461 research outputs found

    Features of the unconventional gas deposits development

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    This article generalizes the data on reserves and production of shale gas in different countries. It also analyzes the peculiarities of the geological structure and development of the shale gas and gas in dense rock deposits. As to the development of shale gas deposits with a net of horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic bed fracture, it presents the effect of the factor of the rock matrix permeability, half-length fracture and the distance between fractures on the gas recovery

    Geometrical Research of Erosive Processes Using the Method of Triplet Quasiconvergent Phototopography

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    Запропоновано досліджувати ерозію ґрунту із застосуванням методу триплетної квазіконвергентної фототопографії. Розроблено методику організації польового геостаціонару, обґрунтувано поетапність польових і камеральних робіт. Дано теорію методу визначення елементів внутрішнього та зовнішнього орієнтування квазі- й реальних знімків. Виконано практичну апробацію методу та емпірично отримано його точність.There is proposed to study soil erosion using the method of triplet quasiconvergent phototopography. The method of organization of field geo permanent establishment was elaborated, the grounds of phasing field and laboratory works were accomplished. There was given a theory of method for inner and outer orientation of quasi- and real photographs determination. There was done practical approbation of the method and its precision was received empirical

    Еколого-економічні механізми управління природокористуванням в агроекосистемах

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    The article highlights the important role of developing new and operating existing ecological and economic management mechanisms in the fields of agroecosystems that promote rational use and reproduction of natural resources. In the course of the study the authors determined the purpose of the ecological and economic mechanism for natural resource management systems of agroecosystems which forms important tasks of a multilevel economic system. This concerns, in particular, the improvement of the management system in the process of functioning and development of the crops growing economy, solving complex socio-economic problems, and identifying of the dynamic state of the natural environment. Concerning the methodical approach, the ecological and economic mechanism facilitates implementation of strategic directions of management aimed at saving and effective use of natural resource potential both at the level of an individual economic entity and at the level of regional formation. Therefore, an effective nature resource management is implemented, which prevents the occurrence of negative processes and timely solution of environmental problems in agroecosystems. The authors analyzed active mechanisms that provide the basis for harmonious combination of principles for natural resources use in agroecosystems. Furthermore, we substantiated the peculiarities of cosmic mechanism functioning. Any separate components of ecological and economic management in the natural resource management cannot exist without cosmic mechanism components but only together with them. This is due to the direct influence of solar activity on plants as well as the formation of atmospheric circulation which causes the creation of its natural components such as temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. At the same time, agricultural production is under the constant global physical influence of the phases of the solar activity cycle. The components of the cosmic mechanism of management aimed at solving problems which seriously threaten the growth of the social production balance are also of special significance. Such manifestations at the local or regional level always exist and have a dual effect: on the one hand, they determine the possibility of success in production; and on the other hand, there are risks for production tasks not to be fulfilled by economic entities. Thus, we may conclude that for ensuring the effective agricultural management, the structure of ecological and economic management system should be supplemented by the factors of the cosmic mechanism, which determines the solution of ecological and economic and also social problems in social production in order to ensure the effective agricultural management.Розглянуто важливу роль розроблених нових і використання діючих еколого-економічних механізмів управління в галузях агроекосистем, що сприяють раціональному використанню і відтворенню природних ресурсів. Проведено аналіз діючих механізмів, які становлять основу гармонійного поєднання принципів для природокористування в агроекосистемах. Обґрунтовано особливості дії космічного механізму, який є сукупністю станів і процесів природного походження, та за своєю масштабністю дії він здатний не тільки спричиняти розвитку негативних наслідків, що призводять до непередбачених утрат, але й забезпечувати одержання в окремих фазах циклу сонячної активності економічного ефекту від виробництва сільськогосподарської культури. Наведено основні принципи еколого-економічних механізмів управління використанням та охороною земель. Акцентовано увагу на моніторингу як складу економічного механізму, який всебічно аналізує на макро- і мікрорівні регіонів виробничу сферу за найвагомішими показниками еколого-економічного спрямування. На основі проведених досліджень зроблено висновок, що для забезпечення ефективного ведення сільськогосподарського виробництва структура системи еколого-економічного управління має бути доповнена космічним механізмом, який сприяє вирішенню еколого-економічних і соціальних проблем у суспільному виробництві

    Geographical distribution, habitats and modern state of Carlina cirsioides (Asteraceae) populations

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    The study of the current state and habitats of rare and threatened species of plants is a relevant task of ecological research. The paper presents the results of the study of systematic position, habitats and modern state of populations of a rare species included in the Red DataBook of Ukraine Carlina cirsioides Klokov (=C. acaulis L.). Carlina cirsioides is well-known to European phytosozologists as an endemic and relic species of the Flora of Ukraine. At the same time, the species independence of this taxon is not recognized by the authors of monographs on the Carlina genus and by the authors of “Flora Europaea”. Comparative morphological, chorological and ecological-coenotic analyses do not give sufficient reasons to consider C. cirsioides described by Klokov as a separate species, endemic and relic species of the Flora of Ukraine. According to the morphological traits, the specimens from the lowland part of Ukraine belong to the C. acaulis caulescens subspecies, which is distributed mostly in the lowlaand regions of Europe. Ecological-coenotic conditions of habitats of C. acaulis in the plains of Ukraine are different from those in the mountain regions and are close to the plains habitats of this species in Central Europe. Steppe communities of class Festuco-Brometea, of which C. acaulis is component in the plains part of Ukraine, are close to xerothermic herbaceous communities of Central Europe; forest communities of Erico-Pinetea with C. cirsioides in Ukrainian Polissia and the North-East Poland are very сlose by floristic composition. The removal of separate species status of the plains populations of C. acaulis near the eastern border of the range does not at all downplay its sozological significance. Taking into account the low number of C. acaulis in the Volhynian-Podolian Upland and in the Polesian Lowland, all localities of this species in the lowland part of the range in Ukraine must be taken under protection in situ

    Ways to implement risk management in the fight against organised crime

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    The aggravation of the state of operations under martial law poses a threat to a wide range of rights, interests of individuals and society. To prevent further deterioration of the crime situation, it is necessary to find progressive mechanisms to combat organised crime. The purpose of this study was to formulate scientifically sound proposals for the development of mechanisms for combating organised crime and counteracting the establishment of corrupt ties by criminals in institutions, organisations, and enter- prises, especially those belonging to the national security system. According to the purpose and specifics of the subject under study, the historical approach, comparative legal, and systemic-structural methods were employed. The study outlined the content of the processes of organising the management of subsystems involved in ensuring national security. The need to ensure its effective implementation is evidenced by statistical data on the complication of the operational situation in certain regions, the general socio-po- litical situation and threatening trends in the criminalisation of society. The state of stagnation does not correspond to the course of the most secure development of society, and therefore the main task of the state is to actively protect citizens from dangerous anti-social, criminal, and violent manifestations. It was sub- stantiated that the success of counteracting these negative phenomena depends primarily on the unification of certain mechanisms at both the international and domestic levels, including standards. It was proved that legal forms of combating organised crime should be improved towards the betterment of standards in the risk management system, specifically, ensuring information security, and stimulating the protection of information flows. It was argued that the introduction of the term “compliance audit” into certain laws of Ukraine defining the basic principles of implementation of the state financial control, audit of financial statements, and organisation of audit activities will provide a positive effect in combating these negative phenomena. The findings of this study can serve as the basis for the preparation of forecast and programme documents by supreme audit institutions, anti-corruption bodies, and the business community to counteract manifestations of organised crime, identify and eliminate corrupt ties with criminal

    Methodical recommendation to "Basics of software engineering. Laboratory practice". Part 1

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    Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production. Software engineering can be divided into sub-disciplines. Some of them are: - Software engineering management: The application of management activities – planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting – to ensure that the development and maintenance of software is systematic, disciplined, and quantified. Requirements engineering: The elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation of requirements for software

    Methodical recommendation to "Basics of software engineering. Laboratory practice". Part 1

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    Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production. Software engineering can be divided into sub-disciplines. Some of them are: - Software engineering management: The application of management activities – planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and reporting – to ensure that the development and maintenance of software is systematic, disciplined, and quantified. Requirements engineering: The elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation of requirements for software


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    Currently, there is a tendency in Ukraine to increase the number of children with speech disorders. One of the most common disorders of speech function is dyslalia. Speech therapists are the main form of correctional training, children are assigned certain and consistent stages of speech therapy. Along with that, various individual and standard devices are used. The aim of the study – to conduct logopedic correction of speech disorders in patients with physiologic occlusion using the in-house designed device according to the proposed algorithm. Materials and Methods. A survey was conducted on 73 children (24 – aged 3 to 6 years, 49 – from 6 to 12 years old) without significant orthodontic pathology in the presence of speech impairment with normal hearing and intelligence and speech correction. In addition to logopedic exercises, it was recommended to use vestibular plates Dr. Hinz - MUPPY-P with beads, removable orthodontic devices with beads, Bluegrass appliances, devices for elimination and prevention of unhealthy tongue habits. In order to identify early risk factors for major dental diseases, the hygienic state of the cavity of the mouth, the intensity of caries, the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the tissues of periodontal disease were determined. Results and Discussion. The first step in the algorithm for successful correction of speech disorders were to explain its necessity. The second stage involved the phonetic diagnosis of all aspects of speech, logic, intelligence, memory and thinking. Polymorphic dyslalia was diagnosed in all subjects of reporting panel. The third stage of the algorithm is to carry out work to overcome the abnormalities of the phonetic side of speech was a direct speech correction. The proposed device for elimination and prevention of unhealthy tongue habits was used in 6 cases. Conclusions. After the speech therapy correction correct articulation and sound were formed. The proposed device for the elimination and prevention unhealthy tongue habits should be used in conjunction with speech therapy, in particular, dyslalia. In addition to the positive logopedic effect of the proposed therapeutic and prophylactic measures, we have also received improvement of the hygienic state of the oral cavity, the absence of an increase in the intensity of the caries of permanent teeth and increased motivation in patients

    Фізично-топологічне моделювання кремнієвого/арсенідгалієвого транзистора Шотткі субмікронної технології ВІС

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    In this paper described researched essentials and physical mechanisms of MESFET on epitaxy layers of GaAs with monocrystalline silicon wafer. Conducted computer modeling of MESFET with p-channel: distributions of potential, volumetric charge, current in channel and its characteristics. Based on conducted modeling discovered new effect in MESFET, shielding of volumetric charge, which sufficiently influences on current distribution in channel.В даній статті описані досліджені основи і фізичні механізми, арсенідгалієвих ПТШ на моно-Si-підкладках на бар’єрі Шотткі. Проведено комп’ютерне моделювання ПТШ з p-каналом: розподілів потенціалу, об’ємного заряду, струму в каналі та його характеристик. На основі проведеного моделювання відкрито новий ефект в ПТШ, а саме екранування об’ємного заряду, що суттєво впливає на струмовий розподіл в каналі