136 research outputs found

    Modern post-mortem imaging: an update on recent developments

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    Modern post-mortem investigations use an increasing number of digital imaging methods, which can be collected under the term “post-mortem imaging”. Most methods of forensic imaging are from the radiology field and are therefore techniques that show the interior of the body with technologies such as X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging. To digitally image the surface of the body, other techniques are regularly applied, e.g. three-dimensional (3D) surface scanning (3DSS) or photogrammetry. Today's most frequently used techniques include post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT), post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (PMMR), post-mortem computed tomographic angiography (PMCTA) and 3DSS or photogrammetry. Each of these methods has specific advantages and limitations. Therefore, the indications for using each method are different. While PMCT gives a rapid overview of the interior of the body and depicts the skeletal system and radiopaque foreign bodies, PMMR allows investigation of soft tissues and parenchymal organs. PMCTA is the method of choice for viewing the vascular system and detecting sources of bleeding. However, none of those radiological methods allow a detailed digital view of the body's surface, which makes 3DSS the best choice for such a purpose. If 3D surface scanners are not available, photogrammetry is an alternative. This review article gives an overview of different imaging techniques and explains their applications, advantages and limitations. We hope it will improve understanding of the methods

    Hidden lesions: a case of burnt remains.

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    One of the many challenging cases that forensic pathologists, anthropologists, and forensic imaging experts have to face are burnt human remains. Perpetrators frequently attempt to hide/destroy evidence and make the body unidentifiable by exposing it to fire. We present a case of a partially burnt body found in an apartment after an explosion. First, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) images and the following autopsy revealed several lesions on the cranium. Forensic anthropologists were involved in order to specify the aetiology of the lesions observed on the cranium. Through an interdisciplinary approach bringing together MDCT scans, 3D surface scans, and anthropological analysis, it was possible to answer the questions raised during the autopsy. Analyses demonstrated that there were signs of blunt force trauma on the cranium vault that the perpetrator likely attempted to hide by exposing the body to fire. This case demonstrates the importance of close collaboration between forensic anthropologists, imaging experts, and forensic pathologists. This multidisciplinary approach allows for a better, more complete reconstitution of forensic cases. The analyses of burnt human remains are one of the many challenging tasks that forensic pathologists and anthropologists have to face.We present an occurrence of a partially burnt body after an explosion and forensic anthropologists were asked whether the nature of the lesions observed on the cranium could be further specified.Anthropological analyses of the skull were consistent with the radiological and autopsy report. It was possible to reconstruct the various lesions on the dry bone.The case demonstrates the importance of an interdisciplinary approach and the close collaboration between forensic anthropologists, imaging experts, and forensic pathologists

    Configuring the neighbourhood effect in irregular cellular automata based models

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    Cellular automata (CA) models have been widely employed to simulate urban growth and land use change. In order to represent urban space more realistically, new approaches to CA models have explored the use of vector data instead of traditional regular grids. However, the use of irregular CA-based models brings new challenges as well as opportunities. The most strongly affected factor when using an irregular space is neighbourhood. Although neighbourhood definition in an irregular environment has been reported in the literature, the question of how to model the neighbourhood effect remains largely unexplored. In order to shed light on this question, this paper proposed the use of spatial metrics to characterise and measure the neighbourhood effect in irregular CA-based models. These metrics, originally developed for raster environments, namely the enrichment factor and the neighbourhood index, were adapted and applied in the irregular space employed by the model. Using the results of these metrics, distance-decay functions were calculated to reproduce the push-and-pull effect between the simulated land uses. The outcomes of a total of 55 simulations (five sets of different distance functions and eleven different neighbourhood definition distances) were compared with observed changes in the study area during the calibration period. Our results demonstrate that the proposed methodology improves the outcomes of the urban growth simulation model tested and could be applied to other irregular CA-based models

    Application of Deformable Models in Orthopaedic Surgery Planning

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    Total knee replacement (TKR) is a surgical procedure used by orthopaedic surgeons. It requires an adequate preoperative planning. Several parameters involved in this planning are usually obtained by manually measuring on radiographic images (91.44 cm cassette for alignment film in weight bearing stance). We have devised a system which makes it possible to automate the measurements. It automatically finds the cortical bone internal and external contours from full femur and tibia. Detection of bone boundaries is achieved using active contours. The snake is initialized with the interactive definition of a poligonal contour on the radiographic image. From the obtained contours, the parameters can be easily derived. The system speeds up the measuring processes and eliminates subjectivity

    Intercalação e ordenação de arquivos por algoritmos de fusão.

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    Os algoritmos que utilizam técnicas de fusão (merge) de arquivos para a intercalação ou a ordenação de dois ou mais arquivos seqüenciais são conhecidos há muitos anos. Entretanto, as facilidades atualmente disponíveis para manipulação de bases de dados e arquivos como, por exemplo, a ampla e crescente utilização de sistemas gerenciadores de banco de dados, fazem com que esses algoritmos, em geral, rápidos e de fácil desenvolvimento e entendimento, sejam pouco considerados por profissionais e pouco estudados em cursos de graduação. Contudo, essas soluções de intercalação e ordenação são facilmente implementadas em ambientes de computação com poucos recursos e podem ser utilizadas em memória principal ou secundária, de modo interativo ou recursivo, gerando eficientes soluções que, praticamente, não dependem do aporte computacional do sistema hospedeiro

    Perfil da automedicação em município do Sul do Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o usuário de medicamentos, especialmente aquele que se automedica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram entrevistadas 413 pessoas do Município de Santa Maria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, sobre o consumo de medicamentos no último mês. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 69,9% utilizaram medicamentos e destes 76,1% o fizeram através de automedicação. Cefaléia (28,8%) foi a principal queixa motivadora de automedicação. O ácido acetilsalicílico foi a droga mais utilizada (25,4%). Dos fármacos utilizados na automedicação, 51,2% foram indicados por terceiros e 51,7% dessas indicações eram prescrições médicas emitidas em consultas anteriores. CONCLUSÃO: Idade, grau de escolaridade e acompanhamento médico periódico correlacionaram-se significativamente com automedicação.OBJECTIVE: The characterization of drug users, especially as regards self-medication and the determination of its prevalence in the population studied. MATERIAL AND METHOD: About 413 people that had used drugs in the previous month were interviewed. RESULTS: From the interviewed, 69.9% used medicines and of those 76.1% were self medicated. Headache (28.8%) was the main complaint among the self-medicated group. Acetilsalicilic acid was the most frequently used medicine (25.4%). As regards the drugs utilized, 51.2% of the users had received a recommendation from a third party and 51.7% used old prescriptions, given in previous consultations. CONCLUSION: Age, schooling and absence of periodic medical consultation were significant statistical factors in self-medication

    Percepções sobre risco e efeitos do uso e consumo de esteroides anabolizantes por praticantes de musculação

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    It is known that the design of the harm caused by the indiscriminate use of anabolic steroids is short of the potential harm that misuse can cause. Were investigated 50 men users of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). All participants are bodybuilders, mean age 29 years (±7). Most have completed higher education (n=12; 26.1%) or are enrolled in higher education (n=17; 37%). The highest form of knowledge to AAS was for gym colleagues (n=10; 20%) and 17 (34%) show more than one. Twenty-nine (58%) received parenteral AAS, 46.5% (n=20) self-made application and the most frequently EAA cited were Durateston (n= 39; 78%) and Deca-Durabolin (n=38; 76%). Twenty six (59.1%) surveyed said they had used AAS for veterinary use. For 64% (n=32) of the participants have a physical thinner was the main justification for the use of AAS; the positive effect most noticeable was the improvement of athletic performance. Thus it appears that individuals who use AAS have, to share the risks of misuse, and that prevention campaigns should go beyond to warn of the harmful effects of AAS use

    Impact analysis of accidents on the traffic flow based on massive floating car data

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    The wide usage of GPS-equipped devices enables the mass recording of vehicle movement trajectories describing the movement behavior of the traffic participants. An important aspect of the road traffic is the impact of anomalies, like accidents, on traffic flow. Accidents are especially important as they contribute to the the aspects of safety and also influence travel time estimations. In this paper, the impact of accidents is determined based on a massive GPS trajectory and accident dataset. Due to the missing precise date of the accidents in the data set used, first, the date of the accident is estimated based on the speed profile at the accident time. Further, the temporal impact of the accident is estimated using the speed profile of the whole day. The approach is applied in an experiment on a one month subset of the datasets. The results show that more than 72% of the accident dates are identified and the impact on the temporal dimension is approximated. Moreover, it can be seen that accidents during the rush hours and on high frequency road types (e.g. motorways, trunks or primaries) have an increasing effect on the impact duration on the traffic flow

    Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in Spain

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    With the aim of determining rotavirus vaccine effectiveness (RVVE) in Spain, from Oct-2008/Jun-2009, 467 consecutive children below 2 years old with acute gastroenteritis (AGE) were recruited using a pediatric research network (ReGALIP-www.regalip.org) that includes primary, emergency and hospital care settings. Of 467 enrolled children, 32.3% were rotavirus positive and 35.0% had received at least one dose of any rotavirus vaccine. RRVE to prevent any episode of rotavirus AGE was 91.5% (95% CI: 83.7%-95.6%). RVVE to prevent hospitalization by rotavirus AGE was 95.6% (85.6-98.6%). No differences in RVVE were found regarding the vaccine used. Rotavirus vaccines have showed an outstanding effectiveness in Spain