50 research outputs found

    Solar activity beyond the disk and variations of the cosmic ray gradient

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    Part of galactic cosmic rays (CR) observed near the Earth and on the Earth come from beyond-disk regions of circumsolar space. But CR of those energies which undergo substantial modulation cover too large a path across the lines of force of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in order that they could provide an effective transfer of information about beyond-disk solar activity. And if it is still possible, the most probable channel for transferring such information must be a neutral layer of heliomagnetosphere in which the transverse CR transport is facilitated by their drift in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. A simple diffusion model for an expected CR variation in a neutral layer near the Earth is discussed. It is of importance that variations of the CR gradient are not at all always accompanied by considerable variations of IMF and solar wind velocity at the point of observation

    Ground increase of cosmic ray intensity on February 16, 1984

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    The event of February 16, 1984 is one of the two largest ground increases of solar cosmic rays (CR) in the last two cycles of solar activity. This event happended at a decrease of the 21-st cycle against a quiet background. Although at the beginning of 1984 the observed indices of solar activity were higher than those at the end of 1983, the day of February 16 16 may be characterized as very quiet. On that day the geomagnetic perturbance (Sigma F sub p = 14, A sub p = 7) was the lowest in February. After a small Forbush decrease due to the magnetic storm of February 12-13, the CR intensity almost completely recovered by February 16. Thus, the solar particles that came to the Earth on February 16 got into a practically unperturbed magnetosphere, and the variations of secondary CR induced by these particles were not superimposed on any other substantial variations of extraterrestrial or magnetospheric origin

    The Interrelation Between Hardiness and Prognostic Potential of Students of Higher Education Institutions

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    The paper presents the results of an empirical study of specific features and the relationship between hardiness of students and prognostic potential of their personality. The methods of research comprised: theoretical analysis, empirical research (testing), qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical and statistical data processing (SPSS Statistics, Excel). It has been found that students with a high level of prognostic potential development are distinguished by pronounced personality traits typical of hardy people. The authors have proved in the paper that the prognostic potential of students is a holistic system of personality resources, which is based on specific features of thinking and building a secondary image. There are criteria and development levels of the prognostic potential among students: an internal criterion (features of thinking and building secondary images) and an external criterion (the effectiveness of forecasting activities, the conformity of the stages of prognostic activity with the reference model). The prognostic potential is interconnected with personal and professional characteristics of students (features of the intellectual, communicative, emotional-volitional and motivation spheres). There are significant differences between students with different levels of development of prognostic potential according to the main personal and professional features. The correlation analysis of the data gave the following interrelations: there is a direct interrelationship between the level of development of prognostic potential and emotional stability of students; between the level of development of prognostic potential and such motives for studying at a university as professional and educational-cognitive motives; between the level of development of prognostic potential and the features of self-regulation. On the basis of the results of an empirical study, the authors designed a program for the prognostic potential development of students which includes active teaching methods, lectures, and trainings

    Mathematical model of boride coats obtaining process at induction heating

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    Experimental studies of obtaining processes of boride coats of Fe-B-FenB composition are conducted at induction heating of samples from 65Mn steel. Coats intend for increase of wear resistance of working bodies of agricultural machines. Coats were received from a plastering on the basis of the powder mixes containing B4C (5-20 mas. %) and P-0,66 fused flux for a deposition.Проведены экспериментальные исследования процессов получения боридных покрытий состава Fe-B-FenB при индукционном нагреве образцов из стали 65Г. Покрытия предназначаются для повышения износостойкости рабочих органов сельхозмашин. Покрытия были получены из обмазок на основе порошковых смесей, содержащих B4C (5-20 мас. %) и плавленый флюс для индукционной наплавки П-0,66

    Chemical reactions at high-speed HFC-boriding

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    Influence of turbulence models on calculated values of aircraft aerodynamic properties

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    The paper considers one of the stages of atmospheric entry for aerospace craft. The aim is to investigate the influence of turbulence models on aircraft aerodynamics properties. To study the influence of a turbulence model on aircraft aerodynamic properties, the following models were chosen: k- Realizable, k- Shear Stress Transport and Transition Shear Stress Transport. The approach is to design a structured grid by means of ICEM CFD that allows solving a wide range of tasks, e.g. for supersonic flow. The paper investigates aircraft aerodynamic properties at an altitude of 11 km. The aerodynamics properties of aircraft were calculated for various turbulence models by means of a supercomputer Sergey Korolyov. Based on the results of the calculation, aircraft aerodynamic characteristics, the values of post-shock pressure and convergence for different turbulence models were estimated. To verify the design results the value of the post-shock pressure is compared with the pressure value obtained by engineering practice


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    Взаємодією пірола з сумішшю метилаля та 3,5-дитретбутилбензальдегіда або хі-нолін-6-карбальдегіда з наступним хроматографічним поділом отримані 5-метил-10,15,20-три(3,5-дитретбутилфеніл)-порфірин та 5-метил-10,15,20-три(6-хінолініл)-порфирин. Мезо-метилпорфірини були окислені діоксидом селена до відповідних лезо-формілпорфіринов. Обробкою 5-форміл-10,15,20-три(6-хінолініл)порфірина метиловым эфиром яара-толуолсульфокислоти був вперше отриманий водорозчинний порфірин з альдегідною групою