508 research outputs found

    Higgs Bosons and the Indirect Search for WIMPs

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    We investigated the contribution of the MSSM Higgs bosons produced in the neutralino annihilation in the Earth and Sun to the total WIMPs detection signals. We found that this contribution is very important and results in a lower bound for the muon flux from the Sun of 10^{-7} - 10^{-8} m^{-2} yr^{-1} for neutralinos heavier than 200 GeV. We noticed that due to the SUSY charged Higgs bosons one can expect an energetic tau neutrino flux from the Sun at a level of 10^2 m^{-2} yr^{-1}.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Talk given at Dark2000, Heidelberg, Germany, 10-15 July, 200


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    Salah satu manifestasi Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium pada anak adalah hipotiroid yang disertai gangguan perkembangan fisik dan mental. Salah satu manifestasi gangguan perkembangan tersebut adalah keterlambatan motorik kasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan peran ibu dalam melakukan stimulasi di rumah, terhadap perkembangan motorik kasar anak dengan riwayat hipotiroid di klinik penelitian dan pengembangan GAKI Magelang. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif eksploratif. Subyek penelitian adalah 9 ibu dari anak yang mengalami keterlambatan motorik kasar di sertai riwayat hipotiroid yang berkunjung di klinik litbang GAKI Magelang tahun 2010 – 2014. Data riwayat perkembangan motorik kasar anak diperoleh dari data sekunder, observasi dan wawancara ibu, serta pengukuran dengan Denver Development Screening Test II. Data pengetahuan ibu tentang perkembangan anak, sikap ibu menghadapi keterlambatan perkembangan anak, serta perilaku stimulasi ibu di rumah, diperoleh melalui wawancara dan observasi. Riwayat hipotiroid anak diperoleh dari data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sebelum mendapat intervensi dari klinik litbang GAKI Magelang semua anak dalam penelitian ini belum mampu berjalan. Selama proses intervensi, semua anak menunjukan perbaikan kemampuan motorik kasar. Anak-anak yang ibunya tidak aktif melakukan stimulasi di rumah selama proses intervensi dari klinik Litbang GAKI Magelang, membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk perubahan satu tahap perkembangan motorik kasar dibandingkan anak yang ibunya secara aktif melakukan stimulasi saat dirumah. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa intervensi yang dilakukan secara lebih dini, disertai peran aktif ibu dalam memberikan stimulasi motorik kasar saat di rumah mampu meningkatkan efektifitas terapi. Hasil penelitian ini bisa menjadi bahan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya peran ibu terhadap perkembangan motorik kasar anak Kata Kunci: Perkembangan Motorik Kasar, Stimulasi, Hipotiroi

    Gluon distribution in proton at soft and hard pp collisions

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    We analyze the inclusive spectra of hadrons produced in pppp collisions at high energies in the mid-rapidity region within the soft QCD and perturbative QCD assuming the possible creation of the soft gluons at low intrinsic transverse momenta ktk_t. From the best description of the LHC data we found the parametrization of the unintegrated gluon distribution which at low ktk_t is different from the one obtained within the perturbative QCD.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Talk given the 5th joint International HADRON STRUCTURE '11 Conference (HS'11), Tatransk\'a Strba, Slovakia, June 27th - July 1st, 201

    Open charm and beauty production in hadron reactions

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    The production of charmed and beauty hadrons in proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions at high energies is analyzed within the modified quark-gluon string model (QGSM) including the internal motion of quarks in colliding hadrons. It is shown that using both the QGSM and NLO QCD one can describe the experimental data rather successfully in a wide region of transverse momenta. We also present some predictions for the future experiments on the beauty baryon production in pppp collisions at LHC energies and on the charmed meson production in pˉp{\bar p}p reactions at GSI energies.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Talk given at International Conference on Hadron Structure (HS 09), Tatranska Strba, Slovak Republic, August 29th-September 3rd, 200

    Parity nonconservation in heavy atoms: The radiative correction enhanced by the strong electric field of the nucleus

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    Parity nonconservation due to the nuclear weak charge is considered. We demonstrate that the radiative corrections to this effect due to the vacuum fluctuations of the characteristic size larger than the nuclear radius r0r_0 and smaller than the electron Compton wave-length λC\lambda_C are enhanced because of the strong electric field of the nucleus. The parameter that allows one to classify the corrections is the large logarithm ln(λC/r0)\ln(\lambda_C/r_0). The vacuum polarization contribution is enhanced by the second power of the logarithm. Although the self-energy and the vertex corrections do not vanish, they contain only the first power of the logarithm. The value of the radiative correction is 0.4% for Cs and 0.9% for Tl, Pb, and Bi. We discuss also how the correction affects the interpretation of the experimental data on parity nonconservation in atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Exact Cross Sections for the Neutralino-Slepton Coannihilation

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    Coannihilation processes provide an important additional mechanism for reducing the density of stable relics in the Universe. In the case of the stable lightest neutralino of the MSSM, and in particular the Constrained MSSM (CMSSM), the coannihilation with sleptons plays a major role in opening up otherwise cosmologically excluded ranges of supersymmetric parameters. In this paper, we derive a full set of exact, analytic expressions for the coannihilation of the lightest neutralino with the sleptons into all two--body tree--level final states in the framework of minimal supersymmetry. We make no simplifying assumptions about the neutralino nor about sfermion masses and mixings other than the absence of explicit CP--violating terms and inter--family mixings. The expressions should be particularly useful in computing the neutralino WIMP relic abundance without the approximation of partial wave expansion. We illustrate the effect of our analytic results with numerical examples and demonstrate a sizeable difference with approximate expressions available in the literature.Comment: LaTeX, 46 pages, 8 eps figure

    Precise calculation of parity nonconservation in cesium and test of the standard model

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    We have calculated the 6s-7s parity nonconserving (PNC) E1 transition amplitude, E_{PNC}, in cesium. We have used an improved all-order technique in the calculation of the correlations and have included all significant contributions to E_{PNC}. Our final value E_{PNC} = 0.904 (1 +/- 0.5 %) \times 10^{-11}iea_{B}(-Q_{W}/N) has half the uncertainty claimed in old calculations used for the interpretation of Cs PNC experiments. The resulting nuclear weak charge Q_{W} for Cs deviates by about 2 standard deviations from the value predicted by the standard model.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Squark-, Slepton- and Neutralino-Chargino coannihilation effects in the low-energy effective MSSM

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    Within the low-energy effective Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (effMSSM) we calculate the neutralino relic density taking into account slepton-neutralino, squark-neutralino and neutralino/chargino- neutralino coannihilation channels. By including squark (stop and sbottom) coannihilation channels we extend our comparative study to all allowed coannihilations and obtain the general result that all of them give sizable contributions to the reduction of the neutralino relic density. Due to these coannihilation processes some models (mostly with large neutralino masses) enter into the cosmologically interesting region for relic density, but other models leave this region. Nevertheless, in general, the predictions for direct and indirect dark matter detection rates are not strongly affected by these coannihilation channels in the effMSSM.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, corrected and to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Slepton and Neutralino/Chargino Coannihilations in MSSM

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    Within the low-energy effective Minimal Supersymmetric extension of Standard Model (effMSSM) we calculated the neutralino relic density taking into account slepton-neutralino and neutralino-chargino/neutralino coannihilation channels. We performed comparative study of these channels and obtained that both of them give sizable contributions to the reduction of the relic density. Due to these coannihilation processes some models (mostly with large neutralino masses) enter into the cosmologically interesting region for relic density, but other models leave this region. Nevertheless, in general, the predictions for direct and indirect dark matter detection rates are not strongly affected by these coannihilation channels in the effMSSM.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, revte

    Accurate spline solutions of the Dirac equation with parity-nonconserving potential

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    The complete system of the B-spline solutions for the Dirac equation with the parity-nonconserving (PNC) weak interaction effective potential is obtained. This system can be used for the accurate evaluation of the radiative corrections to the PNC amplitudes in the multicharged ions and neutral atoms. The use of the scaling procedure allows for the evaluation of the PNC matrix elements with relative accuracy 10710^{-7}.Comment: 7 page