4,059 research outputs found

    Analytical Model of the Time Developing Turbulent Boundary Layer

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    We present an analytical model for the time-developing turbulent boundary layer (TD-TBL) over a flat plate. The model provides explicit formulae for the temporal behavior of the wall-shear stress and both the temporal and spatial distributions of the mean streamwise velocity, the turbulence kinetic energy and Reynolds shear stress. The resulting profiles are in good agreement with the DNS results of spatially-developing turbulent boundary layers at momentum thickness Reynolds number equal to 1430 and 2900. Our analytical model is, to the best of our knowledge, the first of its kind for TD-TBL.Comment: 5pages, 9 figs, JETP Letters, submitte

    Matrix effects in ion-induced emission as observed in Ne collisions with Cu-Mg and Cu-Al alloys

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    Ion induced Auger electron emission is used to study the surfaces of Al, Mg, Cu - 10 at. % Al, Cu - 19.6 at. % Al, and Cu - 7.4 at. % Mg. A neon (Ne) ion beam whose energy is varied from 0.5 to 3 keV is directed at the surface. Excitation of the lighter Ne occurs by the promotion mechanism of Barat and Lichten in asymmetric collisions with Al or Mg atoms. Two principal Auger peaks are observed in the Ne spectrum: one at 22 eV and one at 25 eV. Strong matrix effects are observed in the alloys as a function of energy in which the population of the second peak is greatly enhanced relative to the first over the pure materials. For the pure material over this energy range this ratio is 1.0. For the alloys it can rise to the electronic structure of alloys and to other surface tools such as secondary ion mass spectroscopy

    Front Matter of Journal of Undergraduate Research

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    Analyses of odours from concentrated animal feeding operations: a review

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    Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are widely present all over the world due to the high population demand for food and products of animal origin. However, they have generated several environmental concerns, including odour nuisance, which affects people health and quality of life. Odours from livestock are a very complex mixtures of molecules and their analytical investigation is highly demanding. Many works have been published regarding the study of odours from CAFOs, using different techniques and technologies to face the issue. Thus, the aim of this review paper is to summarize all the ways to study odours from CAFOs, starting from the sampling methods and then treating in general the principles of Dynamic Olfactometry, Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry and Electronic Noses. Finally, a deep literature summary of Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry and Electronic Noses applied to odours coming from poultry, dairy and swine feeding operations is reported. This work aims to make some order in this field and it wants to help future researchers to deal with this environmental problem, constituting a state-of-the-art in this field

    Modifications of high harmonic spectra by ion resonant transitions

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    High-order harmonic generation is considered in a system consisting of an ion with an internal degree of freedom plus an outer electron. The theoretical treatment is both quantum-mechanical and classical. The emphasis is on the core resonance effects, which can significantly modify the harmonic spectra, with appearance of anomalous peaks. Under some assumptions, the spectral amplitude of the resonant harmonic of the system dipole moment can be obtained by evaluation of such amplitude within a single-electron approximation and multiplication of the result by a correcting factor. The latter depends on the polarizability of the ion and of a free electron at the harmonic frequency. Copyright \ua9 1996 by MAHK Hayka/Interperiodica Publishing

    Sediment transport and deposition during extreme sea storm events at the Salerno Bay (Tyrrhenian Sea): comparison of field data with numerical model results

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    Seismic stratigraphy and core litho-stratigraphy in the Salerno Bay inner shelf (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) reveal significant storm deposition episodes over the last 1 ky. Three major events are preserved as decimetre thick silt/sand layers bounded at their base by erosional surfaces and sealed in the muddy marine sequences between 25 and 60 m of depth. Geochronology and chrono-stratigraphy on core sediment point towards a recurrence of major sea storms between 0.1 and 0.3 ky and put the last significant event in the 19th century, when no local meteorological time series is available. A modelling of extreme sea-storms with a return period of about 0.1 ky is here proposed based on historical hindcast and aims at explaining the occurrence of such unusual deep and thick sand deposits in the northern sector of the bay. Results highlight the vulnerability of the northern coast of the Salerno Bay to the south western sea storms which can drive waves up to about 8 m high and wave period of about 13 s. With these conditions an intense combined flow current is formed and might account for winnowing fine sand down to the depth of 40 m at least. The numerical model thus confirms a possible sand transport in the bottom boundary layer due to wave-current interaction and could corroborate the interpretation of the most recent sand layers, included in the cores, as being generated under extreme sea storm conditions

    review of the social and environmental factors affecting the behavior and welfare of turkeys meleagris gallopavo

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    ABSTRACT In modern rearing systems, turkey producers often face economic losses due to increased aggression, feather pecking, cannibalism, leg disorders, or injuries among birds, which are also significant welfare issues. The main underlying causes appear to relate to rapid growth, flock size, density, poor environmental complexity, or lighting, which may be deficient in providing the birds with an adequate physical or social environment. To date, there is little information regarding the effect of these factors on turkey welfare. This knowledge is, however, essential to ensure the welfare of turkeys and to improve their quality of life, but may also be beneficial to industry, allowing better bird performance, improved carcass quality, and reduced mortality and condemnations. This paper reviews the available scientific literature related to the behavior of turkeys as influenced by the physical and social environment that may be relevant to advances toward turkey production systems that take welfare into consideration. We addressed the effects that factors such as density, group size, space availability, maturation, lightning, feeding, and transport may have over parameters that may be relevant to ensure welfare of turkeys. Available scientific studies were based in experimental environments and identified individual factors corresponding to particular welfare problems. Most of the studies aimed at finding optimal levels of rearing conditions that allow avoiding or decreasing most severe welfare issues. This paper discusses the importance of these factors for development of production environments that would be better suited from a welfare and economic point of view

    Improving the Sustainability of Dairy Slurry by A Commercial Additive Treatment

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    Ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from livestock farms contribute to negative environmental impacts such as acidification and climate change. A significant part of these emissions is produced from the decomposition of slurry in livestock facilities, during storage and treatment phases. This research aimed at evaluating the eectiveness of the additive \u201cSOP LAGOON\u201d (made of agricultural gypsum processed with proprietary technology) on (i) NH3 and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, (ii) slurry properties and N loss. Moreover, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method was applied to assess the potential environmental impact associated with stored slurry treated with the additive. Six barrels were filled with 65 L of cattle slurry, of which three were used as a control while the additive was used in the other three. The results indicated that the use of the additive led to a reduction of total nitrogen, nitrates, and GHG emissions. LCA confirmed the higher environmental sustainability of the scenario with the additive for some environmental impact categories among which climate change. In conclusion, the additive has beneficial eects on both emissions and the environment, and the nitrogen present in the treated slurry could partially displace a mineral fertilizer, which can be considered an environmental credit
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