18 research outputs found

    Sand fly synthetic sex-aggregation pheromone co-located with insecticide reduces the incidence of infection in the canine reservoir of visceral leishmaniasis: a stratified cluster randomised trial

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    The predominant sand fly vector of the intracellular parasite Leishmania infantum, that causes human and canine visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas, is Lutzomyia longipalpis. Dogs are the proven reservoir. Vector control tools to reduce transmission suited to this predominantly exophilic vector are lacking. Insecticide-impregnated dog collars protect dogs against infectious bites from sand fly vectors, and result in reductions of new infections in both dogs and humans. However, collars are costly for endemic communities, and alternative approaches are needed. Recently the bulk synthesised sex-aggregation pheromone of male Lu. longipalpis was shown to attract large numbers of conspecific females to lethal pyrethroid insecticides, indicating the potential for use in a vector control application. This study, conducted in Brazil, evaluated the efficacy of this novel lure-and-kill approach to reduce seroconversion and infection incidence with L. infantum in the canine reservoir, in addition to measuring its impact on household abundance of Lu. longipalpis. Deployed in 14 stratified clusters, the outcomes were compared to those attributed to insecticide impregnated collars fitted to dogs in another 14 clusters; each intervention was compared to 14 clusters that received placebo treatments. The beneficial effects of the lure-and-kill method were most noticeable on confirmed infection incidence and clinical parasite loads, and in reducing sand fly abundance. The overall effect of the two interventions were not statistically dissimilar, though the confidence intervals were broad. We conclude that the novel low-cost lure-and-kill approach should be added to the vector control toolbox against visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas

    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

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    The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is proposed as a new facility dedicated to the efficient delivery of spectroscopic surveys. This white paper summarises the initial concept as well as the corresponding science cases. WST will feature simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), a high multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS) and a giant 3x3 sq. arcmin integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability these requirements place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work synergistically with future ground and space-based facilities. This white paper shows that WST can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; origin of stars and planets; time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST's uniquely rich dataset will deliver unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The WST Science Team (already including more than 500 scientists worldwide) is open to the all astronomical community. To register in the WST Science Team please visit https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participat

    Safety and effectiveness of low-protein diet supplemented with ketoacids in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease.

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    Background: The impact of the low-protein diet on nutrition in CKD diabetics is uncertain. Methods: The metabolic and nutritional effects of a low-protein (0.5–0.6 g/kg/d), normal-high energy (30–35 kcal/ kg/d) diet supplemented with ketoacids (LPD-KA) were prospectively evaluated in CKD patients with (DM) and without (non-DM) diabetes mellitus. Results: 197 patients on CKD stages 3–5 were enrolled. DM (n = 81) and non-DM (n = 116) were comparable for gender (Male 58 vs 55%), age (66 ± 9 vs 63 ± 18 years), renal function (eGFR 23 ± 13 vs 24 ± 13 mL/min). After 6-month, serum urea (DM: 131 ± 58 to 105 ± 49 mg/dl, p < 0.05; non-DM: 115 ± 52 to 88 ± 36, p < 0.05) and phosphate (DM: 4.5 ± 1.3 to 4.1 ± 1.2 mg/dl, p = 0.06; non-DM: 4.3 ± 1.0 to 3.7 ± 0.8, p < 0.05) declined. Fasting glucose decreased in DM (126 ± 52 to 103 ± 29 mg/dl, p < 0.05) without insulin dose increase. These effects were preserved after 3-year. Serum albumin did not change after 6 months (DM: 3.7 ± 0.6 to 3.8 ± 0.4 mg/dl; non-DM: 4.0 ± 0.6 to 4.0 ± 0.4) and in the long-term. Body weight (BW) declined after the diet start (DM: 68.9 ± 14.3 to 65.1 ± 12.1 kg, p < 0.05; non-DM: 66.6 ± 15.1 to 64.1 ± 15.1, p < 0.05) and was stable at 6 months and 3 years. Muscle strength at baseline was reduced in all patients and remained stable during the diet period. Changes of nutritional markers during the study were similar among groups and diabetes was not associated to any nutritional change at the multivariate analysis. As attain wasting, lower BMI (< 23 kg/m2) and albumin (< 3.8 g/dl) levels were present in 1/3 patients at start and along 3 years, cholesterol never dropped below the lower threshold (< 100 mg/dl) and poorer FM (< 10%) was less than 10% during the study in both groups. Conclusions: In diabetic CKD patients a low-protein diet supplemented with ketoacids improves uremia and diabetes, causes sudden decline of body weight which remains stable over time and has not a negative effect on wasting and muscle mass and fitness. In diabetic CKD patients the LPD-KA is safe and the nutritional impact is the same as in nondiabetics CKD

    Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) clones in the semi-arid lands of Pernambuco (Brazil) Características cuantitativas y cualitativas de clones pasto elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) en las tierras semi-áridas de Pernambuco (Brasil) Características quantitativas e qualitativas de clones de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) no semi-árido pernambucano (Brasil)

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    Background: the efficient use of good quality forage represents one of many ways to improve animal productivity and, consequently, reduce the feed costs of dairy farming. Between the wide variety of studies aiming to improve the nutritional value of forage, histological studies, allow for both the comparison of species or cultivars and the monitoring of tissue aging within the plant. Objective: the present work aimed to characterize the stem morphology of Pennisetum clones (Itambé IV-46, Itambé I-1.20, Itambé I-1.4, Milheto x Buaçu/112-23.4, Cuba-116-29.3, CAC-262-12.102, Roxo of Botucatu x CAC-282-18.29, Taiwan-146-2.6, Itambé I-1.5, Pusa Napier or 419-76 x Buaçu/122-11.2, Taiwan-146-2.03, Taiwan-146-2.85, Itambé II-2.46, Pusa Napier or 419-76 x Cuba-116-12.3 and Pusa Napier or 412-76 x Buaçu/122-8.22) into three strata (basal, medium and apical) and three tillers of the plant using histological sections. Methods: the material was collected in a previously established area at the Experimental Station of São Bento do Una at the Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco. The materials were distributed in a completely randomized 15 x 3 x 3 factorial design (14 clones and one hybrid, three layers of stem and three tillers). The samples were collected during the dry season beginning in August 2008. Results: there were significant differences (p<0.05) among the clones evaluated, and the average values for the lignified cells in the cortex region ranged from 2.21 to 4.21 for the Taiwan-146-2.6 and Roxo of Botucatu x CAC-282-18.29 clones; however, this was not different from the other clones in the medullary region. The Itambé II-2.46 clone showed the highest absolute value in the percentage of phloem in the cortex region (2.32%) and a high value, with significant differences, in the medullary region (1.59%) compared to the other clones. Conclusion: the highest values of cellulose in the medium and apical regions of the studied stems represent a benefit to grazing animals.<br>Antecedentes: el uso eficiente de forraje de buena calidad es una de las muchas maneras de mejorar la productividad animal y por lo tanto reducir el costo de la alimentación del ganado lechero. Entre la variedad de estudios que permiten mejorar el valor nutritivo del forraje, los estudios histológicos se destacan, porque permiten tanto la comparación de especies o cultivares y el seguimiento del envejecimiento de los tejidos con la madurez de la planta. Objetivo: el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la morfología del tallo de los clones de Pennisetum (Itambé IV-46, I-Itambé 1.20, Itambé I-1.4, Milheto x Buaçu/112-23.4, Cuba- 116-29.3, el CAC-262-12.102, Roxo de Botucatu x CAC-282-18.29, Taiwán-146-2.6, Itambé I-1.5, Pusa Napier o 419-76 x Buaçu/122-11.2, Taiwan-146-2.03, Taiwán-146-2.85, Itambé II-2.46 , Pusa Napier 419-76 x Cuba-116-12.3 y Napier Pusa o 412-76 x Buaçu/122-8.22) en tres estratos (basal, medio y apical) y tres tallos de la planta con los cortes histológicos. Métodos: el material se recogió en una zona ya establecida en la Estación Experimental de São Bento do Una en el Instituto Agronómico de Pernambuco. Los materiales se distribuyeron en un diseño factorial completamente al azar de 15 x 3 x 3 (14 clones y un híbrido, tres capas de la madre y los tallos de tres). Las muestras fueron recolectadas durante la estación seca comenzando en agosto de 2008. Resultados: hubo diferencias significativas (p<0,05) entre los clones evaluados, y los valores promedio de las células lignificadas en la región de la corteza variaron desde 2,21 hasta 4,21 para los clones Taiwán-146-2.6 y Roxo de Botucatu X CAC-282-18.29, sin embargo, esto no fue diferente de los otros clones en la región medular. El clon Itambé II-2.46 mostró el mayor valor absoluto en el porcentaje de floema en la región de la corteza (2,32%) y un alto valor, con diferencias significativas, en la región medular (1,59%) en comparación con los otros clones. Conclusión: los valores más altos de celulosa en las regiones media y apical de los tallos estudiados representa un beneficio para los animales de pastoreo.<br>Antecedentes: o uso eficiente de forragem de boa qualidade representa uma das muitas maneiras de melhorar a produtividade animal e, consequentemente, reduzir os custos de alimentação da pecuária leiteira. Entre a variedade de estudos com o objetivo de melhorar o valor nutritivo da forragem, os estudos histológicos destacam-se, o que permite tanto a comparação de espécies ou cultivares e acompanhamento do envelhecimento dos tecidos com a maturidade da planta. Objetivo: o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a morfologia do caule de Pennisetum clones (IV-46 Itambé, Itambé I-1.20, Itambé I-1.4, Milheto x Buaçu/112-23.4, Cuba-116-29.3, CAC-262-12,102, Roxo de Botucatu x CAC-282-18,29, Taiwan-146-2.6, Itambé I-1.5, Pusa Napier ou 419-76 x Buaçu/122-11.2, Taiwan-146-2.03, Taiwan-146-2.85, Itambé II-2,46 , Pusa Napier ou 419-76 x Cuba-116-12.3 e Pusa Napier ou 412-76 x Buaçu/122-8.22) em três estratos (basal, média e apical) e três perfilhos da planta, utilizando cortes histológicos. Métodos: o material foi coletado em uma área já estabelecida na Estação Experimental de São Bento do Una, no Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco). Os materiais foram distribuídos em um inteiramente casualizado 15 x 3 x fatorial 3 (14 clones e um híbrido, três camadas de tronco e três perfilhos). As amostras foram coletadas durante a estação seca início em agosto de 2008. Resultados: houve diferenças significativas (p<0,05) entre os clones avaliados, e os valores médios para as células lignificadas na região do córtex variou 2,21-4,21 para o Taiwan-146-2,6 e Roxo de Botucatu X CAC-282-18,29 clones, no entanto, isto não era diferente dos outros clones da região medular. O clone II-Itambé 2,46 apresentaram o maior valor absoluto da percentagem de floema na região córtex (2,32%) e um valor elevado, com diferenças significativas, na região medular (1,59%) em comparação com os outros clones. Conclusão: os valores mais elevados de celulose nas regiões média e apical das hastes estudadas contribuir para características positivas para animais em pastejo