106 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing

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    This training manual includes term project methodical guide on the course "Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing" in English. The main purpose of the training manual is to provide students the theoretical and methodological assistance at performance the term project on the course "Fundamentals of crude oil and natural gas processing". The manual contains the initial data and reference material needed to perform the calculations. The manual is intended for the students of speciality 6.050304 "Oil and gas production" in English

    Oil and gas production technology

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    This training manual includes practical works on the course “Oil and gas production technology” in English. The petroleum industry include the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines), and marketing petroleum products. The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil, gasoline (petrol) and natural gas. The industry is usually divided into three major components: upstream, midstream and downstream. Upstream sector of petroleum industry includes exploration, development and production of crude oil or natural gas. Practical works acquaint students with the calculation methods of some processes and equipment used in the oil-gas production. The manual is intended for the students trained on a speciality 6.050304 "Oil and gas extraction" in English

    High power gain for stimulated Raman amplification in CuAlS2

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The spontaneous Raman spectra of the chalcopyrite structure crystal CuAlS2, which is promising for nonlinear optical applications, has been investigated at 8 and 300 K. The main aim of this study is to compare the absolute spontaneous Raman scattering efficiency in CuAlS2 crystals with that of their isomorphous analog, zinc-blende structure GaP crystals, known as one of the most efficient materials for amplification. Observation of a high value of absolute scattering efficiency S/L d Omega (where S is the fraction of incident power that scatters into the solid angle d Omega and L is the optical path length with S/L d Omega=9.5X10(-5) cm(-1) sr(-1)), together with relatively narrow linewidth (Gamma=5.1 cm(-1), full width at half maximum at room temperature and Gamma=1.5 cm(-1) at 8 K for the strongest Gamma(1) phonon mode of CuAlS2 at 314 cm(-1)) indicate that CuAlS2 has the highest value of the stimulated Raman gain coefficient g(s)/I where I is the incident laser power density, The calculated value of this gain is g(s)/I=2.1X10(-6) cm(-1)/W at 300 K and 50X10(-6) cm/W, at 8 K for 514.5 nm laser excitation, and is larger than those for the appropriate vibrational modes of various materials (including GaP, LiNbO3, Ba2NbO5O15, CS2 and H-2) investigated so far. The calculations show that cw Raman oscillator operation in CuAlS2 is feasible with low power threshold of pump laser. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics

    Theoretical and methodological grounds for the modernization of the tax administration system

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    The article stands for the theoretical underpinning of economic grounds of tax system and its building on the basis of social- and business-oriented socioeconomic features. Authors proved the need for tax process management that represent the features of government-society-taxpayer relations with taxpayer’s leading role as macroeconomic tool for economic regulation process as well as providing the sustainable and balanced economic growth and innovative modernization of Russian economy.peer-reviewe


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    Purpose – to study the durability of polymer films in electric field of direct current , define the type of the process of polymer films’ electric destruction under conditions of partial discharge suppression.Research methods – experimental, results were processing by means of mathematical statistics.The results – the electrical durability of micron thickness polymer films exponentially decreases with increasing of average field strength. Evaluation of studied polymer films’ electric strength based on the definition of their longevity allow to considered polypropylene film as the most electrically strong in these testing conditions.Scientific novelty – experimentally was determined kinetic type of various polymeric dielectrics films’ electrical aging in electric field of direct current in terms of partial discharge suppression.The practical significance – data on breakdown strength and durability of polymeric insulating films are useful for evaluating the efficiency limit of power capacitors and other devices with polymer dielectric films, forecasting the duration of their operability.Цель работы – изучение долговечности полимерных пленок в электрическом поле постоянного тока, определение характера процесса электрического разрушения полимерных пленок в условиях подавления частичных разрядовМетоды исследований – экспериментальные с обработкой результатов средствами математической статистики.Полученные результаты – установлено, что электрическая долговечность полимерных пленок микронной толщины экспоненциально уменьшается при увеличении средней напряженности поля. Оценка электрической прочности исследованных полимерных пленок на основании определения их долговечности позволяет рассматривать пленку полипропилена, как наиболее электрически прочную в данных условиях испытаний.Научная новизна – экспериментально определены кинетические закономерности электрического старения различных диэлектрических пленок в электрическом поле постоянного тока в условиях ограничения частичных разрядов.Практическая значимость – данные о пробивной напряженности и электрической долговечности диэлектрической пленки полезны для оценки предельной работоспособности силовых конденсаторов и других устройств с полимерными диэлектрическими пленками, прогнозирования продолжительности их работоспособного состояния.Мета роботи – вивчення довговічності полімерних плівок в усталеному електричному полі постійного струму, визначення характеру процесу електричного руйнування полімерних плівок за умов заглушення часткових розрядів.Методи досліджень – експериментальні з обробкою результатів засобами математичної статистики.Отримані результати – встановлено, що електрична довговічність полімерних плівок мікронної товщини експоненціально зменшується при збільшенні середньої напруженості поля. Оцінка електричної міцності досліджених полімерних плівок на підставі визначення їхньої довговічності дозволяє розглядати плівку поліпропілену, як найбільш електрично міцну в даних умовах випробувань.Наукова новизна – експериментально визначені кінетичні закономірності електричного старіння різних плівкових полімерних діелектриків у постійному електричному полі в умовах обмеження часткових розрядів.Практична значимість – дані з пробивної напруженості і довговічності плівкових полімерних діелектриків корисні для оцінювання працездатності силових конденсаторів та інших пристроїв з полімерними діелектричними плівками, прогнозування термінів збереження їх працездатного стану


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    Research into feasibility of designing high-voltage pulse capacitors based on composite film dielectric systems is presented.Рассматриваются результаты исследований по созданию высоковольтных импульсных конденсаторов на основе комбинированных пленочных диэлектрических систем.Розглядаються результати досліджень зі створення високовольтних імпульсних конденсаторів на основі комбінованих плівкових діелектричних систем

    Resonant raman scattering in complexes of nc-Si/SiO<sub>2</sub> quantum dots and oligonucleotides

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    We report on the functionalization of nanocrystalline nc-Si/SiO2 semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) by short d(20G, 20T) oligonucleotides. The obtained complexes have been studied by Raman spectroscopy techniques with high spectral and spatial resolution. A new phenomenon of multiband resonant light scattering on single oligonucleotide molecules has been discovered, and peculiarities of this effect related to the nonradiative transfer of photoexcitation from nc-Si/SiO2 quantum dots to d(20G, 20T) oligonucleotide molecules have been revealed

    Validation of Electronic Systems to Collect Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Data - Recommendations for Clinical Trial Teams: Report of the ISPOR ePRO Systems Validation Good Research Practices Task Force

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    Validation of Electronic Systems to Collect Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Data - Recommendations for Clinical Trial Teams: Report of the ISPOR ePRO Systems Validation Good Research Practices Task Force Abstract. Outcomes research literature has many examples of high-quality, reliable patient-reported outcome (PRO) data entered directly by electronic means, ePRO, compared to data entered from original results on paper. Clinical trial managers are increasingly using ePRO data collection for PRO-based endpoints. Regulatory review dictates the rules to follow with ePRO data collection for medical label claims. A critical component for regulatory compliance is evidence of the validation of these electronic data collection systems. Validation of electronic systems is a process versus a focused activity that finishes at a single point in time. Eight steps need to be described and undertaken to qualify the validation of the data collection software in its target environment: requirements definition, design, coding, testing, tracing, user acceptance testing, installation and configuration, and decommissioning. These elements are consistent with recent regulatory guidance for systems validation. This report was written to explain how the validation process works for sponsors, trial teams, and other users of electronic data collection devices responsible for verifying the quality of the data entered into relational databases from such devices. It is a guide on the requirements and documentation needed from a data collection systems provider to demonstrate systems validation. It is a practical source of information for study teams to ensure that ePRO providers are using system validation and implementation processes that will ensure the systems and services: operate reliably when in practical use; produce accurate and complete data and data files; support management control and comply with any existing regulations. Furthermore, this short report will increase user understanding of the requirements for a technology review leading to more informed and balanced recommendations or decisions on electronic data collection methods

    Tropological space : the imaginary space of figuration

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    The paper is devoted to the concept of tropological space, introduced by Michel Foucault in 1966 and alluded to in Hayden White’s tropics of discourse (1973, 1978, 2000), but never described in any detail in literary semantics or linguistic stylistics. The author presents her theory of a triple functional subdivision of stylistic figures and, consequently, of tropes (micro-, macro- and mega (meta)-level of description) and relates it to a gradually expanding tropological space of particular figures, their chains and groupings within a text. The author postulates that tropological space, the imaginary space created through figuration, is a sub-space of the Wittgensteinian logical space as well as a sub-space of textual / discursive space. Although the discussion refers mostly to literary texts, tropology – a branch of stylistics / poetics / rhetoric makes generalizations valid for the study of all kinds of texts / discourses. Figuration is assumed here to be an inherent feature of conceptual and linguistic expression. Finally, the author raises a methodological query as to the ontological status of tropological space, opting for the approach which treats it as a peculiar kind of semantic space rather than a mere metaphoric term. The discussion is based mostly on the Anglo-American studies on figuration (K. Burke, H. White, P. de Man, J. Hillis Miller, G. Hartman) that are rooted in the neo-classical rhetoric and writings of G. Vico. This line of thinking draws its philosophical inspiration from the European hermeneutics of P. Ricoeur, the Foucaultian theory of discourses and the Derridean deconstructionist ideas on the operation of language. The author brings additionally into consideration the conception of artistic space propagated by the Russian semiotic tradition and V. N. Toporov (1983/2003) in particular