139 research outputs found


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    Feasibility analysis of community district heating system is proposed using exergoeconomic approach. It is shown that in current conditions, compared to gas boilers, systems using biomass boilers or heat pump plants on sewage waters have lower total exergoeconomic costs, which consist of investment ones and costs of exergy destruction. The methodology of the exergoeconomic assessment indicates that in the long term perspective heat pump systems are among the most promising for HVAC because of the possibility of further reduction of exergy destruction and costs associated with exergy streams. The technologies based on direct combustion of fuelsare among the most ineffective in this sphere.В работе на основе эксергоэкономического анализа, предложенообоснование типа и некоторых параметров централизованной системы теплоснабжения городского района. Показано, что в нынешних условиях, по сравнению с газовыми котельными, системы с использованием твердотопливных котельных или теплонасосных установок на сточных водах характеризуются низким суммарным эксергоэкономическими затратами, включающих в себя инвестиционную составляющую и стоимость деструкции эксергии. Методология эксергоэкономической оценки указывает, что в перспективе, именно теплонасосные установки являются одними из наиболее перспективными в сфере теплообеспечения из-за возможности дальнейшего снижения деструкции эксергии и стоимости эксергетических потоков. Технологии, которые базируются на непосредственном сжигании топлива является наиболее неэффективными в этой сфере.В роботі на основі ексергоекономічного аналізу запропоновано обґрунтування типу та деяких параметрів централізованої системи теплозабезпечення міського району. Показано, що в теперішніхумовах, у порівнянні із газовими котельнями, системи із використанням твердопаливних котелень або теплонасосних установок на стічних водах характеризуються нижчими сумарними ексергоекономічними затратами, що включають в себе інвестиційну складову та вартість деструкції ексергії. Методологія ексергоекономічного оцінювання вказує, що в перспективі саме теплонасосні установки є одними із найбільш доцільних у сфері теплозабезпчення через можливість подальшого зниження деструкції ексергії та вартості ексергетичних потоків. Технології, що базуються на спалюванні палива є найбільш неефективними у цій сфері

    Vascular mechanism in the formation of diclophenac induced gastrotoxicity: the association with the level of hydrogen sulfide

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    Department of Pharmacology, N. I. Pirogov National Medical University of Vinnitsa, UkraineBackground: Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-induced gastrotoxicity arises as a result of imbalance between vasodilator and vasoconstrictor bioregulators. The influence of deficiency and excess of hydrogen sulfide on vascular mechanisms in the formation of NSAIDs-induced gastrotoxicity was investigated. Material and methods: Male nonlinear rats underwent preconditioning with donor of H2S (NaHS) and inhibitor of its synthesis (propargilglycine). Diclophenac sodium was introduced orally (8 mg/kg). In homogenates of rats’ gastric mucosa was evaluated the activity of prostaglandin-H-synthase (PgH-synthase), NO-synthase, content of nitrites and nitrates, H2S and the activity of cystathionine-γ-lyase. In vitro H2S-induced relaxation of mesenteric arteries was measured. Results: Diclophenac sodium decreased cystathionine-γ-lyase enzyme activity, NO-synthase and PGH-synthase (by 17-24%), content of their H2S metabolites and nitrites/nitrates (by 20-22%) in gastric mucosa, and accompanied with the decrease of mesenteric artery sensitivity to vasodilatory action of H2S (EC50 increased to 27.5%). H2S deficiency – increases and excess of H2S – inhibits the negative influence of diclophenac on the production of vasoactive molecules and H2S-induced relaxation of mesenteric arteries. Conclusions: Excess of H2S in organism increases the content of vasoligating molecules and thus can prevent vascular disturbances caused by NSAIDs in rat stomach mucosa

    Clinical Improvement of Active Tuberculosis Patients with Complex Treatment and Nutritional Supplementation

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    Abstract: Global incidence of tuberculosis, especially multiple-drug resistant tuberculosis, has been increasing, despite development and use of various antimicrobial drugs for decades, leading to 2 million deaths a year. We evaluated the effect of micronutrient supplementation as an adjunct to standard treatment of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis, on clinical improvement and frequency of adverse events on 120 patients aged 20 to 65 years diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis at the Kiev Department of Phthisiatry. All participants (Test group) were prescribed standard medication supplemented with vitamin/essential nutrients. A Control group (n=100) of patients recently treated with standard medication alone at this facility were selected by matching to Test patients by stage of disease, confounding conditions, gender, and alcohol consumption. Standard clinical and diagnostic methods were applied to determine baseline values and at the termination of the study. After a two-month period of intensive chemotherapy, cavity healing (primary measure) occurred in 98% of the Test Group, but only in 69% of the Control Group. Furthermore, the Ziehl-Neelson sputum test was negative in 100% of the Test group, but only in 88% of the Control group. Resolution of respiratory compromise was higher in the Test group (87%) than in the Control group (78%). Furthermore, supplementation with vitamin/essential nutrients resulted in a significant decrease in the frequency and severity of adverse events from chemotherapy; only 11% in the Test group experienced adverse events while 46% did so in the Control group. In conclusion, clinical efficacy of chemotherapy was enhanced significantly with adjunctive use of nutrient supplementation. In addition, micronutrient supplementation decreased the frequency and severity of adverse effects from chemotherapy


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    The role and place of interdisciplinary integration are considered in this article as a factor of improving teaching at the Department of Pharmacology in M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University. Interdisciplinary connections help to supplement the content of knowledge in one discipline from another, combine them and ensure formation of professionally important skills and abilities. The use of interdisciplinary technologies of doctor’s training allows to rise him on a new level of clinical thinking. This makes him able to solve tasks of medical practice comprehensively, basing on extensive data integration of different disciplines.У статті розглянуті роль та місце міждисциплінарної інтеграції як фактора удосконалення викладання  на кафедрі фармакології Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова. Міждисциплінарні зв’язки допомагають доповнити зміст однієї дисципліни знаннями з іншої, об’єднують їх і забезпечують формування професійно важливих вмінь та навичок. Застосування міждисциплінарних технологій підготовки лікаря дозволяє підняти його на якісно новий рівень клінічного мислення, здатного комплексно вирішувати завдання медичної практики на основі широкого інтегрування даних різноманітних дисциплін

    Components of physicochemical properties and chemical composition of mus-cle tissue of young pigs of different growth intensities, the level of their pheno-typic consolidation, and correlation

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    The work presents the results of the study of some biochemical indicators of blood serum, physicochemical properties, and chemical composition of muscle tissue of young pigs of the large white breed and the calculation of correlations between the main quantitative characteristics. The work was carried out in the agricultural formations of the Dnipropetrovsk region, the research center for biosafety and environmental control of agricultural resources of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, LLC “Globynskyi Myasokbinat” of the Poltava region, the zootechnical analysis laboratory of the Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-industrial Production of the National Academy of Sciences and the animal husbandry laboratory of the state institution “Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS”. Studies of the fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of the large white breed show that the animals of the controlled population belong to the elite class by the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg. This indicator in the animals of the experimental group ranges from 167 to 188 days. It was established that the number of samples of the longest back muscle of high quality according to the indicator “moisture retention capacity” is 12.0 %, “fat content” – 16.0%, “tenderness” – 12% and “color intensity” – 16%. A high level of phenotypic consolidation was established in the animals of the II experimental group (the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg is 177–188 days) according to the content of total moisture (K1 = +0.458, K2 = +0.456), air-dry matter (K1 = +0.492, K2 = +0.500), ash (K1 = +0.527, K2 = +0.534), fat (K1 = +0.559, K2 = +0.518) and calcium (K1 = +0.385, K2 = +0.415). Reliable correlations were established between the following pairs of traits: moisture-holding capacity × protein content (r = -0.484, tr = 2.65), age at which live weight reached 100 kg × calcium (Ca) content (r = -0.392, tr = 2,15), age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg × moisture retention capacity (r = +0.447, tr = 2.40), age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg × loss during heat treatment (r = -0.390, tr = 2.14). This indicates the effectiveness of using the indicator “age of reaching 100 kg live weight, days” for early prediction of calcium (Ca), moisture retention capacity, and loss of muscle tissue during heat treatment in young pigs of the large white breed

    Molecular docking, ADMET study and in vivo pharmacological research of N-(3,4-dimetoxyphenyl)-2-{[2-methyl-6-(pyridine-2-yl)-pyrimidin-4-yl]thio}acetamide as a promising anticonvulsant

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    The search for new anticonvulsants for epilepsy treatment with higher efficacy and better tolerability remains important. The aim of the present research was an in silico and in vivo pharmacological study of N-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-((2-methyl-6-(pyridin-2-yl)pyrimidin-4-yl)thio)acetamide (Epirimil) as a promising anticonvulsan

    Clinical and laboratory characteristics of influenza infection in hospitalized adult patients during the 2018-2019 epidemic season

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    Despite the success in prevention and therapy, influenza remains a mass disease with mortality rate up to 0.01—0.2% worldwide.Purpose. Conducting clinical and laboratory analysis of influenza infection cases and evaluating their etiological significance in adult hospitalized patients during 2018—2019 epidemic season. Materials and methods. There were analyzed 569 case histories of patients hospitalized at the Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after S.P. Botkin. Patients were examined by PCR that resulted in verified influenza virus in 260 cases. Nasopharyngeal swabs collected from 36 patients were examined by virological method on MDCK cell culture. 24 influenza virus strains were isolated and identified.Results. The study allowed to identify a viral landscape represented by influenza viruses A and B found in 98.5% and 1.5% cases, respectively. Influenza viruses isolated on cell culture in 50% of cases were identified. Among the influenza viruses isolated on cell culture there were identified serotype A influenza viruses (H1N1) closely related to the pandemic influenza A (H1N1)pdm09. Some isolates (41.7%) belonged to serotype A (H3N2), which were related to strain A/Singapore/16-0019/16. Influenza B virus strain of the Victoria lineage isolated from a hospitalized patient possessed a triple deletion in hemagglutinin gene, which antigenic properties substantially differed from those of the influenza virus strain being included into current influenza vaccines. Upon admission, the condition of most patients was estimated as moderate (males — 48.7%, females — 51.3%). The median patient age was 35 years old, with comorbidities being registered in 50% cases. The clinical picture for 2018—2019 seasonal influenza displayed no distinctive features as compared to previous epidemic seasons. The duration of intoxication and catarrhal syndrome was 4.3±0.13 and 6.9±0.29 days, respectively, with median body temperature ranging within 39.2±0.06°С. All patients received standard pathogenetic therapy. Complications were noted in 86.7% cases such as pneumonia — 11.1%, sinusitis — 6.9%, bronchitis — 56.9%. The bed day length was 5.93±0.29, no lethal outcomes were recorded.Conclusion. It was found that influenza A viruses were dominant in patients observed comprising up to 98.5% cases, whereas influenza viruses B were found in as few as 1.5% patients. The clinical picture was characterized by severe intoxication and catarrhal syndrome, being frequently associated with complications