217 research outputs found


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    Здійснено оцінювання екологічної ситуації у басейні р. Горинь за показниками стану атмосферного повітря, використання водних ресурсів, поводження з відходами, стану ґрунтового покриву та агроландшафтів.У лісостепових районах стан екологічної підсистеми дещо гірший у порівнянні з районами зони Полісся і оцінюються також трьома категоріями станів: загрозливого (0,23-0,39) – 7 районів (Красилівський (0,36), Старосинявський (0,39), Теофіпольський (0,39), Любарський (0,36), Чуднівський (0,36), Здолбунівський (0,23), Рівненський (0,37)), задовільного стану – 10 районів (з коливаннями інтегрованого показника розвитку екологічної підсистеми від 0,41 до 0,49) та сприятливого – 1 районОсуществлено оценивание экологической ситуации в бассейне р. Горынь за показателями состояния атмосферного воздуха, использования водных ресурсов, обращения с отходами, состояния почвенного покрова и агроландшафтов.В лесостепных районах состояние экологической подсистемы несколько хуже по сравнению с районами зоны Полесья и оцениваются также трем категориям состояний: угрожающего (0,23-0,39) - 7 районов (Красиловский (0,36), Старосинявский (0,39), Теофипольский (0,39), Любарский (0,36), Чудновский (0,36), Здолбуновский (0,23), Ровенский (0,37)), удовлетворительного состояния - 10 районов (с колебаниями интегрированного показателя развития экологической подсистемы от 0,41 до 0,49) и благоприятного - 1 районThe estimation of ecological situation in the river Horyn basin according to the data of atmospheric air state, the exploitation of water resources, waste usage, the state of soil covering and agrolandscapes has вееn fulfilled.In the forest-steppe areas of ecological status subsystem somewhat worse compared with areas of Polissya zone and evaluated as three categories of states: threatening (0,23-0,39) - 7 districts (Krasylivsky (0,36) Starosynyavskyy (0,39) Teofipolskyy (0,39) Lubarsky (0,36), Chudnovsky (0,36) Zdolbunov (0,23), Rivne (0,37)), satisfactory condition - 10 regions (with the vibrations of ecological indicator integrated subsystem of 0,41 to 0,49) and supportive - 1 district

    Semiconductor THz Lasers and Their Applications in Spectroscopy of Explosives

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    Recently, applications of THz spectroscopy for detecting explosive agents have attracted much attention due to following reasons: many CBRNE agents have fingerprint-like features in the THz wavelength range; the THz spectroscopy provides an ability for remote and non-destructive identification of explosives; the THz radiation penetrates through many covering dielectric materials including paper, leather, fabric and so on. One of the most important components of THz spectroscopy setups is the source of THz radiation, which has to be high-power, tunable, low-cost and to have compact sizes. In this chapter, we are going to overview recent progress of wide variety of THz emitters considered as candidates for that role. We will pay a special attention to recent trends in engineering of spectral characteristics of THz quantum-cascade lasers and their tunability. Also we will describe the advantages and difficulties that accompany a THz spectroscopy of explosives

    Comparison of risk assessment models of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carrier in patients with breast cancer.

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    Analysis of efficiency of the algorithm BOADICEA using and Manchester scoring system to predict the carrier of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Ukranian patients with breast cancer was performed. Materials for this study were the results of clinical, imunogistological, pathogistological, genealogical, molecular genetic researches of 146 patients with breast cancer. Calculations of mutations risk were performed using BOADICEA algorithm and Manchester scoring system. In the total group of patients the area under the curve while predicting BRCA1 mutations with algorithm BOADICEA was 0.86, with Manchester scoring system - 0.84, and in calculation of the combined risk of BRCA mutations - 0.83 and 0.84, respectively. However, statistical difference between the areas of algorithms has not been established (p> 0.05), it indicates to the same discriminatory power of the test models. Better sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of results of BOADICEA algorithm was reached in 6% of BRCA1 probability and in 8% threshold of BRCA1/2 mutations. The Manchester scoring system has showed the best operating characteristics with 6 and 13-point probability of BRCA1 and BRCA1/2 mutations respectively. Patients with probability of mutations with such thresholds may be offered molecular study of pathogenic alleles

    Human papillomavirus E2 regulates SRSF3 (SRp20) to promote capsid protein expression in infected differentiated keratinocytes

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    The human papillomavirus (HPV) life cycle is tightly linked to differentiation of the infected epithelial cell suggesting a sophisticated interplay between host cell metabolism and virus replication. Previously we demonstrated in differentiated keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo that HPV16 infection caused increased levels of the cellular SR splicing factors (SRSFs) SRSF1 (ASF/SF2), SRSF2 (SC35) and SRSF3 (SRp20). Moreover, the viral E2 transcription and replication factor that is expressed at high levels in differentiating keratinocytes could bind and control activity of the SRSF1 gene promoter. Here we reveal that E2 proteins of HPV16 and HPV31 control expression of SRSFs 1, 2 and 3 in a differentiation-dependent manner. E2 has the greatest trans-activation effect on expression of SRSF3. siRNA depletion experiments in two different models of the HPV16 life cycle (W12E and NIKS16) and one model of the HPV31 life cycle (CIN612-9E) revealed that only SRSF3 contributed significantly to regulation of late events in the virus life cycle. Increased levels of SRSF3 are required for L1 mRNA and capsid protein expression. Capsid protein expression was regulated specifically by SRSF3 and appeared independent of other SRSFs. Taken together these data suggest a significant role of the HPV E2 protein in regulating late events in the HPV life cycle through transcriptional regulation of SRSF3 expression. IMPORTANCE Human papillomavirus replication is accomplished in concert with differentiation of the infected epithelium. Virus capsid protein expression is confined to the upper epithelial layers so as to avoid immune detection. In this study we demonstrate that the viral E2 transcription factor activates the promoter of the cellular SRSF3 RNA processing factor. SRSF3 is required for expression of the E4̂L1 mRNA and so controls expression of the HPV L1 capsid protein. Thus we reveal a new dimension of virus-host interaction crucial for production of infectious virus. SRSF proteins are known drug targets. Therefore, this study provides an excellent basis for developing strategies to regulate capsid protein production in the infected epithelium and production of new virions

    Doped Barium Titanate at Intermediate Stages of Synthesis of ВТО

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    This paper presents the results of synthesis and characterization of calcium 0doped nanocrystalline barium titanate powder with different concentration of doped elements ((Ba1-xCax) TiO3, were x 0; 0.02; 0.06; 0.1; 0.16; 0.2), produced by oxalate route. Calcium additives were added on the surface the samples of semidecomposed barium titanil oxalate. For synthesis were used simultaneously decomposition of unstable barium, titanium compositions and calcium salts. The semidecomposed barium titanil oxalate and doped barium titanate characterization carried out by specific surface area measurements, TEM, X-Ray. It is experimentally shown that Са2+ introduction reduces lattice parameter for samples that related with replacement of barium by calcium. Solubility of calcium in barium titanate nanopowders increase from 10 at % up to 16 at %. The second phase appears at 20 at %. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3547

    Transnational organized corruption as a factor of social instability.

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    The article examines the scale of involvement of Transnational Organized Criminal Groups (TOCG) in committing acts of corruption, and their related criminal cooperation with Transnational Corporations (TNCs) 1 , as well as public relations in this sphere, in particular on the example of Ukraine. It suggests a solution to the problem of transnational corruption crime, in particular, applying the theory of social naturalism. The ultimate goal of the article is to analyze the problem of transnational corruption as a "factor of social instability" and to introduce this term into scientific circulation in this context. The article uses such methods of scientific knowledge as induction and deduction, as well as philosophical and phenomenological methods. According to research, the mafia now operates on the same scale and as effectively as global corporate groups. Corporations can be compared with the governments of states in terms of their influence on the economy of the state and the adoption of appropriate decisions. The authors state that the measures taken by individual states to counter the pressure of powerful TNCs have not yet led to the achievement of these goals. Financial and industrial elites, in turn, with the help of TOCG, try to impose their own order on societies that are not yet ready due to differences in culture, history, laws, social order, mentality, etc. It is emphasized in the article that the level of transnational organized crime and corruption cannot yet be significantly reduced in local societies due to the fact that the goals of elites and certain states simply do not coincide. Nowadays we can note a significant number of symptoms, in particular - the existence of such a phenomenon as transnational corruption, which indicates that we have a crisis of social order in the world. The corruption used by the TNCs is a mandatory feature that allows, among other features, to distinguish transnational organized crime from other types of criminal activity. We can note such a feature of TOCG as a criminal symbiosis with TNCs, which is considered as a violation of public order that leads to a corresponding regression. Progress in minimizing transnational corruption can be achieved, in particular, with the help of social naturalism, through the application of the postulates of which it is possible to counteract the current manifestations of willfulness and illusions that exist today in all spheres of social life, including politics, economics, morality, religion, science, art, law, etc. The study proves that in the modern world, against the background of progressive changes, namely the development of new information technologies, in the economy, etc., there have been formed some trends in transnational crime including corruption that continue to deepen further and the given corruption indicates the phenomenon, which the authors define as a "factor of social instability"

    Обґрунтування системи моніторингу ресурсів агросфери басейнів річок

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    Monitoring of the environment is an important instrument of water resources effective management, well-timed prevention of harmful pollutant influence and thorough information of the public about the state and tendencies of changes in river basin agrosphere. However, the existing system of monitoring doesn’t fully correspond to international requirements and is one of the main restraining factors of the basin management system development. It is suggested to put into the base of monitoring system of socio-economic-ecological systems river basin the unification of well-known home and international monitoring systems which are reasonable to supplement with additional data of regional character. The system of monitoring of river basin agrosphere resources has been substantiated in the article. The main tasks and structure elements of monitoring system have been defined. It is reasonable to fulfill the monitoring of river basin agrosphere state according to appropriate algorithm which forsees the realization of operation cycle, from definition of information needs to information product using. Then the principal blocks of  monitoring  system of river basin agrosphere to estimate the state of socio-economic-ecological systems are considered to be the following ones: socio-economic-ecological and geology-geomorphological, but to estimate  the state of surface waters – hydrological, climatic and bioecological. It should be mentioned that in the suggested monitoring system of river basin agrosphere state the blocks «Observation» and «Prognostication» are closely interconnected as the prognostication of agrosphere state changes is possible only when sufficient and reliable information about its actual state is available. The problem of information  product using by regional and local authorities, as well as, by basin administration is of peculiar attention in the monitoring system of river basin agrosphere state.Моніторинг навколишнього середовища є важливим інструментом ефективного управління водними ресурсами, своєчасного запобігання шкідливому впливу забруднювачів, а також широкого інформування громадськості про стан і тенденції змін в агросфері басейнів річок. Проте існуюча система моніторингу ще не повністю відповідає міжнародним вимогам та є одним з основних стримуючих факторів розвитку системи басейнового управління. Пропонується в основу системи моніторингу соціо-економіко-екологічних систем агросфери басейну річки покласти об’єднання відомих вітчизняних і міжнародних систем моніторингу, які доцільно доповнити додатковими показниками регіонального характеру. В статті обґрунтовано систему моніторингу ресурсів агросфери басейнів річок. Визначено основні завдання та структурні елементи системи моніторингу. Моніторинг стану агросфери басейну річки доцільно здійснювати за відповідним алгоритмом, який передбачає здійснення циклу операцій – від визначення інформаційних потреб до використання інформаційного продукту. При цьому основними блоками системи моніторингу агросфери басейну річки для оцінки стану соціо-економіко-екологічних систем треба вважати такі: соціо-економіко-екологічний і геолого-геоморфологічний, а для оцінки стану поверхневих вод – гідрологічний, кліматичний, біоекологічний. Варто зазначити, що у запропонованій системі моніторингу стану агросфери басейну річки, блоки «Спостереження» і «Прогнозування» є тісно взаємопов’язаними, оскільки прогнозування змін стану агросфери можливе лише за наявності достатньої і достовірної інформації про її фактичний стан. Особливої уваги в системі моніторингу стану агросфери басейну річки заслуговує проблема використання інформаційного продукту органами регіональної та місцевої влади, а також Басейновими управліннями

    Combate à criminalidade cibernética e garantias de segurança cibernética na Ucrânia

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    Lusíada. Política internacional e segurança. - ISSN 1647-1342. - S. 1, n. 15 (2017). - p. 51-65.O artigo analisa as questões de segurança informática e combate ao crime cibernético. Propõem-se as diretrizes de aprimoramento da legislação atual no domínio referido e elaboração do segmento seguro ID-web – Internet.The article deals with the issues of Cybersecurity and Cybercrime. The improvement of the legislation in this area and the introduction of safe IDweb Internet are proposed