324 research outputs found


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    This Term project will give you an overview of using social networks in marketing – which is a very popular approach to selling products and services nowadays. The Term Project contents 4 Parts. Part 1 provides the definition of social network and its popularity in daily life in general and in marketing in particular. Followed by part 1, part 2 of the term project clarifies the differences between traditional marketing and social network marketing and then transitions from the traditional approach to this modern one. Given the transition, part 3 explains the reasons why marketers prefer social network marketing and at the same time points out some disadvantages that marketers normally face with. Finally, the term project ends with the most outstanding case study – Facebook, illustrating how the social network is being used in marketing.

    Nonrenormalization of Flux Superpotentials in String Theory

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    Recent progress in understanding modulus stabilization in string theory relies on the existence of a non-renormalization theorem for the 4D compactifications of Type IIB supergravity which preserve N=1 supersymmetry. We provide a simple proof of this non-renormalization theorem for a broad class of Type IIB vacua using the known symmetries of these compactifications, thereby putting them on a similar footing as the better-known non-renormalization theorems of heterotic vacua without fluxes. The explicit dependence of the tree-level flux superpotential on the dilaton field makes the proof more subtle than in the absence of fluxes.Comment: 16 pages, no figures. Final version, to appear in JHEP. Arguments for validity of R-symmetry made more explicit. Minor extra comments and references adde

    Санитарно-эпидемиологическая экспертиза импортной пищевой продукции и продовольственного сырья как составляющая профилактического направления транспортной медицины

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    Санітарно епідеміологічна експертиза імпортної харчової продукції й продовольчої сировини (далі експертиза) є одним з пріоритетних напрямів діяльності транспортних підрозділів санепідслужби. Здійснюючи функцію по контролю, виявленню та попередженню впливу небезпечних факторів, пов’язаних з перевезенням вантажів, вона є однією зі складових частин профілактичного напряму транспортної медицини. Експертиза імпортованої продукції харчового призначення нерозривно пов’язана та базується на загальних принципах всієї державної політики у сфері безпеки харчової продукції та продовольчої сировини. Основою для проведення усього комплексу робіт санітарно епідеміологічного направлення є нормативна база, яка була сформована в нашій країні кілька десятиліть назад. Механізм визначення безпеки продукції та ті критерії оцінки, які були закладені в її основі, вимагають перегляду у відповідності з вимогами сьогодення та враховуючи розвиток міжнародних відносин. Зроблені деякі кроки у цьому напрямку. Наприклад, визначення експертизи у законі «Про внесення змін до закону України «Про якість та безпеку харчових продуктів та продовольчої сировини» поряд зі встановленням відповідності продукції нормативним вимогам передбачає оцінку ризику дії шкідливих факторів у процесі обігу харчових продуктів, що відповідає сучас ним вимогам до вирішення задач профілактичного напрямку, запобігання шкідливого впливу факторів, керування санітарно-епідеміологічною ситуацією взагалі та на етапі транспортування харчових грузів зокрема. Такий підхід потрібно враховувати при подальшому необхідному перегляді та формуванні нової нормативної бази.Sanіtarу epidemiological examination of imported foodstuffs and edible raw materials (then «examination») is one of the priority directions of transport sanіtarу epidemiological servise. Examination controls, discovers and prevents an influence of dangerous factors while in transportation of loads. So it’s one of the component of the transport medicine preventive activity. Examination of import foodstuffs and edible raw materials inseparably linked with and based on general principles of the food safety state policy. The foundation of the sanitary service work is the normative base, that was formed in our country about twenty years ago. It is necessary to review the mechanism of the food safety determination and its criteria in accordance with requirements of present day time and with account of the development of the international relations. One of taken steps in this direction is a characteristic of examination in law «About contributing the modification to law of the Ukraine «About quality and safety of foodstuffs and foodraw materials» where along with determination of the products correspondence to the normative requirements is provided forrisk assessment of the harmful factors in process of the turn of the food stuffs. Such approach corresponds with modern requests to decision of the prophylactic problems, prevention bad influence dangerous factors, management sanіtarу epidemiological situation in general and in step of transportation food cargo in particular. And it should be taken into account during the further necessary process of revision and forming the new normative base

    Uplifting and Inflation with D3 Branes

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    Back-reaction effects can modify the dynamics of mobile D3 branes moving within type IIB vacua, in a way which has recently become calculable. We identify some of the ways these effects can alter inflationary scenarios, with the following three results: (1) By examining how the forces on the brane due to moduli-stabilizing interactions modify the angular motion of D3 branes moving in Klebanov-Strassler type throats, we show how previous slow-roll analyses can remain unchanged for some brane trajectories, while being modified for other trajectories. These forces cause the D3 brane to sink to the bottom of the throat except in a narrow region close to the D7 brane, and do not ameliorate the \eta-problem of slow roll inflation in these throats; (2) We argue that a recently-proposed back-reaction on the dilaton field can be used to provide an alternative way of uplifting these compactifications to Minkowski or De Sitter vacua, without the need for a supersymmetry-breaking anti-D3 brane; and (3) by including also the D-term forces which arise when supersymmetry-breaking fluxes are included on D7 branes we identify the 4D supergravity interactions which capture the dynamics of D3 motion in D3/D7 inflationary scenarios. The form of these potentials sheds some light on recent discussions of how symmetries constrain D term interactions in the low-energy theory.Comment: JHEP.cls, 35 pages, 3 .eps figure

    A beer a minute in Texas football: Heavy drinking and the heroizing of the antihero in Friday Night Lights

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    This article applies a qualitative framing analysis to the first three seasons of the television series Friday Night Lights, focusing particularly on its incorporation of heavy drinking into narrative representations of the player whose character is most consistently central to the game of football as fictionally mediated in small-town Texas over the course of those three seasons. The analysis suggests that over the course of that period Friday Night Lights embeds nuanced social meanings in its framing of alcohol use by that player and other characters so as to associate it with multiple potential outcomes. Yet among those outcomes, the most dominant framing works to, in effect, reverse a progression through which media representations historically evolved from a heroic model toward an antihero model, with heavy drinking central to that narrative process of meaning-making in such messages.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Access to pain treatment as a human right

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Almost five decades ago, governments around the world adopted the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs which, in addition to addressing the control of illicit narcotics, obligated countries to work towards universal access to the narcotic drugs necessary to alleviate pain and suffering. Yet, despite the existence of inexpensive and effective pain relief medicines, tens of millions of people around the world continue to suffer from moderate to severe pain each year without treatment.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Significant barriers to effective pain treatment include: the failure of many governments to put in place functioning drug supply systems; the failure to enact policies on pain treatment and palliative care; poor training of healthcare workers; the existence of unnecessarily restrictive drug control regulations and practices; fear among healthcare workers of legal sanctions for legitimate medical practice; and the inflated cost of pain treatment. These barriers can be understood not only as a failure to provide essential medicines and relieve suffering but also as human rights abuses.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>According to international human rights law, countries have to provide pain treatment medications as part of their core obligations under the right to health; failure to take reasonable steps to ensure that people who suffer pain have access to adequate pain treatment may result in the violation of the obligation to protect against cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.</p

    Cancer Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoepidemiology: Setting a Research Agenda to Accelerate Translation

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    Recent advances in genomic research have demonstrated a substantial role for genomic factors in predicting response to cancer therapies. Researchers in the fields of cancer pharmacogenomics and pharmacoepidemiology seek to understand why individuals respond differently to drug therapy, in terms of both adverse effects and treatment efficacy. To identify research priorities as well as the resources and infrastructure needed to advance these fields, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) sponsored a workshop titled “Cancer Pharmacogenomics: Setting a Research Agenda to Accelerate Translation” on July 21, 2009, in Bethesda, MD. In this commentary, we summarize and discuss five science-based recommendations and four infrastructure-based recommendations that were identified as a result of discussions held during this workshop. Key recommendations include 1) supporting the routine collection of germline and tumor biospecimens in NCI-sponsored clinical trials and in some observational and population-based studies; 2) incorporating pharmacogenomic markers into clinical trials; 3) addressing the ethical, legal, social, and biospecimen- and data-sharing implications of pharmacogenomic and pharmacoepidemiologic research; and 4) establishing partnerships across NCI, with other federal agencies, and with industry. Together, these recommendations will facilitate the discovery and validation of clinical, sociodemographic, lifestyle, and genomic markers related to cancer treatment response and adverse events, and they will improve both the speed and efficiency by which new pharmacogenomic and pharmacoepidemiologic information is translated into clinical practice

    Multi-messenger characterization of Mrk 501 during historically low X-ray and γ\gamma-ray activity

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    We study the broadband emission of Mrk 501 using multi-wavelength observations from 2017 to 2020 performed with a multitude of instruments, involving, among others, MAGIC, Fermi-LAT, NuSTAR, Swift, GASP-WEBT, and OVRO. Mrk 501 showed an extremely low broadband activity, which may help to unravel its baseline emission. Nonetheless, significant flux variations are detected at all wavebands, with the highest occurring at X-rays and very-high-energy (VHE) γ\gamma-rays. A significant correlation (>>3σ\sigma) between X-rays and VHE γ\gamma-rays is measured, supporting leptonic scenarios to explain the variable parts of the emission, also during low activity. This is further supported when we extend our data from 2008 to 2020, and identify, for the first time, significant correlations between Swift-XRT and Fermi-LAT. We additionally find correlations between high-energy γ\gamma-rays and radio, with the radio lagging by more than 100 days, placing the γ\gamma-ray emission zone upstream of the radio-bright regions in the jet. Furthermore, Mrk 501 showed a historically low activity in X-rays and VHE γ\gamma-rays from mid-2017 to mid-2019 with a stable VHE flux (>>0.2 TeV) of 5% the emission of the Crab Nebula. The broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of this 2-year-long low-state, the potential baseline emission of Mrk 501, can be characterized with one-zone leptonic models, and with (lepto)-hadronic models fulfilling neutrino flux constraints from IceCube. We explore the time evolution of the SED towards the low-state, revealing that the stable baseline emission may be ascribed to a standing shock, and the variable emission to an additional expanding or traveling shock.Comment: 56 pages, 30 figures, 14 tables, submitted. Corresponding authors are L. Heckmann, D. Paneque, S. Gasparyan, M. Cerruti, and N. Sahakya

    An integrative multi-omics analysis to identify candidate DNA methylation biomarkers related to prostate cancer risk

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    Abstract: It remains elusive whether some of the associations identified in genome-wide association studies of prostate cancer (PrCa) may be due to regulatory effects of genetic variants on CpG sites, which may further influence expression of PrCa target genes. To search for CpG sites associated with PrCa risk, here we establish genetic models to predict methylation (N = 1,595) and conduct association analyses with PrCa risk (79,194 cases and 61,112 controls). We identify 759 CpG sites showing an association, including 15 located at novel loci. Among those 759 CpG sites, methylation of 42 is associated with expression of 28 adjacent genes. Among 22 genes, 18 show an association with PrCa risk. Overall, 25 CpG sites show consistent association directions for the methylation-gene expression-PrCa pathway. We identify DNA methylation biomarkers associated with PrCa, and our findings suggest that specific CpG sites may influence PrCa via regulating expression of candidate PrCa target genes