105 research outputs found

    Conferência. Gil Vicente.

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    47 (1-2) Jan.-Jun. 1937, p. 147-177

    QUANTIFILER®TRIO DNA method performance in a collection of ancient samples

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    Trabalho científico apresentado sob a forma de Poster no evento 9th ISABS Conference on Forensic Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinicm Bol, Island of Brac, Croacia, 2015During the past few years significant progress has been made in solving technical challenges associated with STR profiling including the ability to analyze degraded DNA and low amounts of DNA. The result of these changes is that useful STR profiles can now be obtained from previously untypeable forensic DNA samples. Analysis of DNA from ancient material represents an important role in molecular anthropology, although there are many limitations concerning low DNA quantity and/or degraded DNA, and/or PCR inhibitors. These factors can make it difficult to decide whether to continue with STR analysis, which STR panel to use and how much DNA to add to PCR reaction. With all these constraints, DNA quantification represents an important tool to decide which method will follow in order to improve workflow and have good results in less time-consuming. The Quantifiler® Trio DNA method provides a quality index (QI) to detect the presence of degraded DNA along with PCR inhibitors.This guide allows the selection of the optimal short tandem repeat (STR) analysis chemistry (autosomal, or miniSTR) and streamlines the workflow while increasing downstream analysis success rates. In order to compare DNA quality from different extraction methods, samples from 46 exhumed Middle Ages individuals were extracted with modified phenol-chloroform method and also PrepFiler Express BTA™ method. DNA was quantified with Quantifiler® Trio DNA Quantification in an Applied Biosystems® 7500 Real-Time PCR System. Results were analyzed and allow us to point Quantifiler® Trio method as an important tool in pre-STR typing methods in ancient samplesN/

    Clinical performance of an infliximab rapid quantification assay

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    Background: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)-based algorithms can be used to guide infliximab (IFX) adjustments in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. This study aimed to explore a rapid IFX-quantification test from a clinical perspective. Methods: This manuscript describes a prospective cohort study involving 110 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients on the maintenance phase of IFX. IFX trough levels were quantified using a rapid quantification assay and a commonly-used reference kit. Results: Irrespective of the assay used to measure IFX, its through levels were statistically different between patients with and without endoscopic remission (Mayo endoscopic score = 0), as well as between patients stratified by their faecal calprotectin (FC) levels. Despite the fact that the two methods correlated well with each other [Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.843, p < 0.001; intraclass correlation coefficients = 0.857, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.791-0.903], there was a discernible systematic variation; values obtained with the reference kit were on average 2.62 units higher than those obtained with the rapid assay. Notwithstanding, 3 mu g/ml was shown to be an acceptable cut-off to assess endoscopic status and inflammatory burden levels using both assays. The percentage of patients that had a positive outcome when the IFX concentration measured by the rapid assay ranked above 3 mu g/ml was 88% both for a Mayo endoscopic score <= 1 and for an FC concentration <250 mu g/g. Conclusions: Based on this study, we concluded that using the rapid IFX assessment system with a 3 mu g/ml threshold is a reliable alternative to the time-consuming enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in patients on the maintenance phase of IFX.Portuguese IBD Group (GEDII, Grupo de Estudo da Doenca Inflamatoria Intestinal)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The performance of Remicade (R)-optimized quantification assays in the assessment of Flixabi (R) levels

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    Background: The advent of Remicade (R) biosimilars, Remsima (R), Inflectra (R) and, more recently, Flixabi (R), has brought along the potential to decrease the costs associated with this therapy, therefore increasing its access to a larger group of patients. However, and in order to assure a soft transition, one must make sure the assays and algorithms previously developed and optimized for Remicade perform equally well with its biosimilars. This study aimed to: (a) validate the utilization of Remicade-optimized therapeutic drug monitoring assays for the quantification of Flixabi; and (b) determine the existence of Remicade, Remsima and Flixabi cross-immunogenicity. Methods: Healthy donors' sera spiked with Remicade, Remsima and Flixabi were quantified using three different Remicade-quantification assays, and the reactivity of anti-Remicade and anti-Remsima sera to Remicade and to its biosimilars was assessed. Results: The results show that all tested Remicade-infliximab-optimized assays measure Flixabi as accurately as they measure Remicade and Remsima: the intraclass correlation coefficients between theoretical and measured concentrations varied from 0.920 to 0.990. Moreover, the interassay agreement values for the same compounds were high (intraclass correlation coefficients varied from 0.936 to 0.995). Finally, the anti-Remicade and anti-Remsima sera reacted to the different drugs in a similar fashion. Conclusions: The tested assays can be used to monitor Flixabi levels. Moreover, Remicade, Remsima and Flixabi were shown to have a high cross-immunogenicity, which supports their high similarity but prevents their switching in nonresponders with antidrug antibodies.Portuguese IBD Group (GEDII, Grupo de Estudo da Doenca Inflamatoria Intestinal

    Mercurio, cadmio y plomo en el sable negro (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) de Portugal Continental y de los Archipiélagos de Madeira y Azores

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    Total mercury (THg), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) concentrations were investigated in muscle, liver and gonad tissue of black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) from the southern northeast Atlantic at three Portuguese locations: the mainland and the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira. Particular emphasis was placed on the comparison of metal levels between geographic locations. Other factors such as size, sex and sexual maturity were also investigated. The median concentrations (mg/kg ww) of THg showed a decreasing trend in the order liver>muscle>gonad. Cadmium levels decreased in the order liver>gonad>muscle and Pb levels decreased in the order gonad>liver>muscle. According to the EU limits, the concentration observed in some specimens, particularly those of THg, raises some food safety concerns. In all the tissues the concentrations of each toxic metal differed between locations. In particular: i) THg concentrations in specimens from Madeira were significantly higher than those from the Azores and the mainland; ii) Cd levels in specimens from the mainland were significantly higher than those from Madeira and the Azores; and iii) for all analysed tissues Pb levels were significantly higher in specimens from the Azores than in those from the mainland. The differences in toxic metal levels between locations were further discussed in relation to aspects of species dynamics and the influence of the main environmental features at each location.Se investigaron las concentraciones de mercurio total (THg), cadmio (Cd) y plomo (Pb) en músculo, hígado y gónada de sable negro en muestras recogidas en tres regiones del sur del Atlántico noreste: Portugal continental y archipiélagos de Madeira y Azores. Se puso especial énfasis en la comparación entre regiones. También fueron analizados los factores talla, sexo y madurez sexual. Una tendencia decreciente fue observada en las concentraciones medias (mg/kg ww) de THg entre hígado, músculo y gónadas. Los niveles de Cd decrecieron entre hígado, gónadas y músculo, y en caso de los niveles de Pb, decrecieron entre gónadas, hígado y músculo. De acuerdo con las regulaciones de la UE sobre el consumo de esta especie, las concentraciones observadas en algunos especímenes, particularmente de THg, han suscitado inquietudes relacionadas con la seguridad alimentaria. El factor región fue significativo en las diferencias entre los tres metales para todos los tejidos. Particularmente: i) la concentración de THg en especímenes de Madeira fue significativamente más alta que en Azores y en el continente; ii) los niveles de Cd en especímenes del Continente fueron significativamente más altos que en Madeira y en Azores; y iii) en todos los tejidos analizados, los niveles de Pb fueron significativamente más elevados en Azores que en el continente. Estas discrepancias en los niveles tóxicos entre localizaciones son discutidas en relación con aspectos de dinámica de la especie y la influencia de características ambientales de cada región

    Efeito de doses de calcário e cultivares na produtividade e qualidade agroindustrial da cana-de-açúcar em solo da Amazônia.

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    O cultivo da cana-de-açúcar em áreas de solos com características ácidas e de baixa fertilidade limita o potencial da produtividade e qualidades de seus produtos. Os solos predominantes na região Amazônica pertencem à classe dos Latossolos e Argissolos, caracterizados por seu alto grau de intemperismo, acidez e baixa fertilidade natural. Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o efeito de níveis de calcário na disponibilidade de fósforo (P), o rendimento e a qualidade agroindustrial de cultivares de cana-de-açúcar em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, na região de Presidente Figueiredo, no estado do Amazonas. Adotou-se o delineamento de parcelas subdivididas com três repetições, sendo as parcelas constituídas por sete doses de calcário (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 t ha-1) e as subparcelas representadas por quatro cultivares de cana-de-açúcar (CO 997, RB 72454, RB 835019 e RB 835486). O rendimento e a qualidade agroindustrial da cana-de-açúcar não foram influenciados pela interação dos fatores doses de calcário e cultivares. As maiores doses de calcário contribuíram para os maiores teores de P tanto no solo quanto na planta e também para uma maior produtividade de colmos da cana-de-açúcar. Entre as cultivares, a RB 835486 foi a que apresentou a maior produtividade de colmos e de teor de açúcar

    Markerless gait analysis vision system for real-time gait monitoring

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    On this paper a vision-based contact and markerless method for gait evaluation is proposed, and validated in different experimental setups against commercial motion capture systems (Vicon) and inertial gait analysis tools (GaitShoes). While the development goal is its integration on the ASBGo Smart Walker platform, only an inexpensive depth camera is required. It is shown to have reasonable results when computing gait metrics in real time, in different experimental setups, from different walker types, vision hardware and walking scenarios. Performance is evaluated through RMSD values for several gait metrics. Results illustrate that the proposed approach can be a valuable non-invasive, contactless and low cost alternative to gait analysis systems used in clinical rehabilitation environments.This work has been supported by the FEDER Funds through COMPETE 2020 — Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacão (POCI) and P2020 with the Reference Project EML under Grant POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033067; COMPETE 2020 — Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacão (POCI) with the Reference Project under Grant POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941

    Ascorbate-glutathione cycle genes families in Euphorbiaceae : characterization and evolutionary analysis

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    Ascorbate peroxidase (APX), Monodehydroascorbate Reductase (MDAR), Dehydroascorbate Reductase (DHAR) and Glutathione Reductase (GR) enzymes participate in the ascorbateglutathione cycle, which exerts a central role in the antioxidant metabolism in plants. Despite the importance of this antioxidant system in different signal transduction networks related to development and response to environmental stresses, the pathway has not yet been comprehensively characterized in many crop plants. Among different eudicotyledons, the Euphorbiaceae family is particularly diverse with some species highly tolerant to drought. Here the APX, MDAR, DHAR, and GR genes in Ricinus communis, Jatropha curcas, Manihot esculenta, and Hevea brasiliensis were identified and characterized. The comprehensive phylogenetic and genomic analyses allowed the classification of the genes into different classes, equivalent to cytosolic, peroxisomal, chloroplastic, and mitochondrial enzymes, and revealed the duplication events that contribute to the expansion of these families within plant genomes. Due to the high drought stress tolerance of Ricinus communis, the expression patterns of ascorbate-glutathione cycle genes in response to drought were also analyzed in leaves and roots, indicating a differential expression during the stress. Altogether, these data contributed to the characterization of the expression pattern and evolutionary analysis of these genes, filling the gap in the proposed functions of core components of the antioxidant mechanism during stress response in an economically relevant group of plants

    Ações educativas sobre dengue: experiências e estratégias com idosos

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    Objective: Describe the activities performed on apublic specialized ambulatory care for dengue prevention among elderly. Case report: the epidemiological outlook of dengue is scaring being characterized as a public health problem. The elderly are most at risk for hospitalization and severe forms of the disease, thus health education activities are essential to improve awareness of the need to fight and prevent the disease. A Health Education project was created, evolving communication strategies to raise awareness on the issue. They were performed by a post graduate Gerontology group in activities such as interactive puppet show, myths and truths dynamic, informative folder, parody, posters, training seniors, caregivers and family members, internal and external health professionals, staff and residents of nearby long term care facilities. The materials were available in print and digital version. 2,500 elderly and 350 professionals were trained and encouraged to multiply the information and inspire adoption of preventive measures. The actions provided intergenerational interaction and empowerment of the elderly, whom trained, had the opportunity to exercise social participation and disseminate recommendations for other users. Conclusion: the project enabled the construction of knowledge through interactive educational activities that contributed to strengthen the individual and collective awareness, awareopinion leaderstothe importance of communication/education in the fight against dengue, which emphasized social responsibility in rescuing citizenship in a perspective thateach citizen is responsible for himself and for community. DESCRIPTORS: Dengue. Aged. Disease prevention. Health education.Objetivos: descrever atividades realizadas em serviço público ambulatorial para prevenção de dengue entre idosos. Descrição do Caso: o panorama epidemiológico da dengue é alarmante, constituindo problema de saúde pública. Os idosos compõem o grupo de maior risco para hospitalização e formas graves da doença, sendo imprescindíveis ações de educação em saúde para melhoria da conscientização quanto à necessidade do combate e prevenção da doença. Neste contexto, foi elaborado um projeto de Educação em Saúde, com estratégias de comunicação para conscientização sobre a problemática. Foram realizadas pelo grupo de aprimorandas em Gerontologia atividades como teatro interativo de fantoches, dinâmica sobre mitos e verdades, folder informativo, paródia, cartazes, capacitação de idosos, cuidadores e familiares, profissionais, funcionários e residentes de instituições de longa permanência para idosos (ILPI). Os materiais foram disponibilizados em versão impressa e digital. Foram capacitados 2.500 idosos e 350 profissionais, incentivados a multiplicarem informações e estimular adoção de medidas preventivas. As ações proporcionaram convívio intergeracional e empoderamento dos idosos, que ao serem capacitados tiveram oportunidade de exercer participação social e divulgar orientações para outros usuários. Conclusão: o projeto possibilitou a construção de conhecimentos através de ações educativas interativas que contribuíram para fortalecer a consciência individual e coletiva, sensibilizar formadores de opinião para importância da comunicação/educação no combate à dengue, sendo enfatizada a responsabilidade social no resgate à cidadania numa perspectiva de que cada cidadão é responsável por si e por sua comunidade. DESCRITORES: Dengue. Idoso. Prevenção de doenças. Educação em saúde