5 research outputs found

    Развитие концептуальных и нормативно-правовых основ обеспечения национальной и общественной безопасности Российской Федерации

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    В работе исследуется развитие нормативно-правового обеспечения национальной и общественной безопасности Российской Федерации во взаимосвязи с конституционными преобразованиями в стране и изменениями геополитической обстановки. Проведен анализ развития правовых основ содержательной стороны «безопасности», «общественной безопасности» и «национальной безопасности». Обоснована необходимость разработки и принятия федерального закона «Об общественной безопасности в Российской Федерации».Development of a conceptual and legal framework to ensure national security and public safety RUSSIAN FEDERATION. In this paper the development of the regulatory framework of national and public security of the Russian Federation in connection with the constitutional reforms in the country and the geopolitical situation changes. The analysis of the legal basis of "security" substantial part, "public security" and "national security. " The necessity of the development and adoption of the federal law "On public security in the Russian Federation"

    Long lasting activity of nociceptive muscular afferents facilitates bilateral flexion reflex pattern in the feline spinal cord

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    Chronic muscular limb pain requires the adoption of motor patterns distinct from the classic ipsilateral flexion, crossed extension and corresponding reciprocal inhibitions to acute exteroceptive stimulation. Using selective chemical activation of group III/IV afferents in gastrocnemius-soleus (GS) muscles we investigated bilaterally their reflex responses conditioned by (a) acute 'myositis' induced by intramuscular carrageenan; and (b) sub-acute 'myositis' induced by infusion of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). Reflex transmission was detected by monosynaptic testing and c-fos staining used to identify increased neuronal activity. In all control experiments with chemical stimulation of group III/IV afferents, ipsilateral responses conformed to the flexor reflex pattern. However, the expected contralateral facilitation of GS motoneurones occurred in fewer than 50% trials while only 9% of trials induced contralateral inhibition of flexor posterior-biceps-semitendinosus (PBSt) motoneurones. During carrageenan acute myositis contralateral PBSt was transiently facilitated by selective activation of group III/IV afferents. During CFA-induced myositis, contralateral only inhibition of GS motoneurones occurred instead of any facilitation, while bidirectionally a crossed facilitation of PBST dominated. These reflex changes were mirrored in an enhanced number of neurones with enhanced c-fos expression. Muscle pain, particularly if chronically persistent, requires another behavioural response pattern than acute exteroceptive pai