132 research outputs found

    Analysis of the results of opportunistic and organized cervical cancer screening in the Belgrade municipality of Čukarica

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    Skrining (engl. ―screening‖) u medicinskom smislu podrazumeva preventivne preglede naizgled zdravog stanovništva kako bi se uz pomoć jednostavno primenljivih medicinskih testova, još u asimtomatskoj fazi otkrile osobe sa predispozicijom za nastanak nekog oboljenja. Oportuni skrining (OPS) za rak grlića materice (RGM) predstavlja nesistematsku primenu Papanicolaou (PAP) testa na osnovu individualne odluke ţene ili njenog lekara dok organizovani skrining (ORS) podrazumeva organizovano, masovno pozivanje ciljne populacije na testiranje koje je unapred planirano, sa jasno definisanom metodologijom, vrstom testa i kontrolom kvaliteta rada. Cilj istraţivanja je bio analiziranje rezultata prvog trogodišnjeg ciklusa ORS za RGM (20.12.2012.-19.12.2015.) i njihovo uporeĎivanje sa rezultatima koje smo imali u poslednjem trogodišnjem ciklusu OPS (20.12.2009.-19.12.2012.) kako bi se doneli korisni zaključci za dalji rad na prevenciji RGM u opštini Čukarica. Ciljnu populaciju (CP) ovog istraţivanja činile su ţene u dobu od 25-64 godine ţivota koje su u navedenom vremenskom periodu PAP-test uradile u Domu zdravlja ―Dr Simo Milošević‖. Rezultati: Ukupni (ORS+OPS) trogodišnji obuhvat CP (25-64) PAP-testom bio je statistički značajno veći u periodu nakon implementacije ORS (20.12.2012.-19.12.2015.) u odnosu na trogodinji period (20.12.2009.-19.12.2012.) kada smo sprovodili isključivo OPS (37,41% vs. 21,4%, χ2=3532.8 p<0.01). U toku ORS (20.12.2012.-19.12.2015.) uraĎeno je 17172 PAP-testova kod 16305 ţena od čega je PAP-test bio pozitivan kod 622 (3,82%) ţene. U paralelnom OPS je uraĎeno 7865 PAP-testova kod 5284 ţena CP (25-64) koje nisu prethodno učestvovale u ORS od čega je PAP-test bio pozitivan kod 144 (2,7%) ţene. Tokom prethodnog OPS (20.12.2009.-19.12.2012.), uraĎeno je 20235 PAP-testova kod 12117 ţena od čega je PAP-test bio pozitivan kod 311 (2.6%) ţena. Statistički značajno veći broj pozitivnih PAP-testova je otkriven u okviru ORS u odnosu na OPS i to kako pre, tako i u trogodišnjem periodu nakon implementacije ORS (p<0,01). Potrošnja brisa je bila statistički značajno manja (p<0,01) unutar ORS (1,1 po ţeni) u odnosu na prethodni OPS (1,7 po ţeni) kao i u odnsu na parlelni OPS (1,5 po ţeni)...The term "Screening" in the medical sense refers to the preventive examinations of seemingly healthy population with the help of easily applicable medical tests in order to detect asimptomatic people with a predisposition for the development of certain diseases. Opportunistic screening (OPS) is the unsystematic taking of the Papanicolaou (PAP) smears which is administered by to the individual initiative of women themselves or their doctors, while organized screening (ORS) implies an organized, mass calling of the target population for testing that is pre-planned, with a clearly defined methodology, type of test and quality assurance. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of the first three-year interval of the ORS (20.12.2012.-19.12.2015.) and their comparison with the results we've had in the last three-year of the OPS (20.12.2009.-19.12.2012.), in order to bring useful conclusions for further work on the prevention of CC in the municipality of Čukarica. The target population (TP) of this study were women aged 25 to 64 who had PAP tests done during the said period at the Primary Health Center "Dr Simo Milosevic". Results: The total three-year PAP test coverage (ORS+OPS) for women aged 25 to 64 was significantly higher after the implementation of the ORS (20.Dec.2012.-19.Dec.2015.) compared to the three-year period (20.Dec.2009.-19.Dec.2012.) when we exclusively conducted opportunistic screenings (37.41% vs. 21.4%, χ2 = 3532.8 p <0.01). During the period of the ORS 17172 PAP tests were done in 16305 women, of whom PAP test was positive in 622 (3.82%). In parallel, within OPS 7865 PAP tests were done in 5284 women (25-64) which have not previously participated in the ORS. PAP test was positive in 144 (2.7%) women. During the previous OPS (20.12.2009.-19.12.2012.) 20235 PAP tests were done in 12117 women, of which the PAP test was positive in 311 (2.6%). Significantly higher numbers of positive PAP tests were revealed within the ORS compared to the OPS, both before and during the three years after the implementation of the ORS (p <0.01). PAP-test consumption was significantly lower (p <0.01) in the ORS (1.1 per woman) compared to the previous OPS (1.7 per woman) as well as in the parallel OPS (1.5 per woman). Within the ORS, pathohistological (PH) verification of the cervical lesions was performed in 305 women of which PH result was negative for CIN/ICC in 182 (59.7%), CIN1 was detected in 27 (8.9%), CIN2 in 25 (8.2%), CIN 3 in 47 (15.4%), while invasive cancer (ICC) were detected in 24 (7.9%) women. Interval cancer was confirmed in two cases..

    Unapređenje metoda merenja fedinga u RF telemetrijskim sistemima srednje naponskih distributivnih mreža

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    In this paper, the estimation of Nakagami-m short term fading severity parameter and signal envelope average power are considered. Two methods enabling calculation severity parameter of Nakagami-m fading and are average power of signal envelope propagation in Nakagami-m fading channel by using measured values samples of Nakagami-m random process is considered in this work. By using measured values moments of Nakagami-m random process can be calculated. Nakagami-m fading parameters can be evaluated from moments. In this paper is considered the case when fading parameters are calculated from the second moment and the forth moment. Also, the case when Nakagami-m parameters are calculated by using the first, the second and the three moment is studied. In this paper diversity technique is applied for evaluation Nakagami-m fading parameters by using method of moments. Used diversity technique has MRC (maximal ratio combining) receiver with two and three inputs operating over independent and identical multipath fading channel. Moments of MRC receiver output signal enable Nakagami-m fading parameters evaluation. The accuracy of obtained results increases as the number of samples increases, the order of diversity increases and when the number of realizations increases. The second method studied in this paper, for estimating the Nakagami-m fading severity parameter and average power of Nakagami-m fading signal envelope is level crossing method. Level crossing rate is calculated for three values of signal envelope and from these three equations evaluated Nakagami-m parameters. Obtained expressions for level crossing rate are simple and Nakagami-m parameters can be determined. MRC diversity technique is applied for the estimation of Nakagami-m fading severity parameter and Nakagami-m signal envelope average power. The accurately of calculated values for Nakagami-m parameters increases as the number of samples increases, the number of realization increases and MRC diversity order increases. Also the accurately of obtained reports is higher for lower values of Nakagami-m fading severity parameter. *Application diversity technique for estimation of Nakagami-m fading parameters by using the method moments is not considered in open technical literature. *Level crossing rate method for estimation of Nakagami-m fading parameters is not considered in open technical literature

    Fire protection problems with large forest fires in Deliblatska peščara (Serbia)

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    Purpose - The aim of the paper was to investigate the major forest fires in Deliblatska peščara, as well as to analyze the efficiency of fire protection measures. Design / methodology / approach - The analysis included interviews with participants in extinguishing the major fires. The questions referred to the course of fires, as well as to the main fire protection disadvantages. The documentation of the 'Banat' Forest Management - Pančevo (Public Enterprise 'Vojvodinašume') was also used in the paper for the period 1948-2012. Findings - The major forest fires in Deliblatska peščara in the studied period were recorded in 1973, 1990, 1996 and 2007. Although they account for only about 1.5 % of the total number of fires, they collectively have invaded more than half of the total burnt area and more than two-thirds of the forest area. According to the surveys, the main characteristics of these fires were: frequent appearance of new fire hot spots, strong wind variable in direction which crucially affects the spread of fire and the impossibility of direct action on fire. The main disadvantages of fire protection were: inefficiency of fire breaks, blockage of forest roads for the passage of vehicles and the lack of the modern means of fire protection equipment. Research limitations / implications - Given the specificities of the studied area (the absence of surface water, sandy soils, microclimate conditions and vegetation composition), the research results cannot be fully generalized for Serbia. Practical implications - The research results indicate the need for making changes in the fire prevention system, as well as the possibility of fire danger forecast based on the heliocentric hypothesis. Originality / value - What has been the importance of the paper is that it provides the basis for a new approach to the planning of fire prevention measures

    Efficacy of atovaquone combined with clindamycin against murine infection with a cystogenic (Me49) strain of Toxoplasma gondii

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    The efficacy of atovaquone (ATO) combined with clindamycin (CLI) against Toxoplasma gondii was examined in murine models of infection with a mouse-non-virulent (Me49) strain. Swiss-Webster mice inoculated by mouth with 10 or 20 cysts were treated with ATO and CLI alone or combined at dosages of ATO 5-100 and CLI 25-400 mg/kg/day for 2-4 weeks. Drug treatment was initiated (i) day 4 post-infection (acute infection), (ii) 3 months post-infection (chronic infection) and (iii) following a 2-3 week course of treatment with dexamethasone (DXM) alone or combined with cortisone-acetate (CA) introduced 3 months post-infection (reactivated toxoplasmosis). In acute infection, whereas treatment with any drug or drug combination significantly enhanced survival and reduced the brain cyst burden, in mice treated with ATO alone or combined with CLI, the cyst counts were significantly lower than in mice treated with CLI alone. In chronic infection, the decrease in the cyst burden observed 2 weeks after treatment with either drug alone was significant only in mice treated with the combined drugs. Most importantly, in reactivated toxoplasmosis, whereas an effect for the combined drugs was shown in mice suppressed with both DXM alone and combined with CA, in mice pre-treated with DXM a 3 week course of ATO greater than or equal to25 and CLI 50 mg/kg/day significantly increased survival and markedly decreased the cyst burden. The latter effect was long-term, since the cyst burdens in treated mice continued to decrease up to 3 months later, whereas they increased in the untreated mice. The results warrant clinical evaluation of the combination of ATO and CLI in the treatment of toxoplasmosis in both immunocompetent and, more importantly, immunosuppressed patients

    Positive effects of naringenin on near-surface membrane fluidity in human erythrocytes

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    Purpose: Deformability/rheologic behavior of erythrocytes are related to near-surface membrane fluidity. Specific agents can increase erythrocyte membrane fluidity in order to adjust hemodynamics in cardiovascular diseases. Grapefruit flavanone naringenin has been proposed for potential use in an alternative therapy of cardiovascular conditions. In respect to this, we assessed here effects of two nutritionally relevant concentrations of naringenin (0.1 and 1 μg/ml) on near-surface membrane fluidity in human erythrocytes. Methods: We used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and fatty acid spin probes (5-DS and 7-DS), the spectra of which are dependent on membrane fluidity. Results: The results showed a significant (p = 0.029) increase of membrane fluidity near the hydrophilic surface in erythrocytes treated with higher concentration of naringenin. In the deeper layer, just below the erythrocyte membrane phospholipid heads, both lower and higher concentration of naringenin significantly increased membrane fluidity (p = 0.036 and p = 0.028, respectively). Conclusions: These data document the positive and dose dependent effect of naringenin on near-surface membrane fluidity in human erythrocytes, recommending its use in the cardiovascular conditions characterized by disturbed hemodynamics

    Spectrophotometric and uplc study of reaction between [AuCl4] - and quercetin

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    The equilibrium and kinetics of the reaction between tetrachloroaurate(III) ion (AuCl4 - ) and quercetin in 0.1 M HClO4 were studied spectrophotometrically. The fast and the slow reaction steps were distinguished in the reaction mechanism, depending on the ratio of AuCl4 - and quercetin concentration. The stoichiometry of reaction, determined by molar ratio and Jobb’s methods, was 1:1. The kinetics of complex formation was followed under the pseudo-first order conditions by measuring the absorbance at 294 nm vs. time as the function of quercetin concentration in 5 – 15 fold excess.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Reintroduction of the European beaver (Castor fiber L.) into Serbia and return of its parasite: The case of Stichorchis subtriquetrus

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    After becoming extinct in the second half of the 20th century, the European beaver (Castor fiber L., 1758) was successfully reintroduced from Bavaria into Serbia during 2004-2005. In the necropsy of an adult female beaver (found dead in December of 2007), we discovered some parasites identified as Stichorchis subtriquetrus in the colon and peritoneal area. This is the first occurrence of the given specific parasite of beavers in Serbia. Decoding of a subcutaneous implanted microchip has confirmed that our specimen was one of the released beavers. We therefore conclude that the parasite in question was reintroduced into Serbia with the beavers originating from Bavaria.Nakon nestanka u drugoj polovini XX veka, evropski dabar (Castor fiber L. 1758) je tokom 2004-2005. godine, uspešno reintrodukovan sa područja Bavarske u Srbiju. Tokom obdukcije jedne adultne ženke(pronađena mrtva u decembru 2006) pronašli smo parazite u želucu koji su identifikovani kao Stichorchis subtriquetrus. To je prvi nalaz ovog specifičnog parazita dabra u Srbiji. Dekodiranjem subkutano implantiranog mikročipa, potvrđeno je da pronađena ženka jedna od 20 jedinki koje su decembra 2004. godine naseljene na području Specijalnog rezervata prirode Obedska bara. Ova činjenica nam sugeriše da je parazit neželjeno reintrodukovan u Srbiju zajedno sa dabrovima koji su poreklom iz Bavarske naseljavani u Srbiju.Projekat ministarstva br. TR 2001

    Topological network alignment uncovers biological function and phylogeny

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    Sequence comparison and alignment has had an enormous impact on our understanding of evolution, biology, and disease. Comparison and alignment of biological networks will likely have a similar impact. Existing network alignments use information external to the networks, such as sequence, because no good algorithm for purely topological alignment has yet been devised. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm based solely on network topology, that can be used to align any two networks. We apply it to biological networks to produce by far the most complete topological alignments of biological networks to date. We demonstrate that both species phylogeny and detailed biological function of individual proteins can be extracted from our alignments. Topology-based alignments have the potential to provide a completely new, independent source of phylogenetic information. Our alignment of the protein-protein interaction networks of two very different species--yeast and human--indicate that even distant species share a surprising amount of network topology with each other, suggesting broad similarities in internal cellular wiring across all life on Earth.Comment: Algorithm explained in more details. Additional analysis adde

    Simultaneous Optimization of Both Node and Edge Conservation in Network Alignment via WAVE

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    Network alignment can be used to transfer functional knowledge between conserved regions of different networks. Typically, existing methods use a node cost function (NCF) to compute similarity between nodes in different networks and an alignment strategy (AS) to find high-scoring alignments with respect to the total NCF over all aligned nodes (or node conservation). But, they then evaluate quality of their alignments via some other measure that is different than the node conservation measure used to guide the alignment construction process. Typically, one measures the amount of conserved edges, but only after alignments are produced. Hence, a recent attempt aimed to directly maximize the amount of conserved edges while constructing alignments, which improved alignment accuracy. Here, we aim to directly maximize both node and edge conservation during alignment construction to further improve alignment accuracy. For this, we design a novel measure of edge conservation that (unlike existing measures that treat each conserved edge the same) weighs each conserved edge so that edges with highly NCF-similar end nodes are favored. As a result, we introduce a novel AS, Weighted Alignment VotEr (WAVE), which can optimize any measures of node and edge conservation, and which can be used with any NCF or combination of multiple NCFs. Using WAVE on top of established state-of-the-art NCFs leads to superior alignments compared to the existing methods that optimize only node conservation or only edge conservation or that treat each conserved edge the same. And while we evaluate WAVE in the computational biology domain, it is easily applicable in any domain.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure