not been restored until today. However, few tragedies that have managed to avoid the rules and spirit of the Classicism have hinted the element of modern tragedy: the main roles are finally given to the ordinary citizens with their everyday problems. Although this shift was made due to the strengthening of the middle class and was a part of the actual intellectual climate, it has created the conditions for the birth of the modern tragedy that will begin to conquer the stage with Henrik Ibsen.

    National elements in modern Irish drama

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    The first performances of the Irish National Theatre took place in 1899. Soon after, in 1902, the Abbey Theatre took the role of the main national theatrical institution due to a small group of enthusiasts who believed that Irish drama could achieve European prominence. The main innovator of this institution was W. B. Yeats with his poetic and highly symbolic plays. In the plays he depicted historical events, the Celtic myths and legends from the folk past, and he also advised the other young Irish playwrights (Synge, Oā€™Casey and others) to do the same. He wrote guided by the idea that the Irishman need to know and discover their national identity and essence. Irish dramatists used some national legends, historical figures, aspects of traditional village life and wild nature of Ireland to express and to restore to life the sense of national oppression, traditional and cultural essence in modern time. The plays of already mentioned Irish playwrights are the expressionistic evidence of man's spiritual reality and the Irish consciousness through the process of national identity as the catharsis

    Theme and symbolism in Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath

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    John Steinbeck aims to express the American political and social system as the reflection on characterization, plot, and symbols in The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeckā€™s characters struggle desperately against forces beyond their understanding or control. Many of those characters suffer tragic fates, yet they almost always marriage to exhibit bravery and retain a sense of dignity throughout their struggles. Steinbeckā€™s ability to combine harsh critiques of the political and social systems of his times with genuine artistry in his characterization, plot, and language is unique in American literature. The Grapes of Wrath is the historically authentic story of the Joad family; Oklahoma farmers dispossessed of their land and forced to become migrant farmers in California. 'The Turtle' is an excerpt from the opening pages of this novel, which won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize. The book aroused public sympathy for the plight of migratory farm workers and established Steinbeck as one of the most highly regarded writers of his day. Steinbeckā€™s belief in social justice, and in the human ability to learn from and rise above suffering, infused all his work