10 research outputs found

    Жаростійкість різних садових груп і сортів троянд

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    The results of studying the effect of high temperatures on the resistance to heat damage of leaf blade of six groups of garden roses and wild Rosa canina L. are presented. It is established that the lethal temperature for the leaves of garden roses is 60...65 °C. The most heat-resistant are Rosa canina and the majority of varieties of ground cover and climbing roses, the leaves of which endure very high temperatures.Наведено результати вивчення впливу високих температур на стійкість до пошкодження листкової пластинки у дикого виду Rosa canina L. і шести груп садових троянд. Установлено, що летальна температура для листків садових троянд та шипшини становить +60…65 °С відповідно. Найбільш жаростійкими є Rosa canina та більшість сортів ґрунтопокривних і витких троянд, листки яких витримують дуже високу температуру

    Вплив типу субстрату на обкорінення живців двох видів фуксії – Fuchsia magellanica Lam. та F. triphylla L.

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    The results of studing influence of different substratum (water, sand, peat and perlite) on shoot rooting of two species of fuchsia – Fuchsia magellanica Lam. and Fuchsia triphylla L. are presented. It was established that Fuchsia magellanica formed roots better in perlite and sand, while Fuchsia triphylla – in peat and perlite. Fuchsia triphylla formed larger roots per shoot in comparison with Fuchsia magellanica in all substrata.Наведено результати вивчення впливу різних субстратів (вода, пісок, торф та перліт) на обкорінення живців двох видів фуксії – Fuchsia magellanica Lam. та F. triphylla L. Установлено, що фуксія магеланська найкраще обкорінюється у перліті та піску, а ф. трьохлисткова – у торфі та перліті, при цьому утворюючи значно більшу кількість коренів на живець

    Magnetic Nanotherapy by Magnetosensitive Nanocomplexes with Different Magnetic Properties of the Walker 256 Carcinosarcoma

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    The magnetic nanocomplex (MNC) comprised of Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NP) and doxorubicin (DOXO) with a saturation magnetic magnetic moment m3 = 10.5 emu/g during magnetic nanotherapy initiated greater antitumor effect than MNC with m3 = 8.55 emu/g. After treatment of Walker 256 tumor the concentration of iron ions in the blood serum of animals with tumor increased and did not depend on the magnetic properties of MNC

    Magnetic Nanotherapy by Magnetosensitive Nanocomplexes with Different Magnetic Properties of the Walker 256 Carcinosarcoma

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    The magnetic nanocomplex (MNC) comprised of Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NP) and doxorubicin (DOXO) with a saturation magnetic magnetic moment m3 = 10.5 emu/g during magnetic nanotherapy initiated greater antitumor effect than MNC with m3 = 8.55 emu/g. After treatment of Walker 256 tumor the concentration of iron ions in the blood serum of animals with tumor increased and did not depend on the magnetic properties of MNC

    Genetic susceptibility to the development of primary open angle glaucoma

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    Background: Primary open angle glaucoma is a multifactorial optic neuropathy and associated with a number of factors such as age, ethnicity, family history, central corneal thickness, and intraocular pressure (IOP). In addition, it might be associated with myopia and certain systemic disorders. Family history is the highest risk factor as shown by the presence of glaucoma in first-degree relatives. Purpose: To assess the potential for the development of glaucoma due to genetically predisposed features of ocular anatomy and age-related changes in these features based on a case glaucoma in monozygotic siblings. Materials and Methods: We analyzed the clinical case of two monozygotic sisters with the disease based on complaints, history, physical and instrumental examination, treatment and outcomes. Results: The two monozygotic sisters (1) were diagnosed with the same disorder approximately at the same age, (2) presented with similar ocular biometric characteristics and age-related changes of the anterior eye, and (3) underwent the same surgery on both eyes, which resulted in improved visual functions, stable IOP reduction, stable perimetric visual fields, and stable OCT derived RNFL thickness. Conclusion: The results obtained in monozygotic siblings confirm that genetic susceptibility to changes in anterior eye parameters and age-related changes in anterior ocular structures along with environmental factors constitute the main cause of hydrodynamic impairment resulting in the development of glaucoma

    Influence of substratum type on shoot rooting of two species of Fuchsia – Fuchsia magellanica Lam. and F. triphylla L.

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    The results of studing influence of different substratum (water, sand, peat and perlite) on shoot rooting of two species of fuchsia – Fuchsia magellanica Lam. and Fuchsia triphylla L. are presented. It was established that Fuchsia magellanica formed roots better in perlite and sand, while Fuchsia triphylla – in peat and perlite. Fuchsia triphylla formed larger roots per shoot in comparison with Fuchsia magellanica in all substrata

    Heat resistance of different garden groups and rose varieties

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    The results of studying the effect of high temperatures on the resistance to heat damage of leaf blade of six groups of garden roses and wild Rosa canina L. are presented. It is established that the lethal temperature for the leaves of garden roses is 60...65 °C. The most heat-resistant are Rosa canina and the majority of varieties of ground cover and climbing roses, the leaves of which endure very high temperatures

    Be-ion implanted p-n InSb diode for infrared applications. Modeling, fabrication and characterization

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    Transport theory for modeling the electric characteristics of high-quality p-n diodes has been developed. This theory takes into account a non-uniform profile of p- doping, finite thickness of the quasi-neutral regions and possible non-uniformity of the bulk recombination coefficient. The theory is based on related solutions of the Poisson equation, drift-diffusion equation and continuity equation with a generation-recombination term taking into account the simple band-to-band generation/recombination model. We have ascertained that the non-uniform profile of p-doping can lead to formation of p-n junctions with a specific two-slope form of the electrostatic barrier and two regions with the high built-in electric fields. We have found that at strong p + -doping the band structure of the InSb p-n junction has the form that can facilitate the emergence of additional mechanisms of current flow due to the tunneling and avalanche effects at the reverse bias. Using the literary data of the electron and hole lifetimes in InSb at cryogenic temperatures, we have found that the coefficient of bulk recombination can have an essential spatial dependence and considerably increases in the space charge region of p-n diode. The theory was applied to our analysis of p-n InSb diodes with p + -doping by using Be-ion implantation performed in ISP NASU. The theory predicts optimal conditions for detection of infrared emission. The technological process of fabrication, processing and testing has been described in details. Theoretically, it has been found that for parameters of the fabricated diodes and at 77 K the dark currents limited by diffusion and generation-recombination mechanisms should be less than 0.1 μA at the inverse bias of the order of 0.1 V. The measured diode’s I-V characteristics were expected to have strong asymmetry, however, dark currents are by one order larger than those predicted by theory. The latter can be associated with additional current mechanisms, namely: tunneling and avalanche effects

    Subsidence of the lava flows emitted during the 2012–2013 eruption of Tolbachik (Kamchatka, Russia): Satellite data and thermal model

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    International audienceWe estimated the subsidence rate of the lava flow formed during the 2012–2013 eruption of Tolbachik volcano from satellite radar interferometry with using Sentinel-1 satellite images between 2017 and 2019. The maximum subsidence values were 285 mm/yr in 2017, 249 mm/yr in 2018, and 261 mm/yr in 2019. The subsidence rate increases with the flow thickness. This trend is observed for most of locations except a small area in the vicinity of the active vent where the subsidence is anomalously high. We show that the main observed trend can be well explained by a thermal compaction with a 1D mathematical model that takes into account the latent heat of crystallization, temperature dependences of physical parameters (heat capacity, thermal conductivity, density), temperature dependence of crystal concentration in the melt volume, and the percentage of uncrystallized material (glass or melt), porosity and lava layer formation rate. The much faster subsidence rates observed close to the vent can be explained by contraction of buried lava tubes that is not accounted in the thermal model

    Strain relaxation in thin Si₁-ₓ-yGeₓCy layers on Si substrates

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    The possibility to obtain a heterosystem consisting of the upper partially strained and lower relaxed layers by gradient in situ doping of SiGe layers with carbon is considered. The properties of the as-grown and annealed (600 to 1000℃) samples have been studied by Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The strain relaxation degree in the as-grown layers as estimated from the Raman spectra amounts 50 % for Si₀.₇-ʸGe₀.₃Сʸ and 0 % for Si₀.₉-ʸGe₀.₁Сʸ. During the annealing, the strain has been found to be relaxed not homogeneously over the whole structure but in a layer-by-layer way. The segregation of carbon atoms is observed for both types of as-grown Si₁-ₓ-ʸGeₓСʸ layers in the near-substrate regions.Розглянуто можливiсть отримання вiдрелаксованих sige шарiв на кремнiєвiй пiдкладцi, що градiєнтно in situ легувалися вуглецем у процесi епiтаксiї. Використовуючи спектроскопiю комбiнацiйного розсiювання свiтла (КРС) та атомну силову мiкроскопiю, дослiджено властивостi вихiдних зразкiв та зразкiв пiсля термiчних обробок у дiапазонi температур 600-1000℃. Iз спектрiв КРС оцiнено ступiнь пластичної релаксацiї у вихiдному Si₀.₇-ʸGe₀.₃Сʸ (50 %) та Si₀.₉-yGe₀.₁Сʸ (0 %) шарах. Встановлено, що при вiдпалах релаксацiя напружень вiдбувається не однаково по всьому об'єму, а пошарово. В обох типах Si₁-ₓ-ʸGeₓСʸ шарiв на їх iнтерфейсах з Si пiдкладками вiдбувається сегрегацiя вуглецю.Рассмотрена возможность получения отрелаксированных sige слоев на кремниевой подложке, градиентно in situ легированных углеродом в процессе эпитаксии. Используя спектроскопию комбинационного рассеяния света (КРС) и атомную силовую микроскопию, исследованы свойства исходных образцов и образцов после термических обработок в диапазоне температур 600-1000℃. Из спектров КРС оценена степень пластической релаксации в исходном Si₀.₇-ʸGe₀.₃Сʸ (50 %) и Si₀.₉-ʸGe₀.₁Сʸ (0 %) слоях. Установлено, что релаксация напряжений при отжигах происходит не однородно по всему объему, а послойно. В обоих типах Si₁-ₓ-ʸGeₓСʸ слоев происходит сегрегация углерода на интерфейсах с Si подложками