553 research outputs found


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    Contains research objectives and reports on three research projects.National Institute of Mental Health (Grant 5 P01 MH-13390-05)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 TO1 HD-00111-07


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    Contains research objectives and reports on four research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 TO1 HD00111-08)National Institute of Mental Health (Grant 2 P01 MH13390-06

    Dietary assessment of British police force employees: A description of diet record coding procedures and cross-sectional evaluation of dietary energy intake reporting (The Airwave Health Monitoring Study)

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    Objectives: Dietary intake is a key aspect of occupational health. To capture the characteristics of dietary behaviour that is affected by occupational environment that may affect disease risk, a collection of prospective multiday dietary records is required. The aims of this paper are to: (1) collect multiday dietary data in the Airwave Health Monitoring Study, (2) describe the di etary coding procedures applied and (3) investigate the plausibility of dietary reporting in this occupational cohort. Design: A dietary coding protocol for this large-scale study was developed to minimise coding error rate. Participants (n 4412) who completed 7-day food records were included for cross-sectional analyses. Energy intake (EI) misreporting was estimated using the Goldberg method. Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to determine participant characteristics associated with EI misreporting. Setting: British police force employees enrolled (2007-2012) into the Airwave Health Monitoring Study. Results: The mean code error rate per food diary was 3.7% (SD 3.2%). The strongest predictors of EI under-reporting were body mass index (BMI) and physical activity. Compared with participants with BMI 30 kg/m2 had increased odds of being classified as under-reporting EI (men OR 5.20 95% CI 3.92 to 6.89; women OR 2.66 95% CI 1.85 to 3.83). Men and women in the highest physical activity category compared with the lowest were also more likely to be classified as underreporting (men OR 3.33 95% CI 2.46 to 4.50; women OR 4.34 95% CI 2.91 to 6.55). Conclusions: A reproducible dietary record coding procedure has been developed to minimise coding error in complex 7-day diet diaries. The prevalence of EI under-reporting is comparable with existing national UK cohorts and, in agreement with previous studies, classification of under-reporting was biased towards specific subgroups of participants

    Bridging knowing and proving in mathematics An essay from a didactical perspective

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    Text of a talk at the conference "Explanation and Proof in Mathematics: Philosophical and Educational Perspective" held in Essen in November 2006International audienceThe learning of mathematics starts early but remains far from any theoretical considerations: pupils' mathematical knowledge is first rooted in pragmatic evidence or conforms to procedures taught. However, learners develop a knowledge which they can apply in significant problem situations, and which is amenable to falsification and argumentation. They can validate what they claim to be true but using means generally not conforming to mathematical standards. Here, I analyze how this situation underlies the epistemological and didactical complexities of teaching mathematical proof. I show that the evolution of the learners' understanding of what counts as proof in mathematics implies an evolution of their knowing of mathematical concepts. The key didactical point is not to persuade learners to accept a new formalism but to have them understand how mathematical proof and statements are tightly related within a common framework; that is, a mathematical theory. I address this aim by modeling the learners' way of knowing in terms of a dynamic, homeostatic system. I discuss the roles of different semiotic systems, of the types of actions the learners perform and of the controls they implement in constructing or validating knowledge. Particularly with modern technological aids, this model provides a basis designing didactical situations to help learners bridge the gap between pragmatics and theory

    A hillslope-scale aquifer-model to determine past agricultural legacy and future nitrate concentrations in rivers

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    The long-term fate of agricultural nitrate depends on rapid subsurface transfer, denitrification and storage in aquifers. Quantifying these processes remains an issue due to time varying subsurface contribution, unknown aquifer storage and heterogeneous denitrification potential. Here, we develop a parsimonious modelling approach that uses long-term discharge and river nitrate concentration time-series combined with groundwater age data determined from chlorofluorocarbons in springs and boreholes. To leverage their informational content, we use a Boussinesq-type equivalent hillslope model to capture the dynamics of aquifer flows and evolving surface and subsurface contribution to rivers. Nitrate transport was modelled with a depth-resolved high-order finite-difference method and denitrification by a first-order law. We applied the method to three heavily nitrate loaded catchments of a crystalline temperate region of France (Brittany). We found that mean water transit time ranged 10–32 years and Damköhler ratio (transit time/denitrification time) ranged 0.12–0.55, leading to limited denitrification in the aquifer (10–20%). The long-term trajectory of nitrate concentration in rivers appears determined by flows stratification in the aquifer. The results suggest that autotrophic denitrification is controlled by the accessibility of reduced minerals which occurs at the base of the aquifer where flows decrease. One interpretation is that denitrification might be an interfacial process in zones that are weathered enough to transmit flows and not too weathered to have remaining accessible reduced minerals. Consequently, denitrification would not be controlled by the total aquifer volume and related mean transit time but by the proximity of the active weathered interface with the water table. This should be confirmed by complementary studies to which the developed methodology might be further deployed

    Probing the Impact of Porosity on Swelling Kinetics of Hydrophilic Matrices

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    The aim of the present investigation was to understand the swelling behaviour of HPMC and PEO-based matrices and to evaluate the impact of porosity on the swelling kinetics. It was noticed that the HPMC has higher swelling rates but both undergo diffusion oriented swelling mechanism. It could also the concluded that the porosity has a marked influence in the development of gel layer on the surface of these matrices

    A construção da lógica do sistema numérico por uma criança com Síndrome de Down

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    Por meio de um estudo de caso, desenvolvido em 3 fases, focou-se a criança com Síndrome de Down e o desenvolvimento de suas estruturas lógico-matemáticas, particularmente aquelas referentes à lógica do sistema numérico. Primeiro, avaliaram-se as competências matemáticas do sujeito com SD e as suas dificuldades. Depois, desenvolveu-se uma intervenção psicopedagógica, cujas sessões, registradas em vídeo e analisadas, explicitaram a seqüência das ações do sujeito, o significado destas ações em relação às suas aquisições conceituais e a importância da mediação nesse processo. Finalmente, reavaliou-se o sujeito. Os resultados indicam que o desenvolvimento cognitivo do sujeito com SD obedece às mesmas etapas descritas por Piaget, sendo harmonioso, repetitivo e mais lento, apresentando uma certa "rigidez", de modo que a evolução de uma etapa de desenvolvimento a outra necessita de uma mediação adequada do meio. Indicam ainda: a preocupação do sujeito em dar a resposta supostamente correta nas situações-problema e a ansiedade decorrente em terminá-la em curto tempo; a importância de se considerar as singularidades do indivíduo na escolha do material psicopedagógico. Ficou evidenciado que a intervenção psicopedagógica possibilitou a construção de novas estruturas cognitivas e a ampliação dessas estruturas em competências a serem utilizadas na resolução das situações-problema; possibilitou uma modificação global no pensamento lógico do indivíduo e o desenvolvimento do pensamento metacognitivo; é valiosa como procedimento de pesquisa pois tanto evidencia as particularidades do desenvolvimento na aquisição do conhecimento como gera dados para a avaliação da intervenção e para o aconselhamento de pais e professores