26 research outputs found

    Extracción de perilla (Symphoricarpos microphyllus H.B.K.) en el Nevado de Toluca

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    La presente investigación describe la organización social en la extracción y comercialización de la vara de perlilla (Symphoricarpos mi-crophyllus H.B.K.) en tres comunidades del Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Nevado de Toluca. La investigación se realizó a través de la observación participante, entrevistas semiestructuradas, transectos y muestreos aleatorios en áreas de extracción para determinar la densidad y características de las plantas. Los resultados muestran que el agente social detonador de la demanda del recurso es el Gobier-no del Distrito Federal que requiere la vara de perlilla para la elaboración de escobas de vara rústicas destinadas a la limpieza pública. La organización social en torno a la extracción del recurso está dominada por intermediarios ajenos a las comunidades y, por lo tanto, son quienes obtienen el mayor beneficio económico de la extracción de perlilla. Ellos toman ventaja de las relaciones de amistad y parentesco con el acopiador y los líderes de los cortadores. Las entrevistas semiestructuradas con informantes clave permitieron identificar que la extracción de perlilla se ha intensificado presentando, en algunas zonas, problemas para la regeneración de la especie como resultado de la sobreexplotación y la aplicación de técnicas de corte inadecuadas. Esta situación podría ocasionar problemas graves de tipo ecológico, económico y social en esta área natural protegida

    Qubits structure as an enhancement factor of coherence in a one-way quantum computer

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    Present day´s efforts for building up an operative quantum computer soon will take shape. One of the main challenges to this task is to implement qubit coherence in a practical way. We make emphasis on the structure of the nuclear qubits in a one-way quantum computer as a source of coherence enhancement. The form factor, accounting for the nuclear qubit structure of the model, is the magnetogyric ratio γ (more commonly called the gyromagnetic ratio). We collect experimental values for γ and calculate the respective times of coherence T h , for a number of materials. A parametrization is also given for γ , in terms of the atomic number, whose agreement with the experiment is very good. We also calculate, accurately enough, bounds to the corrections to T h due to spurious dipolar coupling between nuclei because this has not been done in the past. Such corrections are negligible for nearby planes whereas for remote planes they might be of considerable size. It is concluded that the nuclei states last longer than their electronic counterpart. However, this stability of nuclei qubits limits the speed at which the computer can carry out instructions and process the information

    El proceso de extracción y comercialización del musgo (Thuidium delicatulum) en el Estado de México

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    Se analiza el proceso de extracción y comercialización del musgo Thuidium delicatulum en San Bartolo Oxtotitlán, Estado de México. Se pretende caracterizar la forma en que los actores sociales intervienen en el aprovechamiento del musgo en una región de alta montaña del centro de México. Se emplearon herramientas de investigación participativa como entrevistas semiestructuradas, transectos por las rutas de extracción y los muestreos aleatorios en la zona de estudio. Los resultados muestran que la extracción de musgo en el Estado de México es una actividad estacional intensiva que realizan personas ajenas a las comunidades, ya que las poblaciones locales no han mostrado capacidad e interés para organizarse y son los intermediarios quienes promueven su explotación y obtienen la mayor ventaja económica

    Vínculos fraternos y sociales de artesanos indígenas beneficiarios de un programa público en la Sierra de Zongolica, Veracruz

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    Poverty alleviation is one of the most important challenges in Mexico addressed mostly from the economic point of view and frequently leaving aside the perspective of social capital, which gives great importance to the deficiencies of socioemotional goods of social groups affected by poverty. The objective of this study was to understand the social capital of the groups of indigenous artisans who are beneficiaries of the Program for Indigenous Production and Productivity of the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, and how fraternal and social ties have influenced the improvement of production and the wellbeing of indigenous families. A survey was applied to 54 beneficiaries devoted to the elaboration of wool, clay and wood handcrafts in five municipalities with high and very high marginalization in the Sierra de Zongolica, state of Veracruz. The results show that there is great trust from members of the groups towards the leader and between one another. This study proposes a composed index of fraternal ties, among which some stood out such as sharing economic benefits, increase in productivity, trust in the group, and sharing of knowledge.La reducción de la pobreza es uno de los retos más importantes de países como México que ha sido abordada desde el punto de vista principalmente económico, frecuentemente dejando de lado la perspectiva del capital social, que le da importancia primordial a las deficiencias de bienes socioemocionales de los grupos sociales afectados por la pobreza. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer el capital social de los grupos de artesanos indígenas beneficiarios del Programa para la Producción y Productividad Indígena de la Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas y cómo han influido los vínculos fraternos y sociales en el mejoramiento de la producción y del bienestar de las familias indígenas. Se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra de 54 beneficiarios dedicados a la elaboración de artesanías de lana, barro y madera en cinco municipios de alta y muy alta marginación de la Sierra de Zongolica, estado de Veracruz. Los resultados muestran existe una gran confianza de los miembros de los grupos hacia el líder y entre ellos. Este estudio realizó análisis de ranking o scoring de vínculos fraternos entre los cuales sobresalieron compartir beneficios económicos, aumento en la productividad, confianza en el grupo y compartir los conocimientos

    Aprovechamiento de productos forestales no maderables en los bosques de montaña alta, centro de México

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    El artículo se derivó de la tesis de doctorado con financiamiento del CONACYT a través del PCARNSe evalúan las formas de organización social en torno al aprovechamiento de los productos forestales no maderables más importantes en la alta montaña del centro de México.CONACY

    Geographical analysis of rice production and storage in Mexico, 1980 – 2018

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    Objective: Geographically analyze the production and storage of rice in Mexico in a multi-temporal period 1980 to 2018, presenting cartography of the geographical location, storage centers, nodes, networks and areas of influence generated by rice production. Design / Methodology / Approach: Results: The statistical database of "Support and Services for Agricultural Marketing" (ASERCA) was used, as well as statistical information from the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP), as well as the cartographic base with the geographic information systems tool the vector database was digitized and integrated into a relational database for spatial analysis Results: Results of production, storage distribution network and the forecast of consumption, storage in Mexico 2030 are presented. Using the statistical base and representing it with Geographic Information Systems tools. Study limitations: It is necessary to perform a spatial analysis by State to determine a distance Isochrons and calculate planning scenarios. Findings / Conclusions: The geographical analysis of rice production in Mexico maintains a territorial organization of cultivation, distribution, storage and consumption, which locates economic activities based on geographic factors of the primary sector, generating patterns of location, dispersion and settlement of consumptionObjective: To analyze the production and storage of rice in Mexico, geographically and along 1980 to 2018; presenting cartography of the geographical location, rice storage centers, nodes, networks, and areas of influence generated by rice production. Design / Methodology / Approach: The statistical database of "Apoyos y Servicios a la Comercialización Agropecuaria" (ASERCA; a resource database to support agricultural marketing) was used, as well as statistical information from the Mexico’s information service “Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera, SIAP). Likewise, the cartographic basis for analysis was built in GIS. A vector database was digitized and integrated into a relational database for spatial analysis. Results: Results of production, storage, distribution network and the rice consumption-storage forecast for Mexico in 2030 are presented. Using the statistical base, depicted in a GIS projection. Limitations in the study: It is necessary to perform a spatial analysis per state to determine distance isochrons and to calculate planning scenarios. Findings / Conclusions: The geographical analysis of rice production in Mexico maintains a territorial organization of cultivation, distribution, storage and consumption, which locates economic activities based on geographical factors of the primary sector, generating some geographical patterns for rice production, such as location, distribution and consumption per human settlemen

    Productive achievements in backyard poultry projects funded by the strategic program for food security at Tepecoacuilco, Guerrero, Mexico

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    Objective: to identify the socioeconomic factors that favored food production and families' income to improve their food security through backyard poultry projects. Methodology: 31 families who had a backyard project for the production of chicken meat and eggs were surveyed, and the information was completed with 2 participatory workshops. Results: The average area of the backyards per family was 48.27 m2 and the average area destined to the projects installed by the program was 25.3 m2. It was found that only 16.1% of the projects studied are in operation, families with active projects mentioned that they had improvements in their diet since their consumption of eggs and healthy meats increased. Regarding egg production, an annual average of 187.2 kg was obtained in operating projects. Limitations: The conditions of local violence in the study region limited the possibility of interviewing all the beneficiaries selected in the sample. Conclusions: The beneficiaries had a contribution to improve their family diet, however, the results indicate that the family needs are not yet fully satisfied since the beneficiaries still continue to buy eggs that they consider essential for their diet. Regarding the income generated, their contribution to the household was practically zero and of little relevance. Keywords: families, production, food security, backyards.Objective: To identify the socioeconomic factors in Tepecoacuilco, Guerrero that favored food productionand family income that improves their food security via backyard poultry projects.Methodology: 31 families with backyard poultry projects for chicken meat and egg production were surveyedand their information complemented with two participatory workshops.Results: The average area of the backyards per family was 48.27 m2 and 25.3 m2  out ofthem were used for the supported projects. It was found that only 16.1% of the studiedprojects are in operation y families with active projects had improvements in their dietsince their consumption of eggs and healthy meats. Regarding egg production, anannual average of 187.2 kg was obtained in operating projects.Limitations: The conditions of local violence in the study region limited the possibility ofinterviewing all the beneficiaries selected in the sample. Conclusions: The beneficiaries improved their family diet with the financed projects,however, results indicate that family needs are not yet fully satisfied since thebeneficiaries still continue to buy eggs that they consider essential for their intake. Theprojects had null o little contribution to household income

    Esquemas de contratos agrícolas para la producción de Agave Tequilana Weber en la región de Tequila, Jalisco.

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    The production of Agave tequilana Weber var. azul suffers cyclical crises derived from the fluctuations of agave prices and periods of oversupply and scarcity of the product in the market. The establishment of production and buying and selling contracts between agaveros (agave producers) and tequila industries has been one of the alternatives proposed to reduce the effects of these cyclic crises and stabilize the agave market. The objective of this study was to identify the types of contracting for the production and commercialization of Agave tequilana in the productive chain of agave-tequila in the municipality of Tequila, Jalisco. A sample of 50 agave producers selected randomly were surveyed, who produced agave under three types of contracts: a) Leasing; b) Share-cropping; and c) Tenant farming (métayage). Contract by leasing is the most frequent plan and has displaced the informal plans of share-cropping and tenant farming. The lessors carry out agave cultivation mainly as monoculture, and the sharecroppers and tenant farmers (metayer) in polyculture. The common factor between share-cropping and tenant farming is that the owners have access to their plots, and the main difference lies in the form of appropriation of the agave harvest.La producción de Agave tequilana Weber var. azul sufre de crisis cíclicas derivadas de las fluctuaciones de los precios de agave y períodos de sobreoferta y escasez del producto en el mercado. El establecimiento de contratos de producción y compraventa entre agaveros e industrias tequileras ha sido una de las alternativas propuestas para reducir los efectos de estas crisis cíclicas y estabilizar el mercado del agave. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar los tipos de contratación para la producción y comercialización de Agave tequilana en la cadena productiva de agave-tequila del municipio de Tequila, Jalisco. Se encuestó a una muestra de 50 productores de agave seleccionados al azar, quienes producen agave bajo tres tipos de contratos: a)Arrendamiento; b) Aparcería; y c) Mediería. El contrato por arrendamiento es el más frecuente y ha desplazado a los esquemas informales de aparcería y mediería. Los arrendadores realizan las labores del agave principalmente en monocultivo y los aparceros y medieros en policultivo. El factor común entre la aparcería y la mediería es que los propietarios tienen acceso a sus predios y la diferencia principal radica en la forma de apropiación de la cosecha de agave

    Impacto del pago por servicios ambientales hidrológicos en los bosques de Tres Ejidos de Texcoco, México

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the situation of ejido forest properties after having participated in the Program for Hydrological Environmental Services (PSAH) of the National Forest Commission (CONAFOR) from 2005 to 2010. At the beginning the three forest properties were classified as “Resting”; that is, that they were not used for timber extraction. During this period, the condition of the forest in the three properties participating in the PSAH improved, due to the soil conservation and reforestation works, and because during the five years there was no timber extraction. In 2011, the ejidos decided to restart timber exploitation in two of the properties benefitted when the payment for environmental services ended. However, the third property was preserved as a conservation area. This means that the payment made by the CONAFOR through the PSAH does not guarantee the conservation of forests or the provision of environmental services in the long term.El objetivo del estudio es analizar la situación de los predios forestales ejidales después de haber participado en el Programa de Servicios Ambientales Hidrológicos (PSAH) de la Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR) de 2005 a 2010. Al inicio los tres predios forestales estaban clasificados como “En reposo”; esto es, que no se les hacía aprovechamiento de la madera. Durante este período, la condición del bosque de los tres predios participantes en el PSAH mejoraron por las obras de conservación de suelos y reforestación, y porque durante los cinco años no se hicieron aprovechamientos maderables. En 2011, los ejidos decidieron reiniciar el aprovechamiento maderable en dos de los predios beneficiados cuando finalizó el pago por servicios ambientales. Sin embargo, el tercer predio fue preservado como área de conservación. Esto significa que el pago hecho por la CONAFOR a través del PSAH no garantiza la conservación de los bosques ni la provisión de servicios ambientales en el largo plazo

    Composed Indicator of Community Forest Governance in San Miguel Topilejo, Mexico City

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    Community Forest Governance is a process of building agreements and decision-making about rules and norms for the use and access to forest resources of common use. The main objective of this study was to know the level of governance about the management and conservation of the forest of the agrarian community of San Miguel Topilejo, in Southern Mexico City. A survey was applied to a representative sample of 58 community members. The level of governance is determined by a composed indicator that includes criteria and specific indicators of social capital, collective action, and local organization. The main finding shows that social capital is low because there is little cohesion between community members. Community collective action shows a lack of cooperation and coordination to enforce norms and sanctions in the use of forest resources. The level of organization is low because the structure of positions and roles is very basic and not specialized. The conclusion is that the level of governance is low because this community has no clear common objectives, there is a lack of well-established norms and sanctions, and there is a lack of involvement of owners in the decision-making process and management of forest resources of common use