191 research outputs found

    Study of the 10 micron continuum of water vapor

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    Radiation attenuation by atmospheric water vapor is considered. A formula based on laboratory data is recommended for approximating continuous absorption in the spectra region in question. Data of full scale measurements and laboratory experiments are compared. It was concluded that only molecular absorption need be taken into account under clear atmospheric conditions during the warm part of the year, while in winter or in cloudy conditions, the effect of aerosol can be significant

    Estudio de la actividad motora del niño en la escuela utilizando dispositivos portátiles individuales - rastreadores de actividad física

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values ​​of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values ​​of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Se presentan los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Using Wearable Devices to Stimulate Students Motor of Physical Activity and Consequence Physcological Responce

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm

    Uso de dispositivos portátiles para estimular a los estudiantes el motor de la actividad física y la consecuencia de la respuesta fisiológica

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Presentaron los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Определение параметров электромагнитного импульса, управляющего процессом каплеобразования при сварке плавящимся электродом

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    Regularities on destruction of a conducting non-magnetic jet have been determined within  the limits of magnetic hydrodynamics model when the jet was subjected to longitudinal and azimuthal magnetic fields. The obtained regularities of the process makes it possible to apply them efficiently for controlling parameters of metallurgical processes and metal-transfer process at welding.В рамках модели магнитной гидродинамики установлены закономерности разрушения проводящей немагнитной струи в условиях воздействия на нее продольного и азимутального магнитных полей. Установленные закономерности процесса позволяют эффективно применять их для управления параметрами металлургических процессов и процесса металлопереноса при сварке

    Оценка качества тресты при раздельной технологии уборки льна-долгунца

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    The paper explores the technological aspects and methods involved in the preparation of flax straw within the framework of separate fiber flax harvesting technology. This particular technology allows for the prolonged maturation of seeds in the field. The study demonstrates that during the process of seasoning flax straw in the form of unprocessed stem ribbons, the seeds within the capsules undergo natural drying and ripening. This approach enables a reduction in fuel consumption compared to the traditional scheme while obtaining high-quality fiber and seeds suitable for sowing. (Research purpose) The objective of this study is to assess the quality of raw flax during the stage of straw flax preparation. (Materials and methods) The study investigates the processes and technical units involved in fiber flax harvesting, adhering to regulatory guidelines during the stages of stem pulling, seasoning, turning, picking, and processing are thoroughly examined. (Results and discussion) The research results have revealed the indicators for biological productivity of straw and seeds during the process of straw flax preparation. Under different seeding rates, the yield of straw flax ranges from 23.1 to 24.8 centners per hectare during a 14-day seasoning period and from 20.8 to 22.2 centners per hectare on the 21st day. These findings demonstrate that the average yield under various harvesting conditions is 20-30 centners per hectare. The flaxseed yield, ranging from 2.9 to 4.1 centners per hectare at different maturation periods, can be considered satisfactory. Furthermore, it was observed that the elongation of the flax ribbon increases after turning, compared to its initial state, when the combine speed is 5.3 and 7.8 kilometers per hour, remaining within the acceptable limits. However, at a speed of 9.6 kilometers per hour, there was a violation of agrotechnical requirements. (Conclusions) The separate harvesting of flax has proven to be effective during a three-week period of raw flax seasoning. It is important to note that when turning unprocessed flax ribbons, the working speed should not exceed 9 kilometers per hour.Рассмотрели технологические аспекты и приемы приготовления льняной тресты при раздельном способе уборки льна-долгунца. Данная технология позволяет продлить созревание семян на корню. Показали, что за время вылежки льносоломы в виде лент неочесанных стеблей семена в коробочках подсыхают и дозревают естественным образом. Это позволяет снизить расход топливных ресурсов в сравнении с традиционной схемой, получить качественное волокно и пригодные для посева семена. (Цель исследования) Оценить качество льносырья на этапе приготовления тресты. (Материалы и методы) Изучили процессы и технические средства при уборке льна-долгунца в соответствии с нормативной документацией на этапах выдергивания, вылежки, оборачивания, подбора и очесывания стеблей. (Результаты и обсуждение) Определены показатели биологической урожайности тресты и семян в процессе приготовления льнотресты. При различной норме высева семян урожайность тресты достигала 23,1-24,8 центнера на 1 гектар и сроке вылежки 14 дней, а также 20,8-22,2 центнера на 1 гектар на 21-й день. Согласно исследованиям средняя урожайность при различных условиях уборки составляет 20-30 центнеров с 1 гектара. Урожайность льносемян от 2,9 до 4,1 центнера с 1 гектара при разных сроках вылежки можно считать вполне допустимой. Растянутость ленты после оборачивания возрастала по сравнению с исходной при скорости комбайна 5,3 и 7,8 километра в 1 час, не превышая допустимого значения. При скорости 9,6 километра в 1 час агротехнические требования нарушались. (Выводы) Раздельная уборка льна эффективна при вылежке льносырья в течение трех недель. При оборачивании неочесанных лент рабочая скорость не должна превышать 9 километров в 1 час

    Quantum Spectral Curve at Work: From Small Spin to Strong Coupling in N=4 SYM

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    We apply the recently proposed quantum spectral curve technique to the study of twist operators in planar N=4 SYM theory. We focus on the small spin expansion of anomalous dimensions in the sl(2) sector and compute its first two orders exactly for any value of the 't Hooft coupling. At leading order in the spin S we reproduced Basso's slope function. The next term of order S^2 structurally resembles the Beisert-Eden-Staudacher dressing phase and takes into account wrapping contributions. This expansion contains rich information about the spectrum of local operators at strong coupling. In particular, we found a new coefficient in the strong coupling expansion of the Konishi operator dimension and confirmed several previously known terms. We also obtained several new orders of the strong coupling expansion of the BFKL pomeron intercept. As a by-product we formulated a prescription for the correct analytical continuation in S which opens a way for deriving the BFKL regime of twist two anomalous dimensions from AdS/CFT integrability.Comment: 53 pages, references added; v3: due to a typo in the coefficients C_2 and D_2 on page 29 we corrected the rational part of the strong coupling predictions in equations (1.5-6), (6.22-24), (6.27-30) and in Table

    Magnetic field correlations in a random flow with strong steady shear

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    We analyze magnetic kinematic dynamo in a conducting fluid where the stationary shear flow is accompanied by relatively weak random velocity fluctuations. The diffusionless and diffusion regimes are described. The growth rates of the magnetic field moments are related to the statistical characteristics of the flow describing divergence of the Lagrangian trajectories. The magnetic field correlation functions are examined, we establish their growth rates and scaling behavior. General assertions are illustrated by explicit solution of the model where the velocity field is short-correlated in time

    Papillomavirus E1 helicase assembly maintains an asymmetric state in the absence of DNA and nucleotide cofactors

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    Concerted, stochastic and sequential mechanisms of action have been proposed for different hexameric AAA+ molecular motors. Here we report the crystal structure of the E1 helicase from bovine papillomavirus, where asymmetric assembly is for the first time observed in the absence of nucleotide cofactors and DNA. Surprisingly, the ATP-binding sites adopt specific conformations linked to positional changes in the DNA-binding hairpins, which follow a wave-like trajectory, as observed previously in the E1/DNA/ADP complex. The protein's assembly thus maintains such an asymmetric state in the absence of DNA and nucleotide cofactors, allowing consideration of the E1 helicase action as the propagation of a conformational wave around the protein ring. The data imply that the wave's propagation within the AAA+ domains is not necessarily coupled with a strictly sequential hydrolysis of ATP. Since a single ATP hydrolysis event would affect the whole hexamer, such events may simply serve to rectify the direction of the wave's motion