288 research outputs found

    Dynamical generalization of a solvable family of two-electron model atoms with general interparticle repulsion

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    Holas, Howard and March [Phys. Lett. A {\bf 310}, 451 (2003)] have obtained analytic solutions for ground-state properties of a whole family of two-electron spin-compensated harmonically confined model atoms whose different members are characterized by a specific interparticle potential energy u(r12r_{12}). Here, we make a start on the dynamic generalization of the harmonic external potential, the motivation being the serious criticism levelled recently against the foundations of time-dependent density-functional theory (e.g. [J. Schirmer and A. Dreuw, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 75}, 022513 (2007)]). In this context, we derive a simplified expression for the time-dependent electron density for arbitrary interparticle interaction, which is fully determined by an one-dimensional non-interacting Hamiltonian. Moreover, a closed solution for the momentum space density in the Moshinsky model is obtained.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to J. Phys.

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pelimpahan Wewenang Bupati Kepada Camat di Kantor Kecamatan Kawangkoan Utara Kabupaten Minahasa

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    Sebagai perangkat daerah, camat mendapatkan pelimpahan kewenangan daribupati/walikota yang bermakna untuk urusan pelayanan masyarakat. Selain itu kecamatan jugaakan mengemban penyelenggaraan tugas-tugas umum pemerintahan. Camat melaksanakankewenangan pemerintahan yang dilimpahkan oleh Bupati/Walikota untuk menangani sebagianurusan otonomi daerah, meliputi aspek : perizinan, rekomendasi, koordinasi, pembinaan,pengawasan, fasilitasi, penetapan, dan penyelenggaraan. Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten MinahasaNomor 5 Tahun 2008 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Pemerintah Kecamatan dan PemerintahKelurahan menetapkan tugas pokok dan fungsi pemerintah kecamatan yang diantaranya yaitutentang pelimpahan wewenang bupati kepada camat. Dengan demikian maka peneliti inginmengetahui bagaimana implementasi pelimpahan wewenang dari bupati kepada camat terutamamengenai pembinaan yang akan dilihat dari model implementasi kebijakan yang di kemukakanoleh G. Shabbir Cheema dan Dennis A. Rondinelli yang mempunyai indikator yaitu kondisilingkungan, hubungan antar organisasi, sumber daya organisasi, dan karakteristik dan kemampuanagen pelaksana. Tujuan dalam penulisan ini terbagi menjadi dua yaitu untuk memenuhi syaratyang di perlukan guna meraih gelar sarjana dan tujuan lainnya yaitu untuk mengetahuipermasalahan yang diangkat dalam skripsi ini.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisadata yang digunakan adalah teknik analisa data model Miles & Huberman yaitu data reduction,data display dan conclusion drawing/verification. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwacamat dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dalam membina staf / pegawai belum maksimal dikarenakankualitas staf / pegawai yang belum mencukupi, fasilitas penunjang yang tidak memadai, dilihatdari kondisi lingkungan yaitu masih ada staf/ pegawai dan pimpinan yang tidak mempunyaihubungan yang baik, dan belum maksimalnya pengawasan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah daerah.Karena itu, penulis menyarankan camat harus lebih aktif memantau apakah pembinaan yang telahdiberikan sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik, perlu lagi menambah fasilitas penunjang, danpimpinan harus lebih memperhatikan kondisi dari staf / pegawai yang ada

    Analisis Daya Saing USAha Pembesaran Ikan Nila Petani Pemodal Kecil di Kabupaten Musi Rawas

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    This research was done to investigate whether tilapia growers has business competitiveness both in competitive and comparative. This study aimed to analyze the competitive advantage, comparative advantage, the impact of government policies on output and input. Effect of output and input changing based on a sensitivity analysis on the competitiveness of tilapia fish rearing business, the level of tilapia grower business competitiveness between small farmers in Musi Rawas regency. The respondent was determined by purposive method deliberately carried out in accordance with the criteria set by the researcher. The respondents was conducted by using proportionate stratified random sampling. This study used the primary data and secondary data. The result of Pam Method shows that a small farmers of tilapia enlargement at musi rawas regency has competitive advantage with PCR < 1 by 0,55. It also has comparativeadvantage with DRCR < 0,37. The goverment policies toward tradadable input produkction were in the form of subsidies. Based of sensitivity analysis the enlargemen of tilapia will be lost if tilapia production decrease 10%, the price of tilapia it self decrease 5,5% and if the feed price increase 7%

    Triplex real-time PCR assay for sensitive and simultaneous detection of grapevine phytoplasmas of the 16SrV and 16SrXII-A groups with an endogenous analytical control

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    Flavescence dorée (FD) and Bois noir (BN) are the two main yellows of grapevine in Europe and are caused by phytoplasmas of the 16SrV and 16SrXII-A groups respectively. A new triplex real-time PCR assay was developed in order to detect simultaneously the FD and BN phytoplasmas as well as grapevine chloroplastic DNA with TaqMan minor groove binder probes. Each set of designed primers and probes specifically detected the map gene of the FD and BN phytoplasmas, respectively and did not detect phytoplasmas from other phylogenetic groups. PCR efficiencies varied from 90 to 110 %. The PCR assay showed good intra-test and inter-test reproducibility. Triplex real-time PCR was compared to the conventional biplex nested-PCR method. The sensitivity of the real-time PCR, tested on several infected periwinkle and grapevine samples, was up to 5 and 100 times higher for the BN-P and the FD-P targets, respectively. Out of 109 grapevine samples analysed 10, which were negative with the nested PCR, turned to be FD-P positive with the real-time PCR. A decision scheme was set up according to the Ct values of the FD-P, BN-P and grapevine targets in order to assess the routine detection results

    Earthshine observation of vegetation and implication for life detection on other planets - A review of 2001 - 2006 works

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    The detection of exolife is one of the goals of very ambitious future space missions that aim to take direct images of Earth-like planets. While associations of simple molecules present in the planet's atmosphere (O2O_2, O3O_3, CO2CO_2 etc.) have been identified as possible global biomarkers, we review here the detectability of a signature of life from the planet's surface, i.e. the green vegetation. The vegetation reflectance has indeed a specific spectrum, with a sharp edge around 700 nm, known as the "Vegetation Red Edge" (VRE). Moreover vegetation covers a large surface of emerged lands, from tropical evergreen forest to shrub tundra. Thus considering it as a potential global biomarker is relevant. Earthshine allows to observe the Earth as a distant planet, i.e. without spatial resolution. Since 2001, Earthshine observations have been used by several authors to test and quantify the detectability of the VRE in the Earth spectrum. The egetation spectral signature is detected as a small 'positive shift' of a few percents above the continuum, starting at 700 nm. This signature appears in most spectra, and its strength is correlated with the Earth's phase (visible land versus visible ocean). The observations show that detecting the VRE on Earth requires a photometric relative accuracy of 1% or better. Detecting something equivalent on an Earth-like planet will therefore remain challenging, moreover considering the possibility of mineral artifacts and the question of 'red edge' universality in the Universe.Comment: Invited talk in "Strategies for Life Detection" (ISSI Bern, 24-28 April 2006) to appear in a hardcopy volume of the ISSI Space Science Series, Eds, J. Bada et al., and also in an issue of Space Science Reviews. 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    A Class of Topological Actions

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    We review definitions of generalized parallel transports in terms of Cheeger-Simons differential characters. Integration formulae are given in terms of Deligne-Beilinson cohomology classes. These representations of parallel transport can be extended to situations involving distributions as is appropriate in the context of quantized fields.Comment: 41 pages, no figure

    Charged Particles in a 2+1 Curved Background

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    The coupling to a 2+1 background geometry of a quantized charged test particle in a strong magnetic field is analyzed. Canonical operators adapting to the fast and slow freedoms produce a natural expansion in the inverse square root of the magnetic field strength. The fast freedom is solved to the second order. At any given time, space is parameterized by a couple of conjugate operators and effectively behaves as the `phase space' of the slow freedom. The slow Hamiltonian depends on the magnetic field norm, its covariant derivatives, the scalar curvature and presents a peculiar coupling with the spin-connection.Comment: 22 page

    Single Photon Signals for Warped Quantum Gravity at a Linear e+-e- Collider

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    We study the `single photon' process e+- e- -> gamma nu nubar with contributions due to exchange of massive gravitons in the Randall- Sundrum model of low-scale quantum gravity. It is shown that for significant regions in the parameter space, this process unambiguously highlights the resonance structure of the graviton sector. Even in the non-resonant part of the parameter space, we show that comparison with the benchmark process e+- e- -> mu+- mu- can clearly distinguish signals for warped gravity from similar signals for large extra dimensions.Comment: Published version; figures change