404 research outputs found

    Does the coefficient of variation reflect developmental instability in plants?

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    Developmental stability or homeostasis refers to the ability of an individual to produce a consistent phenotype in a given environment (Graham et al. 1993). Reduced developmental stability can result from a wide variety of environmentally (or genetically) induced perturbations.nul


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of morphological and basic motor variables on the karate forward punch (oi tsuki) as the only criterion variable, and secondly, to design a test battery for the assessment and monitoring of boys in karate, based on the predictive validity of the tested variables. A system of 25 variables in total – 12 morphological, 12 basic motor (the system of predictor variables) and 1 variable of situational moving structure (criterion variable), i.e. the karate punch with the lead arm (oi-tsuki) – was applied on a sample of 82 karate trainees aged between 10 and 14. The results of regression analysis showed that a system of morphological and basic motor variables had a significant impact on punching with the lead arm (p<0.01). The stepwise method identified the largest individual value in the case of morphological variables of arm length, upper arm skinfold and body mass at the level of significance p<0.01, whereas basic motor variables (long jump from a standing start and half squat with weight) also have a level of significance p<0.01. This shows that respondents with longer arms, less subcutaneous fat tissue on the upper arm, higher body mass and greater static and explosive strength of the lower extremities achieve better results. Determining predictor validity by regression analysis and the stepwise method is employed in order to diagnose, assess, monitor and evaluate the direct punch with the lead arm, so the next battery of measurement instruments can be constructed: arm length, upper arm skinfold, body mass, half squat with weight, long jump from a standing position

    The dialect of the preschool and school children from Vranje - sociolinguistic approach ; Диалект дошколâнáх и школâнáх детеè из Вране - социолингвистическиè аспект

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    Предмет докторске дисертације Говор врањске деце предшколског и школског узраста – социолингвистички приступ јесте говор врањске деце предшколског и школског узраста, анализа одређених језичких особина и њихова употреба у зависности од нејезичких чинилаца. У говору деце пратили смо и истраживали оне језичке особине које су у нашем прелиминарном истраживању показале нестабилност и колебање: место акцента, полугласник, одрични облик помоћног глагола јесам у презенту, глас х, финално л у радном глаголском придеву, заменице и прилози с финалним ј (кој, тој, никој, такој, овакој), енклитички облици заменица, компарација придева, радни придев глагола с основом на -ну, треће лице множине презента, грађење футура, удвајање заменичког објекта, деклинација именица. Поред описа наведених особина, пратили смо и њихову употребу у зависности од следећих нејезичких чинилаца: узраст ученика, пол, образовање оба родитеља, место становања (центар / периферија града), (не)похађање вртића (иде / не иде у вртић)...The subject of the doctoral dissertation entitled The dialect of the preschool and school children from Vranje – sociolinguistic approach is the dialect of the preschool and school children from Vranje, the analysis of the certain linguistic chracteristics and their usage, depending on the non-linguistic factors. What was followed and examined in the children's dialect was the language characteristics, which showed instability and hesitation in our preliminary research: the place of accent, semi-sound, negative form of the auxiliary to be in the present tense, sound h, final l in past active participle, pronouns and adverbs with the final j (koj, moj, nikoj, такој, овакој), short forms of pronouns, comparison of adjectives, past active participles of the verbs whose stem finishes in nu, third person plural in the present, formation of the future tense, doubling of the pronoun object, declination of nouns. Apart from the description of the mentioned characterisitcs, we followed their usage depending on the following non-linguistic factors: pupils' age, sex, education of both parents, the location of living (the centre or the suburbs), whether the children attended kindergarten or not..

    Synthesis, characterization and selectivity of catalysts for hydrogenation of vegetable oils

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    U ovom radu proučavani su višekomponentni katalitički sistemi u kojima su aktivna komponenta (metalni Ni) i pogodni metali (Mg, Ag i Cu) naneseni na pripremljeni nosač (aktivirani dijatomit), kao i njihova primena u svojstvu katalizatora u procesu parcijalne hidrogenizacije jestivih biljnih ulja. Polazni materijal korišćen za sintezu nosača katalizatora predstavljao je sirovi dijatomit domaćeg porekla (ležište dijatomita Baroševac, istočni deo Kolubarskog ugljenog basena). Modifikacijom svojstava sirovog dijatomita hemijskom i termičkom obradom dobijen je nosač katalizatora sa visokim sadržajem silicijum dioksida. Ispitivanja teksturalnih svojstava i granulometrijskog sastava su pokazala da dijatomitni nosač ima makroporoznu strukturu i povoljan granulometrijski sastav, odgovarajući za dobijanje nikl katalizatora koji se koriste u procesima parcijalne hidrogenizacije biljnih ulja. Izvršena je sinteza nekoliko uzoraka katalizatora precipitacijom jedinjenja nikla i odgovarajućih metala iz vodenih rastvora njihovih nitratnih soli na pripremljeni dijatomitni nosač korišćenjem natrijum karbonata (PDI katalizatori) i uree (DPU katalizatori) u svojstvu precipitanta. Obavljeni su obimni eksperimenti koji su obuhvatili ispitivanja uticaja uslova sinteze prekursora PDI- i DPUNi/ D katalizatora na stepen redukcije. Proučavanjem uticaja SiO2/Ni molskog odnosa i brzine zagrevanja na stepen redukcije prekursora PDI-Ni/D katalizatora utvrđeno je da manji SiO2/Ni m.o. i manje brzine zagrevanja povećavaju stepen redukcije. Ispitivanja uticaja DP vremena na stepen redukcije prekursora DPU-Ni/D katalizatora su pokazala da kraća DP vremena omogućavaju veći stepen redukcije. Fizičko-hemijska svojstva prekursora PDI- i DPU-Ni/D katalizatora okarakterisana su primenom sledećih metoda: (1) standardna kvantitativna hemijska analiza; (2) rendgenostrukturna (XRD) i infracrvena (IR) spektroskopija; (3) Hg-porozimetrija i N2-fizisorpcija; (4) temperaturno-programirana redukcija (TPR); (5) H2-hemisorpcija; (6) skenirajuća elektronska mikroskopija (SEM) i energo disperziona spektroskopija (EDS); (7) difuziono-refleksiona spektroskopija ultravioletne i vidljive oblasti (DR UV-Vis); i (8) fotoelektronska spektroskopija X-zraka (XPS). Rezultati rendgenostrukturnih (XRD) ispitivanja neredukovanih prekursora PDI- i DPU-Ni/D katalizatora su pokazali da se pored Ni2+ faze baznog nikl karbonata (PDI-Ni/D prekursori) i turbostratičnog nikl hidroksida (DPU-Ni/D prekursori) u prekursorima nalaze i Ni hidrosilikati nastali interakcijom aktivnog metala i nosača. Analizom XRD difraktograma redukovano-pasiviziranih prekursora, kao i in situ XRD-H2 difraktograma određene su veličine kristalita aktivnog metalnog nikla i metala modifikatora (Ag). Utvrđeno je da su veličine kristalita nikla manje od veličine kristalita srebra. Rezultati ispitivanja neredukovanih prekursora Ni/D katalizatora infracrvenom spektroskopijom (IR) su potvrdili prisustvo Ni2+ faza baznog karbonata i hidrosilikata i ukazali da je distribucija obrazovane Ni2+ faze više usmerena prema Ni hidrosilikatima nego prema baznom Ni karbonatu (PDI-Ni/D prekursori). Pokazano je da kod DPU-Ni/D prekursora priroda DP Ni2+ faze zavisi od DP vremena. Rezultati ispitivanja porozne strukture neredukovanih prekursora katalizatora metodom Hg-porozimetrije su pokazali da su ukupna intruziona zapremina pora, zapremina makropora, srednji prečnik pora i ukupna poroznost prekursora manji nego kod dijatomitnog nosača usled popunjavanja pora nosača metalnim solima aktivnog metala i odgovarajućih metala modifikatora. Utvrđeno je da sa porastom sadržaja srebra dolazi do povećanja zapremine makropora...Multicomponent catalytic systems consisting of active component (metallic Ni) and appropriate metals (Mg, Ag, Cu) deposited onto a prepared support (activated diatomite) were investigated, as well as their application as catalysts in the process of partial hydrogenation of edible oils. Starting material used for the synthesis of the catalyst support was raw diatomite from domestic sources (Baroševac diatomite deposit, eastern zone of the Kolubara coal basin). Raw diatomite properties were modified through chemical and thermal treatment resulting in a catalyst support with high silicon oxide content. Investigation of the textural properties and granulometric composition showed that the obtained catalyst support has macroporous structure and convenient granulometric composition appropriate for the obtention of Ni containing catalysts for the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Synthesis of several catalyst samples was performed by the precipitation of Ni compounds and appropriate metals from aqueous solutions of their nitrate salts onto the prepared diatomite support, using sodium carbonate (PDI catalysts) and urea (DPU catalysts) as precipitants. Thorough experiments were carried out in order to investigate the influence of the PDI- and DPU-Ni/D catalyst precursor synthesis conditions on the degree of reduction. Investigation of the influence of the SiO2/Ni molar ratio and heating rate on the degree of reduction of the PDI-Ni/D catalyst precursor showed that lower SiO2/Ni molar ratio and lower heating rate increase the reduction degree. Investigation of the dependence of the degree of reduction on the DP time indicated that shorter DP times enable higher reduction degree. Physico - chemical characterization of the PDI- and DPU-Ni/D catalyst precursors was performed using the following methods: (1) standard quantitative chemical analysis; (2) X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy; (3) Hg-porosimetry and N2-physisorption (4) temperature-programmed reduction (TPR); (5) H2-chemisorption; (6) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersed spectroscopy (EDS); (7) diffuse reflectance UV-Vis spectroscopy (DR UV-Vis); and (8) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results of the XRD analysis of non-reduced PDI- and DPU-Ni/D catalyst precursors showed that, beside Ni2+ phases in the form of basic nickel carbonate (PDI-Ni/D precursors) and turbostratic nickel hydroxide (DPU-Ni/D precursors), there are also Ni hydrosilicates, originating in the interaction between the active metal and catalyst support. Analysis of XRD diffractograms of the reduced and passivated precursors and in situ XRD-H2 diffractograms was used for the size determination of metallic nickel and modifier metal (Ag) crystallites. Results of the investigation of non-reduced precursors of the Ni/D catalysts using IR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of Ni2+ phases of basic carbonate and hydrosilicates and indicated that the Ni hydrosilicate phase prevail comparing to that of Ni carbonate (PDI-Ni/D precursors). It was shown that in the DPU-Ni/D catalyst precursors the nature of Ni2+ phase depends on the DP time..

    The Study of Capacitance Change during Electrolyte Penetration through Carbon-Supported Hydrous Ruthenium Oxide Prepared by the Sol-Gel Procedure

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    The changes in capacitive behavior of C/HxRuOy composite material prepared by impregnating the Vulcan® XC 72R carbon black with oxide sols of different particle size are investigated as the electrolyte penetrates through the thin layer of the Nafion®-covered composite. The techniques of cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy are used. Results of the investigation reveal the influence of potential cycling and the exposure time to the electrolyte on registered capacitive characteristics of composite. The cycling in a wide potential range causes the decrease in energy storage ability which depends on oxide particle size. Impedance measurements, however, show that the ability initially decreases and subsequently increases during exposure to the electrolyte as the consequence of the presence of Nafion® top-layer. Due to wettability and resistance issues, Nafion® top-layer can affect the pseudo-capacitive characteristics, and the energy storage ability of the composite consequently decreases

    Mayfly ecological traits in a European karst spring: species, microhabitats and life histories

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    Despite the recent increase in the number of mayfly studies in karst freshwater habitats, their biology and ecology in springs are still poorly characterized. Therefore, we studied mayfly assemblages in a European karst rheocrene spring at five microhabitats monthly over a one-year period. Three species were recorded: Baetis alpinus (Pictet, 1843), Baetis rhodani (Pictet, 1843) and Rhithrogena braaschi (Jacob, 1974). The latter species represents a new record for the fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina. All three species inhabited all studied microhabitats but with varying abundance. Individual species were associated with a specific substrate type and/or water velocity and/or water depth. The grazer/scraper Rh. braaschi was most common at microhabitats with inorganic substrate (cobbles, mixture of pebbles and sand), moderate water velocity and higher water depth. The rheophilic grazer/scraper and gatherer/collector B. alpinus was most common at microhabitats with mosses and highest water velocity. The grazer/scraper and gatherer/collector B. rhodani was recorded at all microhabitats, yet due to its preference for moderate water velocity, the highest number of individuals were collected from cobbles. We recorded movements of mayfly nymphs among the available microhabitats during their life cycles, due likely to their dietary requirements and search for suitable refugia. Baetis alpinus has a bivoltine, B. rhodani polyvoltine and Rh. braaschi univoltine life cycle with a long emergence period. The results presented here contribute to the knowledge of spring and mayfly ecology

    Legislative framework of nuclear security in the Republic of Serbia

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    The paper presents the concept and characteristics of nuclear security, the elements of the nu- clear safety strategy, the legislative framework and the most important solutions from the Law on Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security. At the international level, the most important entity in this field is the International Atomic Energy Agency, while at the national level, most important is the Directorate for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security of Serbia. An important role is played by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences as the most referential scientific institution in this field, as well as the operational bodies - Nuclear Facilities of Serbia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defence, and the Serbian Armed Forces. Engagement of these bodies is carried out in regular peacetime circumstances, emergency situations and wartime. The most important challenges, risks and threats to nuclear security of Serbia were pointed out as well as the need to harmonize norms, procedures and processes in purpose of the strengthening institutional mechanisms in the field of nuclear security

    Predictive significance of individual and clinical characteristics in acute and late radiotherapy toxicity in patients with prostate adenocarcinoma

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    Uvod: Efekat zračenja na zdrava tkiva i organe može se javiti u toku zračne terapije i neposredno nakon završetka zračne terapije kada govorimo o akutnoj toksičnosti ili se može javiti od 6 meseci do 20 god nakon završene zračne terapije, kada govorimo o kasnoj toksičnosti. Što je veći volumen zdravog tkiva koji prima visoke doze zračenja, to je i učestalost težih komplikacija veća tzv efekat volumena zračenja. Rezultati studija koji su se bavili ovom problematikom pokazali su da je osim efekta volumena zračenja na učestalost komplikacija zračne terapije mogli da utiču i individualni i klinički parametri kao što su pušenje, primena androgene deprivacije, prisustvo komorbiditeta (hemoroidi, diabetes mellitus, arterijska hipertenzija), primena antikoagulantne i antiagregacione terapije kao i prethodne abdominalne operacije. U poslednjih 10 tak godina je ispitano oko 60 gena kao mogućih faktora koji utiču na ispoljavanje individualne osetljivosti zdravih organa na zračnu terapiju, ali se nijedan od njih još uvek nije izdvojio kao gen odgovoran za povećanu radiosenzitivnost ili radiorezistentnost zdravih tkiva Ciljevi našeg istraživanja su bili određivanje incidence akutne i kasne gastrointestinalne i genitourinarne toksičnosti u pacijenata sa karcinomom prostate u lokalizovanom stadijumu, lečenih 3D konformalnom zračnom terapijom i određivanje mogućeg uticaja dozimetrijskih, individualnih I kliničkih parametara na ispoljavanje simptoma toksičnosti. Materijal i metode: Od septembra 2009 do septembra 2013 godine, 225 pacijenata sa histološki potvrđenim adenokarcinomom prostate u lokalizovanom stadijumu bolesti su lečeni 3D konformalnom zračnom terapijom, u Institutu za onkologiju I radiologiju Srbije. 94 od 225 pacijenata je ispunilo kriterijume za uključivanje u ovo istraživanje. Svi su bili u lokalizovanom stadijumu bolesti sa procenjenim rizikom za infiltraciju lgl≤15%, prema Roach-ovoj formuli, KI>80%. Svi pacijenti su primili 72Gy u 36 seansi, konformalnom tehnikom, konvencionalnom šemom frakcionisanja. Akutna I kasna gastrointestinalna I genitourinarna toksičnost je gradirana prema EORTC/RTOG skoring kriterijumima...Introduction: The effect of radiation on healthy tissues and organs can occur during radiation therapy and immediately after the completion of radiation therapy when talking about the acute toxicity or may occur from 6 months to 20 years after the completion of radiation therapy, when talking about the late toxicity. For the larger volume of healthy tissue receiving radiation, the frequency and severity of complications of radiation therapy is greater, due to the effect called volume effect. The results of studies that have dealt with this issue have shown that in addition to the volume effect of radiation, on the frequency of complications of radiation therapy can affect both individual and clinical parameters such as smoking, use of androgen deprivation, the presence of comorbidity (hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, hypertension) use of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy and previous abdominal surgery. In the last 10 years it was tested about 60 genes as potential factors that influence the expression of individual sensitivity of healthy organs at radiation therapy, but none of them have yet been singled out as the gene responsible for the increased radiosensitivity or radioresistance of healthy tissue Aim is to estimate the incidence of acute and late genitourinary toxicity (GU) and late lower gastrointestinal tract toxicity (LGIT) in patients treated with 3D conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) for localized prostate cancer (PC) and estimates the possible influence of dosimetric parameters, individual and clinical characteristics. Materilal and methods: From September 2009 to September 2013, two hundred and twenty-five patients with localized PC were treated with 3DCRT. Ninety-four patients with an estimated risk of lymph node involvement ≤15%, according to the Roach formula, were evaluated in this study. All patients received a total dose of 72Gy in 36 fractions. Acute and late GU and LGIT toxicity were graded according to the EORTC radiation morbidity scoring scale. As known to be involved in cell response to radiation, five genes (SRF, RAD23B, DRAP1, TGFB1 and DDX17) were chosen and their expression was correlated with specific genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity..

    Synthesis and Application of Domestic Glassy Carbon TiO2 Nanocomposite for Electrocatalytic Triclosan Detection

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    Nanoparticles of TiO2 are suitable for many catalytic and photocatalytic applications due to their extraordinary properties such as superhydrophobicity, semiconductivity, electron-rich, and environmental compatibility. The main crystalline phases of TiO2, anatase, and rutile possess different crystal structures, crystallinity, crystalline sizes, and specific surface areas, and these characteristics directly affect the catalytic performance of TiO2. In the present study, domestic carbon material enhanced with TiO2 nanoparticles was synthesized and used for the construction of a modified carbon paste electrode. The electrocatalytic activity of the modified electrodes was investigated depending on the TiO2 crystalline phases in the electrode material. Furthermore, the obtained working electrode was utilized for triclosan detection. Under optimized experimental conditions, the developed electrode showed a submicromolar triclosan detection limit of 0.07 µM and a wide linear range of 0.1 to 15 µM. The relative standard deviations for repeatability and reproducibility were lower than 4.1%, and with satisfactory selectivity, the proposed system was successfully applied to triclosan monitoring in groundwater. All these results confirm that the sustainable production of new and domestically prepared materials is of great benefit in the field of electrocatalysis and that the morphology of such produced materials is strongly related to their catalytic properties

    Environmental factors affecting mayfly assemblages in tufa-depositing habitats of the Dinaric Karst

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    Remarkably, unlike other parts of Europe, the ecology of mayflies in the southeastern regions is still poorly known. Here we present the first comprehensive study of Ephemeroptera in the tufa-depositing habitats of the Dinaric Karst. The study was conducted in Plitvice Lakes National Park monthly during a one-year period (2007–2008) in different types of habitats (springs, streams, mountainous rivers, tufa barriers). The aims of the study were to determine mayfly composition, abundance, spatial distribution and habitat preferences, and to examine the environmental factors important for the structuring of mayfly assemblages in Plitvice Lakes National Park. The mayfly fauna of tufa-depositing habitats was composed of 14 species (20 taxa). Water temperature, pH and ammonium concentration were the most important environmental variables explaining mayfly assemblages. Mayfly assemblages grouped according to habitat type. Generally, the most favourable habitat type was mountainous stream, tufa barriers were less favourable, and the least favourable were springs. Our results confirmed that mayflies are a powerful tool as descriptors of their environment, as the presence or absence of certain mayflies was strongly influenced by physico-chemical water properties