264 research outputs found

    Raman Spectroscopy for Analysis of Implants from the Dura Mater

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    In this paper we present results of the comparative evaluation of the structural properties of the dura mater specimens (DM), manufactured using the ”Lioplast” technology, used in the clinic in the field of atrophic processes in multiple gums recessions, using the Raman spectroscopy (RS) method. The introduced coefficients and a two-dimensional analysis that showed that the processing retains the main components and removes DNA / RNA, which increases the quality that provides access to quality materials in the treatment of multiple gum recessions. It was found that the main differences appear at wavenumbers of 835 cm−1 (tyrosine), 855 cm−1 (proline), 940 and 1167 cm−1 (GAGs, CSPGs), 1240 cm−1 (amide III), 1560 cm−1 (amide II) and 1447 cm−1 (lipids and proteins). It is shown that Raman spectroscopy can be used to evaluate implants from the dura mater. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, dura mater, biomaterial, spectral analysis

    Structure of the local environment of titanium atoms in multicomponent nitride coatings produced by plasma-ion techniques

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    An experiment was performed to examine the X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) and the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) near the K-edge of titanium in nanocrystalline titanium nitride coatings containing additives of copper, silicon, and aluminum. Using the observation data, the structure parameters of the local environment of titanium atoms have been estimated for the coatings. According to crystallographic data, the Ti-N distance in the bulk phase of titanium nitride is 2.12 Å and the Ti-Ti distance is 3.0 Å. Nearly these values have been obtained for the respective parameters of the coatings. The presence of copper as an additive in a TiN coating increases the Ti-N distance inappreciably compared to that estimated for titanium nitride, whereas addition of silicon decreases the bond distance. It has been revealed that the copper and silicon atoms in Ti-Cu-N and Ti-Si-N coatings do not enter into the crystallographic phase of titanium nitride and do not form bonds with titanium and nitrogen, whereas the aluminum atoms in Ti-Al-N coatings form intermetallic phases with titanium and nitride phases

    The application of the Raman Spectroscopy Method for Evaluating Implants from the Dura Mater

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    The results of a comparative spectral evaluation of the component composition of the surfaces of implants from the dura mater manufactured using the Lioplast technology with the use of ultrasound and sterilization are presented. Based on the analysis, coefficients were introduced reflecting the change in the relative concentration of components that determine the quality of the implants. It is established that Raman spectroscopy can be used to assess the change in the composition of implants based on the dura mater during their manufacture. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, coefficients, spectral features, implants, dura mater

    Simulation of non-stationary processes in centrifugal cascades

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    The model of nonstationary hydraulic and dividing processes in rectangular symmetrical counterstream centrifugal cascades is considered. The calculation technique of centrifugal cascade parameters of transition processes has been developed. The results of numerical computation are presented


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    The analysis of the problem of students’ career orientations in higher educational institution is given in this article. The study was attended by first-year students of the specialty "Philology" of the University of Customs and Finance. The focus is on analyzing the hierarchy of career orientations. The tools used by the American Professor E. Shane's “Career Anchors” questionnaire were aimed at identifying and diagnosing the importance of career orientations of future specialists. Further research in this area is possible in order to observe the dynamics of leading students’ career orientations of other specialties and to conduct their comparative analysis.Key words: career orientations, professional career, career goal, career preferences, lifestyle integration, career anchors, career growth.Кулько В. А., кандидат педагогічних наук Тимченко-Міхайліді Н. С. Дослідження кар'єрних орієнтацій майбутніх філологів у ВНЗ / Університет митної справи та фінансів, Україна, ДніпроВ даній статті надано аналіз проблеми кар'єрних орієнтацій студентів ВНЗ. У дослідженні брали участь студенти першого курсу спеціальності «Філологія» Університету митної справи та фінансів. Основну увагу приділено аналізу ієрархії кар'єрних орієнтацій. Як засіб було використано анкету американського професора Е. Шейна «Якоря кар'єри», яка спрямована на виявлення та діагностику значущості кар'єрних орієнтацій майбутніх фахівців. Подальші дослідження в цій області можливі з метою спостереження динаміки провідних кар'єрних орієнтацій студентів інших спеціальностей і проведення їх порівняльного аналізу.Ключові слова: кар'єрні орієнтації, професійна кар'єра, кар'єрні цілі, кар'єрні переваги, інтеграція способу життя, якоря кар'єри, кар'єрне зростання.Кулько В. А., кандидат педагогических наук Тимченко-Михайлиди Н. С. Исследование карьерных ориентаций будущих филологов ВУЗ / Университет таможенного дела и финансов, Украина, ДнепрВ данной статье представлен анализ проблемы карьерных ориентаций студентов вуза. В исследовании приняли участие студенты первого курса специальности «Филология» Университета таможенного дела и финансов. Основное внимание уделено анализу иерархии карьерных ориентаций. В качестве инструментов использовалась анкета американского профессора Э. Шейна «Якоря карьеры», направленная  на выявление и диагностику значимости карьерных ориентаций будущих специалистов. Дальнейшие исследования в этой области возможны с целью наблюдения динамики ведущих карьерных ориентаций студентов других специальностей и проведения их сравнительного анализа. Ключевые слова: карьерные ориентации, профессиональная карьера, карьерные цели, карьерные предпочтения, интеграция образа жизни, карьерные якоря, карьерный рост

    Digitalization of Higher Education in 2021 – Challenges for University Students In Russia

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    Digital educational platforms emerged as an anticipated technological response to the need for the modernization of higher education. The digitalization of education was promoted at the state level as a strategy and an instrument to improve the quality and competitiveness of education. In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic accelerated the transition from the classroom to online-only, revealing the lack of purposeful online teaching methods, and insufficient digital competence among teachers. The authors analyzed publications by foreign and Russian researchers to highlight the common problems of higher education digitalization, including datafication, limited capabilities of digital educational platforms, and the changing role of the teachers in e-learning. The article focuses on students’ attitudes towards online education, and their voluntary or unwilling involvement in the digital educational environment, considering synchronous, asynchronous, and blended forms of learning before and during the pandemic. The achieved results suggest that such factors as the novelty and accessibility of online courses at Western universities initially served as a factor of attraction the students, inviting them to diversify their studies in their own creative way. However, increased stress and workload, various technical problems, tough teachers’ control on the one hand, and poor feedback, on the other, weakened the popularity of the digital educational environment. When asked to compare the pros and cons of online education, most students spoke in favour of maintaining the blended education format, as it allows for reducing the workload and – to some extent – enables the students to take control of their education trajectories. This work is intended for educators and researchers interested in the challenges caused by integrating digital technologies into traditional forms of education

    Bone marrow fibrosis – the basis of mielofibrosis: pathogenesis, prognostication and antifibrogenic targeted strategies.

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    Bone marrow fibrosis is a key patological feature and major diagnostic criterion of mielofibrosis. Although bone marrow fibrosis is manifested in a variety of malignant  and non-malignant disease states, the deposition of reticulin and collagen fibrosis in the bone marrow of patients with myelofibrosis is believed to be mediated by the mielofibrosis of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, contributing to an impaired microenvironment toward malignant over normal hematopoiesis. The increased expression of pro­inflammatory cytokines, transforming growth factor-β, impaired megakaryocyte function and aberrant JAK-STAT signaling are the peculiarities of pathogenesis of bone marrow fibrosis. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation remains the only therapeutic approach that reliably results in resolution of  bone marrow fibrosis in patients with mielofibrosis. In the work we review the pathogenesis, biological consequences and prognostic results of impact of bone marrow fibrosis. We discuss the rationale of various anti-fibrogenic treatment strategies targeting at clonal hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, aberrant signaling pathway, fibrogenic cytokines, and tumor microenvironment

    Bence-Jones protein as the form of nano-scaled β-stacked supramolecular aggregates

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    Abstract. The formation in β-structured protein aggregates in tissues and fluids of the body is one of the most dangerouse complications of various diseases. The most famous of them are amyloidoses, but they such deposits are observed at other, much more widespread, diseases. The generally accepted approach to amyloids’detectionis based on  high-specific coloring by Congo Red dye. However, the Abbe's diffraction limit excludes the seeing of the objects smaller than 0.61 wavelengths (about 240 nm). Such nanoscale formations are capable to disrup the functioning of surrounding tissues, to causethe complications and recurrences of the disease, and to pass through biological barriers with the following accumulation in body’s fluids. It’s likely that these conditions are the cause of the urinary congophilia, that is associated with preeclampsia at pregnancy and chronic kidney disease. Nor the less suspicious object is the Bens-Jones protein that appears in the urine at multiple myeloma and some other diseases, which are in more or less extent,are related to the disturbance of protein metabolism. The purpose of this study was to clarify the aggregate state of the Bens-Jones protein as a possible β-structured supramolecular associate. Methods.The subject of the study was the freshly received urine from a patient with multiple myeloma. The presence of the Bens-Jones protein was checked by thermopacification of the acidified sample. For control, the urine was used by a healthy person with the addition of certain amounts of human serum albumin ("Reanal", Hungary) with a concentration of 0, 0.01, 0.1 and 1%. Result. The obtained data testify to the appropriateness of such a point of view and create preresquites for the expanding of diagnostic possibilities. Conclusions.The results obtained during the study testify to the peculiarity of the structure of the Bens-Jones protein, which is nano-sized beta-structured supramolecula


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    ABSTRACT. Acute cerebrovascular accident remains one of the most important issues of modern clinical neurology and holds a leading place among the causes of disability and mortality. The cerebral stroke has not only medical, but also social and economic effects, as it accounts for disability in population. According to the National Register, 31% of stroke patients require constant care, 20 % of patients cannot walk unassisted and only 20% of patients return to their previous work. New approaches to the treatment for ischemic stroke include the use of modern high-performance reperfusion of the brain during the first hours of the disease. The case of reperfusion therapy in a patient, performed twice with an interval of 8 months in Prof. S.V. Ochapovskiy Regional clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory is reported. РЕЗЮМЕ. Острые нарушения мозгового кровообращения остаются одной из важных проблем современной клинической неврологии и занимают ведущее место среди причин инвалидизации и смертности населения. Проблема церебрального инсульта имеет не только медицинское, но и социально- экономическое значение, т.к. инсульт является основной причиной инвалидизации населения: по данным Национального регистра, 31% пациентов, перенесших инсульт, требуют постоянного ухода, 20% не могут самостоятельно ходить и только 20% возвращаются к прежней работе. Новые подходы к лечению ишемического инсульта включают применение современных высокоэффективных методов реперфузии головного мозга в первые часы заболевания. Представлен клинический случай повторной реперфузионной терапии у одного пациента дважды с интервалом 8 месяцев в условиях Краевой клинической больницы № 1 имени профессора С.В. Очаповского МЗ Краснодарского края.