48 research outputs found

    Carbonataci贸n de un hormig贸n hibrido con alto contenido de escoria siderurgica de alto horno y su impacto en la corrosi贸n del acero estructural

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    The aim of this research was to study the carbonation resistance of a blast furnace slag concrete (80% GBFS/20%OPC), with and without alkaline activation, and its influence on the corrosion of structural reinforcement. An OPC-based concrete produced under the same specifications was used as a reference material. To do this, the material was subjected to an accelerated carbonation process under controlled conditions (65% relative humidity, 1% CO2, 25掳C). The half-cell potential (Ecorr), linear polarization resistance (LPR) tests showed that both concretes based on GBFS led to depassivation of the reinforcing steel at approximately 99 days, which is the time required for full carbonation of the evaluated concretes.El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue estudiar la resistencia a la carbonataci贸n de un hormig贸n a base de escoria granulada de alto horno (80% GBFS/20%OPC), con y sin activaci贸n alcalina, y su influencia sobre la corrosi贸n del acero estructural. Un hormig贸n basado en cemento portland producido con las mismas especificaciones fue usado como material de referencia. Para ello, el material fue sometido a un proceso de carbonataci贸n acelerada bajo condiciones controladas (Humedad Relativa 65 %, 1% CO2, 25 掳C). Los ensayos de potencial de media celda (Ecorr) y Resistencia a la polarizaci贸n lineal (LPR) mostraron que los aceros estructurales aproximadamente a los 99 d铆as alcanzan la despasivaci贸n en los hormigones basados en escoria, coincide este tiempo con el requerido para la completa carbonataci贸n de los hormigones evaluados

    Toxicidad sub cr贸nica y actividad analg茅sica in vivo del extracto clorof贸rmico de las hojas de Calea urticifolia (Juanislama

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    Introduction: The population uses medicinal plants indiscriminately to treat diseases, with the believe that they are safe and lack adverse effects. Objective: To determine the in vivo toxicological and analgesic effect of the chloroform extract of Calea urticifolia leaves. Methodology: The toxicological study was performed using a 90- day sub-chronic toxicity test in NIH mice, at repeated and continuous doses. . Blood biochemistry, hematology and histopathological examination of organs were performed. The analgesic activity was evaluated in vivo using a model of abdominal contortions. Results: The administration of the plant extract caused the appearance of clinical signs of toxicity, alterations in hematic parameters and blood biochemistry, as well as histological alterations in some of organs. The analgesic activity at 100 mg/kg was similar to the Indomethacin drug. Conclusion: Despite the proven analgesic activity, according to the observed toxicological effects in this study, the prolonged use of Calea urticifolia leaves is not recommended for the treatment of diseasesIntroducci贸n: La poblaci贸n utiliza la medicina a base de hierbas de forma indiscriminada bas谩ndose en la creencia de que las plantas medicinales carecen de efectos adversos. Objetivo: Determinar in vivo el efecto toxicol贸gico y analg茅sico del extracto clorof贸rmico de las hojas de Calea urticifolia. Metodolog铆a: El estudio toxicol贸gico fue realizado mediante la prueba de toxicidad subcr贸nica de 90 d铆as, a dosis repetidas y continuas en ratones NIH. Se realizaron an谩lisis de bioqu铆mica sangu铆nea, hematolog铆a y el examen histopatol贸gico de 贸rganos. La actividad analg茅sica fue evaluada con el modelo in vivo de contorsiones abdominales. Resultados: La administraci贸n del extracto vegetal provoc贸 la aparici贸n de signos cl铆nicos de toxicidad, alteraciones en los par谩metros hemat贸logos y bioqu铆mica sangu铆nea, adem谩s alteraciones histol贸gicas en algunos de los 贸rganos. La actividad analg茅sica a 100 mg/kg result贸 comparable con el f谩rmaco indometacina. Conclusi贸n: Pese a la actividad analg茅sica demostrada, y de acuerdo a los efectos toxicol贸gicos encontrados, no se recomienda el uso prolongado de las hojas de Calea urticifolia, para el tratamiento de enfermedade

    Effect of extrusion and autoclaving on the biological potential of proteins and naturally-occurring peptides from common beans: Antioxidant and vasorelaxant properties

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    Aiming to understand the impact of hardening on the biological potential of bean protein and peptides, we evaluated the antioxidant and vasorelaxant properties of common beans after and before hardening. It was also evaluated the effect of extrusion and autoclaving in the biological potential of hardened beans. In general, hardening caused a reduction from 13.5 to 39.6% on the antioxidant activity of the peptide-rich fractions. On the other hand, hardening did not strongly interfere with the vascular reactivity in thoracic aorta rings, being observed maximal relation varying from 801% to 84.7%. The thermal treatment caused a general increase in the antioxidant and vasorelaxant potential of these fractions, being observed EC50 values ranging from 0.22 mg mL -1 to 0.26 mg mL -1. We can conclude that hardening did not seem to affect definitively the bioactivity of the obtained peptide-rich fractions. Finally, this study allows suggesting practical applications of extrusion as a thermal process in the production of functional food ingredients, and as ready-to-eat products presenting nutraceutical potential. In addition, autoclaving can be used as a pre-treatment of the hardened grains aiming to use them as whole grains with potentialized benefits for human health

    Dise帽o y construcci贸n de un deshidratador solar de frutos tropicales

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    The depletion of fossil resources and environmentalimplications associated with its use has led to interestin the use of renewable resources. Among these, solarenergy has great potential in the process of obtainingenergy and heat. Specifically, in the development offruit dehydration processes. This paper describes thedesign and construction of a solar dehydration equipmentinduced flow. The equipment obtained as a resultof this study allows for the development of thedehydration process in tropical fruits of different physicaland organoleptic characteristics. First, the studyfocused on the selection of the equipment deploymentpoint and selecting the constructive disposition.Subsequently, it was focused on the design, dimensioningand construction of the equipment. Finally,dehydration tests were performed; the results arecompared with the results of traditional dehydrationequipment and with data obtained from the use ofmathematical models used for simulating the process.The results provide evidence of differences of 20 %in processing times using solar energy compared toenergy derived from fossil fuel. In the same way, it isestablished that the modified Page model is the onethat best fits the data obtained from the dehydrationprocess developed in this study. Design innovationsdeveloped in this study allow obtaining dehydratedfruits evenly and reducing CO2.El agotamiento de recursos f贸siles y las implicacionesambientales asociadas a su uso han originadointer茅s en recursos renovables. Dentro de 茅stos, laenerg铆a solar presenta gran potencial en los procesosde obtenci贸n de energ铆a y calor, espec铆ficamente,en el desarrollo de procesos de deshidrataci贸nde frutos. Este art铆culo describe el dise帽o y construcci贸nde un equipo de deshidrataci贸n solar deflujo inducido. Los instrumentos obtenidos comoresultado de este estudio permiten el desarrollo delproceso de deshidrataci贸n en frutos tropicales dediferentes caracter铆sticas f铆sicas y organol茅pticas.En primer lugar, el estudio se centra en la selecci贸ndel punto de implementaci贸n del equipo y la selecci贸nde la disposici贸n constructiva del mismo. Posteriormente,se realiza el dise帽o, dimensionamientoy construcci贸n de los materiales. Finalmente, serealizan pruebas de deshidrataci贸n; los resultadosse comparan con datos obtenidos en equipos dedeshidrataci贸n tradicionales y con datos de modelosmatem谩ticos empleados en dichos procesos.Los resultados evidencian diferencias de un 20 %en los tiempos de procesamiento, al emplear energ铆asolar en comparaci贸n con energ铆a obtenida derecursos f贸siles; de la misma forma, se estableceque el modelo de Page modificado es el que mejorse ajusta a los datos obtenidos del proceso de deshidrataci贸ndesarrollado en este estudio. Las inno-vaciones de dise帽o desarrolladas en esta investigaci贸npermiten la obtenci贸n de frutos deshidratadosde manera homog茅nea y la reducci贸n de emisionesde CO2

    Mobility and postural limitations perceived by transtibial amputees undertaking agricultural activities: a qualitative study

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    AbstractPurpose In Colombia, 98% of landmines occur in rural areas, where the main victims of amputation are farmers. The challenges these amputees face in their agricultural work remain unknown. The aim of this study is to determine the mobility and postural limitations these farmers face in carrying out their daily activities.Method Forty-nine participants meeting the following criteria were interviewed: transtibial amputee, 18鈥墆ears and over, performs agricultural labour and wears the prosthesis daily. Subsequently, the interview transcripts were subjected to a content conventional analysis and responses were organized according to the abstraction process to identify categories and subcategories of the problems.Results Main problems reported were walking on sloping, uneven and wet terrain, problems associated with the stump skin, squatting, kneeling, using vehicles or animals for transportation and carrying objects over 30鈥塳g. Postures such as sitting, running, jumping, and standing on tiptoes were mentioned less frequently.Conclusions In conclusion, the prostheses worn by transtibial amputee farmers are not suitable for working on sloping and uneven terrain, nor for performing postures such as kneeling or squatting. These postures are very common in agricultural and livestock tasks in countries with mountainous areas such as Latin American countries. The recognition of problems reported by farmers transtibial amputees, may help to improve the design of prostheses so that they meet the needs of this population and decrease secondary injuries associated with prosthetic use. This information is useful to identify compensatory postures that facilitate prosthetic adaptation and rehabilitation for amputees

    Source area evolution and thermal record of an Early Cretaceous back-arc basin along the northwesternmost Colombian Andes

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    Identifying the provenance signature and geodynamic setting on which sedimentary basins at convergent margins grow is challenging since they result from coupled erosional and tectonic processes, which shape the evolution of source areas and the stress regime. The Early Cretaceous evolution of the northern Andes of Colombia is characterized by extensional tectonics and the subsequent formation of a marginal basin. The Abejorral Formation and coeval volcano-sedimentary rocks are exposed along the western flank and axis of the Central Cordillera. They comprise an Early Cretaceous transgressive sequence initially accumulated in fluvial deltaic environments, which switched towards a deep-marine setting, and are interpreted as the infilling record of a marginal back-arc basin. Available provenance data suggest that Permian-Triassic metamorphic and less abundant Jurassic magmatic rocks forming the basement of the Central Cordillera sourced the Abejorral Formation. New detailed volcanic and metamorphic lithics analyses, conventional and varietal study of heavy minerals, detrital rutile mineral chemistry, allowed us to document changes in the source areas defined by the progressive appearance of both higher-grade and more distal low-grade metamorphic sources, which switched from pelitic to dominantly mafic in composition. Crystallochemical indexes of clay minerals of fine-grained rocks of the Abejorral Formation suggest that samples located close to the Romeral Fault System show characteristics of low-medium P-T low-grade metamorphism, whereas rocks located farther to the northeast preserve primary diagenetic features, which suggest a high heat-flow accumulation setting. We interpret that the Abejorral Formation records the progressive unroofing of the Central Cordillera basement that was being rapidly exhumed, as well as the incorporation of distal subduction-related metamorphic complexes to the west in response either to the widening of extensional front or the reactivation of fault structures on the oceanward margin of the basin. Although the deformational record of the Abejorral Formation would have resulted from over-imposed episodes, our new geochronological constraints suggest that this sedimentary sequence must have been deformed before the Paleocene due to the presence of arc-related intrusive non-deformed magmatic rocks with a crystallization age of ca. 60 Ma.Fil: Le贸n, S.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Colombia. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Panam谩Fil: Cardona, A.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Mej铆a, D.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Botello, G. E.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Villa, V.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Collo, Gilda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - C贸rdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas F铆sicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Valencia, V.. Washington State University; Estados UnidosFil: Zapata, S.. Universita Zu Berlin. Universita Postdam; AlemaniaFil: Avellaneda-Jim茅nez, D.S.. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Colombi

    Hepatotoxicidad por antituberculosos en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Pa煤l, Medell铆n, 2005-2007

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    OBJETIVO: determinar la incidencia de hepatotoxicidad por medicamentos antituberculosos, en pacientes tratados en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Pa煤l, de Medell铆n, en el per铆odo comprendido entre enero de 2005 y diciembre de 2007. M脡TODOS: estudio retrospectivo de toda la poblaci贸n con diagn贸stico de tuberculosis en el per铆odo en menci贸n. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 224 historias y se encontr贸 una incidencia de hepatotoxicidad de 21%, mayor que la reportada en la literatura. El principal factor de riesgo encontrado para el desarrollo de la hepatotoxicidad fue el VIH; en contraste con otros estudios, factores como edad, sexo y raza no fueron de riesgo para el desarrollo de la misma. Encontramos tambi茅n que no hubo acuerdo en cuanto a la conducta para seguir una vez diagnosticada la hepatotoxicidad; solo en el 54% de los casos se suspendi贸 el tratamiento y se hizo reintroducci贸n escalonada. CONCLUSI脫N: el estudio evidencia la necesidad de programas de farmacovigilancia que busquen activamente esta complicaci贸n y desarrollen gu铆as para unificar conceptos y protocolos de tratamiento