239 research outputs found

    Anti-Alcohol Campaign in Minsk Military District in 1914-1916 (by Materials of Periodical Press)

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    The article covers the process of implementation of the anti-alcohol campaign in the Minsk military district from the beginning of the First World War to the middle of 1916. The urgency of the issue is substantiated and the necessity of its solution is reasoned. The position of the population and local authorities on government documents prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages is presented. The attention is focused on the absoluteness and universality of the campaign: it was held in all provinces and counties of the Minsk military district; the participants of the event were ordinary people - alcohol consumers, owners of drinking establishments, local officials, public and medical organizations, supervisory authorities. Forms of resistance of the population to government measures are listed. Classification of types of punishments for their violation, up to expulsion out of province is made. It is claimed that since the middle of 1916 at all levels of the power attention to “drunk” question gradually began to weaken that is connected with change of an internal political situation in the country and approach of events of February, 1917. The facts of weakening control in this direction are given, which is confirmed by the conclusion of compromises between the regional authorities and the owners of drinking establishments. The article is written on the basis of the materials of the periodical press

    Human capital in the innovative conditions

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    The relevance of the questions dealing with the human capital formation and functioning peculiarities in the innovative development conditions is provided by the fact that highly developed post-industrial economy, manufacturing and service sector cannot do without highly educated and skilled workers, that makes dependable the efficiency and competitiveness at the company level and the whole national economy. The goal of the article lies in certain development within specific provisions in the economic science, which explain the human capital functioning and enhancing its role in the innovative development conditions. The leading approach to study this problem is the structure-functional analysis of the human role in advanced manufacturing and the innovation development when the human capacity to work transformed into capital, increasing the level of education and the formation on this new production relations basis in a modern knowledge economy. Results: the article puts forward the theoretical and methodological concepts dealing with the decisive role of human capital in modern knowledge economy, which is defined the qualitatively new productive forces composition, the science and education transformation in the main factors of efficiency, growth, intelligence, innovation production and management. The article can be useful in a problem-solving process one of the priority tasks in the Russian society – the human capital preservation and development and our country competitiveness in the innovative development conditions. © 2016 Forrester et al

    Poster: The role of mathematical disciplines in engineering practice

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    The article describes mathematical education as an essential part of modern engineers' fundamental training system. The research determines the role of mathematics for engineering practice by analyzing responds of survey experts: engineers with PhD and doctoral degrees in the fields of natural sciences and technology and representatives of acting industrial enterprises of Russia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of mathematics in engineering practice. Additionally, the task of the paper is to analyze the relationship between students 'experience with school mathematics and their choice of an engineering career. The research uses the Likert scale as the ground basis. As a result of the study, a link was established between the level of proficiency in mathematics at school and the subsequent choice of an engineering specialty by respondents. Over 80% of responding engineers were successful in mathematics at school. High school students, who are successful in mathematics, continue their success as university students. The quality of mathematical education both in high school and at university has a great influence on future engineers. The study showed that professional engineers constantly use mathematical knowledge in their work

    Значение пространственно-временных связей и отношений для формирования частной научной теории судебно-экспертного прогнозирования

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    The article examines the influence of spatial and temporal factors on forming a subtheory of forensic forecasting. The historical analysis of the formation of scientific knowledge about spatial and temporal connections and relationships in the light of the development of the general theory of forensic examination has been carried out. In this regard, the author proposed the term “time correlation of anticipated events” and introduced it into the general time system (from the past to the future) of the time intervals for the occurrence of certain adverse events or phenomena, the so-called precursor events, which by their appearance warn of upcoming events. The author highlights the considerable importance of technological forecasting in organizing human activity since this activity presupposes the future development of various kinds of technologies.Рассмотрены вопросы влияния пространственно-временных факторов на формирование частной научной теории судебно-экспертного прогнозирования. Проведен исторический анализ формирования научного знания о пространственно-временных связях и отношениях в свете развития общей теории судебной экспертизы. Предложен термин «временная соотносимость прогнозируемых событий», который введен также в общую временную систему (от прошлого к будущему) интервалов появления определенных негативных событий или явлений, так называемых событий-предвестников, предупреждающих о наступающих событиях. Автор отмечает существенное значение технологического прогнозирования в организации человеческой деятельности, поскольку эта деятельность предполагает перспективное развитие различного рода технологий

    Включение молодежи в трудовую деятельность: ментальные барьеры и направления их преодоления

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    Исследование нацелено на выявление факторов, препятствующих включению молодых специалистов в трудовую деятельность. На основе данных фокус-групповых дискуссий с молодыми специалистами, проведенных сотрудниками ВолНЦ РАН в сентябре–октябре 2017 г.,  приводятся черты молодых специалистов, затрудняющие трудоустройство и осуществление трудовой деятельности, используемые каналы поиска работы с позиций доверия им населения и их эффективности. Показано, что барьеры во многом связаны со стереотипным взглядом на молодых специалистов, он накладывает отпечаток не только на отношение к данной группе населения в целом, но и на восприятие возможностей для их трудоустройства, карьерного роста и должностного продвижения. Показано рассогласование между системой образования и рынком труда региона. Дан анализа практик включения молодежи в трудовую деятельность в разных странах мира. Благодарность. Публикация подготовлена в рамках поддержанного РНФ научного проекта № 16-18-00078 «Механизмы преодоления ментальных барьеров инклюзии социально уязвимых категорий населения для активизации процессов модернизации регионального сообщества»

    Plurilingualism and the Second Language Teacher Education

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    В статье рассматривается процесс формирования профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности будущих учителей иностранного языка.The article aims at clarifying the premises of modelling educational outcomes of second language teachers'preparation by defining two core aspects of their professional competence architecture

    The law-enforcement system in the civil rights and freedoms protection system: the international comparative aspect

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    The article focuses on the problem of place determination of law-enforcement agencies in the civil rights and freedoms protection system. The emphasis is given to the analysis of international legal instruments in this sphere, in particular: the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The article has proved that law enforcement agencies are mainly aimed at ensuring and protection of human and citizen civil rights and freedoms in all spheres of social relations


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    In the nineteenth century, the Orthodox Church, authorities, investigative bodies and courts officially recognized the possibility of such phenomena as witchcraft, witcheries, hand wringing, sorcery and shamanism. This is confirmed by numerous reports, eyewitness accounts, messages, investigations and trials materials. Penalties for such “acts”, appointed by the courts, were often rather mild (church repentance, offertory, lashes, etc.). More severe measures were prescribed much more rarely (expulsion from a settlement, prison, etc.). The reason for this state of affairs was the complexity of proving that any manifestations of the “sufferer” were caused precisely by witchcraft or witcheries. It is shown that there were some peculiarities in the attitude towards the witchcraft among the population of the Siberian region. It is established that snakes and frogs, which were very common in the Siberian region, became the main attribute and material used in witchcraft, sorcery and witcheries. Herbs characteristic of the flora of the Siberian region were also used in the rituals. It is confirmed that witchcraft in the Siberian region was less common than in other regions of the country. This “mystery” was most often practiced by women and much less often by men