48 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia mayoritas masih sangat konvensional. Banyak sekolah yang menerapkan strategi pembelajaran Banking Of Education, yakni pembelajaran yang bersifat searah cendrung pasif dan tidak humanis. Hal tersebut mencetak generasi muda imitatif, tidak mampu berfikir efektif di dalam menghadapi permasalahan, dan tidak inspiratif. Howart Gardner menawarkan strategi pembelajaran Multiple Intelligences, yakni sebuah strategi pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan keunggulan atau kecerdasan yang dimiliki siswa. Dengan strategi ini akan mampu mencetak siswa yang unggul didalam bidangnya, kreatif dan inspiratif, selain itu belajar dengan strategi multiple intelligences mempermudah siswa karena strategi ini mampu memfasilitasi gaya belajar siswa sesuai dengan kecerdasan siswa. Penelitian memaparkan pengaruh antara strategi multiple intelligences terhadap minat belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian ini mneggunakan kuantitaif deskriptif dengan variabel x (strategi multiple intelligences) dan variabel y (minat belajar), teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah quota sampling, didalam pengumpulan datanya dibantu dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara, serta menggunakan tekhnik analisis Pearson (Product Moment). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah Strategi Multiple Intelligences memiliki pengaruh terhadap minat belajar siswa dengan cara adanya factor-faktor pendukung penerapan strategi tersebut seperti guru yang ahli dalam mengaplikasikan teknik mengajar dengan multiple intelligences, sarana prasarana yang mendukung dan pengkategorisasian siswa sesuai dengan kecerdasan yang dimiliki.    Kata Kunci:Multiple Intelligences, Minat Belajar.   Abstract The education system in Indonesia is still very conventional majority. Many schools are implementing learning strategies Banking Of Education, the learning tends to be unidirectional passive and not humanist. It is the younger generation that tends print imitative, not able to think effectively in dealing with problems, and not inspiring. Howart Gardner's Multiple Intelligences offers learning strategy, ie a strategy that utilizes the advantages of learning or intelligence of the students. With this strategy will be able to print excellent student in the field, creative and inspiring, besides learning to facilitate students' multiple intelligences strategy because this strategy is able to facilitate the student's learning style according to the intelligence of the students. This research is used to see an effect of strategy on multiple intelligences learning interest. This type of research to use these quantitative descriptive variables x (strategy multiple intelligences) and y variables (interest in learning), an engineering sample used was quota sampling, assisted in data collection using questionnaires and interviews, as well as using the technique of analysis Pearson (product moment). The results obtained are Multiple Intelligences Strategies has an influence on students' interest by way of the factors supporting the implementation of the strategy, such as teachers who are experts in applying the techniques of teaching with multiple intelligences, and the infrastructure that supports categorizing students according to intelligence possessed. Keywords: Multiple Intelligences, Learning Interests

    Exponential monomials on hypergroup joins

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    Od Ruhra do Bospora, europski gradovi kulture 2010. godine - Essen, Pečuh, Carigrad (Istanbul)

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    During the 25 year old history of the prestigious title European Capital of Culture it will be added by a new component in the year 2010, as three cities get the opportunity to introduce their values. Essen, Pécs and Istanbul are significant pillars of a cultural axis running throughout Europe, whose development took place in distinct times along different historical, geographical conditions. Different nationalities are present as mediators and links between them who influenced decisively the development of these cities and their change of economic importance. Our fundamental aim is to emphasise the similarities and list all significant details related to the ECC priorities as the possibility of sustainability and liveability. Introducing the similarities and differences in financing, the implementation and variation of projects, emphasizing cooperation experienced in communication and certain program sets is a fundamental element of our present research. At the same time, common goals, various methods - that originate in cultural differences - by all means can teach us the lesson.Godina 2010. je u mnogim aspektima posebna godina, obzirom na promjene u izboru kriterija u prethodnom periodu, proširen krug mogućih kandidata za titulu grada kulture, pa je to i omogućilo da i Istanbul, grad koji praktički simbolizira cijelu Tursku, može biti među dobitnicima ovog priznanja. Iako sva tri ova grada zadovoljavaju ciljeve i očekivanja koja se traže od nositelja ove laskave titule europskog grada kulture, u nekoliko aspekata ima mjesta i kritici. Jedan od najvažnijih može se sagledati kroz financiranje. Ipak, korijen problema u nedostatku financijskih sredstava ima različite uzroke: dok kod Essena financiranje preko sponzora nikad nije pristiglo u blagajnu grada, kod Istanbula je problem i zastoj nastao zbog središnje vlade. U Pečuhu - gdje je također značajni dio financiranja problematičan zbog privatnih financijskih sponzorstava - izvanredni troškovi su rezultirali kašnjenjima ili polovičnim nužnim rješenjima. Ova se situacija sve više i pogoršava, u svjetlu rastuće svjetske ekonomske krize iz 2009. Ovi su čimbenici i često vidljiva neorganiziranost prouzročili zastoje u provedbi kulturnih programa, a što je tipično za sva tri europska grada kulture. Ne namjeravamo ovdje davati nikakva proročanstva i zloguke prognoze, ali bi se moglo desiti da ostane više od jednog neostvarenog ili nezavršenog projekta u 2010.godini. Također je politika bila od utjecaja u mnogim aspektima u kreiranju, planiranju i izvršenju kulturnih projekata, posebno kod Mađarske i Turske, što je uvelike i definiralo financiranje. Čak se to pokazalo jako ozbiljnim u slučaju Istanbula, obzirom da je turska savezna vlada u mnogim slučajevima isključila civilni sektor iz odluka koje su se ticale samih projekata. Nesretna serija s Pečuhom je započela u ljeto 2006.godine, kad je gradonačelnik teško stradao u prometnoj nesreći, završio u komi i bez mogućnosti donošenja odluka, što je izazvalo veliki publicitet. Njegov je nasljednik kasnije umro od bolesti 2009. godine. Nakon ovih nemilih događaja, grad Pečuh jedno vrijeme nije imao gradonačelnika pa je, sukladno tome, dosta odluka vezanih za europski grad kulture kasnilo i bilo odgađano. U međuvremenu je zbog stalnih izmjene u vodstvu gradskog organizacijskog centra za grad kulture 2010. godine, od jeseni 2008. godine - nakon što je šesti po redu direktor organizacijskog centra napustio funkciju - ta najviša menadžerska funkcija i ukinuta. Od prvobitno zacrtanih kriterija, potrebnih za proglašenje nekog grada gradom kulture, ostala je samo kulturna raznolikost kao veza između ova tri grada, a gradovi su se utopili u mješavinu i šarenilo nacija s vidljivom programskom kavalkadom. Stoga se pojam europskog grada kulture sveo na jednu seriju festivala u tim gradovima. Suradnja između europskih gradova kulture samo je formalna, zapinje na stupnju potrebnog protokola, a stanovnicima je nevidljiva jer je i tako mala suradnja slabo predstavljena i iskomunicirana. Ove tri strane održavaju tek bilateralne, asimetrične odnose, a čak i to prilično neredovito. Unatoč činjenici da su osvajači titule europskog grada kulture izradili dugoročne strategije, upitna je održivost tih projekata. To znači da je u Pečuhu razvoj kulturne infrastrukture u osnovi suprotan očekivanjima Europske Unije, a još gore, iza sebe ostavlja neiskorištenima neke kulturne građevine i objekte (konferencijska i koncertna dvorana). Što se tiče razvoja Istanbula, on se ponekad čini malo predimenzioniran u odnosu na titulu europskog kulturnog grada, ali u usporedbi s velegradom od 12 milijuna stanovnika, to nije ni približno tako. Oni to namjeravaju predstaviti kroz - u velikoj mjeri ekonomsku - snagu i težinu Turske u okviru Europe i turske kandidature za članstvo u Europskoj Uniji. Velika privlačna snaga turizma najvećeg grada na kontinentu - neovisno o 2010. godini - uvijek osigurava daljnju održivost projekata Istanbula, bez obzira na činjenicu da su njihovi planovi malo preambiciozni. Tipični oblik ulaganja u pokrajinu Ruhr - gdje se koristi već postojeća infrastruktura - uglavnom u prvobitnoj industrijskoj funkciji - građevine, ispunjene veoma bogatim i živim programima. Sukladno tome, grad Essen u Ruhru ima tek par mogućih problema, u smislu održavanja i budućeg iskorištavanja

    Molecular screening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes for resistance alleles against important biotic stresses

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    Molecular markers are vastly used as tool for screening of disease resistant/tolerant plant genotypes in early stage of growth in an environment-independent manner. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), the major biotic stresses like tomato yellow leaf curl virus, Fusarium wilt, tomato spotted wilt virus and root knot nematode cause severe crop loss. Recently, DNA based molecular markers for the screening of resistance alleles for the abovementioned diseases have been reported in tomato. In the present study, a total of eighteen tomato genotypes have been screened for the presence of possible resistance alleles, using sequence characterized amplified region(SCAR) molecular markers. Resistance allele-specific bands for Fusarium wilt disease, tomato spotted wilt disease and partial resistance allele-specifc band for root knot disease have been identified in some of the genotypes used in the present study. However, none of the genotypes was found to contain Ty3 resistance allele-specific band for resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl disease. Thus, possible resistance sources have been identified for three out of the four biotic stresses, mentioned earlier. Thus, the present study has screened the 18 tomato genotypes at molecular level for presence of resistance alleles for biotic stress, which might be further evaluated and explored in future tomato breeding programmes, targeting biotic stress resistance in tomato. At the same time, the study documents the applicability of molecular markers for rapid disease screening in tomato in an environment independent manner

    Kocsis Károly (szerk.): Délkelet-Európa térképekben

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    Hubungan Keteraturan Antenatal Care dengan Kejadian Anemia di Puskesmas Kasihan I Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Salah satu kesakitan utama yang menyebabkan kematian tidak langsung pada ibu bersalin adalah anemia. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian anemia salah satunya adalah faktor perilaku yaitu keteraturan antenatal care. Berdasarkan hasil survey pendahuluan di Puskesmas Kasihan I Bantul pada bulan Januari – Oktober 2014 terdapat 162 (26,1%) ibu hamil mengalami anemia dari 622 ibu yang melakukan kunjungan antenatal care. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan keteraturan antenatal care dengan kejadian anemia di Puskesmas Kasihan I Bantul Yogyakarta. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analatik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan quota sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 38 responden. Analisis data menggunakan kendall tau. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat 21 ibu hamil (55,3%) melakukan kunjungan antenatal care secara teratur. Dan 13 ibu hamil (34,2%) mengalami anemia ringan dan tidak anemia. Uji statistik yang dilakukan dengan korelasi kendall tau diperoleh nilai p-value 0,002 < 0,05 yang menunjukan bahwa Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Simpulan: Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara keteraturan antenatal care dengan kejadian anemia, dimana semakin teratur melakukan kunjungan antenatal care maka ibu hamil tidak akan mengalami kejadian anemia. Saran: Penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi tambahan informasi bagi tenaga kesehatan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kebidanan pada ibu hamil

    Factors Affecting Safe Sex Behavior Among Female Sex Workers in Surakarta, Central Java

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    Background: Earlier studies often focus solely on clients as female sex worker (FSW) risky sexual partners, ignoring the possible risks FSWs face from steady sex partners. Thus, further study is needed identifying strategies to reduce the potential increased risk of HIV/STI transmission between FSWs and their steady partners. This study aimed to determine factors affecting safe sex behavior among female sex workers in Surakarta, Central Java.Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Banjarsari, Surakarta, Central Java, from April to May 2018. A sample of 134 female sex workers was selected by simple random sampling. The dependent variable was safe sex behavior. The independent variables were subjective norm, perceived behavior control, intention, attitude, education, and age. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by path analysis.Results: Safe sex behavior increased with strong intention (b= 0.08; SE= 0.04; p=0.041). Safe sex behavior indirectly increased with older age, positive attitude, positive subjective norm, and strong perceived behavior control.Conclusion: Safe sex behavior directly increases with strong intention, and indirectly increases with older age, positive attitude, positive subjective norm, and strong perceived behavior control.Keywords: safe sex behavior, Theory of Planned BehaviorCorrespondence:Saras Vati Manvatarini Sugma. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A, Surakarta, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6282186653675.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2018), 3(2): 109-115https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2018.03.02.0

    Levantamento da incidência de prolongamento do processo estilóide e/ou calcificação do ligamento estiloióideo em radiografias panorâmicas

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    A Síndrome de Eagle tem sido associada a uma variedade de sintomas, destacando-se a dor, usualmente unilateral, referida para a garganta, língua, olhos, terço médio da face, ATM e ouvido. É caracterizada pela presença de prolongamento do processo estilóde e/ou calcificação do ligamento estiloióideo, alterações que podem ser observadas em radiografias panorâmicas comumente utilizadas em clínicas e consultórios odontológicos durante tratamento de rotina. Quinhentas radiografias panorâmicas pertencentes ao arquivo da Disciplina de Patologia Bucal do Curso de Odontologia do UniFOA, serão avaliadas em relação a alterações anatômicas associadas à Síndrome de Eagle. Para avaliação das radiografias será utilizado negatoscópio de 1 corpo, à base de luz fria e composto por 2 lâmpadas fluorescentes, 110/220V, construído em chapa de aço esmaltada, com frente de acrílico leitoso, e possuindo fixação de RX por roletes. Área útil de 0,37m de largura, e 0,47m de altura (Santa Luzia – Brasil). As radiografias serão inicialmente avaliadas pelos alunos participantes da pesquisa, e posteriormente pelos professores orientadores. Os dados serão catalogados em planilha elaborada pelos professores orientadores, utilizando-se o Microsoft Excel 2007. Os resultados serão apresentados sob a forma de gráficos e tabelas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo gerar maiores informações à respeito da incidência de alterações radiográficas associadas à Síndrome de Eagle, no intuito de orientar os cirurgiões dentistas e alunos de graduação em Odontologia, bem como avaliar sua incidência em Volta Redonda, ainda desconhecida

    Classical fairy tales: portals to our identities

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