183 research outputs found

    Особенности Я-концепции врачей в связи со смыслообразующими мотивами их профессиональной деятельности

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    The paper concentrates on cognitive, emotional-evaluative, and behavioral components of self-concept, as well as on physicians’ sense-creating motives of their professional activity. The authors reviewed recent psychological research on this issue and presented the results of a study conducted in medical centers in Rostov-on-Don. The theoretical review showed the specicity of cognitive, emotional-evaluative, and behavioral components of physicians’ self-concept at the stage of vocational education, as well as throughout the whole professional life. The authors describe preferences in choosing an empirical object in various researches. Most often, these studies involved medical students and pharmacy students. The research novelty was to study features of all the three components of self-concept in connection with sense-creating motives of professional activity of physicians of medical centers. Byresults of the study, male and female physicians showed dierences in scores on the signicantly preferred categories which were reected in their self-concept. Thecategory of“Abilities” was asignicantly preferred category in the male sample, while female physicians preferred “Personal qualities”. Harmonious self-concept, self-vision invarious connections and relations of reality, and subjectivity of self-evaluation were characteristic for the respondents. The structure of self-concept components depended on thesexual differentiation ofphysicians. The structuredness of thecognitive component of elf-concept was high in male respondents. The structuredness of theemotional-evaluative component was average in them; the behavioral component was low. The structuredness ofthe cognitive component ofself-concept was average in female respondents. They had high structuredness ofthe emotionalevaluative and behavioral components ofself-concept. Male and female respondents had dierent types of interrelation between the cognitive and emotional-evaluative components of self-concept and sense-creative motives of earning money. The study showed that only male respondents had theinterrelation between the emotional and evaluative component of self-concept and sense-creating motives of team relationships. Both men and women had features of self-concept and sense-creating motives of professional activity that required psychocorrection.Статья посвящена изучению когнитивного, эмоционально-оценочного, поведенческого компонентов Я-концепции, а также смыслообразующих мотивов профессиональной деятельности врачей. Приводится обзор современных психологических исследований, посвященных данной проблеме, а также представлены результаты исследования, проведенного в медицинских центрах г. Ростова-на-Дону. В ходе теоретического обзора показана специфика когнитивного, эмоционально-оценочного и поведенческого компонентов Я-концепции медицинского персонала в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе, а также на протяжении всего профессионального пути субъекта врачебной деятельности. Описаны предпочтения исследователей в выборе эмпирического объекта. В большинстве работ в качестве объекта исследования выбирались студенты-медики, студенты-провизоры, реже – работающий контингент (медсестры, врачи). Новизна исследования заключается в изучении особенностей всех трех компонентов Я-концепции в связи со смыслообразующими мотивами профессиональной деятельности врачей медицинских центров. По результатам исследования были установлены различия у врачей – мужчин и женщин в выраженности значимо предпочитаемых категорий, отраженных в их Я-концепции. У мужчин-врачей значимо предпочитаемой категорией является «Способности», а у женщин-врачей – «Личностные качества». Для врачей, принимавших участие в исследовании, характерны гармоничная Я-концепция, видение себя в разных связях и отношениях действительности, субъектность самоотношения. В зависимости от половой дифференциации врачей различается структурированность компонентов Я-концепции. У мужчин-врачей высокая структурированность когнитивного, умеренная – эмоционально-оценочного и низкая – поведенческого компонентов их Я-концепции. У женщин-врачей умеренная структурированность когнитивного, высокая – эмоционально-оценочного и поведенческого компонентов их Я-концепции. В зависимости от половой дифференциации врачей различен характер взаимосвязи между когнитивным и эмоционально-оценочным компонентами Я-концепции и смыслообразующими мотивами получения денег. Только у врачей-мужчин выявлена взаимосвязь между эмоционально-оценочным компонентом Я-концепции и смыслообразующими мотивами взаимоотношения в коллективе. Как у мужчин, так и у женщин выявлены особенности Я-концепции и смыслообразующих мотивов профессиональной деятельности, требующие психокоррекционных мероприятий

    Infrared radiation of Venusian clouds

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    The thermal infrared emission of Venus measured by Venera-9 and Venera-10 is analyzed. The emission of the night side corresponds to a brightness temperature of 244 K. The brightest temperature of the day side is 233-234 K. The extent of the upper layer of clouds, in which the thermal emission is formed, is 4-6 km. The altitude of the emitting layer above the surface of the planet (64-67 km) is determined from the brightness temperature and the existing models of the atmosphere of Venus. In some cases, correlation is noted between the inhomogeneity and the details of the ultraviolet image. The day side temperatures strangely coincide with the freezing point of sulfuric acid at a concentration of 66-77%

    Constructing the Image of Feminism in Russian Media: A Corpus Study

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    As any social movement, feminism finds its reflection in the media. Media are a full-fledged institution capable of shaping public consciousness, targeting particular social groups, setting standards of mass behavior, and determining the main directions of social development. This research featured Russian news about feminism in terms of event structure.  It covered news headlines published in Russian media in 2014-2021 and retrieved via the Smi2.ru media aggregator. Feminism-related headlines were automatically extracted from a dataset of 8,954 headlines. The subcorpus was analyzed in the Semograph Information System, which made it possible to classify texts, obtain frequency data on certain classes, and establish connections between them. The frequency data analysis was represented as a graphical model of the news space in the field of feminism using the SciVi visualizer. The event and thematic analyses revealed a three-level classification. The media usually informed about events where participants belonged to various social groups that protested against something, e.g., people or performances. The news informed about the actions and reactions of media people and about art sphere. The article introduces a graphical model that shows the links between event components in the headlines. It demonstrated three main areas of action in the field of feminism: art, media, and feminist movements. Each of these fields has its own core and structure. The media sphere appeared to be closed on itself; the art-related news agenda focused mostly on social matters; the field of feminist movements was associated with counteracting and involved descriptions of radical actions. When informing about feminism, the media construct an alternative reality that differs from the real issues that feminism aims at resolving

    Stages of logopedic rehabilitation of infants with congenital cleft lip and palate

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    В статье рассматриваются приемы работы логопеда с детьми раннего возраста с врожденной расщелиной губы и неба и раскрываются особенности применения логопедического воздействия в соответствии с этапами хирургического вмешательства.The article deals with the stages of logopedic work with infants with congenital cleft lip and palate, describes logopedic techniques and specificity of logopedic intervention in accordance with the stages of surgical treatment. The congenital cleft lip and palate in infants has the second or third highest incidence among all congenital developmental disorders. The modern medical technologies implemented in the state autonomous institution of healthcare of Sverdlovsk Region “Multi­profile Clinical Medical Center Bonum” in Ekaterinburg are aimed at early surgery of the primary defect in children with congenital cleft lip and palate - restoration of the structure of the speech apparatus. Surgery is performed in the period of pre-speech development

    Distinct Features of the Self-Concept and the Meaning-Forming Motives of Intellectual Professionals: A Case of Australian and Russian Specialists of Intellectual Labour

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    Introduction. The authors substantiate the necessity and relevance of studying the features of self-concept and the meaning-forming motives for intellectual labour. The novelty of this study is that a comparative analysis of the particularities of self-concept and the meaning-forming motives of the Australian and Russian specialists of intellectual labour is carried out for the first time. Methods. The study is based on the survey of 30 Australian and 40 Russian professionals in various fields of intellectual labour, whose average age was 34 years and 36 years old respectively. Psychological testing and content analysis of respondents’ self-descriptions were used as primary methods of research. The questionnaire with open-ended items created by the authors, entitled “Meaning-Forming Motives of Labour Activity – Money”, has been used for data collection. Parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures were carried out in analyses. Results and Discussion. This section describes the features of cognitive and emotional-evaluative components of self-concept, work-related meaning-forming motives of Australian and Russian professionals in the field of intellectual labour, both men and women. The leading categories in self-descriptions of the respondents are dependent on their nationality and gender. The following features of self-concept were revealed in the study: Australian men describe themselves through their look, Australian women – through their hobbies and friendships, Russian women – through their society status and social environment. The obtained results can be used in the development of a general management system and of training programs for professionals in the field of intellectual labour

    Образ сверстника – жертвы буллинга у школьников с разной выраженностью виктимного поведения

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    Introduction. The study of adolescents’ victimization merits special attention. This paper is the first report on the image of a peer victim of bullying in victim and non-victim students. Bullying is not an isolated problem in some cultures and countries; it is widespread. Educational establishments are responsible for resolving the problem of bullying. The article (a) presents an overview of modern foreign and domestic research on the issue of bullying; (b) describes the characteristics of bullying; (c) highlights 5 types of teenagers’ adaptation toward bullying. Methods. These were the theoretical analysis of modern psychological research, psychological testing, content analysis, and statistical analysis. The study techniques included the “Tendency to Victim Behavior” technique by O. O. Andronnikova; “A Peer Victim of Bullying" free descriptions, “My Personal Qualities” questionnaire by Yu. V. Obukhova, V. O. Gur'eva). Results. The study revealed (a) the predominant types of victim behavior; (b) the association between victim behavior manifestation and students’ self-assessment of personal qualities; (c) features of the image of a peer victim of bullying in schoolchildren with different degrees of victim behavior manifestation. Discussion. The study findings suggest that active forms of victim behavior (aggressive and hypersocial) tend to predominate in 10–11-year-old schoolchildren. The image of a peer victim of bullying differs in boys and girls with different degrees of victim behavior manifestation. In conclusion: sharpening awareness of bullying among teachers, parents, and students, as well as their involvement in resolving this problem, is the main strategy for preventing bullying in educational establishments.Введение. Авторами доказывается актуальность и востребованность в современном обществе изучения проблемы виктимизации подростков. Новизна исследования заключается в том, что впервые описывается образ сверстника – жертвы буллинга у виктимных и невиктимных учащихся. В статье представлен обзор современных зарубежных и отечественных исследований по проблеме буллинга. Отмечается, что буллинг не является изолированной проблемой, уникальной для конкретных стран и культур, а распространен по всему миру. Подчеркивается, что на образовательные организации ложится ответственность за проработку и устранение проблемы буллинга. Описаны особенности буллинга, выделены 5 типов адаптации к буллингу подростков. Методы. В разделе описываются методы исследования (теоретический анализ современной психологической литературы, психологическое тестирование, контент-анализ описаний, статистическая обработка результатов) и методический инструментарий (методика «Склонность к виктимному поведению» О. О. Андронниковой; свободные описания «Сверстник – жертва буллинга», анкета «Мои личностные качества» Ю. В. Обуховой, В. О. Гурьевой). Результаты. Данный раздел включает описание преобладающих типов виктимного поведения, выявленных взаимосвязей между выраженностью виктимного поведения и самооценкой личностных качеств школьников, а также раскрытие особенностей образа сверстника – жертвы буллинга у школьников с разной степенью выраженности типов виктимного поведения. Обсуждение результатов. У учащихся 10–11 лет, принявших участие в исследовании, преобладают активные формы виктимного поведения, а именно: агрессивный и гиперсоциальный. Образ сверстника – жертвы буллинга различается у мальчиков и девочек с разной выраженностью виктимного поведения. В заключение делается вывод о том, что основной стратегией методики предотвращения буллинга в образовательном учреждении является привлечение персонала организации, учеников и их родителей к решению данной проблемы, повышение их осведомленности в ситуации буллинга

    Means of Language Objectification of the German Knight Image in the Artistic Picture of World in Middle Ages

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    The analysis of historical, culturally motivated ideas about the German knight, which are objectified in the language not only in conventional, unified standards, but primarily in socio-ethnocultural assessments and stereotypes, is presented. The material of the study was German knightly novels: “Tristan” (“Tristan”) by Gottfried of Strasbourg, “Poor Heinrich” (“Der arme Heinrich”) by Hartmann von Aue, “Eneasroman” by Heinrich von Veldeke. Particular attention is paid to the study of indicators of the national specificity of the image of the German knight. It is proved in the work that the actualization of lexical units that serve to represent the image of a knight is largely specific and due to the genre specificity of Western European literature texts of the Middle Ages. It is stated that the knowledge of medieval German culture bearers about the surrounding reality, objectified by the semantics and pragmatics of linguistic and speech units, structures, compositions, united as a whole by the characteristics of the surrounding world are accumulated in the artistic picture of the world in the Middle Ages. It is concluded that the image of a knight embodies the complex of worldview coordinates and values of the knightly estate, which are recorded in a verbal (artistic) text in the form of a specially organized system of knowledge and ideas about the world

    Parallel operation of solar power station with the power system with regard to energy supply quality

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    Possibility of parallel working of solar power station with power system is considered in this paper. Power quality parameters of photovoltaic system according GOST are analyzed. Frequency and voltage deviations graphs are presented.В статье рассматривается возможность совместной работы солнечной электростанции с энергосистемой. Анализируются параметры качества электроэнергии системы фотоэлектрических преобразователей согласно ГОСТ. Представлены графики колебаний напряжения и частоты

    Integrated Support for Inclusive Education of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education

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    В статье рассматривается вопрос о значимости инклюзивного образования на занятиях прикладной физической культуры и спортом, а также их влиянии на здоровье студентов с недугами. Разобраны необходимые инструменты для проведения инклюзивных занятий, задачи и цели, которые необходимо достигнуть для осуществления инклюзивной образовательной среды. Приведено соответствие требованиям инклюзивного обучения на примере РГППУ.This article discusses the importance of inclusive education in applied physical education and sports classes and their impact on the health of students with disabilities. The necessary tools for conducting inclusive classes, tasks and goals to be achieved for the implementation of inclusive educational environment are disassembled. Compliance with the requirements of inclusive education on the example of RSVPU is given