44 research outputs found

    Urban Disaster-Prevention Strategies Using Macroseismic Fields and Fault Sources

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    This contribution presents the general framework of the European project UPStrat-MAFA "Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources" and its ongoing activities. A unique probabilistic procedure is being used for seismic hazard evaluation, using both macroseismic fields and characteristics of fault sources for the analysis of data from volcanic and tectonic areas: Mt. Etna, Mt. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei (Italy), Azores Islands (Portugal), South Iceland (Iceland), Alicante-Murcia (Spain), and mainland and offshore Portugal. An improvement of urban scale vulnerability information on building and network systems (typologies, schools, strategic buildings, lifelines, and others) is proposed in the form of a global Disruption Index, with the objective to provide a systematic way of measuring earthquake impact in urbanized areas considered as complex networks. Disaster prevention strategies are considered based on an education information system, another effective component of the disaster risk reduction given by long-term activities.Co-financed by the EU - Civil Protection Financial Instrument, in the framework the European project ”Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources (Acronym: UPStrat-MAFA, Grant Agreement N. 23031/2011/613486/SUB/A5). http://ec.europa.eu/echo/funding/cp_projects2011_en.htmPublishedLisbon - Portugal4.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaope

    Urban Disaster-Prevention Strategies Using Macroseismic Fields and Fault Sources

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    This contribution presents the general framework of the European project UPStrat-MAFA "Urban disaster Prevention Strategies using MAcroseismic Fields and FAult Sources" and its ongoing activities. A unique probabilistic procedure is being used for seismic hazard evaluation, using both macroseismic fields and characteristics of fault sources for the analysis of data from volcanic and tectonic areas: Mt. Etna, Mt. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei (Italy), Azores Islands (Portugal), South Iceland (Iceland), Alicante-Murcia (Spain), and mainland and offshore Portugal. An improvement of urban scale vulnerability information on building and network systems (typologies, schools, strategic buildings, lifelines, and others) is proposed in the form of a global Disruption Index, with the objective to provide a systematic way of measuring earthquake impact in urbanized areas considered as complex networks. Disaster prevention strategies are considered based on an education information system, another effective component of the disaster risk reduction given by long-term activities

    Earthquake rupture forecasts for the mps19 seismic hazard model of Italy

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    In recent years, new approaches for developing earthquake rupture forecasts (ERFs) have been proposed to be used as an input for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA). Zone-based approaches with seismicity rates derived from earthquake catalogs are commonly used in many countries as the standard for national seismic hazard models. In Italy, a single zone-based ERF is currently the basis for the official seismic hazard model. In this contribution, we present eleven new ERFs, including five zone-based, two smoothed seismicity-based, two fault-based, and two geodetic-based, used for a new PSH model in Italy. The ERFs were tested against observed seismicity and were subject to an elicitation procedure by a panel of PSHA experts to verify the scientific robustness and consistency of the forecasts with respect to the observations. Tests and elicitation were finalized to weight the ERFs. The results show a good response to the new inputs to observed seismicity in the last few centuries. The entire approach was a first attempt to build a community-based set of ERFs for an Italian PSHA model. The project involved a large number of seismic hazard practitioners, with their knowledge and experience, and the development of different models to capture and explore a large range of epistemic uncertainties in building ERFs, and represents an important step forward for the new national seismic hazard model

    Il welfare in Italia tra pubblico e privato : Un percorso di lungo periodo

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    La prima parte del volume esamina la storia dell'assistenza in ambito pubblico, con saggi sull'annona in et\ue0 moderna e sui sistemi assistenziali, previdenziali e sanitari a partire dall'unificazione fino agli anni Settanta del Novecento. La seconda analizza la storia del welfare aziendale privato, con contributi sullo sviluppo del paternalismo industriale dell'Ottocento, sull'evoluzione delle opere sociali delle imprese nel Novecento fino agli anni pi\uf9 recenti e il caso della Pirelli negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta del secolo scorso

    Cultura imprenditoriale e sviluppo economico lombardo: la famiglia Glisenti tra Otto e Novecento

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    Sergio Onger e Valerio Varini, Cultura imprenditoriale e sviluppo economico lombardo: la famiglia Glisenti tra Otto e Novecento, in “Imprese e storia”, 32, 2005, pp. 245-282. I Glisenti sono stati tra i maggiori industriali siderurgici e armieri delle valli lombarde fra Otto e Novecento. In questo saggio vengono ripercorse le fasi principali della loro storia industriale. Non si tratta della storia di un’impresa, bensì delle diverse incarnazioni aziendali alle quali i membri della famiglia Glisenti hanno legato il proprio nome. Una successione di attività determinate di volta in volta dalle mutevoli opportunità del mercato, testimonianza di una persistente vocazione imprenditoriale che non si è mai interrotta nel corso di duecento anni. Le vicende descritte mettono in luce aspetti che concorrono alla comprensione del processo di industrializzazione nazionale, nonché all’individuazione delle determinanti che suggeriscono la persistenza del family business. Il saggio articola secondo una scansione temporale le alterne fasi imprenditoriali dei Glisenti. Le attività del capostipite Giovanni si collocano nella tradizione del vasto comprensorio metallurgico lombardo. Quelle del figlio Francesco si aprono al contesto internazionale, aggiudicandosi il titolo di più importante fabbrica d’armi privata italiana negli ultimi decenni del XIX secolo. Infine, dopo la crisi di fine secolo e la ricerca di nuovi sbocchi industriali nel campo della meccanica, con il nipote Guido la famiglia trova nella produzione e lavorazione della ghisa malleabile il suo ruolo novecentesco