72 research outputs found

    Sources of agronomically important traits for breeding of soft spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the forest steppe of Novosibirsk region

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    The efficiency of donors in plant breeding depends on the degree of knowledge of the physiological and genetic background of agronomic characters. The research is aimed to assess quantitative agronomic traits (1000-grain weight, grain weight, grain number per spike and spikelet number per spike) in soft spring wheat varieties with different maturation timing in order to identify genotypes that show the best adaptation to the regional environment, high yield and resistance to stress. Agronomic traits were studied in 139 soft spring wheat varieties in contrasting years. The cultivars were divided into the following maturation groups: mid-early and early (31 plants), middle (94 plants) and mid-late (14 plants). In the mid-early and early group, Leningradskaya 97 and Rosinka 1 had three measures of maturation (grain weight per spike, grain number per spike, and spikelet number per spike) higher than the group average. In the middle group, Baganskaya 51, Prokhorovka, Omskaya kormovaya, Amir and Lada each had two or more measures significantly higher than the group average. In the midlate group, the winners were Omskaya 24 (grain weight per spike, grain number per spike and spikelet number per spike), Sibirskaya 16 (grain weight per spike and spikelet number per spike) and Ishimskaya 98 (1000-grain weight and spikelet number per spike). Varieties identified and characterized in this way can be used in the selection process as a source of higher 1000-grain weight, grain number per spike, spikelet number per spike and grain weight per spike. A tendency towards increase has been demonstrated for 1000-grain weight, spikelet number per spike and grain weight per spike depending on the length of the growing season. No reduction in vegetation period was observed in epiphytotic years in susceptible varieties as compared to resistant varieties

    Sources for the breeding of soft spring wheat in the conditions of Novosibirsk region

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    The sources were identified among collection samples characterized by highly pronounced economic and valuable features, which allows new geographically remote source material to be taken to the regional breeding practices. This research aims to assess the agronomic traits (duration of the growing period, lodging resistance and plant height, 1000-grain weight, grain weight and yield) in soft spring wheat varieties of different ecological and geographical origin. Estimation was carried out by a 9-point system of expression of the trait during the study, which allows identifying samples with the greatest expression of the trait in the years of study with respect to the average experience. 5439 samples have been studied over 28 years, with 1106 of them, over two years or more. The study was carried out according to the methods of VIR on plots of 2 m2. It was shown that the samples mainly had no correlation between the yield and the duration of the growing period, while the average dependence (г = 0.6) was revealed between the yield and the height of the plants. Varieties forming the intermediate (4.5-5 points) and above average (6-7) yield in a short growing period (69-85 days) were identified (Lutescens 675, Irkut-skaya 49, Simbirca, Hybrid F3 S-141, Hybrid F4, Hybrid F3 S-289 and Hybrid F4 S-2300 and Pamyati Vavenko-va). A high average score (8.6-9) at 1000 grains weight was shown for 16 varieties with variation from 37 g (N43 and IAO-9) to 56 g (Hofed 1). A high average score (8-9) in the evaluation of grain weight was shown for Pamyati Leont'eva, Ekada 70, Simbirtsit, Don Jose, Yong-Liang 4 and Long-Mai 11, which formed ears with an average weight from 0.96 to 2.30 g. A consistently high score (9) reflecting the yield was in the varieties Condestavel, PF 843025, Prilenskaya 19, Pamyati Leont'eva, Omskaya Krasa

    Septoriablotch epidemic process on spring wheat varieties

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    The Septoriablotch of spring wheat leaves and ears is one of the most economically significant infections in the Siberian region. In the control systems of Septoriablotch the main ecologically safe element is resistant  varieties, which are designed to slow down the pathogens reproduction rate and slow down or stop the development of the epiphytotic process. The purpose of the work was to clarify the species composition of Septoriablotch  pathogens for West Siberian regions and spring wheat varieties, to study the epiphytotic process of Septoriadifferentially on the leaves and ears of varieties, and to evaluate the activity of seed transmission of Parastagonospora  nodorum. Studies were carried out in 2016–2018 according to generally accepted methods. Septorialeaf and ear  blotch of spring wheat is widespread in West Siberia and the Trans-Urals, causing a decrease in yield by up to 50 %  or more with the deterioration in grain quality. The causative agents of the disease are P. nodorum, Septoria tritici,  and P. avenaef. sp. triticae, and the species ratio varied across the regions and varieties, and within plant organs.  In Novosibirsk Region, P. nodorumcompletely dominated; S. triticiwas 13.8 times less common; and P. avenae f. sp. triticaewas a singleton. In Tyumen Region, the dominance of P. nodorumwas disrupted in some geographic  locations by S. triticiand P. avenaef. sp. triticae. In Altai Krai, P. nodorumpredominated at all points studied; S. tritici and P. avenaef. sp. triticaewere found everywhere, but 5.6 and 8.6 times less often, respectively. The study of spring  wheat varieties of different origins has not revealed any samples immune to Septoriablotch. A differen tiated manifestation of resistance to Septorialeaf and ear disease has been established. Some varieties show complex resistance, combining reduced susceptibility to Septorialeaf and ear disease. Seed infection with P. nodorumin the  regions of Siberia reached 7 thresholds and was largely (52.5 %) determined by the August weather conditions.  The study of the collection of spring wheat varieties from three Siberian regions has revealed the following trend.  Transmission of P. nodorumwith the seeds of varieties was the most active (7.6 %) in Novosibirsk Region and somewhat weaker in Omsk Region (5.7 %). The most favorable phytosanitary situation was in Kurgan Region, where  varieties transmitted P. nodorumto a low degree (2.1 %), below the threshold

    Effective leaf rust resistance genes of wheat in Novosibirsk Province in connection with the variability of the <i>Puccinia triticina</i> population

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    Background. Information on the races of Puccinia triticina Erikss. in Novosibirsk Province is needed to identify sources of effective genes for leaf rust resistance. The goal hereof was monitoring genetic variability of the P. triticina population in the Ob riverside forest-steppe, Novosibirsk Province, and detecting effective resistance genes to develop wheat cultivars resistant to the disease.   Materials and methods. In 2015–2019, affliction of Thatcher lines (Tc) and cultivars under the disease pressure was assessed, and P. triticina structure in the Ob forest-steppe of Novosibirsk Province was monitored. P. triticina genotypes were identified using the Long–Kolmer system. Additionally, a set of cultivars with the Lr19, Lr20, Lr28, Lr39; 6 – Lr6Agi2, Lr6Agi1, LrKu, and LrSp2 genes was employed.   Results. A high frequency of virulence was detected for cultivars with the Lr3ka, Lr10, Lr1, Lr2a, Lr2c, Lr3a, Lr11, Lr18, Lr20, Lr30, Lr16, Lr17, and LrB genes (66.7–100 %). The P. triticina structure consisted of 27 races, including 12 common ones: TGTT GB, TGTR GB, TQTT GB, TQTR GB, TGPT GB, THFR GB, KHTT GB, PHKT GB, PQTT GB, THTP BB, PGFR GB, and SGPR GB. Genotypes with the Lr6Agi2, Lr6Agi1, LrKu, Lr39, Lr42, Lr12, Lr19, Lr24, Lr25, Lr28, Lr35, Lr45, Lr47, Lr50, Lr52, LrSp2, Lr6Agi1+Lr19, Lr6Agi2+Lr10+Lr34, Lr11+Lr13+Lr22a, Lr13+LrTb, Lr24+Lr26, Lr37+Lr13, Lr37+Lr1, Lr34+Lr13, Lr43+Lr24, and Lr49+Lr34 genes were resistant to P. triticina under the infection pressure. Some wheat genotypes varied in leaf rust resistance across the years (0–5 % for TcLr29 and TcLr21, 0–10 % for CSP 44 and TcLr44, 0–20 % for TcLr13, 1–30 % for TcLr37, and 15–80 % for Pavon F 76).   Conclusion. The local leaf rust population has changed slightly over the years of study (the Lr18 and Lr38 genes have lost resistance), and was very different from the population before 2010


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    The paper estimates spring wheat environmental plasticity and harvest sustainability when dropping on 2 predecessors (complete fallow and crops) in 2010–2011 and 2014. The authors applied varieties included into the State Register and selected short-season varieties and middle-early varieties produced in different environmental and climate conditions. The group of researchers studied plasticity by means of methods developed by Taem, Eberchart and Russel. The article indicates that periods of research differed in respect to amount and evenness of precipitation and temperature; this is certified by means of analysis of variance. Variations caused by cultivating conditions are 45.5 % whereas genotype variations and time variations are 22.08 % and 4.53 % resp of total feature phenotypic change. Variations caused by unpredictable conditions are high and equal to 22.01 %; it is due to agroclimatic and agrotechnical factors. The publication reveals short-season varieties to be the plastic ones as their average crop yield was at the standard level. The paper considers Prilenskaya 19 variety, Lutestens 1034 and Svecha variety to be sustainable ones. The authors make conclusion Pamyati Vavenkova variety is productive and resistant; Svecha variety is resistant and profitable.В условиях лесостепи Западной Сибири была проведена оценка экологической пластичности и стабильности по урожайности в 2010–2011 и 2014 г. мягкой яровой пшеницы при посеве по двум предшественникам (чистый пар и  зерновые культуры). Материалом для исследований служили сорта, внесенные в Госреестр РФ, и селекционные формы раннеспелого и среднераннего типов созревания, созданные в  различных эколого-климатических условиях. Изучение пластичности проводилось с помощью методик, разработанных Таем и С.А. Эберхартом, В.А. Расселом. В целом годы проведения исследования существенно различались по количеству и равномерности выпадения осадков и температурному режиму, о чем свидетельствуют результаты дисперсионного анализа. Вклад изменчивости, вызванной условиями выращивания, составляет 45,5%, тогда как генотипическая изменчивость и изменчивость, обусловленная фактором В (годы), составляют соответственно 22,08 и 4,53% от общего фенотипического варьирования признака. В то же время высока доля изменчивости, вызванной случайными факторами, которая достигала 22,01%, что, видимо, связано с  агроклиматическими и  агротехническими факторами. Достоверно пластичными оказались раннеспелые сорта, хотя их средняя урожайность за годы исследований была на уровне стандарта. По стабильности можно отметить такие сорта, как Приленская 19, Лютесценс 1034 и Свеча. В результате оценки пластичности и стабильности по двум предшественникам сделан вывод о том, что сорт Памяти Вавенкова достоверно является высокоинтенсивным и стабильным. Сорт Свеча стоит признать стабильным и экономически выгодным

    Earliness and morphotypes of common wheat cultivars of Western and Eastern Siberia

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    The global and local climate changes determine the producing of highly-adaptive common (bread) wheat commercial cultivars of a new generation whose optimal earliness matches the climatic features of the territory where the cultivars are farmed. Principal component analysis involving our own and published data has been applied to investigate 98 commercial common wheat cultivars from Western and Eastern Siberia comparing their morphotypes; cultivar zoning time; length of the vegetation period; 1000-grain weight, and inheritance of spring growth habit. It demonstrated that the dominant Vrn gene polymorphism determining the spring growth habit of the Siberian cultivars was minimally polymorphic. In 75 % of the tested cultivars, the spring growth habit was controlled by digenic, namely dominant Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 genes. In 25 % of them (24 cultivars), spring growth habit is controlled by a single gene. In 19 and 5 of these cultivars spring growth habit is controlled by only one dominant gene, Vrn-B1 or Vrn-A1, respectively. In cv. Tulun 15, a trigenic control was identified. A conclusion about the optimality of the digenic control for the climatic conditions of both Western and Eastern Siberia has been confirmed. However, since none of the tested cultivars had the dominant Vrn-D1 gene typical of the regions of China and Central Asia bordering Siberia, it can be considered as an additional argument in favor of the European origin of Siberian common wheat cultivars. The revealed high frequency of the Vrn-B1c allele in the Western Siberian cultivars and the Vrn-B1a allele in the Eastern Siberian cultivars suggests their selectivity. The analysis also confirmed the dominance of red glume (ferrugineum, milturum) and awned spike (ferrugineum, erythrospermum) varieties in the Eastern Siberian cultivars, and white glume and awnedless spike (lutescens and albidum) ones in the Western Siberian cultivars. Small grain size cultivars are more typical of Eastern than Western Siberia. The retrospective analysis based on the cultivars’ zoning time included in the “State Register for Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage” brought us to the conclusion that the earliness/lateness of modern Siberian commercial cultivars was not regionally but rather zonally-associated (taiga, subtaiga, forest-steppe and steppe zones)

    Noncovalent microarrays from synthetic amino-terminating glycans: Implications in expanding glycan microarray diversity and platform comparison

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    Glycan microarrays have played important roles in detection and specificity assignment of glycan recognition by proteins. However, the size and diversity of glycan libraries in current microarray systems are small compared to estimated glycomes, and these may lead to missed detection or incomplete assignment. For microarray construction, covalent and noncovalent immobilization are the two types of methods used, but a direct comparison of results from the two platforms is required. Here we develop a chemical strategy to prepare lipid-linked probes from both naturally derived aldehyde-terminating and synthetic amino-terminating glycans that addresses the two aspects: expansion of sequence-defined glycan libraries and comparison of the two platforms. We demonstrate the specific recognition by plant and mammalian lectins, carbohydrate-binding modules and antibodies and the overall similarities from the two platforms. Our results provide new knowledge on unique glycan-binding specificities for the immune receptor Dectin-1 toward β-glucans and the interaction of rotavirus P[19] adhesive protein with mucin O-glycan cores

    Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap

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    Plasma–liquid interactions represent a growing interdisciplinary area of research involving plasma science, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, photolysis, multiphase chemistry and aerosol science. This review provides an assessment of the state-of-the-art of this multidisciplinary area and identifies the key research challenges. The developments in diagnostics, modeling and further extensions of cross section and reaction rate databases that are necessary to address these challenges are discussed. The review focusses on non-equilibrium plasmas