431 research outputs found

    Atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the main phase of Deccan eruptions: magnetic and mineral evidence

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    Environmental changes linked to Deccan volcanism are still poorly known. A major limitation resides in the paucity of direct Deccan volcanism markers and in the geologically short interval where both impact and volcanism occurred, making it hard to evaluate their contributions to the mass extinction. We investigated the low-magnetic-susceptibility interval just below the iridium-rich layer of the Bidart (France) section, which was recently hypothesized to be the result of paleoenvironmental perturbations linked to paroxysmal Deccan phase 2. Results show a drastic decrease of detrital magnetite and presence of scarce akaganeite, a hypothesized reaction product formed in the aerosols derived from reaction of a volcanic plume with water and oxygen in the high atmosphere. A weathering model of the consequences of acidic rains on a continental regolith reveals nearly complete magnetite dissolution after ~31,000 yr, which is consistent with our magnetic data and falls within the duration of the Deccan phase 2. These results highlight the nature and importance of the Deccan-related environmental changes leading up to the end- Cretaceous mass extinction

    Atmospheric halogen and acid rains during the major Deccan episode: magnetic and mineral evidences

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    Environmental and climatic changes linked to Deccan volcanism are still poorly known. A major limitation resides in the paucity of direct Deccan volcanism markers and in the geologically short interval where both impact and volcanism occurred, making it hard to evaluate their contributions to the mass extinction. We investigated the low magnetic susceptibility interval just below the Iridium-rich layer of the Bidart (France) section, which was recently hypothesized to be the result of palaeoenvironmental perturbations linked to paroxysmal Deccan phase-2. Results show a drastic decrease of detrital magnetite and presence of fine specular akaganeite, a hypothesized reaction product between FeCl2 from the volcanic plume with water and oxygen in the high atmosphere. A weathering model of the consequences of acidic rains on a continental regolith reveals nearly complete magnetite dissolution after about 33,000 years, which is consistent with our magnetic data and the duration of the Deccan phase-2. This discovery represents an unprecedented piece of evidence of the nature and importance of the Deccan-related environmental changes

    Blunt traumatic aortic injuries of the ascending aorta and aortic arch: a clinical multicentre study

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    [Abstract] Objective. To report the clinical and radiological characteristics, management and outcomes of traumatic ascending aorta and aortic arch injuries. Methods. Historic cohort multicentre study including 17 major trauma patients with traumatic aortic injury from January 2000 to January 2011. Results. The most common mechanism of blunt trauma was motor-vehicle crash (47%) followed by motorcycle crash (41%). Patients sustaining traumatic ascending aorta or aortic arch injuries presented a high proportion of myocardial contusion (41%); moderate or greater aortic valve regurgitation (12%); haemopericardium (35%); severe head injuries (65%) and spinal cord injury (23%). The 58.8% of the patients presented a high degree aortic injury (types III and IV). Expected in-hospital mortality was over 50% as defined by mean TRISS 59.7 (SD 38.6) and mean ISS 48.2 (SD 21.6) on admission. Observed in-hospital mortality was 53%. The cause of death was directly related to the ATAI in 45% of cases, head and abdominal injuries being the cause of death in the remaining 55% cases. Long-term survival was 46% at 1 year, 39% at 5 years, and 19% at 10 years. Conclusions. Traumatic aortic injuries of the ascending aorta/arch should be considered in any major thoracic trauma patient presenting cardiac tamponade, aortic valve regurgitation and/or myocardial contusion. These aortic injuries are also associated with a high incidence of neurological injuries, which can be just as lethal as the aortic injury, so treatment priorities should be modulated on an individual basis

    Detección de personas en riesgo de padecer diabetes en farmacias comunitarias españolas

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    Objetivo: Detectar personas con riesgo alto/muy alto de padecer diabetes y derivarlas al médico, evaluar en la muestra la prevalencia de los distintos factores de riesgo y realizar una intervención educativa mínima sobre éstos en todos los usuarios participantes.Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal realizado en noviembre de 2014. Se incluyeron usuarios de la farmacia, mayores de 18 años, no diagnosticados de diabetes y que aceptaron realizar la encuesta. Muestreo no probabilístico.Variable principal: puntuación obtenida en el cuestionario Findrisc. Otras: características demográficas, IMC, perímetro de cintura, glucemia capilar (si F≥15), medicación, intervención, tiempo empleado.Resultados: Participaron 90 farmacéuticos de las 17 comunidades autónomas. Realizaron 1.520 cuestionarios Findrisc. La puntuación media de la muestra fue de 10,9 (DE=5,1). El número de individuos con riesgo alto o muy alto fue de 370 (24,3%) de los 1.520 encuestados. 207, el 55,9% de aquellos y el 13,6% de la muestra total, tenían glucemia ≥110 mg/dL y se derivaron al médico. Existe relación directa entre el número de medicamentos utilizados y el riesgo de diabetes. El tiempo empleado en la intervención fue de 9,9 (DE=5,1) minutos.Conclusiones: El alto porcentaje de participantes con riesgo alto/muy alto de padecer diabetes que son derivados al médico de familia para valorar su situación, avala la eficiencia de la farmacia en este tipo de cribados. La intervención educativa realizada con los participantes supone una llamada de atención sobre la importancia del estilo de vida saludable orientado a la prevención de las enfermedades metabólicas

    InterMiG: international differences in the therapeutic approach to migraine patients in specialized headache centers

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    Antidepressiu; Migranya; Tractament preventiuAntidepresivo; Migraña; Tratamiento preventivoAntidepressant; Migraine; Preventive treatmentBackground There is currently a wide therapeutic arsenal for migraine patients, without a single first-line preventive drug and we choose the different available alternatives taking into account comorbidities, national guidelines, previous treatments and personal experiences. Our objective was to evaluate the differences in the use of migraine treatments between neurologists from different countries. Methods This is a multi-centre observational study carried out by neurologists from specialized headache units in seven countries, retrospective with consecutive inclusion of all patients presenting with a migraine diagnosis, over a period of three months. Results A total of 734 patients were recruited but only 600 were considered in the analysis in order to homogenize the patient cohorts from countries: 200 Spain (ES), 100 Italy (IT), 85 Russia (RUS), 80 Germany (DE), 60 Portugal (PT), 45 Poland (PL) and 30 Australia (AU). 85.4 % of patients were women with a mean age of 42.6 ± 11.8 years. Considering previous and current preventive treatment, the order of use was: antidepressants (69.3 %), antiepileptic drugs (54.7 %), beta-blockers and antihypertensive drugs (49.7 %), OnabotulinumtoxinA (44.0 %) and others (36.2 %). Statistically significant differences were found between all pharmacological classes: antidepressants were commonly used in all countries, with the exception of Poland (AU: 76.7 %, IT: 71.0 %, DE: 60.0 %, PL: 31.1 %, PT: 71.7 %, RUS: 70.6 %, ES: 78.5 %; p < 0.0001); antiepileptic drugs were more frequently prescribed in Portugal, Australia and Spain (AU: 73.3 %, IT: 40.0 %, DE: 37.5 %, PL: 48.9 %, PT: 85.0 %, RUS: 29.4 % and ES: 69.0 %; p < 0.0001); beta-blockers and antihypertensive drugs were frequently used in all countries except Italy (AU: 60.0 %, IT: 14.0 %, DE: 53.8 %, PL: 48.9 %, PT: 68.3 %, RUS: 49.4 % and ES: 59.0 %; p < 0.0001); BTX-A were predominately used in Spain, Italy and Australia (AU:56.7 %, IT:58.0 %, DE:20.0 %, PL: 42.2 %, PT: 26.7 %, RUS: 24.7 % and ES: 58.5 %; p < 0.0001) and others were most frequently used in Poland (AU: 0.0 %, IT: 19.0 %, DE: 42.5 %, PL: 95.6 %, PT: 31.7 %, RUS: 3.5 % and ES: 49.5 %; p < 0.0001). If only patients without comorbidities are considered (200/600), statistically differences between countries persist in all preventive treatments. Conclusions There is heterogeneity in the choice of preventive treatment between different countries. Prospective comparative studies of the different oral and subcutaneous alternatives would help to create a global therapeutic algorithm that would guarantee the best option for our patients.This work did not receive any funds

    Complex polymorphisms in the plasmodium falciparum Multidrug Resistance Protein 2 Gene and Its Contribution to Antimalarial Response

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    Complex Polymorphisms in the Plasmodium falciparum Multidrug Resistance Protein 2 Gene and Its Contribution to Antimalarial ResponsePlasmodium falciparum has the capacity to escape the actions of essentially all antimalarial drugs. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter proteins are known to cause multidrug resistance in a large range of organisms, including the Apicomplexa parasites. P. falciparum genome analysis has revealed two genes coding for the multidrug resistance protein (MRP) type of ABC transporters: Pfmrp1, previously associated with decreased parasite drug susceptibility, and the poorly studied Pfmrp2. The role of Pfmrp2 polymorphisms in modulating sensitivity to antimalarial drugs has not been established. We herein report a comprehensive account of the Pfmrp2 genetic variability in 46 isolates from Thailand. A notably high frequency of 2.8 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)/kb was identified for this gene, including some novel SNPs. Additionally, we found that Pfmrp2 harbors a significant number of microindels, some previously not reported. We also investigated the potential association of the identified Pfmrp2 polymorphisms with altered in vitro susceptibility to several antimalarials used in artemisinin-based combination therapy and with parasite clearance time. Association analysis suggested Pfmrp2 polymorphisms modulate the parasite's in vitro response to quinoline antimalarials, including chloroquine, piperaquine, and mefloquine, and association with in vivo parasite clearance. In conclusion, our study reveals that the Pfmrp2 gene is the most diverse ABC transporter known in P. falciparum with a potential role in antimalarial drug resistance.This work was supported by project grants from the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency, Department for Research Cooperation (SWE 2007-174 and SWE-2009-165). M.I.V. and N.S.O. are recipients of post-doctoral fellowship from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministerio da Ciencia e Ensino Superior, Portugal, MCES (SFRH/BPD/76614/2011 and UMINHO/BPD/15/2014, respectively). The Shoklo Malaria Research Unit is part of the Mahidol Oxford University Tropical Medicine Research Unit and is supported by the Wellcome Trust of Great Britain

    A novel route to optimize placement equipment kinematics by coupling capacitive accelerometers

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    Machine end-effector kinematic analysis is critical to optimizing transporting components where inertial forces are the main loads. While displacements may be measured with relatively high accuracy in transportation equipment motors, the inertial forces in the transported components are seldom optimized. This is especially relevant in electronic component placement systems, where the components have a wide range of configurations (i.e., geometry and mass) and the deployment dimensional/geometric tolerances are remarkably good. The optimization of these systems requires the monitoring of the real position of the accelerometers relative to the measurement point of interest with sufficient accuracy that allows the assembly position to be predicted instantaneously. This study shows a novel method to calibrate this equipment using triaxial accelerometers on a surface mount machine to measure the end-effector accelerations and velocities in its planar motion. The dynamic equations of the system and the method for integration are presented to address the uncertainty on the exact position of the accelerometer sensors relative to the measuring point of interest exist and allow the position correction to optimize response and accuracy.European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project no. 39479; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-39479]