396 research outputs found

    Thermocapillary Motion in an Emulsion

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    The phenomenological model for the motion of an emulsion or a gas-liquid mixture exposed to thermocapillary forces and micro-acceleration is formulated. The analytical and numerical investigation of one-dimensional flows for these media is fulfilled, the structure of discontinuous motion is studied. The stability conditions of a space-uniform state and of the interface between an emulsion and a pure liquid are obtained

    Characteristics of anomalously high multiplicity cosmic ray interactions

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    Six events with the number of secondaries ranging from 250 to several thousands were registered by an installation consisting of a thin graphite target, above and under which are placed photolayers followed by the usual lead X-ray film and emulsion chambers. Data concerning the number of secondaries and their angular distribution are given. The variance of the angular distribution is compared with data obtained at accelerator energies

    Universality in dynamic wetting dominated by contact line friction

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    We report experiments on the rapid contact line motion present in the early stages of capillary driven spreading of drops on dry solid substrates. The spreading data fails to follow a conventional viscous or inertial scaling. By integrating experiments and simulations, we quantify a contact line friction (μf\mu_f), which is seen to limit the speed of the rapid dynamic wetting. A scaling based on this contact line friction is shown to yield a universal curve for the evolution of the contact line radius as a function of time, for a range of fluid viscosities, drop sizes and surface wettabilities

    Chimpanzee coordination and potential communication in a two-touchscreen turn-taking game

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    This research was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° [609819], SOMICS.Recent years have seen a growing interest in the question of whether and how groups of nonhuman primates coordinate their behaviors for mutual benefit. On the one hand, it has been shown that chimpanzees in the wild and in captivity can solve various coordination problems. On the other hand, evidence of communication in the context of coordination problems is scarce. Here, we investigated how pairs of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) solved a problem of dynamically coordinating their actions for achieving a joint goal. We presented five pairs of chimpanzees with a turn-taking coordination game, where the task was to send a virtual target from one computer display to another using two touch-screens. During the joint practice of the game some subjects exhibited spontaneous gesturing. To address the question whether these gestures were produced to sustain coordination, we introduced a joint test condition in which we simulated a coordination break-down scenario: subjects appeared either unwilling or unable to return the target to their partner. The frequency of gesturing was significantly higher in these test trials than in the regular trials. Our results suggest that at least in some contexts chimpanzees can exhibit communicative behaviors to sustain coordination in joint action.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A technology of drinking water decontamination from radon and its decay products

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    Underground water is one of the main sources of radon for households. This article focuses on the estimation and removal of radon from underground water using the technology and inorganic sorbents developed by EKSORB Ltd., Russia for liquid radioactive waste treatment in the nuclear power industry. The article presents the results of tests of a system for the removal of radon and radon daughters from water patented by EKSORB. This is achieved by filtering water through RATZIR sorbent, followed by periodic load regeneration. Over a period of three years, the plant is successful in removing radon from the water that had an initial radon content of approximately 1500 Bq/L to less than 60 Bq/L, without releasing radon to indoor/outdoor air. © 2020 Igor Voinov et al., published by Sciendo 2020

    Test of nuclear level density inputs for Hauser-Feshbach model calculations

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    The energy spectra of neutrons, protons, and alpha-particles have been measured from the d+59Co and 3He+58Fe reactions leading to the same compound nucleus, 61$Ni. The experimental cross sections have been compared to Hauser-Feshbach model calculations using different input level density models. None of them have been found to agree with experiment. It manifests the serious problem with available level density parameterizations especially those based on neutron resonance spacings and density of discrete levels. New level densities and corresponding Fermi-gas parameters have been obtained for reaction product nuclei such as 60Ni,60Co, and 57Fe

    Roughness of moving elastic lines - crack and wetting fronts

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    We investigate propagating fronts in disordered media that belong to the universality class of wetting contact lines and planar tensile crack fronts. We derive from first principles their nonlinear equations of motion, using the generalized Griffith criterion for crack fronts and three standard mobility laws for contact lines. Then we study their roughness using the self-consistent expansion. When neglecting the irreversibility of fracture and wetting processes, we find a possible dynamic rough phase with a roughness exponent of ζ=1/2\zeta=1/2 and a dynamic exponent of z=2. When including the irreversibility, we conclude that the front propagation can become history dependent, and thus we consider the value ζ=1/2\zeta=1/2 as a lower bound for the roughness exponent. Interestingly, for propagating contact line in wetting, where irreversibility is weaker than in fracture, the experimental results are close to 0.5, while for fracture the reported values of 0.55--0.65 are higher.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure