1,446 research outputs found

    General Relativistic Magnetospheres of Slowly Rotating and Oscillating Magnetized Neutron Stars

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    We study the magnetosphere of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star subject to toroidal oscillations in the relativistic regime. Under the assumption of a zero inclination angle between the magnetic moment and the angular momentum of the star, we analyze the Goldreich-Julian charge density and derive a second-order differential equation for the electrostatic potential. The analytical solution of this equation in the polar cap region of the magnetosphere shows the modification induced by stellar toroidal oscillations on the accelerating electric field and on the charge density. We also find that, after decomposing the oscillation velocity in terms of spherical harmonics, the first few modes with m=0,1m=0,1 are responsible for energy losses that are almost linearly dependent on the amplitude of the oscillation and that, for the mode (l,m)=(2,1)(l,m)=(2,1), can be a factor 8\sim8 larger than the rotational energy losses, even for a velocity oscillation amplitude at the star surface as small as η=0.05 Ω R\eta=0.05 \ \Omega \ R. The results obtained in this paper clarify the extent to which stellar oscillations are reflected in the time variation of the physical properties at the surface of the rotating neutron star, mainly by showing the existence of a relation between PP˙P\dot{P} and the oscillation amplitude. Finally, we propose a qualitative model for the explanation of the phenomenology of intermittent pulsars in terms of stellar oscillations that are periodically excited by star glitches.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Модельний аспект оцінки ефективності організації управління та мотивації персоналу

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    This paper proposes methodological aspects of evaluation of organization efficiency of personnel management and motivation on the bases of application of economic and mathematical tools by implementing a three-component algorithmic model. The structural divisions heads’ work effectiveness evaluation is carried out on the basis of econometric systems of structural equations that allow you to rank personality, communicative, innovative, social and corporate managers characteristics that have the greatest impact on the overall performance indicators of the bank staff among which are considered amount of attracted funds; assessment of employee's compliance with the standard; activity efficiency (number of contracts); contribution to development. The obtained modeling results confirm the hypothesis that structural unit managers need to work on the development of their communicative, innovative, personal and social characteristics. Models for analyzing the personnel motivation factors on the bases of the methodology of multivariate statistical factor analysis with initial list of 13 main indicators of staff motivation are proposed; as a result, we set up the aggregated factors that reflect the properties of several motivational components such as financial, social incentives and medical insurance for employees. The model for estimating influence of motivation factors on results of bank's activity on the bases of nonlinear econometric functions is constructed. The regression equation of the motivation factors influence on the bank total profit is obtained. The proposed model toolkit for evaluation of efficiency of management and staff motivation will allow the bank's management to improve motivation and incentives mechanisms in order to raise efficiency of stuff productivity in direction of increasing bank profitability and competitiveness.У статті запропоновано методологічні аспекти оцінки ефективності організації управління персоналом та мотивації на основі застосування економіко-математичного інструментарію шляхом реалізації трьохкомпонентної алгоритмічної моделі. Здійснено оцінку ефективності праці керівників структурних підрозділів на основі економетричних систем структурних рівнянь, що дозволяють ранжувати особистісні, комунікативні, інноваційні, соціальні та корпоративні характеристики, які в найбільшій мірі впливають на загальні показники ефективності роботи персоналу банку, серед яких розглядаються обсяг залучених коштів; оцінка працівника щодо відповідності стандарту; ефективність діяльності (кількість контрактів); вклад у розвиток. Отримані результати підтверджують гіпотезу, що керівникам структурних підрозділів треба працювати над розвитком своїх комунікативних, інноваційних, особистих та соціальних характеристик. Запропоновані моделі аналізу факторів мотивації персоналу за методологією багатовимірного статистичного факторного аналізу на основі вихідного переліку з 13 основних показників мотивації персоналу, у результаті чого сформовані агреговані фактори, що відбивають властивості декількох мотиваційних компонентів, а саме: матеріального стимулювання робітників, соціального стимулювання та охорони здоров’я персоналу. Побудовано модель оцінки впливу факторів мотивації на результати діяльності банку на основі нелінійних економетричних функцій. Отримано регресійне рівняння впливу факторів мотивації на загальний прибуток банку.Запропонований модельний інструментарій оцінювання ефективності управління та мотивації персоналу дозволить керівництву банку вдосконалити механізми стимулювання та заохочення працівників з метою підвищення ефективності їх праці в напрямі підвищення прибутковості та конкурентоспроможності банку

    Crystal structure and conductivity of bismuth-containing complex oxides

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    In the paper, a comprehensive systematic study of different classes of bismuth containing oxide compounds was carried out. The relationship between composition, temperature and concentration regions of existence of stable, specific structure and properties of solid solutions on the basis of vanadates, molybdates, niobates and bismuth was found. The general regularities of synthesis of solid solutions with different variants of solid-phase and soluble methods were determined. On this basis, the optimal conditions for obtaining single-phase materials were formulated. For the first time the temperature and concentration boundaries of the regions of homogeneity and areas of stable existence of polymorphic modifications of solid solutions were defined and/or refined. The structural parameters of the synthesized phases were determined. By the method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy the nature and features of impedance spectra, the temperature and concentration dependences of electrical conductivity of ceramic materials based on bismuth containing complex oxides were identified

    Preparation and characterization of Bi26–2xMn2xMo10O69-d and Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo10–2yMe2yO69-d(Me = V, Fe) solid solutions

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    Received: 06.06.2017; accepted: 23.06.2017; published: 14.07.2017.Single phase samples of bismuth molybdate, Bi26Mo10O69, doped with Mn on the bismuth sublattice and V, Fe on the molybdenum sublattice were found to crystallize in the triclinic Bi26Mo10O69 structure at low doping levels and in the monoclinic Bi26Mo10O69 structure - at higher dopant concentration. The assumption that all Mn ions have an oxidation state of +2 was confirmed by means of magnetic measurement results analysis using Curie-Weiss law. Conductivity was investigated using impedance spectroscopy. The conductivity of Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo9.6Fe0.4O69-d was 1.2*10-2 S*cm-1 at 973 K and 2.2*10-4 S*cm-1 at 623 K, and the conductivity of Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo9.2V0.8O69-d was 2.2*10-3 S*cm-1 at 973 K and 2.2*10-5 S*cm-1 at 623 K

    General Relativistic Effect of Gravitomagnetic Charge on Pulsar Magnetosphere and Particle Acceleration in a Polar Cap

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    We study magnetospheric structure surrounding rotating magnetized neutron star with nonvanishing NUT (Newman-Tamburino-Unti) parameter. For the simplicity of calculations Goldreich-Julian charge density is analyzed for the aligned neutron star with zero inclination between magnetic field, gravitomagnetic field and rotation axis. From the system of Maxwell equations in spacetime of slowly rotating NUT star, second-order differential equation for electrostatic potential is derived. Analytical solution of this equation indicates the general relativistic modification of an accelerating electric field and charge density along the open field lines by the gravitomagnetic charge. The implication of this effect to the magnetospheric energy loss problem is underlined. In the second part of the paper we derive the equations of motion of test particles in magnetosphere of slowly rotating NUT star. Then we analyze particle motion in the polar cap and show that NUT parameter can significantly change conditions for particle acceleration.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Formation of future specialists’ communicative competence in language disciplines through modeling in game of professional situations

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    The relevance of the research problem driven by the necessity of formation of future specialists’ communicative competence as a component of professional competence with the aim of further professional mobility of graduates. The purpose of the article is to justify the possibility and necessity of formation of the required competencies in language disciplines at the University through the simulation of professional situations in practical classes. Leading method to the study of this problem is empirical, allowing to reveal the modeling capabilities in the game of professional situations and the use of games as forms of work in the classroom. Different variants of the experimental materials are developed and tested: game situations on a professional theme, tests, assignments, exercises, questions, reference work, selection of texts on pedagogy and education in our country and in the country of the target language. The article can be useful in practical work, to the teachers of language courses, not only at the universities, but also at schools, colleges, as well as interesting to all who are connected with professional pedagogical activity. © 2016 Sturikova et al

    NMR and LDA evidence for spiral magnetic order in the chain cuprate LiCu2O2

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    We report on {6,7}Li nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the spin-chain compound LiCu2O2 in the paramagnetic and magnetically ordered states. Below T about 24 K the NMR lineshape presents a clear signature of incommensurate (IC) static modulation of the local magnetic field consistent with an IC spiral modulation of the magnetic moments. {7}Li NMR reveals strong phason-like dynamical fluctuations extending well below 24 K. We hypothesize that a series of phase transitions at 24.2, 22.5, and 9 K reflects a "Devil's staircase" type behavior generic for IC systems. LDA based calculations of exchange integrals reveal a large in-chain frustration leading to a magnetical spiral.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Разработка виртуального 3D-тура по кафедре «Теплофизика и информатика в металлургии» УрФУ

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    This report presents the features of construction virtual 3D-round on chair «Thermophysics and computer science in metallurgy» Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. Virtual 3D-round is posted on site http://tim.ustu.ru.В докладе представлены особенности создания виртуального 3D-тура по кафедре «Теплофизика и информатика в металлургии» «Теплофизика и информатика в металлургии» Института материаловедения и металлургии ФГАОУ ВПО «Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина». Виртуальный тур размещен на сайте кафедры (http://tim.ustu.ru в разделе «Виртуальный 3D-тур»)

    Sociocultural characteristics of consumer behavior among Japanese youth: From traditional paradigm to modern trends

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    This article analyzes a range of sociocultural aspects that influence the formation, development and dynamics of consumer behavior among youth in contemporary Japanese society. The authors note that, while the modern context (technology, media) influences the consumer behavior of Japanese youth, traditional values and orientations continue to have an impact on it. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the research is a comprehensive methodology based on Edward T. Hall’s theory of high-context and low-context cultures, which is applied to characterize the stage of decision-making in the purchase of various products. Additionally, a sociocultural approach was employed, allowing the analysis of consumer behavior aspects such as values, value orientations, behavioral stereotypes, motivations. This approach enabled a more in-depth understanding of the target audience’s needs and preferences, which, in the future, will facilitate the development of effective marketing strategies aligned with the cultural and social norms of consumers. To conduct a more detailed analysis of the brand communications effectiveness with the youth segment of the market, four international companies were selected, representing various approaches to interacting with the target audience: UNIQLO, Comme des Garçons (CDG), ZARA, and Louis Vuitton (LV). These brands were chosen based on their popularity among Japanese consumers according to one of the largest ranking websites, ranking.net. The authors then focused their attention on a thorough analysis of a vast amount of empirical data obtained from various sources, including data from diverse resources, including the report from the World Values Survey Association and news media. They analyzed social networking services (SNS) accounts and official websites of the aforementioned international trading companies. A distinctive feature of this study is the use of in-depth structured interviews with representatives of the Japanese youth, with a total of 11 participants, which allowed for the refinement of the research on certain aspects and the visualization of consumers’ attitudes towards the selected companies in the form of perception maps and word clouds