268 research outputs found

    Emigration From Russia: New Trends and Forms

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    The subject-matter of this article is migration from Russia. The study deals with current aspects and new forms of emigration. The goal of this paper is to identify new patterns determining the emigration from Russia. The article views the emigration in a broad sense, including, in addition to classic emigration (i.e. leaving the home country for permanent residence in another country), various categories of return migration (labor migration, shuttle traders, seasonal migration, episodic migration, economic tourism, business migration, education abroad, etc.). With the emergence of these new forms and categories, there is a need to clarify the migration concepts. This analysis is built on a broad historical perspective on emigration, which has been a typical phenomenon for Russia over the last three centuries. The article is based on such economic theories, as the human capital theory, new economic theory of migration, Todaro’s economic theory of migration and other. In this article, a variety of methods are used, including historical analogy, statistical and mathematical approaches, sociological and econometric models. The article analyzes the patterns of modern emigration from Russia. It also considers certain aspects in the legal regulation of migration processes, with a focus on emigrants, including potential emigrants. In conclusion, the article notes the need for the state control of emigration processes. This means not so much the improvement of statistical records for this group of migrants, but rather speci c government measures aimed at providing the state support to these categories of migrants in order to prevent the non-return migration. In other words, it is not aimed at banning the emigration (a measure, the adverse effects of which were noted as long ago as by Mikhail Lomonosov). The ndings of this research can be used in improving the migration policy implemented, in particular, by the Federal Migration Service of Russia.This study has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as part of research project No. RFFI 16–06–00048а "Social paradigm of regional development: selection of priorities and economic transformation"


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    The article deals with theoretical aspects of correlation between integration and immigration processes. After the research of current theoretical background related to the international economic integration the authors believe that the so-called triad «integration processes - waves of innovation - migration processes» should be examined individually. That is to say, the dynamics of an inheriting wave of innovation is consistent with the mobility of correlation between scarcity and redundancy of labour supply. This implies expediency of the regulatory action on these processes, including the implementation of the selective immigration policy and reasonable emigration policy, which may be either confirmed or rejected in an econometric framework, making it possible to trace the correlation of the immigration processes and performance of GDP in individual countries, members of integration associations


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    The article deals with theoretical aspects of correlation between integration and immigration processes. After the research of current theoretical background related to the international economic integration the authors believe that the so-called triad «integration processes - waves of innovation - migration processes» should be examined individually. That is to say, the dynamics of an inheriting wave of innovation is consistent with the mobility of correlation between scarcity and redundancy of labour supply. This implies expediency of the regulatory action on these processes, including the implementation of the selective immigration policy and reasonable emigration policy, which may be either confirmed or rejected in an econometric framework, making it possible to trace the correlation of the immigration processes and performance of GDP in individual countries, members of integration associations

    Conservação de água durante o uso de dispositivos de irrigação de múltiplos suportes nas condições da região de Moscou

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    The paper focuses on problem of water quality around irrigated soils. It was discovered that flushing of the fertile layer occurs on terrains near protected watersheds because of destroying irrigation procedures. The modernization of irrigation machines has been suggested as a solution for above-mentioned problem. The technological features of circle irrigation machines (IM) in the conditions of complicated soil relief are defined by their supportings including: tow-grip crossing capacity and slipping of carts on the slope. The operating results have been given according to evaluation of IM work in difficult conditions with the picture of their changes in the diagram dependences. The above-mentioned devices are improved to create environmentally friendly and energy-saving solutions in order to enhance the reliability of IM while watering sloping lands In the area of softening of complex soils that refers to the safety and quality of maintenance while the reduction in the amount of water and energy consumption as well as the cost of irrigation system structure, the scientific concepts are searching for tools to providing highly efficient IM work. The main goal of the work is using the obtained results of research in a practical way as to create and modify IM in order to exercise the irrigation tools conveniently and also generally determine the efficiency of machinery while reducing energy and water consumption as well as providing soil cooling technologies using water from irrigation.El documento se centra en el problema de la calidad del agua alrededor de los suelos irrigados. Se descubrió que el enrojecimiento de la capa fértil se produce en terrenos cercanos a cuencas protegidas debido a la destrucción de los procedimientos de riego. La modernización de las máquinas de riego ha sido sugerida como una solución para el problema mencionado anteriormente. Las características tecnológicas de las máquinas de riego en círculo (IM) en las condiciones de alivio de suelo complicado se definen por sus apoyos, que incluyen: capacidad de cruce con agarre de remolque y deslizamiento de carros en la pendiente. Los resultados operativos se han dado de acuerdo con la evaluación del trabajo de IM en condiciones difíciles con la imagen de sus cambios en las dependencias del diagrama. Los dispositivos mencionados anteriormente se han mejorado para crear soluciones respetuosas con el medio ambiente y que ahorran energía para mejorar la confiabilidad de IM mientras se riegan las tierras con pendiente En el área de ablandamiento de suelos complejos que se refiere a la seguridad y la calidad del mantenimiento, mientras que la reducción de la cantidad de consumo de agua y energía, así como el costo de la estructura del sistema de riego, los conceptos científicos están buscando herramientas para proporcionar un trabajo de IM altamente eficiente. El objetivo principal del trabajo es utilizar los resultados obtenidos de la investigación de manera práctica para crear y modificar la IM con el fin de ejercer las herramientas de riego de manera conveniente y también, en general, determinar la eficiencia de la maquinaria al tiempo que reduce el consumo de energía y agua, así como también proporciona suelo Tecnologías de enfriamiento utilizando agua de riego.O artigo enfoca o problema da qualidade da água em torno dos solos irrigados. Descobriu-se que a descarga da camada fértil ocorre em terrenos próximos a bacias protegidas por causa da destruição de procedimentos de irrigação. A modernização de máquinas de irrigação tem sido sugerida como uma solução para o problema acima mencionado. As características tecnológicas das máquinas de irrigação circular (IM) nas condições de relevo complicado do solo são definidas pelos seus apoios, incluindo: capacidade de passagem do cabo de reboque e escorregamento dos carros na encosta. Os resultados operacionais foram fornecidos de acordo com a avaliação do trabalho de IM em condições difíceis, com o quadro de suas mudanças nas dependências do diagrama. Os dispositivos mencionados acima são aprimorados para criar soluções ecologicamente corretas e de baixo consumo de energia, a fim de aumentar a confiabilidade do IM durante a irrigação de terras em declive na área de amolecimento de solos complexos que se referem à segurança e qualidade da manutenção enquanto a redução do quantidade de água e consumo de energia, bem como o custo da estrutura do sistema de irrigação, os conceitos científicos estão à procura de ferramentas para fornecer trabalho altamente eficiente IM. O principal objetivo do trabalho é usar os resultados obtidos da pesquisa de forma prática para criar e modificar IM, a fim de exercitar as ferramentas de irrigação convenientemente e também determinar a eficiência do maquinário, reduzindo o consumo de energia e água, bem como fornecendo o solo. tecnologias de refrigeração usando água da irrigação

    Spectroscopic characterization of the complex of vinyl radical and carbon dioxide : Matrix isolation and ab initio study

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    We report on the preparation and vibrational characterization of the C2H3 center dot center dot center dot CO2 complex, the first example of a stable intermolecular complex involving vinyl radicals. This complex was prepared in Ar and Kr matrices using UV photolysis of propiolic acid (HC3OOH) and subsequent thermal mobilization of H atoms. This preparation procedure provides vinyl radicals formed exclusively as a complex with CO2, without the presence of either CO2 or C2H3 monomers. The absorption bands corresponding to the nu(5)(C2H3), nu(7)(C2H3), nu(8)(C2H3), nu(2)(CO2), and nu(3)(CO2) modes of the C2H3 center dot center dot center dot CO2 complex were detected experimentally. The calculations at the UCCSD(T)/L2a level of theory predict two structures of the C2H3 center dot center dot center dot CO2 complex with C-s and C-1 symmetries and interaction energies of -1.92 and -5.19 kJ mol(-1). The harmonic vibrational frequencies of these structures were calculated at the same level of theory. The structural assignment of the experimental species is not straightforward because of rather small complexation-induced shifts and matrix-site splitting of the bands (for both complex and monomers). We conclude that the C-1 structure is the most probable candidate for the experimental C2H3 center dot center dot center dot O-2 complex based on the significant splitting of the bending vibration of CO2 and on the energetic and structural considerations. Published by AIP Publishing.Peer reviewe

    On the iterative method for solution of direct and inverse problems for parabolic equations

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    The paper is devoted to approximate methods for solution of direct and inverse problems for parabolic equations. An approximate method for the solution of the initial problem for multidimensional nonlinear parabolic equation is proposed. The method is based on the reduction of the  initial problem to a nonlinear multidimensional intergral Fredholm equation of the second kind which is approximated by a system of nonlinear algebraic equations with the help of the method of mechanical quadratures. For constructing the computational scheme we use the nodes of the local splines which realize order-optimal approximation of the functional class that contains solutions of parabolic equations. For implementation of the computational scheme we use the generalization of the continuous method for solution of nonlinear operator equations that is described in the paper. We also analyse the inverse problem for parabolic equation with fractional order derivative with respect to the time variable. The approximate methods for defining the fractional order of the time derivative and the coeffcient at spatial derivative are proposed


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    The study is devoted to the spatial development of Siberia and the Far East of Russia. The role of federal districts as established macro-regions is considered - in optimizing territorial planning and correction of subjects of interregional management, and isolating project federal territories on their basis - as objects of sustainable-safe spatial development. The main focus is on the formation of a promising spatial (infrastructure) framework for the development of macroregions, including the identification of advanced growth nodes (the so-called “second” and “third” cities of macroregional subjects) and the links between them (transport axes and corridors) that are significant in the global economic context. The findings of the study can be used both in strategic planning at the level of federal districts and in further research at the national and interregional levels.El estudio está dedicado al desarrollo espacial de Siberia y el Lejano Oriente de Rusia. El papel de los distritos federales como macrorregiones establecidas se considera, en la optimización de la planificación territorial y la corrección de los temas de la gestión interregional, y el aislamiento de los territorios federales del proyecto, como objetos de desarrollo espacial sostenible y seguro. El enfoque principal es la formación de un marco espacial (infraestructura) prometedor para el desarrollo de macrorregiones, incluida la identificación de nodos de crecimiento avanzados (las llamadas "segunda" y "tercera" ciudades de sujetos macrorregionales) y los vínculos entre ellas (ejes y corredores de transporte) que son significativos en el contexto económico global. Los hallazgos del estudio pueden utilizarse tanto en la planificación estratégica a nivel de distritos federales como en investigaciones adicionales a nivel nacional e interregional.Исследование посвящено пространственному развитию Сибири и Дальнего Востока России. Рассмотрена роль федеральных округов как установленных макрорегионов-в оптимизации территориального планирования и коррекции субъектов межрегионального управления, а также изоляции на их основе проектных федеральных территорий - как объектов устойчивого-безопасного пространственного развития. Основное внимание уделяется формированию перспективной пространственной (инфраструктурной) основы развития макрорегионов, в том числе выявлению опережающих узлов роста (так называемых “вторых” и “третьих” городов макрорегионов) и связей между ними (транспортных осей и коридоров), значимых в глобальном экономическом контексте. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы как в области стратегического планирования на уровне федеральных округов и в дальнейших исследованиях на национальном и межрегиональном уровнях

    Emigration from Russia: new trends and forms

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    The subject-matter of this article is migration from Russia. The study deals with current aspects and new forms of emigration. The goal of this paper is to identify new patterns determining the emigration from Russia. The article views the emigration in a broad sense, including, in addition to classic emigration (i.e. leaving the home country for permanent residence in another country), various categories of return migration (labor migration, shuttle traders, seasonal migration, episodic migration, economic tourism, business migration, education abroad, etc.). With the emergence of these new forms and categories, there is a need to clarify the migration concepts. This analysis is built on a broad historical perspective on emigration, which has been a typical phenomenon for Russia over the last three centuries. The article is based on such economic theories, as the human capital theory, new economic theory of migration, Todaro’s economic theory of migration and other. In this article, a variety of methods are used, including historical analogy, statistical and mathematical approaches, sociological and econometric models. The article analyzes the patterns of modern emigration from Russia. It also considers certain aspects in the legal regulation of migration processes, with a focus on emigrants, including potential emigrants. In conclusion, the article notes the need for the state control of emigration processes. This means not so much the improvement of statistical records for this group of migrants, but rather speci c government measures aimed at providing the state support to these categories of migrants in order to prevent the non-return migration. In other words, it is not aimed at banning the emigration (a measure, the adverse effects of which were noted as long ago as by Mikhail Lomonosov). The ndings of this research can be used in improving the migration policy implemented, in particular, by the Federal Migration Service of Russia

    Radio Broadcasting Experience and Development Prospects (European Scientific Dialogue)

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    The paper presents an analysis of various opinions concerning radio-industry development issues, given new IT processes implemented in mass media. The authors study the technological evolution of radio broadcasting in terms of analyzing its main development stages. They provide an assessment of listeners’ high confidence in radio broadcasts as compared to other mass media sources. Focus is placed on promoting sonic brands in the sphere of media-communication. The researchers also pay special attention to podcasting as a new way to listen to audio-content. The advantages and possible consequences of podcasting influence on radio-industry are assessed. The research is based on the expert discussion on radio broadcasting issues which took place at “Radiodays Europe 2019”