432 research outputs found
Interaction between matrix alloy and reinforcing granules during the process of casted composite material synthesis
The studies conducted allowed us to estimate the diffusion of matrix alloy components into the granules of the reinforcing phase, which led to a decrease in the strength properties of the composite due to an increase in the thickness of the transition zone and its subsequent destruction
Análisis del impacto de la literatura en la formación de la imagen del funcionario público de la Federación de Rusia en los medios de comunicación
The main features of the XXI century Russian society have been formed due to social and psychological changes, which led to a global transformation of the state system. Modern world faces the problem of developing a new policy of state power that will be based on the principles of consensus (reconciliation of all contentious and conflicting issues in the process of developing a solution that is reached through discussion and consultation), society and open partnership. The reason for this global upheaval is that the pace of change in the relationship between the state (government) and society itself depends on the open-ended policy that is now key. The image of a civil servant is similar to a construction that can be replaced, strengthened, re-mounted, modified, etc., and most importantly, that it needs serious work. The perception of the image exists and changes not only in the consciousness of people, but also in the unconscious sphere (emotional). In order to create a positive image of a civil servant, they need to be governed. To manage it, one needs to know the basic idea of what and in what sequence should occur, and at what stage intermediate results should appear. According to the authors, the solution to the problem of studying the acting factors that make the positive image of civil servants of modern Russia, the identification of the most effective ways, forms and principles of its positive transformation, as well as the analysis of the constituents of the employee of state structures are relevant. The most important in the work of representatives of public authorities is the nature of their public relations. If public servants do not evoke citizens' feelings of trust, justice and other positive psychological and social reactions, then feedback (from the population to state bodies) will be ineffective. Since the operation of the system of state power is the result of the functioning of the whole state as a whole, it is important that the work of state bodies used the maximum opportunities with the least cost. This scheme ensures effective management and positive results. But such a situation will not be achievable if the level of public trust in government is low.Las principales características de la sociedad rusa del siglo XXI se han formado debido a cambios sociales y psicológicos, que condujeron a una transformación global del sistema estatal. El mundo moderno enfrenta el problema de desarrollar una nueva política de poder estatal que se basará en los principios de consenso (conciliación de todos los temas conflictivos y conflictivos en el proceso de desarrollar una solución que se alcance a través de la discusión y consulta), la sociedad y la asociación abierta. La razón de esta agitación global es que el ritmo de cambio en la relación entre el estado (gobierno) y la sociedad misma depende de la política abierta que ahora es clave.La imagen de un funcionario público es similar a una construcción que se puede reemplazar, fortalecer, volver a montar, modificar, etc., y lo más importante, que necesita un trabajo serio. La percepción de la imagen existe y cambia no solo en la conciencia de las personas, sino también en la esfera inconsciente (emocional). Para crear una imagen positiva de un funcionario público, deben ser gobernados. Para gestionarlo, es necesarioconocer la idea básica de qué y en qué secuencia debe ocurrir, y en qué etapa deben aparecer los resultados intermedios. Según los autores, la solución al problema de estudiar los factores de actuación que hacen la imagen positiva de los funcionarios de la Rusia moderna, la identificación de las formas, formas y principios más efectivos de su transformación positiva, así como el análisis de los componentes del empleado de las estructuras estatales son relevantes. Lo más importante en el trabajo de los representantes de las autoridades públicas es la naturaleza de sus relaciones públicas. Si los servidores públicos no evocan los sentimientos de confianza, justicia y otras reacciones psicológicas y sociales positivas de los ciudadanos, la retroalimentación (de la población a los organismos estatales) será ineficaz. Dado que la operación del sistema de poder estatal es el resultado del funcionamiento de todo el estado en su conjunto, es importante que el trabajo de los organismos estatales aproveche las máximasoportunidades con el menor costo. Este esquema garantiza una gestión eficaz y resultados positivos. Pero tal situación no será posible si el nivel de confianza pública en el gobierno es bajo
Analysis the Impact of Literature on the Formation of the Russian Federation State Civil Servant Image in Mass Media
The main features of the XXI century Russian society have been formed due to social and psychological changes, which led to a global transformation of the state system. Modern world faces the problem of developing a new policy of state power that will be based on the principles of consensus (reconciliation of all contentious and conflicting issues in the process of developing a solution that is reached through discussion and consultation), society and open partnership. The reason for this global upheaval is that the pace of change in the relationship between the state (government) and society itself depends on the open-ended policy that is now key. The image of a civil servant is similar to a construction that can be replaced, strengthened, re-mounted, modified, etc., and most importantly, that it needs serious work. The perception of the image exists and changes not only in the consciousness of people, but also in the unconscious sphere (emotional). In order to create a positive image of a civil servant, they need to be governed. To manage it, one needs to know the basic idea of what and in what sequence should occur, and at what stage intermediate results should appear. According to the authors, the solution to the problem of studying the acting factors that make the positive image of civil servants of modern Russia, the identification of the most effective ways, forms and principles of its positive transformation, as well as the analysis of the constituents of the employee of state structures are relevant. The most important in the work of representatives of public authorities is the nature of their public relations. If public servants do not evoke citizens' feelings of trust, justice and other positive psychological and social reactions, then feedback (from the population to state bodies) will be ineffective. Since the operation of the system of state power is the result of the functioning of the whole state as a whole, it is important that the work of state bodies used the maximum opportunities with the least cost. This scheme ensures effective management and positive results. But such a situation will not be achievable if the level of public trust in government is low.The main features of the XXI century Russian society have been formed due to social and psychological changes, which led to a global transformation of the state system. Modern world faces the problem of developing a new policy of state power that will be based on the principles of consensus (reconciliation of all contentious and conflicting issues in the process of developing a solution that is reached through discussion and consultation), society and open partnership. The reason for this global upheaval is that the pace of change in the relationship between the state (government) and society itself depends on the open-ended policy that is now key. The image of a civil servant is similar to a construction that can be replaced, strengthened, re-mounted, modified, etc., and most importantly, that it needs serious work. The perception of the image exists and changes not only in the consciousness of people, but also in the unconscious sphere (emotional). In order to create a positive image of a civil servant, they need to be governed. To manage it, one needs to know the basic idea of what and in what sequence should occur, and at what stage intermediate results should appear. According to the authors, the solution to the problem of studying the acting factors that make the positive image of civil servants of modern Russia, the identification of the most effective ways, forms and principles of its positive transformation, as well as the analysis of the constituents of the employee of state structures are relevant. The most important in the work of representatives of public authorities is the nature of their public relations. If public servants do not evoke citizens' feelings of trust, justice and other positive psychological and social reactions, then feedback (from the population to state bodies) will be ineffective. Since the operation of the system of state power is the result of the functioning of the whole state as a whole, it is important that the work of state bodies used the maximum opportunities with the least cost. This scheme ensures effective management and positive results. But such a situation will not be achievable if the level of public trust in government is low
Modeling of liquid flow in surface discontinuities
Polymer composite and metallic materials have found wide application in various industries such as aviation, rocket, car manufacturing, ship manufacturing, etc. Many design elements need permanent quality control. Ensuring high quality and reliability of products is impossible without effective nondestructive testing methods. One of these methods is penetrant testing using penetrating substances based on liquid penetration into defect cavities. In this paper, we propose a model of liquid flow to determine the rates of filling the defect cavities with various materials and, based on this, to choose optimal control modes
To date, all the mines of the Krуvyі Rіh iron ore basin are mining deposits of rich iron ore using technologies with the repayment of goaf. Such technologies lead to deformations of the host rocks, which eventually come to the surface. The use of goaf backfilling will reduce the impact of underground mining on the surrounding massif. The transition to technologies with filling requires additional research to establish new patterns of change in the stress-strain state of the combined massif and to establish new dependencies for changes instresses and strains during the formation of "transitional technologies". Such a technology can be a chamber mining system with the formation of an ore interfloor pillar, under the cover of which the reserves of the treatment chamber of the lower horizon are mined, which are mined in the classical versions without backfilling. After complete working out of the chamber reserve, the treatment space is filled with a hardening backfill. After the hardening backfill has gained the standard strength, the artificial array of the hardening backfill will serve as an artificial pillar (ceiling) when working out the lower chamber. Thus, the formed artificial pillar will serve as a safety pillar. This safety pillar will separate the existing conventional technology on the upper horizons from the proposed goaf backfill technology, which is recommended for mining the lower horizons. Inaddition, a protective artificial pillar protects the lower floor and allows the use of deposit mining technologies on the lower horizons with subsequent disposal of mining and metallurgical waste in the goaf. In accordance with the proposed technology, we have built a calculation scheme that includes the main components of the transitional technology. The main elements are a spent chamber, an interfloor artificial pillar and overlying collapsed waste rocks. Toprove the possibility of using transitional technologies, relevant analytical studies were carried out. This article is devoted to such research.На сьогоднішній день всі шахти Криворізького залізорудного басейну відпрацьовують поклади багатих залізних руд технологіями з погашенням виробленого простору. Такі технології призводять до деформацій вмісних порід, які з часом виходять на денну поверхню. Застосування закладки виробленого простору знизить вплив підземної розробки на оточуючий масив. Перехід на технології з закладкою потребують додаткових досліджень для встановлення нових закономірностей зміни напружено-деформованого стану комбінованого масиву та встановлення нових залежностей зміни напружень і деформацій при формуванні «перехідних технологій».Саме таким дослідженням і присвячено ця стаття
Source Municipal Management In Russia: The National Base Of The President And System Digitalization
The purpose of the study is the diagnosis of practice and the introduction of new legal norms and digital technologies of municipal administration; life quality improvement and sustainable socio-economic development provision in all municipalities of vast Russia. The article analyzes the necessary changes in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), which should ensure life quality increase and accelerated socio-economic development of municipalities. These include: the changes in the powers and functions of local governments; strengthening the responsibility of local administrations for social performance results. A search is underway for the optimal coordination of the functions and powers of federal, regional and municipal governments on a new constitutional basis. The scientific basis of municipal administration is being developed - the theory of municipal service as the managerial core of local self-government is proposed. The scientific methodology of the state and municipal services is correlated. New parameters of social responsibility of local government officials are defined. The possibilities of digital technologies are being studied to increase the effectiveness of municipal governance. The article proposes to conduct systemic digitalization of state and municipal government actively. New digital technologies are considered as a necessary scientific and informational basis to increase the effectiveness of local management. In the article, each of the proposed trends for municipal governance improvement is considered from the perspective of the possible interaction problem study between the authorities and citizens; the conflicts between authorities at various levels. They studied the danger of the destructive consequences of existing performance indicators, local management methods and technique conservation. They presented the perspectives of further research and officials and local administration efficiency and responsibility increase
Alloy solidification at high cooling rates leads to significant changes in structure and phase composition. Conditions appear for a significant extension of solid solubility, grain refining, and formation of metastable phases or amorphous state. Due to this it is possible to obtain unique combinations of physical, mechanical and other properties in rapidly quenched alloys. Undoubted scientific and practical interest is an application of quenching processes from a liquid state for aluminum alloys with the purpose to improve their physical and mechanical properties.As the structure of such alloys is extremely unstable from a thermodynamic point of view the important issue is to study temporal stability of the microstructure and phase composition of rapidly quenched aluminium alloys of various chemical composition. The paper has investigated an influence of various alloying elements on the structure, phase composition and durometric properties of aluminum foils obtained by liquid aluminum alloy melt-spinning on the disk rotating with various speed. Optical and electron microscopy has been used to study structure and phase composition as well as X-ray structural analysis. It has been shown that alloying of aluminium with copper leads to an increase in micro-hardness up to 130–160 HV0.01, and alloying with chromium and zirconium provides micro-hardness up to 60–80 HV0.01. It has been shown that increasing in amount of alloying additions in the aluminum melt (Al–Cu system alloy) rises the number of CuAl2 precipitates and is accompanied with an increase in micro-hardness of aluminum foils. An increase in cooling rate of the aluminum melt (Al–Cr–Zr system) is accompanied with structure dispersion which increases micro-hardness of the casted foils. The obtained results have made it possible to establish the optimal percentage of alloying elements and the disk rotation speed providing the highest level of aluminium foils’ durometric properties.Затвердевание сплавов при высоких скоростях охлаждения приводит к существенным изменениям структуры и фазового состава. Появляются условия для значительного расширения области твердой растворимости, существенного измельчения зерна, формирования метастабильных фаз или аморфного состояния. Как результат, в быстрозакаленных сплавах можно получить уникальные сочетания физико-механических и других свойств. несомненный научный и практический интерес представляет собой применение процессов закалки из жидкого состояния для алюминиевых сплавов с целью повышения их физико-механических свойств.Поскольку структура таких сплавов крайне нестабильна с термодинамической точки зрения, то важным моментом является изучение временной стабильности микроструктуры и фазового состава быстрозакаленных алюминиевых сплавов различного химического состава. Исследовано влияние различных легирующих элементов на структуру, фазовый состав и дюрометрические характеристики алюминиевых фольг, полученных путем разливки жидкого алюминиевого сплава на диск, вращающийся с различной скоростью. Для изучения структуры и фазового состава использовали оптическую и электронную микроскопию, а также рентгеноструктурный анализ. Показано, что легирование алюминия медью приводит к увеличению его микротвердости до 130–160 HV0,01, а при легировании хромом и цирконием – до 60–80 HV0,01, а повышение количества легирующих составляющих в расплаве на основе алюминия (сплав системы Al–Cu) приводит к росту количества выделившихся частиц CuAl2 и сопровождается увеличением микротвердости алюминиевых фольг. Увеличение скорости охлаждения алюминиевого расплава системы Al–Cr–Zr сопровождается диспергированием структуры, что приводит к возрастанию микротвердости получаемых фольг. На основании полученных результатов выбраны оптимальное процентное содержание легирующих добавок и скорость вращения диска, обеспечивающие наиболее высокие дюрометрические свойства алюминиевых фольг
Recombinant Pseudomonas Vaccine: Technological Aspects of Obtaining and Evaluating Quality Indicators
For an aim to prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a candidate recombinant vaccine has been developed. This vaccine – (RPV) was based on two protective proteins of P. aeruginosa: the outer membrane protein F (OprF) and the recombinant truncated form of the Exotoxin A (toxoid) that were adsorbed on the aluminum hydroxide. The optimal immunization schedule for mice included two intraperitoneal administrations with a two-week interval. RPV promoted to increase survival rates in challenged immunized mice and stimulated humoral and innate immune responses. During preclinical studies, we confirmed the immunogenicity of the vaccine that had not pyrogenicity, acute and chronic toxicity, allergenicity and immunotoxicity.
Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, outer membrane protein F (OprF), toxoid, Pseudomonas Recombinant Vaccine (PRV
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