215 research outputs found

    Neutrino-electron processes in a dense magnetized plasma

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    The neutrino-electron scattering in a dense degenerate magnetized plasma under the conditions μ2>2eBμE\mu^2 > 2eB \gg \mu E is investigated. The volume density of the neutrino energy and momentum losses due to this process are calculated. The results we have obtained demonstrate that plasma in the presence of an external magnetic field is more transparent for neutrino than non-magnetized plasma. It is shown that neutrino scattering under conditions considered does not lead to the neutrino force acting on plasma.Comment: 11 pages, LATEX, to be published in Central European Science Journa


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    Neovascular diseases of visual organ such as age-related macular degeneration, retinopathy of prematurity, diabetic retinopathy, thrombosis of central retina vein and its branches, neovascular glaucoma, choroid and retina tumors have the leading positions in the list of ophtalmopatologies that result in blindness and incapacity. The variety of angiostatic medications of applied ophtalmology is scant. The aim of work was to study the possibile approaches to angiogenesis regulation in vitro with the help of recombinant fragments of natural inhibitors of angiogenesis such as endostatin, tumstatin and PEDF (pigment epithelial derived factor), and also their ability to be the base of potentially feasible and pharmacologically active substances. It is determined that endostatin, tumstatin and PEDF, as well as the comparison medication Bevacizumab in vitro have pro- or antiangiogenic influence. The direction of the biological effect depends on the cultivation conditions, peptide concentration in the cultural fluid and stage of angiogenesis. Неоваскулярные заболевания органа зрения, такие как возрастная макулярная дегенерация, ретинопатия недоношенных, диабетическая ретинопатия, тромбозы центральной вены сетчатки и ее ветвей, неоваскулярная глаукома, опухоли хориоидеи и сетчатки, занимают лидирующие позиции в перечне офтальмопатологии, приводящей к слепоте и инвалидизации, а также к социальной и психологической дезадаптации. Арсенал ангиостатических препаратов в практической офтальмологии скуден. Цель настоящей работы заключалась в изучении возможности регуляции ангиогенеза in vitro с помощью рекомбинантных фрагментов природных ингибиторов ангиогенеза эндостатина, тумстатина и PEDF (pigment epithelial derived factor) и применения их в качестве потенциально возможных фармакологически активных субстанций. Установлено, что in vitro эндостатин, тумстатин и PEDF, как и препарат сравнения бевацизумаб, оказывают про- или антиангиогенное действие. Направленность биологического эффекта зависит от условий культивирования, концентрации пептида в культуральной жидкости и этапа ангиогенеза.

    Radio Observations of the January 20, 2005 X-Class Event

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    We present a multi-frequency and multi-instrument study of the 20 January 2005 event. We focus mainly on the complex radio signatures and their association with the active phenomena taking place: flares, CMEs, particle acceleration and magnetic restructuring. As a variety of energetic particle accelerators and sources of radio bursts are present, in the flare-ejecta combination, we investigate their relative importance in the progress of this event. The dynamic spectra of {Artemis-IV-Wind/Waves-Hiras with 2000 MHz-20 kHz frequency coverage, were used to track the evolution of the event from the low corona to the interplanetary space; these were supplemented with SXR, HXR and gamma-ray recordings. The observations were compared with the expected radio signatures and energetic-particle populations envisaged by the {Standard Flare--CME model and the reconnection outflow termination shock model. A proper combination of these mechanisms seems to provide an adequate model for the interpretation of the observational data.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Quantum and Classical Integrable Systems

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    The key concept discussed in these lectures is the relation between the Hamiltonians of a quantum integrable system and the Casimir elements in the underlying hidden symmetry algebra. (In typical applications the latter is either the universal enveloping algebra of an affine Lie algebra, or its q-deformation.) A similar relation also holds in the classical case. We discuss different guises of this very important relation and its implication for the description of the spectrum and the eigenfunctions of the quantum system. Parallels between the classical and the quantum cases are thoroughly discussed.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX2.09 with AMS symbols. Lectures at the CIMPA Winter School on Nonlinear Systems, Pondicherry, January 199

    Abnormal phenomena in a one-dimensional periodic structure containing left-handed materials

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    The explicit dispersion equation for a one-dimensional periodic structure with alternative layers of left-handed material (LHM) and right-handed material (RHM) is given and analyzed. Some abnormal phenomena such as spurious modes with complex frequencies, discrete modes and photon tunnelling modes are observed in the band structure. The existence of spurious modes with complex frequencies is a common problem in the calculation of the band structure for such a photonic crystal. Physical explanation and significance are given for the discrete modes (with real values of wave number) and photon tunnelling propagation modes (with imaginary wave numbers in a limited region).Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Study of the effect of neutrino oscillations on the supernova neutrino signal in the LVD detector

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    The LVD detector, located in the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Italy), studies supernova neutrinos through the interactions with protons and carbon nuclei in the liquid scintillator and interactions with the iron nuclei of the support structure. We investigate the effect of neutrino oscillations in the signal expected in the LVD detector. The MSW effect has been studied in detail for neutrinos travelling through the collapsing star and the Earth. We show that the expected number of events and their energy spectrum are sensitive to the oscillation parameters, in particular to the mass hierarchy and the value of θ13\theta_{13}, presently unknown. Finally we discuss the astrophysical uncertainties, showing their importance and comparing it with the effect of neutrino oscillations on the expected signal.Comment: Accepted for pubblication on Astroparticle Physics. 36 pages, 18 figure

    Industrial high power electron accelerator for the energy 5-10 MeV

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    This paper presents the project of an industrial accelerator of the modular structure. Accelerating structure consists of the chain of coaxial ILU cavities, connected by the coupling cavities. Two designs of accelerating structure, differing by a version of coupling cavities, are presented. Main parameters of the accelerator are: energy of electrons 5-10 MeV, average beam power up to 150 kW, operating frequency 176 MHz, duty factor 10%

    5 MeV 300 kW electron accelerator project

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    The paper presents a project of a high power linear accelerator for industrial applications. The accelerator has a modular structure and consists of the chain of accelerating cavities connected by the axis-located coupling cavities with coupling slots in the common walls. Main parameters of the accelerator are: operating frequency of 176 MHz, electron energy ofup to 5 MeV, average beam power of300 kW. The required RF pulse power can be supplied by the TH628 diacrode.Розглянуто проект промислового електронного прискорювача великої потужності. Прискорювач має модульну прискорюючу структуру, що складається з ланцюжка резонаторів, зв'язаних за допомогою аксиально-розміщених резонаторів зв'язку. Зв'язок здійснюється щілинами в загальних стінках. Основні параметри прискорювача: робоча частота 176 МГц, енергія електронів 5 МеВ, середня потужність пучка до 300 кВт. Необхідна високочастотна імпульсна потужність може бути отримана, наприклад, від діакрода TH628.Рассмотрен проект промышленного электронного ускорителя большой мощности. Ускоритель имеет модульную ускоряющую структуру, состоящую из цепочки ускоряющих резонаторов, связанных посредством аксиально-расположенных резонаторов связи. Связь осуществляется щелями в общих стенках. Основные параметры ускорителя: рабочая частота 176 МГц, энергия электронов 5 МэВ, средняя мощность пучка до 300 кВт. Необходимая высокочастотная импульсная мощность может быть получена, например, от диакрода TH628

    Spiral anchoring in anisotropic media with multiple inhomogeneities: a dynamical system approach

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    Various PDE models have been suggested in order to explain and predict the dynamics of spiral waves in excitable media. In two landmark papers, Barkley noticed that some of the behaviour could be explained by the inherent Euclidean symmetry of these models. LeBlanc and Wulff then introduced forced Euclidean symmetry-breaking (FESB) to the analysis, in the form of individual translational symmetry-breaking (TSB) perturbations and rotational symmetry-breaking (RSB) perturbations; in either case, it is shown that spiral anchoring is a direct consequence of the FESB. In this article, we provide a characterization of spiral anchoring when two perturbations, a TSB term and a RSB term, are combined, where the TSB term is centered at the origin and the RSB term preserves rotations by multiples of 2πȷ\frac{2\pi}{\jmath^*}, where ȷ1\jmath^*\geq 1 is an integer. When ȷ>1\jmath^*>1 (such as in a modified bidomain model), it is shown that spirals anchor at the origin, but when ȷ=1\jmath^* =1 (such as in a planar reaction-diffusion-advection system), spirals generically anchor away from the origin.Comment: Revised versio