29 research outputs found

    O ambiente e o papo: comparações internacionais e tipologia das redes verbais nas organizações

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    A long tradition of research affirms that in the most dynamic environments, organizations need a more "organic" behavior to facilitate communication and coordination between managerial functions and organizational units. Growth of companies, together with product diversification and internationalization, has substantially increased the complexity of management, where only formal interfaces have become insufficient. Informal organization may correct inefficiencies of the formal structure but may also produce dysfunctions that could lead to conflicts and deviations from objectives and strategies. This paper describes a study about verbal networks in 66 companies in industrial environments, both in Brazil and the United States. Three types of verbal networks were identified, characterized by different levels of density, factionalism and strength of contacts. These three appeared to be related to the industrial environment of each company. Companies in a highly munificent environment but facing high levels of competition had networks of high density and low factionalism with many weak contacts while companies in stagnated environments had networks of low density and a high level of factionalism with many strong contacts. This paper analyzed the implication of these findings on the company-environment interface.Uma longa tradição de pesquisa afirma que, nos ambientes mais dinâmicos, as organizações necessitam de formas mais "orgânicas", que facilitem a comunicação e a coordenação entre diversas funções e unidades. O crescimento das empresas, associado à diversificação de produtos e à internacionalização, aumenta muito a complexidade do processo gerencial, que não pode depender somente das interfaces formais. As organizações informais, de um lado, podem complementar as deficiências da estrutura formal, ou podem produzir disfunções que levarão a conflitos e desvios dos objetivos e estratégias. Este artigo consiste num estudo das redes sociais verbais de 66 empresas localizadas em vários ambientes industriais no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, no qual foram identificados três tipos básicos de redes verbais, caracterizadas por diferentes níveis de densidade, faccionalismo e predominância de contatos "fortes". Os três tipos, por sua vez, parecem estar relacionados com o ambiente industrial em que a firma está inserida. As empresas localizadas em ambientes de alta munificência, porém de alta concorrência, dispunham de redes de alta densidade e baixo faccionalismo, com muitos contatos fracos. Em contrapartida, as empresas localizadas em ambientes de estagnação tinham redes de baixa densidade, alto faccionalismo e muitos contatos fortes. Neste artigo, discutimos as implicações desse resultado para a relação empresa-ambiente

    Global products or customization to different countries: Conceptual framework and application at Wahler, A german company Of the automotive sector

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    Competition in global markets demands product strategies that can help firms deal with the dilemma of global products versus customization, in serving the markets of different countries. Global products lead to large scales, automation, lower costs, plus the easy transfer of people and technology among many subsidiaries, as well as between corporate headquarters and the subsidiaries. However, the lack of customization makes it difficult to gain share in countless market segments, in many countries, and it may even stop a firm from entering in certain countries. This study outlines a model designed to facilitate this type of decision-making. First, based on the literature, a conceptual model was drawn up and the decision-related elements were grouped into seven factors that aid product customization decisions: 1. Market Positioning; 2. Customers’ strategic importance; 3. Product life-cycle development; 4. Legal requirements; 5. Physical environment; 6. Infrastructure and compatibility; and 7. Suppliers’ strategic importance. The case method was used, given the complex nature of the problem, which calls for an in-depth analysis. The model was tested on one of the products made a German company with a Brazilian subsidiary. The components of the valve and the technological trends were analyzed. The case study showed that the influencing factors are interrelated. It became clear that the technological component is directly related with the seven decision factors, and this aspect is analyzed in depth. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to validate the model, since the case method does not allow one to generalize the findings


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    O surgimento da Internet e o contexto da globalização encontram na Internet uma possibilidade de ampliação do alcance de mercado das empresas e da conexão com o consumidor, fazendo com que muitas dessas empresas que só atuavam no meio “físico” passassem utilizar a Internet para realizar negócios. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo esclarecer se essas empresas utilizaram algum tipo de modelo de negócio para conduzir a implantação das atividades de comércio eletrônico. Para tal, foi empreendida uma pesquisa exploratória que se utilizou de três estudos de caso na indústria automobilística: a Ford Motor Company do Brasil, a Daimler-Chrysler do Brasil e a General Motors do Brasil. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a Daimler-Chrysler utilizou o mesmo modelo de negócio de sua matriz, que entende o e-business como um conector da cadeia de valor da empresa, a montadora Ford do Brasil não utilizou nenhum modelo de negócio, sendo que as atividades de e-business foram geradas a partir do aporte maciço de capital nessa filial pela matriz e, finalmente, a General Motors do Brasil utilizou um modelo de negócio voltado para atividades B2C (direto ao consumidor), incorporando o uso de métricas bem definidas para a avaliação dos resultados alcançados e incorporando o uso de uma infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) da empresa como fator fundamental para o sucesso das atividades de e-business realizadas.In the contemporary context of globalization, the Internet is a means through which companies can broaden their market and improve their links with consumers, with the result that many companies that previously only worked in the “physical” field, now use Internet to do business. The aim of this study is to examine whether these companies have used any type of business model in order to implant their electronic activity. An exploratory survey was made of three case studies in the car industry: the Ford Motor Company of Brasil, Daimler-Chrysler of Brasil and General Motors of Brasil. The results show that Daimler-Chrysler used the same business model as their headquarters did, which sees e-business as a chain value connector of the company. Ford of Brasil did not use any particular business model as the e-business activities were generated from the huge investment of capital in this branch by the headquarters. Finally, General Motors of Brasil used a business model directed toward BC2 activities (direct to the consumer), incorporating the use of well-defined measurements for the evaluation of the achieved results and the use of the Information Technology infrastructure of the company as a fundamental factor for the success of the e-business

    Estabelecendo o grau de descentralização da estrutura organizacional: o caso do programa estadual de microbacias hidrográficas

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    Literature was reviewed to define a conceptual model for development and test in order to determine the proper degree of decentralization for the organizational structure of the Microcatchment Program of the State of Sao Paulo. Program managers and the Technical Director for Rural Development of the town of Itapetininga were interviewed according to a set of guidelines. The model adopted was shown to be appropriate and recommended partial decentralization. Analysis showed that duplication of resources for the partial decentralization was justifiable where secondary roads are necessary for transport of agricultural products. In conclusion the model used showed potential for further improvement in the degree of decentralization.Este artigo tem por objetivo desenvolver e testar um modelo conceitual para estabelecer o grau adequado de descentralização na estrutura organizacional do Programa Estadual de Microbacias Hidrográficas. Inicialmente, fez-se uma revisão bibliográfica do tema centralização e descentralização, com a finalidade de definir o modelo conceitual. A seguir, o modelo foi aplicado à estrutura organizacional do Programa Estadual de Microbacias Hidrográficas do Estado de São Paulo. Entrevistas com o Diretor Técnico do Escritório de Desenvolvimento Rural, integrante do Programa na cidade de Itapetininga, e com os gerentes do programa foram conduzidas com base em um roteiro predefinido. O estudo mostrou a aplicabilidade do modelo, evidenciando que a decisão de descentralização parcial é a mais adequada. Mostrou também que a duplicação de recursos na descentralização parcial se justifica onde a demanda por estradas rurais é crítica para o transporte de produtos agrícolas. Finalmente, a aplicação do modelo mostrou potencial de aprimoramento no grau de descentralização da estrutura organizacional

    Dimensionamento de recursos humanos: desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual e sua aplicação

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    Definition of positions and functions in a company is complex and frequently based on manager perceptions and administrative negotiations as well as trial and error. These approaches are questionable from both the company and employee perspectives. EMF is a municipal company focused on resolving low income housing problems. The company has invested in training of personnel and modernizing management. Now it has studied and adopted a conceptual model to improve traditional dimensioning for human resource staffing. A review of pertinent literature was made, followed by a description of EMF and the experience with the model. In conclusion recommendations and conclusions are made on the subject.Determinar o número de ocupantes dos vários cargos e funções em uma empresa não é tarefa fácil. Com freqüência, essa tarefa é realizada com base na percepção dos chefes, negociações com a administração da empresa e tentativas sucessivas com base em erros e acertos. Qualquer dessas alternativas apresenta resultados muito questionáveis, seja do ponto de vista da empresa, seja sob a ótica dos empregados. A Empresa Municipal de Habitação (EMH) é uma empresa municipal voltada para a solução de problemas de moradia das classes de baixa renda, que vem se destacando pelo uso de técnicas modernas de gerenciamento. No sentido de melhor quantificar suas necessidades de recursos humanos, a empresa, que tem investido nos últimos anos em treinamento de recursos humanos e na modernização de seus processos gerenciais, realizou um estudo com base em um modelo conceitual que possibilitou um avanço nos processos tradicionais de dimensionamento. Este trabalho inicia com uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, seguida de uma breve descrição da empresa. A seguir, um modelo conceitual é apresentado e aplicado à realidade da EMH. Recomendações e conclusões sobre o método usado encerram o texto

    Services offshoring and its strategic effects on value chains

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    This article's main objective is to examine some known management theories under the offshoring point of view. It detaches some factors in existing theories and how they can be at risk in an increasing offshoring of services processes. In the absence of more systematic studies about the effects of offshoring over value chain and core competencies imprecise borders and definitions, we try to interpret them in a holistic manner and stimulate discussions in a new area of study rather than to provide definitive general conclusions. The methodological aspects mainly concerning the offshoring bibliography are very impressive, especially since 2000. There seems to be a new trend appearing, like a wedge between strategy and international business theories, or that at least complements these theories. The analysis presented in this paper is offered as an aid to systematic investigation involving value chains, core competencies, innovations and the accelerated process of offshore outsourcing of services. Some preliminary evidence showed countries and companies in good conditions to improve their participation in the international market. The internationalization of these new firms from emerging countries and their learning process may need extension to existing theories, at least from the perspective of emerging and in the developing world


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    Objetivo: o estudo buscou analisar os efeitos de um programa de capacitação para catadores de materiais recicláveis e suas comunidades, presentes na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Método/abordagem: o estudo segue a abordagem qualitativa, de pesquisa documental, com 22 entrevistas realizadas em campo, e aplicação dos modelos teóricos do Triple Bottom Line de Elkington (1998), de avaliação de programas de capacitação de Kirkpatrick e Kirkpatrick (2010) e da análise categórica de Flores (1994). Principais Resultados: os resultados indicaram efeitos sociais, econômicos e ambientais relevantes no contexto comunitário de atuação desses profissionais. Contribuições teóricas/práticas/sociais: o estudo colabora com os 17 ODS liderados pela ONU e amplia o papel social do catador para o desenvolvimento de comunidades sustentáveis. Originalidade/relevância: o estudo destaca sua originalidade ao investigar programas de capacitação de sustentabilidade para catadores de materiais recicláveis, bem como os efeitos desses conhecimentos para o progresso de comunidades em estado de vulnerabilidade social

    Marketing internationalization: influence factors on product customization decision

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    Purpose – Studies about product customization decision are especially relevant for organizations that decide opening a subsidiary overseas. This scenario requires the company to decide which products should be customized and which products should be standardized when selling products in international markets. The main purpose of this paper is to identify which factors influence the decisions on the customization of industrial products and consumer products to a particular country in the marketing function of a global company. Design/methodology/approach – To do so, a literature review was conducted addressing the following topics: internationalization, international marketing and product customization factors. With regard to methodological aspects, an initial qualitative phase was conducted with four exploratory case studies. In the quantitative phase, an online survey was developed, obtaining 123 records of an intentional non-probabilistic sample. Findings – As a result, six factors were deemed essential to the product customization decision: customers’ characteristics, sustainable return on investment, sustainable profit, legal requirements, sales of other products in the portfolio and weather differences. Originality/value – The authors expect that the results of this research contribute academically for the management knowledge about the meanings that product customization can assume in internationalized companies, and, additionally, in a business way, the authors expect that they help companies make strategic decisions on the appropriate measure to take regarding product customization in international markets, whether industrial products or consumer products. With these findings, the authors expect to make a valid contribution about product customization decision and suggesting future studies from other perspectives


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    Os distritos industriais têm um relevante papel social e econômico na organização industrial italiana. Distritos industriais são redes de negócios envolvendo principalmente pequenas e médias empresas e outros agentes sociais e econômicos, organizados em comunidades que são bem definidas dos pontos de vista geográfico, histórico e cultural. O presente estudo visa identificar a dinâmica de negócios e a maneira na qual ele infuencia, ou é influenciado, pela gestão da inovação tecnológica. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório com um plano de pesquisa baseado na revisão da literatura, um levantamento de documentos e entrevistas com gestores de organizações que fazem parte de distritos industriais italianos e pesquisadores que atuam na área. O estudo de campo foi desenvolvido nos distritos italianos de Sassuolo, Modena Area, Emilia-Romagna Region (ceramica) and Lumezzane, Brescian Valley, Lombardy com Region (metal-mechanica). Os resultados identificam vários elementos que são típicos das inovações tecnológicas nos distritos industriais, particularmente as características culturais e os fundamentos das relações sociais e pessoais.The Industrial Districts – Distretti Industriali – play a relevant social and economic role in Italy‘s industrial organization. As is stated in the literature, industrial districts are networks of businesses, involving mainly small and medium-sized companies as well as other social and economic agents, organized in communities that are well-defined geographically, historically and culturally. Considering, on the other hand, the role of technology for the success of business, both individually for each economic agent, and collectively for the industrial district, the present study was planned to identify the characteristics of the dynamics of the business and the way in which they influence, or are influenced, by the management factors of the technological innovation process in that environment. It is an exploratory study of an empirical nature, with a research plan based on the review of the literature, an examination of institutional documents, and interviews with managers of organizations that are part of Italian industrial districts, as well as Italian researchers working on the subject of the present study. The guidelines for the research regarding the aspects of management of innovation, in the environment under investigation, were based on a management model that is appropriate for environments in which there is cooperative interaction between the constituent agents. The field research was concentrated on the Italian districts of Sassuolo, Modena Area, Emilia-Romagna Region (ceramics) and Lumezzane, Brescian Valley, Lombardy Region (metals-mechanics). The results obtained have allowed us to define several elements that are typical of the organization of business and of the process of technological innovation, in an industrial district. Among the management factors that were identified in the cooperative action for technological innovation, it was possible to identify the one directly associated with the cultural characteristics that are specific of the districts, i.e. the background of social and personal relationships

    Marketing internationalization: influence factors on product customization decision

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    Purpose – Studies about product customization decision are especially relevant for organizations that decide opening a subsidiary overseas. This scenario requires the company to decide which products should be customized and which products should be standardized when selling products in international markets. The main purpose of this paper is to identify which factors influence the decisions on the customization of industrial products and consumer products to a particular country in the marketing function of a global company. Design/methodology/approach – To do so, a literature review was conducted addressing the following topics: internationalization, international marketing and product customization factors. With regard to methodological aspects, an initial qualitative phase was conducted with four exploratory case studies. In the quantitative phase, an online survey was developed, obtaining 123 records of an intentional non-probabilistic sample. Findings – As a result, six factors were deemed essential to the product customization decision: customers’ characteristics, sustainable return on investment, sustainable profit, legal requirements, sales of other products in the portfolio and weather differences. Originality/value – The authors expect that the results of this research contribute academically for the management knowledge about the meanings that product customization can assume in internationalized companies, and, additionally, in a business way, the authors expect that they help companies make strategic decisions on the appropriate measure to take regarding product customization in international markets, whether industrial products or consumer products. With these findings, the authors expect to make a valid contribution about product customization decision and suggesting future studies from other perspectives