Predictive significance of individual and clinical characteristics in acute and late radiotherapy toxicity in patients with prostate adenocarcinoma


Uvod: Efekat zračenja na zdrava tkiva i organe može se javiti u toku zračne terapije i neposredno nakon završetka zračne terapije kada govorimo o akutnoj toksičnosti ili se može javiti od 6 meseci do 20 god nakon završene zračne terapije, kada govorimo o kasnoj toksičnosti. Što je veći volumen zdravog tkiva koji prima visoke doze zračenja, to je i učestalost težih komplikacija veća tzv efekat volumena zračenja. Rezultati studija koji su se bavili ovom problematikom pokazali su da je osim efekta volumena zračenja na učestalost komplikacija zračne terapije mogli da utiču i individualni i klinički parametri kao što su pušenje, primena androgene deprivacije, prisustvo komorbiditeta (hemoroidi, diabetes mellitus, arterijska hipertenzija), primena antikoagulantne i antiagregacione terapije kao i prethodne abdominalne operacije. U poslednjih 10 tak godina je ispitano oko 60 gena kao mogućih faktora koji utiču na ispoljavanje individualne osetljivosti zdravih organa na zračnu terapiju, ali se nijedan od njih još uvek nije izdvojio kao gen odgovoran za povećanu radiosenzitivnost ili radiorezistentnost zdravih tkiva Ciljevi našeg istraživanja su bili određivanje incidence akutne i kasne gastrointestinalne i genitourinarne toksičnosti u pacijenata sa karcinomom prostate u lokalizovanom stadijumu, lečenih 3D konformalnom zračnom terapijom i određivanje mogućeg uticaja dozimetrijskih, individualnih I kliničkih parametara na ispoljavanje simptoma toksičnosti. Materijal i metode: Od septembra 2009 do septembra 2013 godine, 225 pacijenata sa histološki potvrđenim adenokarcinomom prostate u lokalizovanom stadijumu bolesti su lečeni 3D konformalnom zračnom terapijom, u Institutu za onkologiju I radiologiju Srbije. 94 od 225 pacijenata je ispunilo kriterijume za uključivanje u ovo istraživanje. Svi su bili u lokalizovanom stadijumu bolesti sa procenjenim rizikom za infiltraciju lgl≤15%, prema Roach-ovoj formuli, KI>80%. Svi pacijenti su primili 72Gy u 36 seansi, konformalnom tehnikom, konvencionalnom šemom frakcionisanja. Akutna I kasna gastrointestinalna I genitourinarna toksičnost je gradirana prema EORTC/RTOG skoring kriterijumima...Introduction: The effect of radiation on healthy tissues and organs can occur during radiation therapy and immediately after the completion of radiation therapy when talking about the acute toxicity or may occur from 6 months to 20 years after the completion of radiation therapy, when talking about the late toxicity. For the larger volume of healthy tissue receiving radiation, the frequency and severity of complications of radiation therapy is greater, due to the effect called volume effect. The results of studies that have dealt with this issue have shown that in addition to the volume effect of radiation, on the frequency of complications of radiation therapy can affect both individual and clinical parameters such as smoking, use of androgen deprivation, the presence of comorbidity (hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, hypertension) use of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy and previous abdominal surgery. In the last 10 years it was tested about 60 genes as potential factors that influence the expression of individual sensitivity of healthy organs at radiation therapy, but none of them have yet been singled out as the gene responsible for the increased radiosensitivity or radioresistance of healthy tissue Aim is to estimate the incidence of acute and late genitourinary toxicity (GU) and late lower gastrointestinal tract toxicity (LGIT) in patients treated with 3D conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) for localized prostate cancer (PC) and estimates the possible influence of dosimetric parameters, individual and clinical characteristics. Materilal and methods: From September 2009 to September 2013, two hundred and twenty-five patients with localized PC were treated with 3DCRT. Ninety-four patients with an estimated risk of lymph node involvement ≤15%, according to the Roach formula, were evaluated in this study. All patients received a total dose of 72Gy in 36 fractions. Acute and late GU and LGIT toxicity were graded according to the EORTC radiation morbidity scoring scale. As known to be involved in cell response to radiation, five genes (SRF, RAD23B, DRAP1, TGFB1 and DDX17) were chosen and their expression was correlated with specific genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity..

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