648 research outputs found


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    Ocular Refraction at Birth and Its Development During the First Year of Life in a Large Cohort of Babies in a Single Center in Northern Italy

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate refraction at birth and during the first year of life in a large cohort of babies born in a single center in Northern Italy. We also aimed to analyze refractive errors in relation to the gestational age at birth. An observational ophthalmological assessment was performed within 24 h of birth on 12,427 newborns. Refraction was examined using streak retinoscopy after the administration of tropicamide (1%). Values in the range of between +0.50 ≤ D ≤ +4.00 were defined as physiological refraction at birth. Newborns with refraction values outside of the physiological range were followed up during the first year of life. Comparative analyses were conducted in a subgroup of babies with known gestational ages. The following distribution of refraction at birth was recorded: 88.03% of the babies had physiological refraction, 5.03% had moderate hyperopia, 2.14% had severe hyperopia, 3.4%, had emmetropia, 0.45%, had myopia, 0.94% had astigmatism, and 0.01% had anisometropia. By the end of the first year of life, we observed reductions in hyperopia and astigmatism, and stabilization of myopia. Preterm babies had a four-fold higher risk of congenital myopia and a three-fold higher risk of congenital emmetropia as compared to term babies. Refraction profiles obtained at birth changed during the first year of life, leading to a normalization of the refraction values. Gestational age at birth affected the incidence of refractive errors and amblyopia

    A study of Machine Learning models for Clinical Coding of Medical Reports at CodiEsp 2020

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    The task of identifying one or more diseases associated with a patient’s clinical condition is often very complex, even for doctors and specialists. This process is usually time-consuming and has to take into account different aspects of what has occurred, including symptoms elicited and previous healthcare situations. The medical diagnosis is often provided to patients in the form of written paper without any correlation with a national or international standard. Even if the WHO (World Health Organization) released the ICD10 international glossary of diseases, almost no doctor has enough time to manually associate the patient’s clinical history with international codes. The CodiEsp task at CLEF 2020 addressed this issue by proposing the development of an automatic system to deal with this task. Our solution investigated different machine learning strategies in order to identify an approach to face that challenge. The main outcomes of the experiments showed that a strategy based on BERT for pre-filtering and one based on BiLSTMCNN-SelfAttention for classification provide valuable results. We carried out several experiments on a subset of the training set for tuning the final model submitted to the challenge. In particular, we analyzed the impact of the algorithm, the input encoding strategy, and the thresholds for multi-label classification. A set of experiments has been carried out also during a post hoc analysis. The experiments confirmed that the strategy submitted to the CodiEsp task is the best performing one among those evaluated, and it allowed us to obtain a final mean average error value on the test set equal to 0.202. To support future developments of the proposed approach and the replicability of the experiments we decided to make the source code publicly accessible

    Neurotrophic Keratitis

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    Neurotrophic keratitis (NK) is a rare degenerative corneal disease that occurs as a result of partial or total impairment of trigeminal innervations, leading to a reduction (hypoesthesia) in or loss (anaesthesia) of corneal sensitivity. The impairment of sensory innervation causes a reduction in the lacrimation reflex and the vitality, metabolism and mitosis of epithelial cells, with subsequent deficiency in epithelial repair, stromal and intracellular oedema, loss of microvilli, and abnormal development of the basal lamina. Several recent studies have proposed different therapies based on different aetiopathogenetic theories. The aim of the therapy is to treat aetiopathogenesis and, at the same time, promote corneal healing. In this paper, we report the aetiology, diagnosis, management, and medical and surgical treatment of NK, also indicating future treatments based on the most recent studies

    Molecular interactions, characterization and photoactivity of Chlorophyll a/chitosan/2-HP-β-cyclodextrin composite films as functional and active surfaces for ROS production

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    Novel photosensitizing film based on the natural hybrid polymer Chitosan/2-hydroxy-propyl-β-Cyclodextrin (CH/CD) is synthesized introducing Chlorophyll a (CH/CD/Chla) as a photoactive agent for possible application in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (PDT). The polymer absorbs visible light, in turn able to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and, therefore it can be used as environmental friendly and biodegradable polymeric photosensitizer (PS). The modified film is characterized by means of different spectroscopic, calorimetric, diffraction techniques and microscopic imaging methods including time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. UV–Vis, FTIR-ATR and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analyses suggest that Chla shows a strong affinity toward Chitosan introducing interactions with amino groups present on the polymer chains. Nanosecond laser flash photolysis technique provides evidence for the population of the excited triplet state of Chla. Photogeneration of singlet oxygen is demonstrated by both direct detection by using infrared luminescence spectroscopy and chemical methods based on the use of suitable traps. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) analyses confirm also the occurrence of structural changes both on the film surface and within the film layer induced by the insertion of the pigment. Moreover, X-ray Diffraction data (XRD) shows the existence of an amorphous phase for the chitosan films in all the compared conditions

    Le Difficoltà di Calcolo e l’Ansia Matematica. Uno studio sulla Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado.

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    Diversi studi evidenziano come tanti studenti sperimen- tano ansia e senso di inadeguatezza in compiti che coin- volgono le abilità di calcolo (Ashcraft, 2002; Maloney e Beilock, 2012) e supportano l’idea che l’alunno sia influenzato nell’apprendimento della matematica da tali sentimenti e come questi siano associati ad un minore rendimento in questa disciplina (Lee, 2009). Gli studi sulle “convinzioni” permettono di affermare che l’apprendimento di uno studente è orientato dal proprio Sè. Tali idee del tutto soggettive e non lega- te alle conoscenze oggettive connesse alla disciplina, svolgono un ruolo di filtro rispetto all’apprendimento e interpretazione delle nuove informazioni (Boscolo, 1997). Questo sistema di idee influenza l’apprendimento dell’alunno, fornendogli, a seconda dei casi, un valido supporto per sostenere gli sforzi nel processo di ap- prendimento, oppure un condizionamento negativo che rende vano ogni tentativo di riuscita (Demarchi, 2015). L’intento del presente studio è stato quello di indaga- re la competenza oggettiva nell’area del calcolo e la competenza soggettiva intesa come l’ansia percepita ri- spetto all’apprendimento matematico e alla valutazione matematica ed infine l’ansia scolastica generalizzata. Lo studio è stato condotto su un gruppo di 54 alunni frequentanti la scuola secondaria di primo grado di un Istituto Comprensivo della provincia di Taranto. La ricerca ha evidenziato come le prestazioni in ma- tematica peggiorino all’aumentare della classe di fre- quenza e come, buone prestazioni nell’area del calcolo corrispondono a più bassi livelli di ansia nelle tre di- mensioni: Ansia da Apprendimento Matematico, Ansia da Valutazione Matematica e Ansia Scolastica Genera- lizzata