1,226 research outputs found

    Self-perceived oral health assessment of institutionalized elderly of Viseu

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    Background: Self-perception of oral health is a multidimensional measure that, reflects the subjective experience of individuals about their physical and psychosocial well-being, determines the search for prevention and dental treatments.Objective: The assessment of the self-perception of oral health status of institutionalized elderly through the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) and the verification of the association between the GOHAI and the various socio-demographic variables and oral health behaviors analyzed. Participants and methods: With this study we intended to conduct a cross-sectional observational epidemiological study with institutionalized elderly. Data were collected from a sample of 56 institutionalized elderly of the Mariana Seixas Foundation and the Viscondessa São Caetano Nursing Home in Viseu, Portugal. For this we used a questionnaire that allows to evaluate the self-perception of oral health, the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Results: It was found that the elderly generally favorably assessed their oral health, with 42.9% of the participants having a high self-perception of their oral health (values between 34-36); 28.6% have a moderate perception (values between 30-33) and the same percentage of individuals (28.6%) have a low perception (values below 30) of their oral health. The GOHAI scores obtained are associated with gender, educational level and oral health behaviors. Conclusion: Literacy can influence the level of self-perception of oral health. Therefore, the development of measures to assess oral health status is essential for the evolution of scientific knowledge based on geriatric dentistry in order to determine oral health promotion strategies among the institutionalized elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    pfmdr1 amplification is related to increased Plasmodium falciparum In Vitro sensitivity to the Bisquinoline Piperaquine

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    The 4-aminoquinoline bisquinoline piperaquine is an important partner drug in one of the presently recommended artemisinin combination therapies. Recent clinical trials have confirmed its high efficacy in combination with dihydroartemisinin. Resistance to piperaquine alone has, however, been documented. Amplification in copy number of the Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance locus on chromosome 5, containing the pfmdr1 gene, has been shown to confer resistance to structurally unrelated antimalarials. Through the determination of the 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC(50)s) and IC(90)s for piperaquine and chloroquine in a set of 46 adapted P. falciparum cultures originating from the Thai-Burmese border, we have characterized the regions around the pfmdr1 gene and identified a significant association between the presence of pfmdr1 duplications and enhanced sensitivity to piperaquine (P = 0.005 for IC50 and P = 0.002 for IC90) and chloroquine, reaching statistical significance at IC(90)s (P = 0.026). These results substantiate the potential importance of pfmdr1 copy number amplifications in the efficacy of the combination therapy piperaquine-dihydroartemisinin. It supports the rational use of 4-aminoquinolines and artemisinin-based compounds, as they independently select for mutually incompatible combinations of mutations.Swedish Development Cooperation Agency-Department for Research Cooperation [SWE 2005-0017, SWE 2005-4596, SWE-2007-174, SWE-2005-4027]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministerio da Ciencia e Ensino Superior, Portugal-MCES [SFRH/BPD/76614/2011]; Wellcome Trust of Great Britaininfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genetic diversity by molecular markers in lines of phaseolus vulgaris from VCU experiments at Embrapa Rice and Beans breeding program.

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    This study aimed to characterize the diversity and to determine the genetic differentiation within lines and cultivars from VCU 2009/2010, based on a set of SSR markers. Twenty-three lines (10 from ?Preto?, 12 from ?Carioca? and one from special grains group) and nine cultivars (four from ?Preto? and five from ?Carioca? group) comprised VCU from 2009/2010

    Caracterização de germoplasma cultivado de Phaseolus vulgaris que compõem ensaios de VCU utilizando marcadores microssatélites.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi o de caracterizar a variabilidade genética de linhagens de feijoeiro comum que compõem diversos ensaios de VCU do programa de melhoramento genético da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão utilizando marcadores microssatélites em sistemas de amplificação simultânea e detecção semi-automatizada dos perfis genéticos gerados.CONAFE

    Explorando...: a complexidade do corpo humano: guião didáctico para professores: 1º ciclo

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    O presente livro faz parte da Coleção “Ensino Experimental das Ciências”, um conjunto de textos concebidos para apoiar a formação de professores(as) com vista à generalização do ensino das Ciências no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). Trata-se de um livro de suporte à Educação em Ciências para os primeiros níveis de escolaridade desenvolvido tendo por base orientações recentes a nível nacional e internacional

    Plasmodium falciparum Drug Resistance Genes pfmdr1 and pfcrt In Vivo Co-Expression During Artemether-Lumefantrine Therapy

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    Background: Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are the global mainstay treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum infections. PfMDR1 and PfCRT are two transmembrane transporters, associated with sensitivity to several antimalarials, found in the parasite food vacuole. Herein, we explore if their relatedness extends to overlapping patterns of gene transcriptional activity before and during ACT administration.Methods: In a clinical trial performed in Tanzania, we explored the pfmdr1 and pfcrt transcription levels from 48 patients with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria infections who underwent treatment with artemether-lumefantrine (AL). Samples analyzed were collected before treatment initiation and during the first 24 h of treatment. The frequency of PfMDR1 N86Y and PfCRT K76T was determined through PCR-RFLP or direct amplicon sequencing. Gene expression was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR.Results: A wide range of pre-treatment expression levels was observed for both genes, approximately 10-fold for pfcrt and 50-fold for pfmdr1. In addition, a significant positive correlation demonstrates pfmdr1 and pfcrt co-expression. After AL treatment initiation, pfmdr1 and pfcrt maintained the positive co-expression correlation, with mild downregulation throughout the 24 h post-treatment. Additionally, a trend was observed for PfMDR1 N86 alleles and higher expression before treatment initiation.Conclusion: pfmdr1 and pfcrt showed significant co-expression patterns in vivo, which were generally maintained during ACT treatment. This observation points to relevant related roles in the normal parasite physiology, which seem essential to be maintained when the parasite is exposed to drug stress. In addition, keeping the simultaneous expression of both transporters might be advantageous for responding to the drug action

    Avaliação do Impacte do Programa de Formação em Ensino Experimental das Ciências: Um estudo de âmbito nacional: Relatório Final

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    O Programa de Formação em Ensino Experimental das Ciências para Professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (PFEEC), desenvolveu-se ao longo de quatro anos letivos, entre 2006 e 2010, envolvendo um plano de formação contínua, de âmbito nacional, e a produção e disponibilização de recursos didáticos para Formadores de Professores e para Professores do 1.º ciclo. O programa alicerçou-se no reconhecimento de que o Ensino Experimental das Ciências, nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, é fundamental para o desenvolvimento da literacia científica dos alunos e para o desenvolvimento de capacidades necessárias ao exercício de uma cidadania informada. Todos os materiais produzidos no âmbito deste Programa estão ao dispor de toda a comunidade educativa, na página da DGE, podendo ser utilizados na Formação de Professores bem como na prática letiva dos professores deste nível de ensino. O programa envolveu ainda a dotação financeira das escolas de 1.º ciclo participantes para o apetrechamento do equipamento laboratorial considerado imprescindível ao desenvolvimento do trabalho experimental neste nível de escolaridade. Participaram no Programa um total de 5141 professores formandos, 4245 escolas e 149 359 alunos. Tendo em conta o conhecimento científico-pedagógico proporcionado aos professores por este Programa, bem como o apetrechamento das escolas envolvidas e os recursos produzidos, considerou-se importante levar a efeito um estudo, que permitisse avaliar o seu impacte nas práticas docentes e nos resultados de aprendizagens dos alunos. O relatório final que agora se apresenta é o resultado desse estudo, o qual foi coordenado pela Professora Isabel Martins, a quem competiu constituir e dirigir a equipa de investigação. Nele se descreve o modo como o estudo de avaliação, conduzido a nível nacional, foi desenvolvido, bem como os resultados e conclusões alcançados

    Mitigating slipping-related mortality from purse seine fisheries for small pelagic fish: case studies from European Atlantic waters

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    The release of unwanted catches (UWC) from purse seines, while the catch is still in the water, is known as “slipping”. Once thought to be a benign process, compared to discarding UWC overboard from the fishing vessel, it is now recognised that “slipping” can lead to significant mortality in the released fish if done inappropriately. In this chapter, we examine purse seining and slipping operations, and discuss what drives slipping and potential mitigation measures to reduce slipping mortality. We use three examples of purse seine fisheries for small pelagic species in the North-east Atlantic; from Norway, Portugal and Spain. The ideal solution (identifying and avoiding UWC before the net is set) requires the development of tools to enable fishers to better characterise target schools in terms of key selection criteria, e.g., with respect to species, individual size and catch biomass. Such tools are being developed, based primarily on hydro-acoustic technology. However, some UWC in purse seine catches are inevitable, and operational improvements in slipping practices have been shown to significantly reduce stress and mortality in the released UWC. We conclude with a discussion on the challenges currently facing the implementation of the European Union (EU) Landing Obligation with regards to minimising slipping related mortality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio