575 research outputs found

    A. N. Radishcev and N. M. Karamzin in the Ideological Context of “The Captain’s Daughter” by А. S. Pushkin

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    The novel “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin is analyzed in the context of ideological and creative dialogue with A. N. Radishchev and N. M. Karamzin. The last chapter of the novel (‘Judgment’), in which the yearlong dispute with Pushkin’s forerunners is summarized, has become an object of scholarly investigation in this study. A hypothesis is posed that Pushkin’s novel goes back to the ‘teaching for king Merykara’genre. “The Captain’s Daughter” has associations with the texts directly addressed to the authorities – the novel “A Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow” by Radishchev and “A Note on Ancient and Modern Russia in its Political and Civic Respects” and “The Manifesto” by Karamzin. A trip from ‘Sophia’to ‘Chernaya gryaz’is depicted in “A Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow”, and Sophia station becomes the last point of Masha Mironova’s odyssey in “The Captain’s Daughter”. Thus Pushkin unfolds a spatial as well as a semantic vector in his work. Foreseeing the doom of Radishchev’s poetry, the poet follows the example of Karamsin and outlines a program of state governance. Pushkin addresses Nicolas I through the image of Catherin II, reminding the former about the most important principles of monarchy, hereby reviving “The Manifesto” by Karamsin. The ideological positions of Radishchev and Karamsin are compared rather than opposed to each other in the novel, because Pushkin considers it important to mark and bring together the two poles of Russian history and culture. On the basis of numerous examples, the author of the study shows that the finale of “The Captain’s Daughter” contains historical allusions, which refer the readers to the tragic episodes in the history of the Russian state – the arrest and trial of Radishchev and the execution of Decembrists on July 13, 1826. These two historic events are closely bound up with the autobiographical plot which is inseparable from Radishchev and Karamsin’s fates.Впервые «Капитанская дочка» А. С. Пушкина рассмотрена в контексте идейного и творческого диалога с А. Н. Радищевым и Н. М. Карамзиным. Объектом научного внимания стала последняя глава пушкинского романа («Суд»), в которой подведены итоги многолетнего спора с великими предшественниками. В исследовании выдвинута гипотеза о том, что жанр пушкинского романа восходит к жанру «поучения царям». В «Капитанской дочке» обнаруживается связь с текстами, непосредственно адресованными к власти, – книгой А. Н. Радищева «Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву», а также «Запиской о древней и новой России в ее политическом и гражданском отношениях» и «Манифестом» Н. М. Карамзина. Если в «Путешествии из Петербурга в Москву» изображен путь от «Софии» к «Черной грязи», то в «Капитанской дочке» станция София станет последним пунктом скитаний Маши Мироновой, т. е. Пушкин развернет не только пространственный, но и смысловой вектор своего произведения. Осознавая обреченность радищевской позиции, поэт идет вслед за Карамзиным и создает образец программы государственного правления. Через образ Екатерины II Пушкин обращается к Николаю I, напоминая последнему о важнейших принципах царствования и воскрешая тем самым «Манифест» Н. М. Карамзина. В романе идейные позиции Карамзина и Радищева не столько противопоставлены, сколько сопоставлены друг с другом, поскольку для Пушкина важно обозначить и примирить между собой два противоположных полюса русской истории и культуры. На многочисленных примерах автор исследования показывает, что в финале «Капитанской дочки» присутствуют исторические аллюзии, отсылающие читателя к трагическим эпизодам истории государства Российского, – аресту и суду над Радищевым и казни декабристов 13 июля 1826 г. Эти два исторических события тесно переплетены с автобиографическим сюжетом, неотделимым от судеб Радищева и Карамзина

    Latitudinal pattern in community-wide herbivory does not match the pattern in herbivory averaged across common plant species

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    The latitudinal herbivory hypothesis (LHH) predicts that plant losses to herbivores decrease from low to high latitudes. Although the LHH is a community-level hypothesis, it has been rarely tested with data on community-wide herbivory, i.e. the percentage of annual production of foliar biomass consumed by insects from all plant species at a given site. Therefore, we asked whether community-wide leaf herbivory follows the same latitudinal pattern as observed for an unweighted average of herbivory across common plant species. We selected 10 study sites in boreal forests from 60 to 69 degrees N along a 1,000-km long latitudinal gradient in NW Russia. We measured relative foliar losses to insect herbivores in seven woody plant species (jointly comprising over 95% of the community-wide above-ground biomass) and estimated their current-year foliar biomass. We averaged leaf herbivory for all seven species and calculated community-wide leaf herbivory by weighting the relative foliar losses of each plant species against the contribution of that species to the annual foliar biomass production. Leaf herbivory was five-fold higher in deciduous species than in conifers. Latitudinal patterns in herbivory varied from a significant poleward decrease in all deciduous species to a significant poleward increase in Norway spruce. Herbivory values, averaged across seven plant species, decreased with latitude and followed the pattern observed in deciduous plants due to their higher foliar losses compared with conifers. By contrast, community-wide herbivory did not change with latitude. This discrepancy emerged because the proportion of deciduous plant foliage in the community increased with increasing latitude, and this increase counterbalanced the simultaneous poleward decrease in losses of these species to insects. Synthesis. The herbivory measured by averaging relative losses of individual plant species and community-wide herbivory is likely to show different latitudinal patterns in various plant communities. The contributions of plant species to the total foliar biomass production should be taken into account in studies of spatial patterns of herbivory which test community-level hypotheses. This approach may provide new insight into macroecological research on biotic interactions and improve our understanding of the role of insect herbivores in ecosystem-level processes

    On Certain Spatial Patterns in Perm Region Microtoponymy

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    The relevance of the work is determined by the analysis of microtoponymy of the Perm Region, which is poorly studied. The language models of spatial relations expression on the material of Perm toponymy are considered for the first time. The author dwells on the characteristics of the spatial model of proximity / remoteness in toponymic system of Perm Region. The article determines the main indicators of proximity / remoteness of geographical object from the settlement, these indicators are the attributes дальний / ближний , as well as their partial synonyms окольный / удворный, уличный . It is noted that the idea of remoteness can be expressed indirectly, with the help of attributes of non-spatial nature: дикий , глухой , бедняцкий / поваренный , назёмный , поповский . The paper also analyzes geographical terms that are the parts of microtoponyms that can have the semantics of remoteness. As a rule, these terms are related to slash-and-burn farming system. The author also describes microtoponyms expressing the idea of spatial proximity by means of adjectives formed from the names of settlements and by means of prepositional-case constructions. It is concluded that in the Perm microtoponymy there are the same spatial patterns that exist in other toponymic systems, but some of them are specific


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    The relevance of the work is due to the appeal to the analysis of microtoponymy of Perm region, what is not deeply explored. The paper discusses language models for the expression of spatial relationships on the basis of the Permian toponymy. The author dwells on the characteristics of the spatial model «top / bottom». The article defines the main indicators of the location of the object on a vertical line. These indicators most often become the definition of top (верхний) / bottom (нижний), high (высокий) / low (низкий). The spatial model "top / bottom" can be implemented using prepositional case constructions that include prepositions выше, ниже, над, под. The idea of the location above / below the ground plane is also reflected in microtoponyms, which include geographic terms that call positive and negative objects of relief. One of the ways to reflect the position of an object in space is metaphorical names, which in Perm microtoponymy most often refer to elevations.Актуальность работы обусловлена обращением к анализу микротопонимии Пермского края, которая мало изучена. В работе рассматриваются языковые модели выражения пространственных отношений на материале пермской топонимии. Автор останавливается на характеристике пространственной модели «верх/низ». В статье определяются основные показатели расположения объекта по вертикальной линии. Этими показателями чаще всего становятся определения верхний/нижний, высокий/низкий. Пространственная модель «верх/низ» может быть реализована с помощью предложно-падежных конструкций, в которые входят предлоги выше, ниже, над, под. Идею расположения выше/ниже плоскости земли отражают также микротопонимы, в состав которых входят географические термины, называющие положительные и отрицательные объекты рельефа. Одним из способов отражения положения объекта в пространстве становятся метафорические названия, которые в пермской микротопонимии чаще всего относятся к возвышенностям


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    В статье рассматриваются народные географические термины, связанные с земледелием. Анализ представленных материалов показывает, что в говорах и микротопонимии Пермского края хорошо сохраняется эта лексика. Большое количество слов, относящихся к древним системам земледелия, свидетельствует о долгом сохранении архаических приемов обработки земли на территории Пермского края. Географические термины, проанализированные в статье, показывают связь между лексикой пермских и северно-русских говоров, а также взаимодействие русских говоров Пермского края и коми-пермяцкого языка


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    В статье рассматриваются народные географические термины, связанные с земледелием. Анализ представленных материалов показывает, что в говорах и микротопонимии Пермского края хорошо сохраняется эта лексика. Большое количество слов, относящихся к древним системам земледелия, свидетельствует о долгом сохранении архаических приемов обработки земли на территории Пермского края. Географические термины, проанализированные в статье, показывают связь между лексикой пермских и северно-русских говоров, а также взаимодействие русских говоров Пермского края и коми-пермяцкого языка


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    The article deals with geographical terms related to fieldwork. The analysis of the presented data indicates that in Permian dialects and microtoponymy of the Perm Krai the vocabulary of field cultivation is well preserved. A large number of words relating to ancient systems of farming, indicates a long-term preservation of archaic methods of cultivating land in the Perm Region. Geographical terms, analyzed in the article, show the connection between the vocabulary of Permian and North-Russian dialects and the interaction of Russian and Komi-Permian language in the territory of the Perm region.В статье рассматриваются народные географические термины, связанные с земледелием. Анализ представленных материалов показывает, что в говорах и микротопонимии Пермского края хорошо сохраняется эта лексика. Большое количество слов, относящихся к древним системам земледелия, свидетельствует о долгом сохранении архаических приемов обработки земли на территории Пермского края. Географические термины, проанализированные в статье, показывают связь между лексикой пермских и северно-русских говоров, а также взаимодействие русских говоров Пермского края и коми-пермяцкого языка

    Orbitally induced hierarchy of exchange interactions in zigzag antiferromagnetic state of honeycomb silver delafossite Ag3Co2SbO6

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    We report the revised crystal structure, static and dynamic magnetic properties of quasi-two dimensional honeycomb-lattice silver delafossite Ag3Co2SbO6. The magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data are consistent with the onset of antiferromagnetic long range order at low temperatures with N\'eel temperature TN ~ 21.2 K. In addition, the magnetization curves revealed a field-induced (spin-flop type) transition below TN in moderate magnetic fields. The GGA+U calculations show the importance of the orbital degrees of freedom, which maintain a hierarchy of exchange interaction in the system. The strongest antiferromagnetic exchange coupling was found in the shortest Co-Co pairs and is due to direct and superexchange interactions between the half-filled xz+yz orbitals pointing directly to each other. The other four out of six nearest neighbor exchanges within the cobalt hexagon are suppressed, since for these bonds active half-filled orbitals turned out to be parallel and do not overlap. The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra reveal a Gaussian shape line attributed to Co2+ ion in octahedral coordination with average effective g-factor g=2.3+/-0.1 at room temperature and shows strong divergence of ESR parameters below 120 K, which imply an extended region of short-range correlations. Based on the results of magnetic and thermodynamic studies in applied fields, we propose the magnetic phase diagram for the new honeycomb-lattice delafossite

    From the Economic Union to the Harmonisation of Higher Education in the BRICS Countries: The Experience of RUDN University

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    Since 2009 when Brazil, Russia, India, and China (South Africa since 2011) joined in the international organisation aimed at the economic development of the countries, and gain financial stability, the relations between the countries too boosted via political and cultural cooperation. The new economic, political and social environment has a high demand for competent specialists ready to work in various national agendas and interrelated frameworks of the BRICS. In this context, it is argued that professional training in the countries under discussion should be correlated as it provides grounds for quality assurance in education that contributes to the nations’ sustainable development, safety, and human rights provision. This situation determines the topicality of the issue. The objective of this research is to study the higher educational environment in the BRICS countries and to compare some aspects of professional training. In doing so, the study aims to present the experience of RUDN University as one of the BRICS university network members. The hypothesis states that the harmonisation of higher education systems within regional organisations can contribute to the enhancement of both international standards and individual learning paths, thus fostering youth rights for education in line with quality standards and individual preferences. To accomplish the objectives of the study, it uses the following methods - the review of the current research, formal document and online resources on higher education in the BRICS countries; the survey of the undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduates on their motivation to academic mobility, and collaboration in the frameworks of BRICS higher education. The data has been analysed employing the methods of statistical processing, qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings of the current research include the outcomes and findings on the harmonisation of higher education in the frameworks of BRICS higher education. The study will contribute to further development of BRICS countries education and the harmonisation of higher education. &nbsp