169 research outputs found

    Gastropatía hipertrófica de píloro : resolución quirúrgica de tres casos clínicos mediante la técnica de píloroplastia Y-U

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    Descripción de la técnica de piloroplastia en colgajo antral y-U en la resolución de 3 casos clínicos de gastropatía por hipertrofia crónica del píloro.Description of the y-U antral flap advancement pyloroplasty to the resolution of 3 clinic cases of chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy

    Emergent Gauge Fields in Holographic Superconductors

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    Holographic superconductors have been studied so far in the absence of dynamical electromagnetic fields, namely in the limit in which they coincide with holographic superfluids. It is possible, however, to introduce dynamical gauge fields if a Neumann-type boundary condition is imposed on the AdS-boundary. In 3+1 dimensions, the dual theory is a 2+1 dimensional CFT whose spectrum contains a massless gauge field, signaling the emergence of a gauge symmetry. We study the impact of a dynamical gauge field in vortex configurations where it is known to significantly affect the energetics and phase transitions. We calculate the critical magnetic fields H_c1 and H_c2, obtaining that holographic superconductors are of Type II (H_c1 < H_c2). We extend the study to 4+1 dimensions where the gauge field does not appear as an emergent phenomena, but can be introduced, by a proper renormalization, as an external dynamical field. We also compare our predictions with those arising from a Ginzburg-Landau theory and identify the generic properties of Abrikosov vortices in holographic models.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, few comments added, version published in JHE

    Understanding factors associated with the translation of cardiovascular research: A multinational case study approach

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: Funders of health research increasingly seek to understand how best to allocate resources in order to achieve maximum value from their funding. We built an international consortium and developed a multinational case study approach to assess benefits arising from health research. We used that to facilitate analysis of factors in the production of research that might be associated with translating research findings into wider impacts, and the complexities involved. Methods: We built on the Payback Framework and expanded its application through conducting co-ordinated case studies on the payback from cardiovascular and stroke research in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. We selected a stratified random sample of projects from leading medical research funders. We devised a series of innovative steps to: minimize the effect of researcher bias; rate the level of impacts identified in the case studies; and interrogate case study narratives to identify factors that correlated with achieving high or low levels of impact. Results: Twenty-nine detailed case studies produced many and diverse impacts. Over the 15 to 20 years examined, basic biomedical research has a greater impact than clinical research in terms of academic impacts such as knowledge production and research capacity building. Clinical research has greater levels of wider impact on health policies, practice, and generating health gains. There was no correlation between knowledge production and wider impacts. We identified various factors associated with high impact. Interaction between researchers and practitioners and the public is associated with achieving high academic impact and translation into wider impacts, as is basic research conducted with a clinical focus. Strategic thinking by clinical researchers, in terms of thinking through pathways by which research could potentially be translated into practice, is associated with high wider impact. Finally, we identified the complexity of factors behind research translation that can arise in a single case. Conclusions: We can systematically assess research impacts and use the findings to promote translation. Research funders can justify funding research of diverse types, but they should not assume academic impacts are proxies for wider impacts. They should encourage researchers to consider pathways towards impact and engage potential research users in research processes. © 2014 Wooding et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.RAND Europe and HERG, with subsequent funding from the NHFA, the HSFC and the CIHR. This research was also partially supported by the Policy Research Programme in the English Department of Health

    Com ha anat el primer PERIS d’infermeria?: anàlisi de l'impacte immediat i directe de la recerca infermera del PERIS 2017

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    Recerca sanitària; PERIS; InfermeriaInvestigación sanitaria; PERIS; EnfermeríaHealth research; PERIS; NurseryLa convocatòria del PERIS del 2017 ha afavorit, per primera vegada, la intensificació en investigació als professionals infermers i infermeres. Durant un període màxim de nou mesos aquesta intensificació ha permès alliberar aquests professionals de les tasques assistencials per desenvolupar activitats de recerca. El present monogràfic recull una anàlisi sistèmica de l’estat de situació indicant el que ha suposat aquesta convocatòria pel que fa a oportunitats per als professionals intensificats i beneficis per al sistema de salut. Això s’ha fet a través de l’anàlisi de text de les Instantànies de Recerca, unes fitxes que van emplenar els beneficiaris dels ajuts al final del període sobre l’experiència, la recerca, els seus resultats i els beneficis obtinguts. Els beneficis per al sistema i les oportunitats que ha suposat per als 61 professionals intensificats es pot resumir en la generació de coneixement divers i heterogeni que ha impactat tant en l’àmbit assistencial com en l’àmbit de recerca, generant valor, reconeixement i visibilitat a la recerca en infermeria, influència en les actituds dels professionals del seu entorn, reforçant relacions professionals i col·laboracions, creant noves competències formals (tesis doctorals) i informals, interaccions amb els usuaris del coneixement (siguin professionals o altres investigadors) i, en última instància, aplicant els resultats als processos assistencials, a les intervencions sanitàries i als programes. Les oportunitats necessiten, tanmateix, un suport sostingut, sobretot perquè molts dels beneficis que aquí es relaten impliquen un canvi cultural per al col·lectiu de professionals de la salut que no es fa en un, dos o tres anys. És doncs important que aquest camí encetat continuï amb un suport institucional com ja s’està fent i també amb un suport mutu i cooperació entre professionals,que les sessions del SARIS van intentar iniciar i reforçar

    The role of ecophysiology in reforestation

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    La repoblación forestal ha sido la práctica de restauración ecológica a gran escala más extendida en la mayoría de países mediterráneos. El establecimiento de las diferentes especies depende de diversos factores abióticos y bióticos, y entre estos últimos las características morfofuncionales propias de cada especie. Las especies implicadas y la calidad de la planta forestal son factores esenciales en el éxito de las reforestaciones. Hasta hace unos años, los resultados de las reforestaciones se analizaban en un contexto de respuesta en términos de supervivencia y crecimiento de las especies introducidas y su relación con sus características morfológicas. La aparición de equipos de ecofisiología, en mayor o menor medida portátiles, ha permitido incorporar información ecofisiológica en la evaluación de la calidad y el estado de las plantas. De esta forma se ha abierto un amplio abanico para la interpretación de los resultados que contempla desde aspectos puramente morfológicos hasta aspectos que incluyen el funcionamiento de las especies. La ecofisiología puede ser una herramienta muy útil para ayudar a explicar los procesos involucrados en la respuesta de las especies. Dentro de los aspectos ecofisiológicos, el análisis de las estrategias desarrolladas en relación con variables bióticas y abióticas ha sido el campo de investigación que en mayor medida ha aprovechado los avances técnicos y metodológicos en ecofisiología. Desde la comprensión de los diferentes factores que interactúan en una planta, se podrán adecuar las técnicas de vivero para poder manipular las características morfofuncionales de los plantones según los intereses y objetivos de la restauración forestal.Afforestation and reforestation have been the more extended practices of forest restoration in most of Mediterranean countries. The establishment of the different species depends on both abiotic and biotic factors, the later including morphofunctional characteristics of each species. Target species and stock quality of seedlings are two of the main factors influencing reforestation success. Until recently, results of reforestations were analyzed in terms of survival and growth of the introduced species and the relationship of these variables with the morphological characteristics of seedlings. The new developments of ecophysiological instrumentation, with improved portability, have allowed to incorporate ecophysiological information in the assessment of the quality and the performance of seedlings. In this way, new perspectives on functional and morphological evaluation of seedlings have been opened. Ecophysiological techniques can be a very useful tool helping to explain the processes involved in the responses of the species.Within the ecophysiological aspects, the analysis of the strategies developed by species in relation to biotic and abiotic factors has been the more developed field of research. Starting from this point and from the understanding of the different factors that interact in a plant, a deeper knowledge on seedling ecophysiology will help to produce high performance seedlings and we will be able to adapt nursery techniques in order to manipulate morphofunctional characteristic of seedlings according to the interests and objectives of forest restoration.La elaboración de esta revisión ha sido parcialmente financiada por la Generalitat Valenciana, BANCAIXA y los proyectos REDMED (Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems in Mediterranean Regions, ENV4-CT97-0682), CREOAK (Conservation and Restoration of European Cork Oak Woodlands: a Unique Ecosystem in the Balance, QLRT-2001-01594) de la CE y XilRefor (Grupos 155/03) de la Generalitat Valenciana

    Disease severity in familial cases of IBD

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    Background: Phenotypic traits of familial IBD relative to sporadic cases are controversial, probably related to limited statistical power of published evidence. Aim: To know if there are phenotype differences between familial and sporadic IBD, evaluating the prospective Spanish registry (ENEIDA) with 11,983 cases. Methods: 5783 patients (48.3%) had ulcerative colitis (UC) and 6200 (51.7%) Crohn's disease (CD). Cases with one or more 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree relatives affected by UC/CD were defined as familial case. Results: In UC and CD, familial cases compared with sporadic cases had an earlier disease onset (UC: 33 years [IQR 25–44] vs 37 years [IQR 27–49]; p b 0.0001); (CD: 27 years [IQR 21–35] vs 29 years [IQR 22–40]; p b 0.0001), higher prevalence of extraintestinal immune-related manifestations (EIMs) (UC: 17.2% vs 14%; p = 0.04); (CD: 30.1% vs 23.6%; p b 0.0001). Familial CD had higher percentage of ileocolic location (42.7% vs 51.8%; p = 0.0001), penetrating behavior (21% vs 17.6%; p = 0.01) and perianal disease (32% vs 27.1%; p = 0.003). Differences are not influenced by degree of consanguinity. Conclusion: When a sufficiently powered cohort is evaluated, familial aggregation in IBD is associated to an earlier disease onset, more EIMs and more severe phenotype in CD. This feature should be taken into account at establishing predictors of disease course

    Thirty-day suicidal thoughts and behaviours in the Spanish adult general population during the first wave of the Spain COVID-19 pandemic

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    Aims: To investigate the prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours (STB; i.e. suicidal ideation, plans or attempts) in the Spanish adult general population during the first wave of the Spain coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic (March-July, 2020), and to investigate the individual- and population-level impact of relevant distal and proximal STB risk factor domains. Methods: Cross-sectional study design using data from the baseline assessment of an observational cohort study (MIND/COVID project). A nationally representative sample of 3500 non-institutionalised Spanish adults (51.5% female; mean age = 49.6 [s.d. = 17.0]) was taken using dual-frame random digit dialing, stratified for age, sex and geographical area. Professional interviewers carried out computer-assisted telephone interviews (1-30 June 2020). Thirty-day STB was assessed using modified items from the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale. Distal (i.e. pre-pandemic) risk factors included sociodemographic variables, number of physical health conditions and pre-pandemic lifetime mental disorders; proximal (i.e. pandemic) risk factors included current mental disorders and a range of adverse events-experiences related to the pandemic. Logistic regression was used to investigate individual-level associations (odds ratios [OR]) and population-level associations (population attributable risk proportions [PARP]) between risk factors and 30-day STB. All data were weighted using post-stratification survey weights. Results: Estimated prevalence of 30-day STB was 4.5% (1.8% active suicidal ideation; n = 5 [0.1%] suicide attempts). STB was 9.7% among the 34.3% of respondents with pre-pandemic lifetime mental disorders, and 1.8% among the 65.7% without any pre-pandemic lifetime mental disorder. Factors significantly associated with STB were pre-pandemic lifetime mental disorders (total PARP = 49.1%) and current mental disorders (total PARP = 58.4%), i.e. major depressive disorder (OR = 6.0; PARP = 39.2%), generalised anxiety disorder (OR = 5.6; PARP = 36.3%), post-traumatic stress disorder (OR = 4.6; PARP = 26.6%), panic attacks (OR = 6.7; PARP = 36.6%) and alcohol/substance use disorder (OR = 3.3; PARP = 5.9%). Pandemic-related adverse events-experiences associated with STB were lack of social support, interpersonal stress, stress about personal health and about the health of loved ones (PARPs 32.7-42.6%%), and having loved ones infected with COVID-19 (OR = 1.7; PARP = 18.8%). Up to 74.1% of STB is potentially attributable to the joint effects of mental disorders and adverse events-experiences related to the pandemic. Conclusions: STB at the end of the first wave of the Spain COVID-19 pandemic was high, and large proportions of STB are potentially attributable to mental disorders and adverse events-experiences related to the pandemic, including health-related stress, lack of social support and interpersonal stress. There is an urgent need to allocate resources to increase access to adequate mental healthcare, even in times of healthcare system overload.This study was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/FEDER (grant number COV20/00711), (PM, grant number ISCIII, CD18/00049), (grant number ISCIII, FI18/00012), (VPS, grant number PI19/00236); Ayudas para la Formación de Profesorado Universitario, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant number FPU15/05728); Generalitat de Catalunya (grant number 2017SGR452). The funding institutions had no role in the design, analysis, interpretation or submission of publication of the data. No payment was made for writing this article by a pharmaceutical company or other agency. Corresponding authors had full access to all the data in the study and the final responsibility for the decision of submitting for publication.S

    El registro ENEIDA (Estudio Nacional en Enfermedad Inflamatoria intestinal sobre Determinantes genéticos y Ambientales) de GETECCU: diseño, monitorización y funciones

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    El registro ENEIDA, promovido por el Grupo Español de Trabajo en Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa (GETECCU), fue creado en 2005 por un grupo de gastroenterólogos interesados en mejorar el manejo de los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Los objetivos principales del registro fueron facilitar la recogida de datos clínicos de interés para la práctica clínica asistencial, así como la elaboración de estudios colaborativos a partir de datos clínicos y muestras biológicas. En sus 15 años de existencia, ENEIDA ha evolucionado en múltiples aspectos, desde su contenido o su soporte tecnológico hasta el número de centros participantes, para convertirse en uno de los registros de referencia para el estudio y cuidado de los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, con una producción científica continua y de alta calidad que lo ha situado como ejemplo de explotación científica colaborativa en el ámbito internacional. En este artículo se revisan los objetivos, el diseño, las características estructurales, la monitorización y la explotación científica del registro ENEIDA

    A global call for action to include gender in research impact assessment

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    Global investment in biomedical research has grown significantly over the last decades, reaching approximately a quarter of a trillion US dollars in 2010. However, not all of this investment is distributed evenly by gender. It follows, arguably, that scarce research resources may not be optimally invested (by either not supporting the best science or by failing to investigate topics that benefit women and men equitably). Women across the world tend to be significantly underrepresented in research both as researchers and research participants, receive less research funding, and appear less frequently than men as authors on research publications. There is also some evidence that women are relatively disadvantaged as the beneficiaries of research, in terms of its health, societal, and economic impacts. Historical gender biases may have created a path dependency that means that the research system and the impacts of research are biased towards male researchers and male beneficiaries, making it inherently difficult (though not impossible) to eliminate gender bias. In this commentary, we – a group of scholars and practitioners from Africa, America, Asia, and Europe– argue that gender-sensitive research impact assessment could become a force for good in moving science policy and practice towards gender equity. Research impact assessment is the multidisciplinary field of scientific inquiry that examines the research process to maximise scientific, societal, and economic returns on investment in research. It encompasses many theoretical and methodological approaches that can be used to investigate gender bias and recommend actions for change to maximise research impact. We offer a set of recommendations to research funders, research institutions, and research evaluators who conduct impact assessment on how to include and strengthen analysis of gender equity in research impact assessment and issue a global call for action