279 research outputs found

    Comprehensive transcriptome-wide analysis of spliceopathy correction of myotonic dystrophy using CRISPR-Cas9 in iPSCs-derived cardiomyocytes

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    CTG repeat expansion (CTGexp) is associated with aberrant alternate splicing that contributes to cardiac dysfunction in myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Excision of this CTGexp repeat using CRISPR-Cas resulted in the disappearance of punctate ribonuclear foci in cardiomyocyte-like cells derived from DM1-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This was associated with correction of the underlying spliceopathy as determined by RNA sequencing and alternate splicing analysis. Certain genes were of particular interest due to their role in cardiac development, maturation, and function (TPM4, CYP2J2, DMD, MBNL3, CACNA1H, ROCK2, ACTB) or their association with splicing (SMN2, GCFC2, MBNL3). Moreover, while comparing isogenic CRISPR-Cas9-corrected versus non-corrected DM1 cardiomyocytes, a prominent difference in the splicing pattern for a number of candidate genes was apparent pertaining to genes that are associated with cardiac function (TNNT, TNNT2, TTN, TPM1, SYNE1, CACNA1A, MTMR1, NEBL, TPM1), cellular signaling (NCOR2, CLIP1, LRRFIP2, CLASP1, CAMK2G), and other DM1-related genes (i.e., NUMA1, MBNL2, LDB3) in addition to the disease-causing DMPK gene itself. Subsequent validation using a selected gene subset, including MBNL1, MBNL2, INSR, ADD3, and CRTC2, further confirmed correction of the spliceopathy following CTGexp repeat excision. To our knowledge, the present study provides the first comprehensive unbiased transcriptome- wide analysis of the differential splicing landscape in DM1 patient-derived cardiac cells after excision of the CTGexp repeat using CRISPR-Cas9, showing reversal of the abnormal cardiac spliceopathy in DM1

    Pluripotent Stem Cells for Gene Therapy of Degenerative Muscle Diseases

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    Human pluripotent stem cells represent a unique source for cell-based therapies and regenerative medicine. The intrinsic features of these cells such as their easy accessibility and their capacity to be expanded indefinitely overcome some limitations of conventional adult stem cells. Furthermore, the possibility to derive patient-specific induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in combination with the current development of gene modification methods could be used for autologous cell therapies of some genetic diseases. In particular, muscular dystrophies are considered to be a good candidate due to the lack of efficacious therapeutic treatments for patients to date, and in view of the encouraging results arising from recent preclinical studies. Some hurdles, including possible genetic instability and their efficient differentiation into muscle progenitors through vector/transgene-free methods have still to be overcome or need further optimization. Additionally, engraftment and functional contribution to muscle regeneration in pre-clinical models need to be carefully assessed before clinical translation. This review offers a summary of the advanced methods recently developed to derive muscle progenitors from pluripotent stem cells, as well as gene therapy by gene addition and gene editing methods using ZFNs, TALENs or CRISPR/Cas9. We have also discussed the main issues that need to be addressed for successful clinical translation of genetically corrected patient-specific pluripotent stem cells in autologous transplantation trials for skeletal muscle disorders

    Hemophilia gene therapy knowledge and perceptions: Results of an international survey

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    Background Hemophilia gene therapy is a rapidly evolving therapeutic approach in which a number of programs are approaching clinical development completion. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate knowledge and perceptions of a variety of health care practitioners and scientists about gene therapy for hemophilia. Methods This survey study was conducted February 1 to 18, 2019. Survey participants were members of the ISTH, European Hemophilia Consortium, European Hematology Association, or European Association for Hemophilia and Allied Disorders with valid email contacts. The online survey consisted of 36 questions covering demographic information, perceptions and knowledge of gene therapy for hemophilia, and educational preferences. Survey results were summarized using descriptive statistics. Results Of the 5117 survey recipients, 201 responded from 55 countries (4% response rate). Most respondents (66%) were physicians, and 59% were physicians directly involved in the care of people with hemophilia. Among physician respondents directly involved in hemophilia care, 35% lacked the ability to explain the science of adeno-associated viral gene therapy for hemophilia, and 40% indicated limited ability or lack of comfort answering patient questions about gene therapy for hemophilia based on clinical trial results to date. Overall, 75% of survey respondents answered 10 single-answer knowledge questions correctly, 13% incorrectly, and 12% were unsure of the correct answers. Conclusions This survey highlighted knowledge gaps and educational needs related to gene therapy for hemophilia and, along with other inputs, has informed the development of "Gene Therapy in Hemophilia: An ISTH Education Initiative.

    Entanglement-assisted quantum low-density parity-check codes

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    This paper develops a general method for constructing entanglement-assisted quantum low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, which is based on combinatorial design theory. Explicit constructions are given for entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs) with many desirable properties. These properties include the requirement of only one initial entanglement bit, high error correction performance, high rates, and low decoding complexity. The proposed method produces infinitely many new codes with a wide variety of parameters and entanglement requirements. Our framework encompasses various codes including the previously known entanglement-assisted quantum LDPC codes having the best error correction performance and many new codes with better block error rates in simulations over the depolarizing channel. We also determine important parameters of several well-known classes of quantum and classical LDPC codes for previously unsettled cases.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Final version appearing in Physical Review

    Synthesis and characterisation of pyrene-labelled polydimethylsiloxane networks: towards the in situ detection of strain in silicone elastomers

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    Pyrene-substituted polyhydromethylsiloxanes (PHMS-Py-x) were synthesised by the hydrosilylation reaction of prop-3-enyloxymethylpyrene with polyhydromethylsiloxane (M-n = 3700). The ratio of pyrene substituent to Si-H unit was varied to afford a range of pyrene-functionalised polysiloxanes. These copolymers were subsequently incorporated into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomers by curing via either Pt(0) catalysed hydrosilylation with divinyl-terminated PDMS (M-n = 186) and tetrakis(dimethylsiloxy) silane, or Sn(II) catalysed condensation with alpha,omega-dihydroxyPDMS (M-n = 26 000) and tetraethoxysilane. An alternative method involving the synthesis and integration of [3-(pyren-1-ylmethoxy)propyl]triethoxysilane (Py-TEOS) into PDMS elastomers was also investigated: a mixture of alpha,omega-dihydroxyPDMS (M-n = 26 000), tetraethoxysilane, and Py-TEOS was cured using an Sn( II) catalyst. Certain of the resulting fluorescent pyrene-labelled elastomers were studied by differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis. No significant changes were observed in the thermal or mechanical properties of the elastomers containing pyrene when compared to otherwise identical samples not containing pyrene. All of the pyrene-containing elastomers were demonstrated to be fluorescent under suitable excitation in a photoluminescent spectrometer. Two of the elastomers were placed in a photoluminescence spectrometer and subjected to cycles of extension and relaxation (strain = 0-16.7%) while changes in the emission spectra were monitored. The resulting spectra of the elastomer containing the PHMS-Py-50 copolymers were variable and inconsistent. However, the emission peaks of elastomers containing Py-TEOS displayed clear and reproducible changes in fluorescence intensity upon stretching and relaxation. The intensity of the monomer and excimer emission peaks was observed to increase with elongation of the sample and decrease upon relaxation. Furthermore, the ratio of the intensities of the excimer : monomer peak decreased with elongation and increased with relaxation. In neither case was there appreciable hysteresis, suggesting that fluorescent labelling of elastomers is a valid approach for the non-invasive in situ monitoring of stress and strain in such materials

    Next-generation muscle-directed gene therapy by in silico vector design

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    There is an urgent need to develop the next-generation vectors for gene therapy of muscle disorders, given the relatively modest advances in clinical trials. These vectors should express substantially higher levels of the therapeutic transgene, enabling the use of lower and safer vector doses. In the current study, we identify potent muscle-specific transcriptional cisregulatory modules (CRMs), containing clusters of transcription factor binding sites, using a genome-wide data-mining strategy. These novel muscle-specific CRMs result in a substantial increase in muscle-specific gene transcription (up to 400-fold) when delivered using adeno-associated viral vectors in mice. Significantly higher and sustained human micro-dystrophin and follistatin expression levels are attained than when conventional promoters are used. This results in robust phenotypic correction in dystrophic mice, without triggering apoptosis or evoking an immune response. This multidisciplinary approach has potentially broad implications for augmenting the efficacy and safety of muscle-directed gene therapy

    Efficient In Vivo Liver-Directed Gene Editing Using CRISPR/Cas9

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    n vivo tissue-specific genome editing at the desired loci is still a challenge. Here, we report that AAV9-delivery of truncated guide RNAs (gRNAs) and Cas9 under the control of a computationally designed hepatocyte-specific promoter lead to liver-specific and sequence-specific targeting in the mouse factor IX (F9) gene. The efficiency of in vivo targeting was assessed by T7E1 assays, site-specific Sanger sequencing, and deep sequencing of on-target and putative off-target sites. Though AAV9 transduction was apparent in multiple tissues and organs, Cas9 expression was restricted mainly to the liver, with only minimal or no expression in other non-hepatic tissues. Consequently, the insertions and deletion (indel) frequency was robust in the liver (up to 50%) in the desired target loci of the F9 gene, with no evidence of targeting in other organs or other putative off-target sites. This resulted in a substantial loss of FIX activity and the emergence of a bleeding phenotype, consistent with hemophilia B. The in vivo efficacy of the truncated gRNA was as high as that of full-length gRNA. Cas9 expression was transient in neonates, representing an attractive “hit-and-run” paradigm. Our findings have potentially broad implications for somatic gene targeting in the liver using the CRISPR/Cas9 platform
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